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What kind of Confession does your church embrace?


Bought by His Blood
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Mar 25, 2005
One of the Greatest Places on Earth.
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Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort. My home church is currently marching through the Catechism...

Catechisms, for all their worth, cannot compare itself to The Lord, lets seek out Him, The Word says eat Me, that seems saved, to love His truth and His Kids who also love that!
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Catechisms, for all their worth, cannot compare itself to The Lord, lets seek out Him, The Word says eat Me, that seems saved, to love His truth and His Kids who also love that!

Catechisms, for all their worth, cannot compare with the Bible. I understand what you are saying! Sometimes man focuses too much on what man says. Testing what the man says with the Scriptures is the only way to find the truth. You have to know what you believe and what you do NOT believe and you have to believe in some sort of doctrine (that is based on the Bible). You can't just have an 'every man for himself' approach to the Bible and what it means. He believes this, she believes that...everyone is not right. I believe our confessions are Biblical or I would not attend my church on Sunday. If you attend a church, you believe the confessions of your church are the truth, I'm assuming. Our church has a sermon on our confessions/catechism in the morning and then a sermon on a Bible passage or a sermon series for our afternoon service (sometimes we switch it up). Either way it's not all just catechism, catechism, catechism shoved down of throats. It's well rounded, I guess you can say... :)
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