When you have to go your separate ways..


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Oct 23, 2002
Green Bay, Wisconsin
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I just lately told my bf of two and 1/2 years that if he doesn't get his act together and start walking with the Lord, I would have to go my own way. when we were first dating, he was soo strong with the Lord, and he's actually the one who led me to be saved. However, his relationship with God has dropped off dramatically. I've prayed about this, and God has to be first in my life and my relationships. Has anyone else ever been through this? If so, did your significant other improve their relationship with the Lord?

Thanks and God Bless :)


hopeless romantic
Apr 1, 2003
Something similar!

I re-kindled my faith (which had taken a back seat whilst I was at University) when I began to meet Christians who I trusted, and respected (my beloved being one of these)

This was easy for me, as I come from a Christian, God-loving family. I read loads of Christian literature to re-educate myself, began to reflect and pray more, and to seek fellowship. Though I made mistakes, I'm happy with the progression of my faith.

My beloved, however, tells a different story. He comes from a God-FEARING family, and has always been told, in no uncertain terms, that this is how he must live his life, to gain sanctification.

As a result, his maturity and independence have led him in an opposite direction to me. He has begun to doubt, and turn against aspects of Christianity, as they make him feel powerless.

Together, we're trying to help him to get to know my God - the loving God whom we CHOOSE to love and follow, and not the terrifying God he has been brought up to obey.

My prayers are with you, and your boy, Girlscoutdropout. I hope you can find peace and God's love together.
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