Why did God leave so much room for us to misinterpret his words?


24/7 Christian
Oct 2, 2011
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  1. Human languages and grammars, by nature, are ambiguous and open to interpretation. This is unavoidable.
  2. When I parse Bible verses and try to understand them, I find the experience helpful in increasing my faith. I rely on my study and the guidance of the Paraclete. They lead to my spiritual growth.
  3. On the flip side, Satan can also use this confusion to decrease a person's faith and divide Christianity into many denominations. I propose a hermeneutics to lessen this problem.
Why did God allow us to misinterpret his words?

We need the written words for God to communicate to humans over millennia but human languages are intrinsically ambiguous. God did not leave us there. In addition, God sent the Holy Spirit to help us understand his words. We are to read the Bible by the guidance of the Spirit. That's the test of faith.

Proverbs 3:

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.