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What is the attraction of an 8 year old girl?


Apr 13, 2012
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angel, sweetheart, no you were not meant to know, as a child. Also, you are not the disgusting one. THEY who did it to you are the disgusting ones. You must not feel to blame in any way. God does not see you as disgustin. He sees you as a pure, innocent child who has been hurt so badly by other people. He sees you and loves you. He loves you so much that He is crying now, with you. He is crying for your pain and that someone has done this to someone whom He created. You are pure and innocent sweetheart.
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When we give our hearts to God, He will help us to heal, He will help us to forgive, to let go, to put it behind us. He cleanses us and in His eyes we are pure and innocent again, we just have accept it. If we continue to blame ourselves then we reject what He is doing for us. It may not happen overnight, but we can get through this and learn to love, learn to trust again, and learn to love God and trust Him. It took me years to get over my anger at God for letting this happen to me. I had to learn to understand free will. We are to become as little children in order to enter into heaven--anyone who damages a child is going to face the wrath of God in a big, big way.
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All people of all religions, Kiki needs our help!
Nov 15, 2012
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You're right, Angel. Adults are trusted to be guides and protectors of children. Everyone knows better than to touch a child in an intimate way. So they are sick and this is why the judicial system punishes them for their misdeeds. But more importantly they will not escape their sins and crimes. In my humble opinion we all pay our dues eventually. Bless you.

Crying if it is ok to do this to a child then no one can stop things can they we r not ment to know about sex as children r we were not ment to know but that. Girl does and other peoplr knew when they were babies to that's not fair we shouldn't know yet should we
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I just read another story where a little 8 year old girl was sexually assaulted.
See link below.

My question is. What is the sexual attraction of an 8 year old girl?

I can understand being sexually attracted to a teenage girl but an 8 year old!

This topic may have been covered before on this forum but I do not visit this section so, can anyone educate me?

Police credit 'good Samaritans' for 8-year-old's recovery - CNN.com
About 7 a.m. (10 a.m. ET), a person described by Dyer as a good Samaritan told police he was driving when he saw a truck similar to a description of the suspect's vehicle given by authorities. The person, who had watched the news and was familiar with the case, began to follow the truck, Dyer said.
The man pulled in front of the truck and cut it off, and Elisa "took the moment of opportunity, opened up the passenger door, and jumped out and ran," he said. A second good Samaritan stayed with the girl, Dyer said.

Just like the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives produce good fruits like compassion, joy, peace, love e.t.c so does the devil's presence in lives produce all kinds of evil fruits and desires e.g. Sexual perversion, stealing, avarice, idolatry e.t.c Have you ever wondered why some people find animals sexually attractive? These are demonic problems.
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No, Emotions are not a good reason!
Jul 28, 2014
Omaha, NE, USA
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The question assumes sex is always had out of sexual attraction. That's not a true assumption. Prostitution is proof of that. (Or did you think the prostitute only has sex with people s/he finds attractive?)

It could be a thousand things. Misappropriated boredom. Domination and power. Hatred, of the kid, or of its parents, or someone else. Horniness with no other outlet.
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Dedicated to Recovery
Oct 22, 2014
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For all those seeking freedom from the shame and pain of sexual abuse, I recommend The Wounded Heart by Dan Allender. You can read my review on Amazon. Make sure you get the workbook too.

The book is written from the female perspective, but it's just as applicable for men, and there are some male specific sections in the workbook too.

Young boys, especially in the middle east, are frequently abused; over there it's cultural. In fact, many Afghan soldiers were quite open about having sex with young boys, if available, or each other. They viewed it as "recreational". While it may turn the stomach of a westerner, it's condoned and openly discussed in other cultures.

As many have pointed out, sexual abuse is always about power in the end.
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A follower of The Way
Sep 30, 2005
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Didn't Mohammad marry a 9 year old? Hmmm. Idk, maybe in some countries, it's acceptable.

Warren Jeffs leader and prophet of the FLDS married a 12 year old and multiple other child brides from the age of 14-17
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Oct 13, 2014
home is where the heart is <3
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I do not believe that it is strictly about power.... it is both.... deviant desires/lusts AND power.... for those steeped in the occult, these two aspects together are like a drug....
FYI, here is a testimony to help shed some light on this. (Purposefully not imbedding the video, as it is very disturbing, so take care while watching! Just copy/paste into your browser without the space.)

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tas0kPLy4BU
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Living life in the pacific NW
Mar 31, 2012
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Its tempting to judge these people but, try not to do it. Only god can judge. Many of these perpetrators were abused themselves. Many of them are tring to recapture their lost youth in some way. They likely feel powerless and this is their way of trying to deal with it.
Do not fall into the temptation to demo ize these people while holding yourself up as a pinnacle of morality. Everyone, including pedophiles, deserve forgiveness and love. No exceptions. God made them and he loves them so who are you to judge.
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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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I almost threw something at the TV. That really upset me.
Romans 5:20b "where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" The Grace of God along with His Healing and Restoration HAS to be greater then the sin and the damage done. I question does the end justify the means? Is it really necessary for people to go through what they have to go through in order for God to do the work He wants to do in their life to Heal and Restore them?

We know that "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 So we know that whatever God allows, He is going to cause good to come out of this.
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