When things hit the fan.....


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I'm prepping for an end of the world/complete collapse scenario, so I hope you all are ready to adequately defend all of your possessions, and your land/properties, etc.

Other than that, I will not speak of mine much further, because it comes down to first three rules of fight club, you know.

I just hope you all are truly ready.

Because you all seem entirely way too gentle/kind/innocent for what's coming, etc.

People are going to be eating each other, etc.

Message me privately if you like.

Because I'm done speaking about this publicly on here after this, etc.

God Bless.


Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I won't speak for the rest but I value levelheadedness. I'm not a hot head nor do I entertain what-if scenarios for sport. I lived in the midst of the riots in 2020. I don't have to imagine what people do when they lose control. It surrounded me. Nevertheless, I remained unscathed and shared my experiences.

I don't think it's necessary to sensationalize the subject. There's enough of that and fear mongering on the Internet. I have no interest in that conversation. There are many levels of preparedness which go beyond preps. Location is significant and I can attest to the differences made by law enforcement and the government.

We were locked down. Public transportation ceased. Bridges were raised and the National Guard controlled all entry. You needed identification with an address in the area or you couldn't get in. I saw stores upended who couldn't service customers for a week and pharmacies depleted of supplies that took a month to restock. You couldn't get a prescription and needed to go elsewhere.

I learned a lot from that experience that informed future decisions. But each person must choose accordingly. What's suitable for one isn't appropriate for the next. And some things may be out of reach. Irrespective of our preparedness it means little without the Lord in tow.

I'm not inclined to panic or worry about things to come or rely too much on the physical. The battle is His not ours. We need more God in our tanks than anything else. He's our protector.

Ok, I'm just going to tell you if it's really bad, or if gets like really, really bad, which, trust me, if it can get that bad with just that tiny little hiccup that you just now mentioned in 2020, etc, but and/or anyway, if it gets a lot worse than that (use your own judgement at the time, etc) then get out of the city if your in one, and have a plan for that first of all, etc, but if it's really bad, get as far away from any city, especially larger cities, as you can, think about taking extra gasoline with you in order to get away far enough, or at least further than everyone else with maybe not as much gas, always keep close to a full tank in your vehicle always, besides the extra, but have this location already picked out way, way out, or up in the wilderness somewhere, etc, practice going to it so you always know where it is at, and how to get to it, think about burying some supplies and basic survival tools/essentials there, and marking it but only with an obvious to you marker, etc, and make it so that you have to hike out or up to it, a mile or two (at least) away from any roads, even gravel or dirt ones, way far away from any cities or towns or settlements, and plan on learning how to survive there for a while, and increase your knowledge in that or those areas right now, etc. And maybe after a few years you can try coming back down, or out, and taking over an abandoned house, or piece of land, or something like that, etc, but it's going to be absolute chaos pretty much everywhere for the first year or two or so, but if you can survive that, then you'll start to maybe have options again, as there will be a lot less people around, and what did survive might be starting to be forming back together a little bit (maybe) again, etc, and maybe you can join one of those maybe, etc. But have that kind of plan in place at least if it's ever going to get really, really bad, etc. It doesn't take all that much to always keep your gas tank nearly full, have a couple extra cans of gas, and pick a spot like that that you can get to somewhere, and bury or hide a few materials or supplies there a mile or two away from any roads, etc, and have that as a "just in case" kind of thing. Also what you might be able to take with you in a car or truck, and have a good larger backpack for hiking in and out until you abandon the vehicle completely after that, etc. Survivalism, bushcraft camping, outdoors, hiking skills, foraging, and a knowledge of plants, and seeing what you could get started for a small garden there by having a seed bank, and hunting skills, and the tools for that, food preservation up there in that area/bug out location, and make sure there is a year long fresh water source nearby, doesn't have to be big, but fresh water available there yearly, or throughout the year, sawyer water filters to filter it unless you want to have to boil it all, and other things, etc.


Ok, so I talked some.

There's more though. There is always more, etc. But this was just a very quick "with what I could get out of my mouth right now" flyby, etc.

People are not ready, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Ok, I'm just going to tell you if it's really bad, or if gets like really, really bad, which, trust me, if it can get that bad with just that tiny little hiccup that you just now mentioned in 2020, etc, but and/or anyway, if it gets a lot worse than that (use your own judgement at the time, etc) then get out of the city if your in one, and have a plan for that first of all, etc, but if it's really bad, get as far away from any city, especially larger cities, as you can, think about taking extra gasoline with you in order to get away far enough, or at least further than everyone else with maybe not as much gas, always keep close to a full tank in your vehicle always, besides the extra, but have this location already picked out way, way out, or up in the wilderness somewhere, etc, practice going to it so you always know where it is at, and how to get to it, think about burying some supplies and basic survival tools/essentials there, and marking it but only with an obvious to you marker, etc, and make it so that you have to hike out or up to it, a mile or two (at least) away from any roads, even gravel or dirt ones, way far away from any cities or towns or settlements, and plan on learning how to survive there for a while, and increase your knowledge in that or those areas right now, etc. And maybe after a few years you can try coming back down, or out, and taking over an abandoned house, or piece of land, or something like that, etc, but it's going to be absolute chaos pretty much everywhere for the first year or two or so, but if you can survive that, then you'll start to maybe have options again, as there will be a lot less people around, and what did survive might be starting to be forming back together a little bit (maybe) again, etc, and maybe you can join one of those maybe, etc. But have that kind of plan in place at least if it's ever going to get really, really bad, etc. It doesn't take all that much to always keep your gas tank nearly full, have a couple extra cans of gas, and pick a spot like that that you can get to somewhere, and bury or hide a few materials or supplies there a mile or two away from any roads, etc, and have that as a "just in case" kind of thing. Also what you might be able to take with you in a car or truck, and have a good larger backpack for hiking in and out until you abandon the vehicle completely after that, etc. Survivalism, bushcraft camping, outdoors, hiking skills, foraging, and a knowledge of plants, and seeing what you could get started for a small garden there by having a seed bank, and hunting skills, and the tools for that, food preservation up there in that area/bug out location, and make sure there is a year long fresh water source nearby, doesn't have to be big, but fresh water available there yearly, or throughout the year, sawyer water filters to filter it unless you want to have to boil it all, and other things, etc.


Ok, so I talked some.

There's more though. There is always more, etc. But this was just a very quick "with what I could get out of my mouth right now" flyby, etc.

People are not ready, etc.

God Bless.
You have to consider that rural areas are not going to be safe a first either, since most of them are not fully prepared for something like this, and are not prepping, etc. And there is going to be a ton of invaders at the start from the cities, and even if those aren't much of a concern for them, then you still have to worry about 99% of your neighbors that aren't preppers, and that aren't prepared, and that are not ready, etc. But will probably all have plenty of guns and ammo though!, lol. But even the people in the rural areas, with that plenty of guns and ammo, but that didn't bother to stock anything else, will soon be turning on each other for that everything else that each other might still have very, very shortly after that, etc.

But if you can get to a place where you can avoid all of that chaos, and survive and stay hidden for a couple of years after that, or when that happens, you might just stand a chance after that, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Ok, I'm just going to tell you if it's really bad, or if gets like really, really bad, which, trust me, if it can get that bad with just that tiny little hiccup that you just now mentioned in 2020, etc, but and/or anyway, if it gets a lot worse than that (use your own judgement at the time, etc) then get out of the city if your in one, and have a plan for that first of all, etc, but if it's really bad, get as far away from any city, especially larger cities, as you can, think about taking extra gasoline with you in order to get away far enough, or at least further than everyone else with maybe not as much gas, always keep close to a full tank in your vehicle always, besides the extra, but have this location already picked out way, way out, or up in the wilderness somewhere, etc, practice going to it so you always know where it is at, and how to get to it, think about burying some supplies and basic survival tools/essentials there, and marking it but only with an obvious to you marker, etc, and make it so that you have to hike out or up to it, a mile or two (at least) away from any roads, even gravel or dirt ones, way far away from any cities or towns or settlements, and plan on learning how to survive there for a while, and increase your knowledge in that or those areas right now, etc. And maybe after a few years you can try coming back down, or out, and taking over an abandoned house, or piece of land, or something like that, etc, but it's going to be absolute chaos pretty much everywhere for the first year or two or so, but if you can survive that, then you'll start to maybe have options again, as there will be a lot less people around, and what did survive might be starting to be forming back together a little bit (maybe) again, etc, and maybe you can join one of those maybe, etc. But have that kind of plan in place at least if it's ever going to get really, really bad, etc. It doesn't take all that much to always keep your gas tank nearly full, have a couple extra cans of gas, and pick a spot like that that you can get to somewhere, and bury or hide a few materials or supplies there a mile or two away from any roads, etc, and have that as a "just in case" kind of thing. Also what you might be able to take with you in a car or truck, and have a good larger backpack for hiking in and out until you abandon the vehicle completely after that, etc. Survivalism, bushcraft camping, outdoors, hiking skills, foraging, and a knowledge of plants, and seeing what you could get started for a small garden there by having a seed bank, and hunting skills, and the tools for that, food preservation up there in that area/bug out location, and make sure there is a year long fresh water source nearby, doesn't have to be big, but fresh water available there yearly, or throughout the year, sawyer water filters to filter it unless you want to have to boil it all, and other things, etc.


Ok, so I talked some.

There's more though. There is always more, etc. But this was just a very quick "with what I could get out of my mouth right now" flyby, etc.

People are not ready, etc.

God Bless.
I'd also say no well established trails either, in additions to any kinds of roads either, with this, two miles or so out in the woods/wilderness away from all of it, etc. Find a spot like this, and prep a spot/location like this, but buried, if you can, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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And if you already live in a really big city area, I'd strongly suggest you consider moving to a smaller one where a plan like this is at least doable, or is feasible, or is at least is possible, etc. Those other places will not be at all safe, and will probably be impossible to get out of, if SHTF comes, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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There's a lot you can't anticipate and far more you wouldn't imagine. We had one grocer but the rest were looted as were the pharmacies. We beefed up our medical preps in response. I was unable to pick up my bulk meat order. But the farmer was kind and delivered it in light of my safety. Banks were closed as well. A few were missing atm machines. Restaurants were hit and the majority were closed. Cars were set ablaze and the spirit of lawlessness was plentiful.

Transportation was halted and expressway entrances were blocked. Many were stuck overnight with no way to get home. Fortunately the weather was warm. The media coverage was slanted. They downplayed the damage and captured certain spots. We discovered the truth when my daughter ventured out to walk around the neighborhood. The damage was unimaginable. All the businesses were putting up boards. Few were untouched.

But my greatest recollection was the Lord's provision. The crowds outnumbered law enforcement. They couldn't contain them. They could have easily forced their way into homes and residences. But it didn't happen.

Nevertheless, I don't believe it's wise to remain in this setting in light of what's ahead. We saw enough to understand the gravity of destruction humans can employ. But it's heightened in adverse conditions when resources are scarce and need is great. I expect more violence and less restraint in the future.

It's easy to recommend the countryside as a rule but all locations aren't the same. You can't ignore the demographic or per capita income. Or overlook the qualities that make it attractive to transplants. We have a large demographic of young professionals in our neighborhood. Most of the men in our building are under 40 and physically fit. That's important. They're more likely to meet challenges head on. You want that when dealing with marauders and the like.

The bible says one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight. I weigh that in relation to neighbors and the community as a whole. Isolation is idealized by some. They imagine they can hide and go undetected. That was true in the past but not anymore. You can do a lot with drones and motion detectors.

Many forget about 15 minute cities and assume the targets are large metropolitans. But that isn't correct. They're in the suburbs and countryside too. The goal is to minimize mobility. You have to weigh many factors when choosing a place.

15 Minute City Map

If it's bad enough, or severe enough, or is going to last a while, or maybe even permanently, or not ever going fully back to the way it was before, everywhere will run out of goods/supplies/food/clean water eventually, some places just a lot faster than others, but everywhere eventually, which is why I mentioned having a spot that you can go to or get to in a situation like that where you can hide for a while, and live in it, etc. Won't be the most comfortable, or pretty for a while, and there's still a chance you might not make it, or might not survive, but your chances are still a whole lot better than if you didn't have somewhere like that, IF it gets bad enough, etc. This doesn't have to be your only plan, and shouldn't be your only plan, but it should always be your "in the very worst case scenario" back up plan, etc, and can be done with a very minimal amount of planning and preparation since your not going to have a lot there, but just the basics kept there, or that your going to take with you in your car before abandoning it, etc, which you'll need to plan to do IF it gets that bad, etc. Again, shouldn't be your only plan, but should be your "in the worst case scenario" final last one, etc.

If you can, camp there occasionally if you are able to, or if you can, while everything is still good or normal, etc. Getting into "backpack camping" IOW's, and practice doing it for a couple of days at your spot if you can, etc, if anything, just for the practice and experience, etc, and to maybe cart in a few supplies to bury or keep there each time, etc, and practice doing that, and then you can also practice other skills while you are camping there also, etc.

And IF it ever is or does get bad enough that you have to use a plan like that, maybe after a year or two you can hike back out, and see what's maybe left of humanity or society again, if you don't want to try and stay there and survive there permanently, etc.

Having maybe 1 to 3 other people that you can do or plan this with maybe would maybe be good also, as it's very difficult to do all alone. But over 2 or 3 or 4, I wouldn't try to go much beyond that, etc.

I have 1 other one for my last ditch plan like this right now, and It's someone with some skills like me, and that is like minded like I am, and can pull their own weight like I can, and won't be dead weight like I am, or am not in a situation like that I mean, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Nothing is ever absolutely guaranteed in situations like these ever, etc, but if you don't have national forest land within a full gastanks driving distance away from your home, than I would move to somewhere that does, or that you can, seriously, even if it means a few minor changes to your current lifestyle, or way of life, etc.

A home in the country will still have to be defended, and 99% of your neighbors are not prepping, and even though they are country folk, and you might think they'd never abandon their morals, or that they can always survive, etc, the real truth is, that without being able to have access to cities or towns for supplies, very, very few of them will actually be able to survive, and will turn on their neighbors eventually, or after a little while of not being able to survive, etc, not to mention all the people from the cities fleeing there in order for themselves to try and survive, etc. Needless to say, without the electricity, or without the grid, or supply chains, or whatever, almost everyone everywhere eventually will not be able to survive, etc, which is when they will all begin to get very, very desperate, and will all eventually turn on each other everywhere for what the other still has left in an effort to try and survive, etc. And you can forget about morality, or moral codes, or whatever, in the face of that, etc, because just about everyone everywhere will be ditching all of those when it all comes down to just basic survival, and/or trying to survive, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Everyone approaches this subject differently. I'm a strategist. My mind moves like a flow chart and navigates systematically. I can think outside the box but the bases are covered. I don't contemplate scenarios randomly. When I devise a plan I'm accounting for the unexpected in its conception. It's specific to my circumstances. I don't think in generalities.

Information wise, some prefer to know all the possibilities whereas I'm interested in the most pertinent with the threat level in mind. There's lots of things I don't have to contemplate and it makes no sense for me to do so. Nor do I advise others to do the same. Preserving your mental energy is important. It can be expended through overthinking.

What do I need to know and do in next three months, six months, etc? That's where my focus belongs. I don't entertain every possibility. I deal with the ones I can combat. There's a spiritual component that can't be ignored.

You can spend too much time focusing on the devil. Too much time on his minions. Too much time contemplating this and that related to his plans. I have no interest in feeding that spirit or giving it more attention than required.

The great reset is evil. It doesn't matter about your preps and plans. The premise is diabolical. We should spend more energy standing against it in prayer than discussing what-ifs. I'm deeply disturbed by the people who'll be harmed. The ones who lack the resources for support and protection. The ones who are alone and can't fend for themselves.

I appreciate the suggestions but I don't want to discuss it. Many people will lose their lives. Many will be harmed irreparably. It grieves my spirit. I'm fortunate to have alternatives and that carries its own burden. I'm sure @SavedByGrace3 would concur.

I'll leave you guys alone, for now anyway, as I know I'm just going to made out to be the bad guy anyway, and it's just not worth it to me.

Just keep researching, and studying the topic, and watching YouTube videos on the subject, and maybe one day you will consider it, or get where I am with it maybe, ok.

Until then, I wish you all the best in getting to know more about it, cause that's a very, very good thing.

But besides prepping, I would encourage you to eventually branch out into backpack camping, and bushcraft, and primitive skills, and survivalism as well, ok.

Just in case, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I'll leave you guys alone, for now anyway, as I know I'm just going to made out to be the bad guy anyway, and it's just not worth it to me.

Just keep researching, and studying the topic, and watching YouTube videos on the subject, and maybe one day you will consider it, or get where I am with it maybe, ok.

Until then, I wish you all the best in getting to know more about it, cause that's a very, very good thing.

But besides prepping, I would encourage you to branch out into backpack camping, and bushcraft, and primitive skills, and survivalism as well, ok.

Just in case, etc.

God Bless.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not expert in these areas yet, and I still have a lot to learn about a lot of subjects yet, and I don't know that anybody can actually say that they are always fully ready, or are always absolutely fully prepared for anything yet, but hopefully I am getting there, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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@bèlla (and others here)

I thought all you more beautiful much more optimistic souls might appreciate this...

View attachment 344067
I just don't trust people to be benevolent, especially right at the start, and at the very beginning, etc. Or work together very well in a situation like that either at the start, etc. But it is my opinion that we are only going to see the very, very worst of us come out for a time at first, etc, and that that, at the very beginning of it at least, is all we're ever going to see for a time, etc.

God Bless.
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Some posts from 2024 Prepping Goals will be moved here as they deal more about what to do when things go bad.

BTW, the common phrase for it has a vulgarity in it so please use THTF instead.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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The cities will be the worst. Millions of people packed shoulder to shoulder. There will be no food, the power will be out, and even the water will be undrinkable. There will be wide-scale looting. Riots will occur, and whole neighborhoods will burn. The secondary problem will be that those who can flee the cities will be pouring into the rural areas. Living on or near a major highway, you may experience issues with looters, home invasions, etc. Something will set this all off. It could be something as simple as China hacking the power grid. A major earthquake would be too localized to cause widespread problems. Some predict an undesirable election result might spark the problem, but I kind of doubt this. People are sheep. Until people get hungry or without water, they will remain docile. I also doubt the "civil war" scenario. More likely it will be war in the streets of the cities. I think there is a solid argument for small towns barricading all entrances and exits. I lived in a small town in SC with only 3 roads leading in; two were over bridges, and one led to a state highway. Within an hour, they could have the barricades up. There were detours around the town via a state highway. They also had a small power-generating dam within town limits. Seriously... if your community does not take care of itself, there will be no help coming. The gov will have their hands full with the hundred million hysterical people in the cities. If you live in a small town, all you will have is your local police and sheriff's dept. I can see a town militia forming under local authority.
Of course, if any of this involves a nuclear war... all bets are off.
Good topic on eclipse day!:help:
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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The cities will be the worst. Millions of people packed shoulder to shoulder. There will be no food, the power will be out, and even the water will be undrinkable. There will be wide-scale looting. Riots will occur, and whole neighborhoods will burn. The secondary problem will be that those who can flee the cities will be pouring into the rural areas. Living on or near a major highway, you may experience issues with looters, home invasions, etc. Something will set this all off. It could be something as simple as China hacking the power grid. A major earthquake would be too localized to cause widespread problems. Some predict an undesirable election result might spark the problem, but I kind of doubt this. People are sheep. Until people get hungry or without water, they will remain docile. I also doubt the "civil war" scenario. More likely it will be war in the streets of the cities. I think there is a solid argument for small towns barricading all entrances and exits. I lived in a small town in SC with only 3 roads leading in; two were over bridges, and one led to a state highway. Within an hour, they could have the barricades up. There were detours around the town via a state highway. They also had a small power-generating dam within town limits. Seriously... if your community does not take care of itself, there will be no help coming. The gov will have their hands full with the hundred million hysterical people in the cities. If you live in a small town, all you will have is your local police and sheriff's dept. I can see a town militia forming under local authority.
Of course, if any of this involves a nuclear war... all bets are off.
Good topic on eclipse day!:help:
A solar flare kinda worries me as well, last one hit in late 1800's when nothing was electric yet, so it wasn't an issue, but they are pretty regular, and a major one hits every 100 years or so give or take throughout earth's history, so we're definitely due. Can you imagine have of the world's "anything electric" all of the sudden getting fried and not working? That'd be a disaster with far reaching implications nowadays. In the past they went completely unnoticed, and there was no such thing as electricity or electronics yet, but just think of the impact it could have nowadays? Scary. Best be prepared for anything. Half the globe being hit with a huge EMP all of the sudden. Meant nothing in the past, but major problem nowadays.

Economic collapse also worries me. Nobody would be taking care of anything (governments/authorities) or thinking about anybody else, or anything, if everyone's wealth all of the sudden disappeared overnight, so that worries me, cause just think of the chaos that would cause. Everyone losing their jobs and not bothering to show up for work, because after all, what's the point in a situation like that really? Everybody would just be rushing home to try and protect and take care of the ones they love, where they would all just huddle together in little groups waiting for the inevitable that would most surely come.

Have a plan, have preps, and if you're not able to bug in, because it's just going to get "that bad", etc, then have a last ditch bug out location/plan just in case, etc. As far away from roads and human civilization as possible, if you can. Learn about the woods, and how to make it there if you absolutely have to, etc. And "practice", etc. Get out there. Go camping, or hiking that involves camping just so you'll get a general idea of what it's like if you can. Learn those skills and practice, etc. Get to know what it's like, and if you'd even want to try and survive it in those conditions, or in that kind of situation, etc.

Because if not, then you might want an alternative secret plan known only to the adults in the group maybe involving a gun with just a few bullets in it (at least one each) for each you and yours and your loved ones in a situation like that if you know you just absolutely cannot protect your loved ones in a situation like that or ever survive it, etc.

God Bless.
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