What priest shortage? Seoul Archdiocese ordains 41 to clergy


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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The Archdiocese of Seoul, South Korea, ordained 25 deacons and 16 priests over two days of ordination Masses at Myeongdong Cathedral.

While there are many areas of the world in which the Church is aching for priestly vocations, the South Korean Archdiocese of Seoul has just bolstered their ranks with the ordination of 41 new priests and deacons.

According to a press release from the Archdiocese, the newly minted deacons numbered 25, while 16 new priests began their ministerial journeys. It took two days of ordination Masses at the beautiful Myeongdong Cathedral to see them all ordained. The Masses were held on February 1 and 2, 2024.

On February 1, 25 seminarians were ordained to the diaconate and on the following day, February 2, 16 deacons were ordained to the priesthood. None of the deacons who were ordained were reported as permanent deacons; if this is the case, then each of the 25 men ordained will continue their vocational journey to the priesthood. A seminarian must first be ordained to the diaconate, for usually about a year, before being ordained a priest.

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