Why does Satan attack me whenever God reveals something to me?


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Apr 29, 2017
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Dear all, I realise that whenever God reveals his will to me, or reminds me to get back on the right path when I am slipping, this always is accompanied by satan making me paranoid and have psychosis like symptoms. I've learnt how to now be tricked, by praying, taking anti depressants, and to control my emotions and thoughts as per advised by the bible (ie: take every thought captive, etc) I want to know, is it just me whom this happens to, or do you also experience spiritual attacks right after God gives you gentle nudge or a comforting presence to show you that you're not alone/ remind you to have faith/ tells you something?

Gregory Thompson

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my discernment tells me, the devil isn't attacking you, it's the sin inside your body trying to control the information. Romans Chapter 7 gives a window into this aspect of sin, playing with our heads.

another point is that the devil is not omnipresent, but sin is in all of creation, so it would explain why it would seem a lot of people are being attacked in this manner.
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I get attacked by satan. Rebuke in the name of Jesus and will go.
But then I find I am unbalanced and has started the ball rolling. So I have to continue to fight it out. But I have peace and joy first.

it can be frustrating to have to go to the battle so soon. Psychotic like symptoms seem so unfair and tiresome, incapacitating for a while. It’s my cross to bear. How long do these happenings go on for? For you? Mine go on for 5-7 hours before they subside. It’s a test to take the blessing of God away or to put it in practice.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
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Dear all, I realise that whenever God reveals his will to me, or reminds me to get back on the right path when I am slipping, this always is accompanied by satan making me paranoid and have psychosis like symptoms. I've learnt how to now be tricked, by praying, taking anti depressants, and to control my emotions and thoughts as per advised by the bible (ie: take every thought captive, etc) I want to know, is it just me whom this happens to, or do you also experience spiritual attacks right after God gives you gentle nudge or a comforting presence to show you that you're not alone/ remind you to have faith/ tells you something?

Well to answer your question on the one hand yes I think spiritual attacks by the enemy will always be a part of the Christian's experience that come in a myriad of ways, but always meant to discourage us, torment us, wear us down. Jesus was attacked almost from day 1, and we are to share in the fellowship of His sufferings. God's purpose in allowing them was the same as for His son. Even He had to be tested out so to speak, and perfected in the things He suffered. So, they are used to forge us into overcomers, and used to conform us into the image of Christ.

On the other hand I see you are young and there is I am sure much in your life that has to be sorted out, untangled so to speak. This process is called the dividing of Soul and Spirit which is not a one time thing, but becomes our daily experience and can only be done as the cross is applied to our life day by day. The cross can be painful. It gets to the heart of everything must go.

Over time we get better discernment of what is soul and spirit, and what is simply the enemy's assault. Some of the depression you may feel could very well be the discipline of the Lord dividing soul and spirit, bringing you into purer motives which leads to a more divine peace. This process can be painful. He untangles us from ourselves, our wants, our expectations of Him, until we can say with Christ, "Not my will be done" And Having that pure cry in our heart, at anything that may cost us and acceptance of anything that follows is the gateway into peace. Peace is not something sought in of itself. It is always a by-product of the cross doing it's work and us being brought more purely in the Lord's will and then our acceptance thereof.

My own term for the discipline of the Lord through the sanctifying process is "touching death" death is anything that is not His will. For me that road has gotten a lot narrower in this regard as I have followed the Lord a number of Years now. If I "touch" something for too long that I know He has untangled me from I "touch death" or if I begin to go a way that is not beneficial for me or His will, then it is the same. It can be a painful disturbing feeling, that He hands me over to for a time in His discipline. And like He says, no discipline seems pleasant at the time.

But on the other hand, there are times I know He has brought me through something, given me something to do, given me somewhere to stand so to speak, and I know this is of His doings, and as I begin to stand in that, He allows all of Hell to come against that and test that out almost as if He is bent on destroying the very thing He's given me to do and me with it in the process. And this can be a very painful discouraging process as well. But the pain is different, the process is different and over time you begin to better discern between the two.

The Best thing you can do is to simply be as your tag name suggests, a vessel on the potter's wheel, desire for Him with all your heart no matter the cost to you to be shaped into whatever He desires you to be and become. The operative word is what He Desires. Leave your desires, thoughts about it, and expectations at the door. And when He sees that, that is a heart He will not refuse. As you work it out He may allow you to make some "mistakes" along the way. But even that He will work to His good and through them you will go through the refiners fire, and stand more and more purely in that which is purely out from Him.

Hope this helps dear sister. This post was on my heart this morning to spend a little time with as I see this type of problem come up frequently, so maybe it not only helps you but someone else along the way. Forgive the long reply.
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Apr 29, 2017
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my discernment tells me, the devil isn't attacking you, it's the sin inside your body trying to control the information. Romans Chapter 7 gives a window into this aspect of sin, playing with our heads.

another point is that the devil is not omnipresent, but sin is in all of creation, so it would explain why it would seem a lot of people are being attacked in this manner.
you're right. It's my flesh. Thank you for your discernment
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Well to answer your question on the one hand yes I think spiritual attacks by the enemy will always be a part of the Christian's experience that come in a myriad of ways, but always meant to discourage us, torment us, wear us down. Jesus was attacked almost from day 1, and we are to share in the fellowship of His sufferings. God's purpose in allowing them was the same as for His son. Even He had to be tested out so to speak, and perfected in the things He suffered. So, they are used to forge us into overcomers, and used to conform us into the image of Christ.

On the other hand I see you are young and there is I am sure much in your life that has to be sorted out, untangled so to speak. This process is called the dividing of Soul and Spirit which is not a one time thing, but becomes our daily experience and can only be done as the cross is applied to our life day by day. The cross can be painful. It gets to the heart of everything must go.

Over time we get better discernment of what is soul and spirit, and what is simply the enemy's assault. Some of the depression you may feel could very well be the discipline of the Lord dividing soul and spirit, bringing you into purer motives which leads to a more divine peace. This process can be painful. He untangles us from ourselves, our wants, our expectations of Him, until we can say with Christ, "Not my will be done" And Having that pure cry in our heart, at anything that may cost us and acceptance of anything that follows is the gateway into peace. Peace is not something sought in of itself. It is always a by-product of the cross doing it's work and us being brought more purely in the Lord's will and then our acceptance thereof.

My own term for the discipline of the Lord through the sanctifying process is "touching death" death is anything that is not His will. For me that road has gotten a lot narrower in this regard as I have followed the Lord a number of Years now. If I "touch" something for too long that I know He has untangled me from I "touch death" or if I begin to go a way that is not beneficial for me or His will, then it is the same. It can be a painful disturbing feeling, that He hands me over to for a time in His discipline. And like He says, no discipline seems pleasant at the time.

But on the other hand, there are times I know He has brought me through something, given me something to do, given me somewhere to stand so to speak, and I know this is of His doings, and as I begin to stand in that, He allows all of Hell to come against that and test that out almost as if He is bent on destroying the very thing He's given me to do and me with it in the process. And this can be a very painful discouraging process as well. But the pain is different, the process is different and over time you begin to better discern between the two.

The Best thing you can do is to simply be as your tag name suggests, a vessel on the potter's wheel, desire for Him with all your heart no matter the cost to you to be shaped into whatever He desires you to be and become. The operative word is what He Desires. Leave your desires, thoughts about it, and expectations at the door. And when He sees that, that is a heart He will not refuse. As you work it out He may allow you to make some "mistakes" along the way. But even that He will work to His good and through them you will go through the refiners fire, and stand more and more purely in that which is purely out from Him.

Hope this helps dear sister. This post was on my heart this morning to spend a little time with as I see this type of problem come up frequently, so maybe it not only helps you but someone else along the way. Forgive the long reply.
Dear brother, thank you so much for your reply. Initially when I read it I couldn't really understand what you were saying, but as the day progressed I met with some problems that came up, and I read this again now, before sleeping, and your reply made me cry. It is true, I am so caught up in what I want, that I feel defeated and crushed because things are not happening my way in my time. I think if you look through this forum again you'll find my new post, where I do detail what I'm currently going through, in addition to my university semester starting again, my last year. I'm not asking you to do that, but if you're curious you could look for it. Thank you again, you put my life into perspective. Of course it is always His will, His time, His gifts and blessings and scorching. I usually get angry at God when things go wrong, and it seems sometimes that all I've ever experienced so far is things going wrong, but after I read your reply I was no longer angry at God, but I cried because I have wronged Him by wanting things to go my way. I have to trust Him because He wants what is best for me. Have a good day brother.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
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Your reply blessed me. I have been praying for you much as I have felt led by the Spirit to do. I am so thankful the Holy Spirit has ministered to you and opened your heart to the knowledge of Him. He is good to give us that fresh perspective, then we are able to see everything anew. I will look for your additional updates as you requested, and if the Lord so leads will add anything additional. I do know He is fully capable to meet your every need, though sometimes it "feels" we are crushed beyond His capacity to do so. He is good. Be of good cheer!
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Apr 29, 2017
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Your reply blessed me. I have been praying for you much as I have felt led by the Spirit to do. I am so thankful the Holy Spirit has ministered to you and opened your heart to the knowledge of Him. He is good to give us that fresh perspective, then we are able to see everything anew. I will look for your additional updates as you requested, and if the Lord so leads will add anything additional. I do know He is fully capable to meet your every need, though sometimes it "feels" we are crushed beyond His capacity to do so. He is good. Be of good cheer!

Hi brother, thank you so much for your prayers. I have been feeling much better, and today I discussed something difficult about my situation with my mother and it worked out! Your prayers must be working. You are right, the Holy Spirit is so good at offering us new perspectives, especially when we pray for wisdom and discernment. I saw your reply on my new post, thank you for your time. God does meet our every need! We just have to remind ourselves of this. I read in your other post that you have some health issues, I'm sorry to hear that. I will be of good cheer, I am aware that there are people having it harder than me, I should be grateful. Your obedience and surrender to God inspires and edifies me, I pray that God willl continue blessing you and keeping you near to Him. Amen
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Jul 17, 2020
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Dear all, I realise that whenever God reveals his will to me, or reminds me to get back on the right path when I am slipping, this always is accompanied by satan making me paranoid and have psychosis like symptoms. I've learnt how to now be tricked, by praying, taking anti depressants, and to control my emotions and thoughts as per advised by the bible (ie: take every thought captive, etc) I want to know, is it just me whom this happens to, or do you also experience spiritual attacks right after God gives you gentle nudge or a comforting presence to show you that you're not alone/ remind you to have faith/ tells you something?
Hi InThePottersChamber,

I've noticed that significant spiritual experiences are often followed by attacks or feeling mentally drained.

The writer Anne Lamott* wrote about having a deep spiritual experience one Sunday morning, then going home and having a big fight with her son.

And Elijah does this amazing thing, calling down fire from heaven, and then falls into what looks like a deep depression.

*She's not for everyone, use with caution :D I can give more details, if you want.
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Hey Leaf473

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I would like to hear more. My attacks always consist of vivid nightmares, often making me quite paranoid that they may be prophetic dreams. For example, I dreamt of my brother hitting me, and my best friend killing me, and when I woke up after dreaming these twice in a row, I blocked them on social media. This has happened multiple times, but now I'm sure it is the devil trying to isolate me, always attacking my feelings about those who are closest to me, most of them good Christians or supportive friends. Also, I get fake 'revelations' too, an example would be my friend group is trying to betray me or frame me for a crime. I know it sounds like paranoia psychosis but this only always happens after a spiritual experience, and goes away by itself after a week. That is why I asked the question, whether my spiritual experience/ God telling me my future and calling, is God or myself or satan, because it could just be mania, and my brain gets filled with feel good hormones, thus imagining an 'encounter' with God. But I'm pretty sure it is God. I have mania sometimes and it feels different. (I take my medicine for this, and I never stop or reduce my meds). I decided to come on here to ask anyway in case there are people dealing with similar things.
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Apr 29, 2017
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Hi InThePottersChamber,

I've noticed that significant spiritual experiences are often followed by attacks or feeling mentally drained.

The writer Anne Lamott* wrote about having a deep spiritual experience one Sunday morning, then going home and having a big fight with her son.

And Elijah does this amazing thing, calling down fire from heaven, and then falls into what looks like a deep depression.

*She's not for everyone, use with caution :D I can give more details, if you want.
hi sorry, I forgot to quote you when I replied, im quoting you here so you can see I've replied above, thanks for your time
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Jul 17, 2020
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hi sorry, I forgot to quote you when I replied, im quoting you here so you can see I've replied above, thanks for your time
No problem at all :heart:

To be honest, and if you're asking for discernment, I'd recommend treating all of the visions with "a grain of salt".

Maybe they are from outside of you, maybe not. If it's something telling you that God loves you, well, we already know that's true from the scriptures and from the cross!

You're probably familiar with the story in Jeremiah 32. The amazing thing to me is that it isn't until Hanamel comes to Jeremiah on his own and offers to sell the field that Jeremiah says
"Then I knew that the message I had heard was from the Lord."
Bible Gateway passage: Jeremiah 32 - New Living Translation
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Hi! I love your advice! I've read the whole bible and I remember the story of Jeremiah, but I've never seen it the way you do. Thank you for pointing it out, it is the best advice as it is from the bible. I will treat all the visions with a grain of salt. If it is God then it will happen, if something else happens I can trust that God only gives me His best, and sometimes that best can be painful. I've accepted that already. Have a good day!
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Dear all, I realise that whenever God reveals his will to me, or reminds me to get back on the right path when I am slipping, this always is accompanied by satan making me paranoid and have psychosis like symptoms. I've learnt how to now be tricked, by praying, taking anti depressants, and to control my emotions and thoughts as per advised by the bible (ie: take every thought captive, etc) I want to know, is it just me whom this happens to, or do you also experience spiritual attacks right after God gives you gentle nudge or a comforting presence to show you that you're not alone/ remind you to have faith/ tells you something?

In the past, it would happen to me a lot. I think at the time my faith was quite small, and it allowed the devil access because I would always act in fear, i.e. be scared of the devil. over time God gave me more confidence, and the devil's attacks lessened greatly. But still, from time to time I feel a little uncomfortable. But for the most part, I have learned to overcome the devil's attacks. Don't fear that you might be a weak Christian, it can happen to anyone, but know God is with you no matter your current faith level.
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In the past, it would happen to me a lot. I think at the time my faith was quite small, and it allowed the devil access because I would always act in fear, i.e. be scared of the devil. over time God gave me more confidence, and the devil's attacks lessened greatly. But still, from time to time I feel a little uncomfortable. But for the most part, I have learned to overcome the devil's attacks. Don't fear that you might be a weak Christian, it can happen to anyone, but know God is with you no matter your current faith level.
thank you future and a hope! It is heartening to know that I am not alone in facing these battles. A few weeks ago I found an article that covered this topic, about when the devil attacks, but they didn't include in the article what were the kinds of attacks the devil meters out. Could you please describe what kind of attacks you faced?
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thank you future and a hope! It is heartening to know that I am not alone in facing these battles. A few weeks ago I found an article that covered this topic, about when the devil attacks, but they didn't include in the article what were the kinds of attacks the devil meters out. Could you please describe what kind of attacks you faced?

He would attack me physically, with shaking, or discomfort, and try to tell me I was possessed. Other times it was just a battle with persistent negative thoughts about me or others.
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He would attack me physically, with shaking, or discomfort, and try to tell me I was possessed. Other times it was just a battle with persistent negative thoughts about me or others.

I see... I don't get the shaking but I can definitely relate to having negative thoughts about myself and others. I would keep getting thoughts that told me my friends hate me or they were going to betray me, etc. Thanks for sharing, God bless you, brother.
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