What are your views regarding the Revival movement ?

Mr Pickles

Active Member
Feb 2, 2012
Marital Status
for me i dont think its wrong to ask questions, test the spirit, even if it means walking against the tide.

being true to your self and God, walking before God and not men.

if some thing needs to be called out, call it out.

God wants the very best for our life, dont settle for any thing eles,

and this works both ways. if you really believe some thing is from God, God has imparted some thing to you,

often at such times, attack can come from any direction, stay with it.

The Lord is the one we follow, not men.

Just remain open enough, for those with a right spirit, to bring guidance to , if you are unsure, or they have some thing in love to share with you.

a lot of the time, we all get it wrong, and the times we get it right, people can still try and say we are wrong,

thank God for the Holy spirit, who can lead us into all truth.
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Mr Pickles

Active Member
Feb 2, 2012
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Holy spirit or Kundalini spirits ?

The big question is , David icke talks about a Kundalini awakening , as do other new age gurus, thousands of people being taken in by this deception, new age truth movement, ufo cults ect. are you happy to be possessed by Kundalini spirits , the holy scriptures speak of the power of the devil, Jesus and his followers setting the captives free, those under the power of satan, be it sickness, demon possession, i once heard behold the prince of darkness comes, a power full spirit entered myself, lifted me up in the air a few feet, then threw me full force at a wall, stopping me, inches of the wall, then dropped me, in Hinduism , we see all the false deities, demon gods, is this what you want in your life heart and and spirit, controlling and having influence over you.
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Apr 13, 2010
Hampshire, UK
Marital Status
Holy spirit or Kundalini spirits ?

The big question is , David icke talks about a Kundalini awakening , as do other new age gurus, thousands of people being taken in by this deception, new age truth movement, ufo cults ect. are you happy to be possessed by Kundalini spirits , the holy scriptures speak of the power of the devil, Jesus and his followers setting the captives free, those under the power of satan, be it sickness, demon possession, i once heard behold the prince of darkness comes, a power full spirit entered myself, lifted me up in the air a few feet, then threw me full force at a wall, stopping me, inches of the wall, then dropped me, in Hinduism , we see all the false deities, demon gods, is this what you want in your life heart and and spirit, controlling and having influence over you.

Are you suggesting this is similar to what happened in Toronto?

Are you equating David Icke with men like Randy Clark and John Arnott?

To answer your question, no, what you have written is not what I want in my life.


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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
The whole Kundalini thing is not to be compared with the spirit of revival. The Holy Spirit draws people for conversion, life change, etc., straight to Jesus and Jesus shepherds the flock and He won't go for that kind of thing. The fruits of the Spirit will taper off and vanish! Sometimes another spirit will work its way in to certain PEOPLE, not take over the movement. They'll take any opening a believer or especially a minister afford them. He'll work in areas they need healing in. Just because a minister is human and needs healing, and even falls does not mean the revival was led by a wicked spirit.

It is the non charismatic community that makes accusations such as these. They must be careful because when the big revival in the world takes place, they can't recognize a valid move of God and move themselves out of what God is doing.

God said that people will have to choose what to walk in, light or darkness. The ones walking in the light will discern the move is of God and the religious fence walker and scoffers are in great danger of either being judged and going home or being led off into gross darkness.

It's shameful to mention this spirit's name in the same breath or paragraph as the Holy Spirit and wicked spirits don't lead people to Jesus, change lives, fill them with the Spirit, or heal them.
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Mr Pickles

Active Member
Feb 2, 2012
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Joshua was deceived by a group of people that came to him saying they had come from a far, and it appeared as if they had, their wine skins worn, their bread moldy, their shoes and cloths worn, but this was a deception, some times what are eyes see and our ears hear can deceive.
Joshua and Israel were taken in by this deception and swore an oath with these people, a treaty.
and its written no one sought the Lords council.

we do not want to swear an oath with the wrong people or spirit,

i stand by what i am say , we need discernment, some of what i am seeing hearing troubles me, and i am seeking the Lord for wisdom,

and im asking the Lord , God is this really from you, these ministries, is this really the movement of your Holy spirit. ?

the manifestation of your spirit. ? or is it deception. ? a very big deception. ?

another spirit. ?

its scriptural to test the spirit. as also to be on our guard against wolves in sheep's clothing, false prophets false teachers.
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Apr 13, 2010
Hampshire, UK
Marital Status
we do not want to swear an oath with the wrong people or spirit,


i stand by what i am say , we need discernment, some of what i am seeing hearing troubles me, and i am seeking the Lord for wisdom,

Some of what I see and hear troubles me, too - that Todd Bentley kicks (kicked - I don't know if this is still part of his ministry) people is very troubling. I know Smith Wigglesworth was physical with people and I have great respect for that man and his ministry, yet I was troubled when I first read about them and they still trouble me now.

To my mind this seems like the flesh creeping (or crashing) in. Not to excuse it, but I would think anyone in ministry has "operated in the flesh" at some point, though not to these extremes.

I think what I'm getting to is this: when you remove the "fleshy" stuff, can you find God at work there?

My experience with Toronto, though I never went as the blessing travelled, is that I got to know God deeper. At times I had the laughter, at times I fell over, but that wasn't the important bit. The important bit was getting to know the Father better. And this "Father Heart" aspect of Toronto is still continuing. Christians are still finding out just how much Papa loves them and cares for them. This has been a truth forever, but somewhere the church managed to lose it. God started re-revealing his Father's heart to the church again at Toronto.

Here's a story about Lakeland: I pastor I know had been sent to Lakeland by his church. Todd Bentley had a word from God that described his exact situation in ministry. My friend went forward and received prayer (he wasn't punched) and came back more confident in his calling and more relaxed about his healing ministry. Amidst all the hype, the "global" tv coverage, the controversy and criticism, God uses Todd Bentley to help out a small town Baptist minister from England. The pastor came back to England and noticed an immediate change at meetings where he preached.

My experience with Lakeland is similar to my experience with Toronto. I went to several meetings, had the laughter and the falling over, but big things got dealt with when lying face down before God, convicted and repenting. Had I not first had the "fun and games" of laughter and the feeling of acceptance from God that I got from that, I wonder if I could have handled the depth of change God led me through during the times I was face down on the carpet before Him.

and im asking the Lord , God is this really from you, these ministries, is this really the movement of your Holy spirit. ?

the manifestation of your spirit. ? or is it deception. ? a very big deception. ?

another spirit. ?

its scriptural to test the spirit. as also to be on our guard against wolves in sheep's clothing, false prophets false teachers.

My suggestion as you consider these events is to look for God in the testimonies of real people. They may be hard to find as they don't make it into films on youtube and rarely onto forums like these because there tends to be criticism aimed at anyone who has anything positive to say.

See if you can look beyond the headlines and the controversies to see if God was changing lives through it all.


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Mr Pickles

Active Member
Feb 2, 2012
Marital Status
As also Mike thanks for sharing, no one wants to throw the baby out with the bath water, i guess for me take Todd Bently, it was said he was in adulatory at this time and when that came to light the movement stalled,

Mr Bentley with all these people smiling saying the Holy spirit told him to kick the women in the face, and only later this the spirit fell, what spirit ?

I look at Jesus the apostles i dont see any one being punched or kicked.

im pleased yours was a positive experience, as mentioned some good friends of mine, their experience was any thing but, and the spirit imparted to my friend Paul,

caused him all kinds of problems, he had had experiences before this of being filled with the holy spirit,

and he said to me the spirit that hit him on this day, was not the holy spirit.

it was at a graham ken rick meeting, ?

so for me the jurys still out.

and God said because you have not kicked her in the face, i dont think so.

Todd Bentley kicking people in the face revival! - YouTube
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
The footage supplied concerning Todd didn't contain anything in itself objectionable.. that is to someone who knows that God does operate in similar fashion at times. The gift of faith will call upon you to do unusual things.

The one instance I'm thinking of where Wigglesworth punched someone very near death with a tumor (and they died!), shortly after to be resurrected demonstrates this. The "crrazy" things Jesus did demonstrates this too.

If someone drop kicked somebody and broke their neck, with no subsequent healing, that would be different. You don't have someone being interviewed here who complains about not being healed. You can bet they would line up to do so if they could. Hagin said that Jesus told him to punch someone in the stomach. He said he just kind of jabbed him (not rearing back with the shoulder), and that person WAS healed.

I just saw a moment of the second video and it was so obvious that person was judging and making deductions by the outward appearance, it didn't bear seeing any more. These are the typical judgments made by non charismatic ministers (with a real zeal to please God), who like Saul was, persecute the move of God in their ignorance. Sadly, it takes the body down in the process.

We judge by the fruits as well as the witness of the Spirit.
It may well be that in some meetings, a "mixture" was present, and if someone was in gross sin, the chance of that mixture would be pretty good. Someone CAN work in the gifts even if they are backslid. The enemy will try and derail a revival anyway he can. Since it was derailed eventually, this does not disprove the workings of the Spirit (however incredible sounding) if they occurred. It's not about how weird the gift of faith sounded, because it can sound VERY weird at times. If it is God, He'll back it up with a sign. One has to be developed in this gift, so someone doesn't just get a wild hair and whop someone.

Be glad He doesn't ask you to go spit on someone's tongue and it is up to you to decide to be obedient or not. Someone with a video camera might be laying in wait, just like so many are. It does not honor God (I don't think) to present footage with a title like the second one had. The judgment was already made and it is obvious with what they also included, that they have very little discernment. People getting knocked to the floor, or things like that are very much works of God.

Think of how many "God loving" believers are going to balk at the legitimate move of God coming to the earth (already here in some places, and they will miss it entirely because they are "offended". Jesus said "happy" was the person who would not be offended in Him.

Let's pray that we wont and not boast on either side, because I'm sure their is a limit to each one of us on what we'll accept according to what we know (and God may be in it).
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Many people claim to be healed through Benny Hinn, but what Benny teaches is incorrect, and strays from the word of God.

Like all of us, he no doubt makes mistakes. He's human. What he is known for, is preaching the Word of God, not his mistakes.
Only those who lay in wait looking for this stuff usually miss this. They brand them outright as Satanic, which is ridiciulous.

I'm not saying that is you, but just because someone says something that isn't quite right, doesn't mean they are not of God.

As I said in a previous thread about myself: If I were to take all of the foolish, presumptuous, ignorant, and in accurate things I've ever proclaimed since I've known the Lord (totally darkening counsel!
), and put them in a row to be replayed, I'd go home right now and just give up! The difference between me then and me along the way, and me now, is the Blood of Jesus! Not to mention the Holy Spirit revising my doctrine along the way.

The same goes for Benny Hinn. If he spoke presumptuously, or even by the wrong spirit (we've all done it folks), repentance and the Blood of Jesus puts us back in position to fulfill our call.

If you don't want to miss a blessing, make sure you don't "exclude" people and their ministries because they are associated with a "movement" or even another minister who came under attack or was disgraced.

When the Lord brought me back from a shameful backsliding, the whole Lakeland thing had stopped and in my research to see what was happening in the Body of Christ, I read a lot of things about certain ministers. I was concerned and as I was gleaning from the many teachings available on the Net (I was hungry!), I'd steer clear myself of certain people because I didn't want to get off center.

I thought back to certain ministers I knew who were mightily anointed, and yet they held certain opinions that I knew were not correct. Should I discount their ministry entirely because of this? Would I want someone to do this to me either? No!

So be open to hearing from God from people like Benny, or anyone else you think you'd exclude, because God has used these people mightily and we can't have our carnal opinions getting in the way of what God is doing.

Many people who get into trouble btw, do so because of the call of God on their lives. The enemy sees all of the angels they carry with them, or they've heard the prophesies and they really hit these people.
It's the reason why their pre-saved lives were so bad too.

I think that we won't fully come away from the bondage of carnal judgments until we say in our hearts before God, "I lay down my opinions and concerns and give them to you. I repent of any carnal judgments or words spoken against ANY ministers (name them if you've spoken against them out loud), and ask you to free these people from the effect of my words in the name of Jesus." "Free me from reaping what I have sown against my own life and I purpose to be led only by your Spirit!"
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Apr 13, 2010
Hampshire, UK
Marital Status
As also Mike thanks for sharing, no one wants to throw the baby out with the bath water, i guess for me take Todd Bently, it was said he was in adulatory at this time and when that came to light the movement stalled,

Mr Bentley with all these people smiling saying the Holy spirit told him to kick the women in the face, and only later this the spirit fell, what spirit ?

Was Bentley in adultery at that time? I just remember hearing of an "inappropriate relationship", which is still sin, but not sexual sin.

Either way, we all sin. Repentance and forgiveness is available, thank God. It doesn't mean that we automatically have a demon spirit when we speak or preach or prophesy. Most likely, in my view, is that when we are ministering when there is sin in our lives if what we say is not of God, it will be of ourselves. Still not good, but not a wrong spirit.

I look at Jesus the apostles i dont see any one being punched or kicked.

Indeed, but they weren't always well behaved, especially Peter. He lopped off a guards ear in the Garden of Gethsemane. I'm also intrigued by the story of Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8. Simon saw Peter and John pray for Holy Spirit to come on the new believers in Samaria - Simon was a new believer - Simon wanted to be able to do the same thing and offered money for it.

I know his heart wasn't right and there are issues with offering money, but he was a new believer. Anyway, Peter could have given a gentle word of correction in an attitude of grace and love, but instead rebuked Simon quite strongly. I read once that Simon is credited as the originator of gnosticism.

So they weren't all perfect humans - much like us really.

im pleased yours was a positive experience, as mentioned some good friends of mine, their experience was any thing but, and the spirit imparted to my friend Paul,

caused him all kinds of problems, he had had experiences before this of being filled with the holy spirit,

and he said to me the spirit that hit him on this day, was not the holy spirit.

it was at a graham ken rick meeting, ?

so for me the jurys still out.

Well knowing who Graham runs with, I'd be surprised it'd be something other than Holy Spirit. But I wasn't there.

and God said because you have not kicked her in the face, i dont think so.

Nor do I.


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Apr 13, 2010
Hampshire, UK
Marital Status
Let's pray that we wont and not boast on either side, because I'm sure their is a limit to each one of us on what we'll accept according to what we know (and God may be in it).

There is some wisdom in there. Thanks for posting that.

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Willie T

St. Petersburg Vineyard
Oct 12, 2012
St. Petersburg, FL
Marital Status
I've had to smile at much of this. Most of you have never experienced any of this. Not even as skeptic observers. I have. Mike has. And we know something you may have overlooked by getting all over this "Kundalini" thing (a word, by the way, most people had never even heard of until this guy started promoting his book)

We have seen, first hand, and in person, who and what is glorified in these things. It's Jesus and The Kingdom of God.

Did I miss where any of these guys (even Todd, when he was letting himself get all messed up in sin) said, "Now that you see the power of Hinduism (or whatever), turn from this false god, Jesus, and come worship some cows with us."

No. In all this, no matter how weird you think it might be, you can only say that no one but the one true God and His son are being glorified. People are coming to whom, in droves? Think about it.

Am I going to put on a freak show that only sends people running straight to Jesus, and consequently going out to serve Him everywhere they can, if I want to turn you away from Jesus?

Come on, put your thinking caps on. That makes no sense at all.

And go read some of the verses this narrator cut short.... you know where they are. For instance the one about "not being drunk". It did not say that, at all, in the Bible (God's Word) It plainly says not to be drunk on wine, but rather with the Holy Spirit.

That's not a big deal, but it DOES show the intent of these videos is not to deliver straight truth, but the "leading" of viewers into a desired conclusion. Frankly? The main intent is to sell the featured book. (Just watch the videos for the hype and drama.)

I'm very emphatically Vineyard, (probably the only one on this forum), and I have been to Lakeland. I've also been to Benny Hinn's TV presentations, AND to his church. I've been to see Rodney Howard Brown. I've been to IHOP (Mike's church in KC) And I will openly say I have seen some personal theatrics at times... from both the stage, and the audience, no doubt about it.

We are all human, and succeptible to these things. So? Humans being involved IS Christianity. You only have to look at the hundreds of strange denominations to see we all get off on different tracks in one way or another.

But the final thing is to look for yourself, and see who is being glorified in all of ANY of it...... whether you approve of the method, or not.
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Mr Pickles

Active Member
Feb 2, 2012
Marital Status
if God is in some thing and it was 100 percent of Gods direction, request fine i dont have a problem with that, nor am about pleasing men, or bothered what men think, i got off that merry go around along time ago.

Though many things have happened in Gods name, through churches, and God wasnt in it.

like wise people come to Jesus, didnt we do all these amazing things in your name, Jesus replys, depart from me you wicked and accursed i never knew you.

and its not a crime to question. it has nothing to do, with missing God, or his spirit.

its abit like the new age if you dont feel the vibrations, you are not awake, only the awakened ones are feeling the vibrations.

is the king really wearing a fine suit, or is the one person right at the back of the crowd, who asks why is the king naked. and cannot see his fine suit.

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Jan 1, 2009
Marital Status
I've had to smile at much of this. Most of you have never experienced any of this. Not even as skeptic observers. I have. Mike has. And we know something you may have overlooked by getting all over this "Kundalini" thing (a word, by the way, most people had never even heard of until this guy started promoting his book)

We have seen, first hand, and in person, who and what is glorified in these things. It's Jesus and The Kingdom of God.

Did I miss where any of these guys (even Todd, when he was letting himself get all messed up in sin) said, "Now that you see the power of Hinduism (or whatever), turn from this false god, Jesus, and come worship some cows with us."

No. In all this, no matter how weird you think it might be, you can only say that no one but the one true God and His son are being glorified. People are coming to whom, in droves? Think about it.

Am I going to put on a freak show that only sends people running straight to Jesus, and consequently going out to serve Him everywhere they can, if I want to turn you away from Jesus?

Come on, put your thinking caps on. That makes no sense at all.

And go read some of the verses this narrator cut short.... you know where they are. For instance the one about "not being drunk". It did not say that, at all, in the Bible (God's Word) It plainly says not to be drunk on wine, but rather with the Holy Spirit.

That's not a big deal, but it DOES show the intent of these videos is not to deliver straight truth, but the "leading" of viewers into a desired conclusion. Frankly? The main intent is to sell the featured book. (Just watch the videos for the hype and drama.)

I'm very emphatically Vineyard, (probably the only one on this forum), and I have been to Lakeland. I've also been to Benny Hinn's TV presentations, AND to his church. I've been to see Rodney Howard Brown. I've been to IHOP (Mike's church in KC) And I will openly say I have seen some personal theatrics at times... from both the stage, and the audience, no doubt about it.

We are all human, and succeptible to these things. So? Humans being involved IS Christianity. You only have to look at the hundreds of strange denominations to see we all get off on different tracks in one way or another.

But the final thing is to look for yourself, and see who is being glorified in all of ANY of it...... whether you approve of the method, or not.

Were you in Lakeland when Todd declared that God told him not to preach on Jesus, because people already believe in Jesus, he was told to preach on the angel (Emma) because people need to believe in the angel?

So just who are you saying was glorified by Todd at Lakeland?

Was it the dozens of false claims of the dead being raised, which didn't really happen? Was it the claims of healings by assault, which it turns out the healings didn't occur, but the assault sure did. I know quite a bit about what went on at Lakeland and even the behind the scenes investigations going on by some NAR and a team from Charisma sent there to see if they could confirm any healings or miracles . . . after weeks of intensive digging, they came up with nothing, nada. The only take away was that Todd was known as a pathological liar among his staff, he lied from the stage pretty much every night, he was actively getting drunk in the bars at night, and he was actively engaged in an adulterous affair (his second in a few years) while his wife was struggling for her life with cancer. Hard to say Jesus was glorified. Pretty much every leader who participated and later found out what was happening disavows any knowledge of the event now . . . I can't imagine why anyone would now declare it's virtue. It was a black eye on the revival movement, a God turning them over to their seeking after signs sin natures for all to see so they wouldn't follow after that path anymore . . . at least most of us saw and learned.

And I was on the Brownsville ministry team and I joined Rodney Howard-Browne for weeks on end in the early-mid 90's, so I'm not anti-revival.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Was it the dozens of false claims of the dead being raised, which didn't really happen? Was it the claims of healings by assault, which it turns out the healings didn't occur, but the assault sure did. I know quite a bit about what went on at Lakeland and even the behind the scenes investigations going on by some NAR and a team from Charisma sent there to see if they could confirm any healings or miracles . . . after weeks of intensive digging, they came up with nothing, nada.
Let me tell you, their are probably millions of people who have come and gone, received healings and miracles and there isn't a shred of evidence to support it. What happened there was NOT just some kind of game playing where God did not really move, or that an evil spirit moved (very dangerous thinking). For whatever Todd's faults, and I won't go into them nor would I encourage anyone else to do so, God really did move in that revival.

If you really think that Todd could have been getting sauced in bars without the world or the devil through the world to capture that on photo and to make every newspaper in the world, you're getting caught up in the evil report.

Obviously, Todd did get out of order and even though the enemy got in and waylayed everything, the gifting can function even though the man may have sin in his life. It does not bring God glory to point to thing's the devil got away with in the church. It is equally deceived to think that God wasn't moving in that revival and their are many who might tell you of how God touched them in a powerful way.

The only take away was that Todd was known as a pathological liar among his staff, he lied from the stage pretty much every night, he was actively getting drunk in the bars at night
Why don't you grab your brother, take up a blanket (walking backwards) and cover that sin? No one here is going to that meeting at this time. I'm quite sure Todd asked forgiveness for his part for whatever sins were committed during that period. That is the way we are to look at it.

It was a black eye on the revival movement, a God turning them over to their seeking after signs sin natures for all to see so they wouldn't follow after that path anymore . . . at least most of us saw and learned.
Not a chance. Revivals are wonderful and the devil and the religious will always spurn them and point to reasons why it couldn't be God. God may have judged certain people for specific actions, but that is His gig and not ours. When you say "for all to see so they wouldn't follow that path anymore", what path are you referring to? Revivals? Todd? Meetings that claim to have miracles?

What did we supposedly learn by that judgment?
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Jan 1, 2009
Marital Status
What did we supposedly learn by that judgment?

Ahhh, finally, a good question.

The lesson, for those who have ears to hear, is that there are well-known ministries out there, the ones participating in this debacle, claiming to be apostles and prophets of the highest calling who are leading the sheep astray and the sheep are not to follow them or listen to them. God put them all on display for everyone to see. I'm talking about John Arnott, Rick Joyner, Patricia King, Todd Bentley, C Peter Wagner, Stacey Campbell, Wendy Alec, Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Bill Johnson, and Dutch Sheets (and I may have missed a few who stood on that stage). These so-called prophets stood before the world on God TV, prophesied all these grandiose endorsements on Lakeland and Todd, in particular, and all of it was proven false, all of it. Todd wasn't some super evangelist/revivalist/forerunner/blah/blah/blah who had started a revival that would spread through the world and never stop representing a new level of the spirit, etc, etc. All non-sense. Not one of them saw the sin and rebuked him for it. Not one of them saw the false teachings and rebuked him for it. The ONLY one I know of who did that was Rodney Howard-Browne who confronted Todd in private, told him to stop preaching about healing angels and start preaching on Jesus. I applaud Rodney. I softly applaud Dutch Sheets for even though his prophetic words totally missed the mark, he publicly repented. The rest need to hang their head in shame.

This whole thing was God turning them over to their sins. Who's them?

First, the leaders who have abandoned sound teaching and practice and instead resorted to hype, deception, false prophetic words and false teachings. These self-proclaimed apostles and prophets were wrong and all the world saw it. God allowed them, in their arrogance, to embarrass themselves.

Second, the crowds who flock to the meeting seeking after signs and wonders instead of the Lord Himself. Somewhere along the line, the moved from genuine revival to chasing after 'woo woo' feelings as a form of entertainment embracing hype as spiritual food. They are getting what they deserve. Paul rebuked those who should have been eating meat for being stunted in their growth because they never got beyond milk. These sign seeking revival crowds have abandoned both milk and meat choosing to feast non-stop in sugary desserts that feel good. I've watched them tear apart churches over brave pastors who opposed them and refused to yield to this non-sense, so they split the church to satisfy their cravings for sweetness - this is something that has happened repeatedly across the nation.

The judgment of the Lord is against this movement. Those who continue to chase after signs, need to repent and seek the Lord in spirit and in truth.

As for healing, yes the Lord does heal, but anyone who's participated in meetings like this knows that many who believe they are healed in the meeting, get home only to discover that their healing never occurred. Once outside of the hype of the meeting, they find the pain is still there. This is always an issue, which is one of the reasons I don't allow any hype in my healing meetings. When we get to praying for healing, we quietly lay hands on each person and pray gently but with great faith. I'm always blown away when they come back in subsequent meetings and let me know they were healed. Just last week had lady who had two broken and crooked fingers that she had lost mobility and feeling in tell me that her fingers were healed after I prayed for her. I saw they were straight and she could move them easily now. No doctors reports because she's homeless (though people in the church take turns putting her up in their house) and she can't afford medical care. So what am I criticizing Lakeland for? That they announced and hyped healings that never occurred. I'm not asking for doctors reports. I'm saying Charisma magazine, a Spirit-Filled organization that desperately wanted to find a healing to confirm so they could report on it in their magazine. They tracked down every instance of the dozens of people who claimed to have been raised from the dead . . . not one of those hyped miracles happened. Not that they couldn't prove, they contacted the person who reported it and dug a little deeper to learn they got caught up in all the hype and basically exaggerated and/or lied about it. Todd didn't bother to check into any himself, just passing along anytime someone said another person was raised from the dead. Same with all the people he punched or kicked. He stands up there saying they were healed, but they weren't. Charisma followed up and interviewed them. Not one was healed. A few were genuinely hurt - Todd punched one man's tooth out. Todd compares himself to Wigglesworth, but Wigglesworth only did that once or twice and the person testified that they were actually healed. Big difference between the substance of a Wigglesworth vs the hype of a Bentley. You can chose to follow the hype, but I'm not willing to do that, I want the genuine thing and won't settle for less.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
-What did we supposedly learn by that judgment?
The lesson, for those who have ears to hear, is that there are well-known ministries out there, the ones participating in this debacle, claiming to be apostles and prophets of the highest calling who are leading the sheep astray and the sheep are not to follow them or listen to them.
It doesn't sound like we're in the Spirit filled section at all. You mention having ears to hear, and then you go on and blast your brothers and sisters like they were not. Like they were or are not employed by the Father. You would have us dismiss them entirely (at least most of them) for being involved in something the enemy turned awry. It is the enemy who would like that very thing to be done because most if not all of those names are anointed ministers and servants of God. An extremely dangerous undertaking on your part. You deny their calling as empty claims and use the part where the enemy came in to justify your claim. I urge you to repent immediately.

God put them all on display for everyone to see. I'm talking about John Arnott, Rick Joyner, Patricia King, Todd Bentley, C Peter Wagner, Stacey Campbell, Wendy Alec, Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Bill Johnson, and Dutch Sheets
Rick's visions and dreams, culminating in his books are so deep it would take someone a long time to make them up. They are so anointed, they have changed my view of evangelical Christians entirely. Although anyone can make mistakes, or be put in a position where someone you stood behind was turned aside by the enemy, Rick has a great deal of wisdom. Although when I first repented from my long backsliding, I heard his and Todd's name and wanted to keep them at arm's length. I've had enough controversy in my life. The Lord led me to Rick's books and everything I was led to really spoke to me. The Lord taught me that you can't dismiss ministries because of mistakes. The enemy wants the church at large to do the same thing because what God showed Rick is helpful to the entire Body of Christ. We have to treat people the way we want to be treated. We will reap what we sow. It's guaranteed, so I encourage you to reconsider.

I have yet to hear more than a couple of minutes of Todd, but I strongly discourage anyone from takiing potshots at anyone in the body. If you choose not to listen to him, that is your choice.

I attended a wonderful bit of ministry in a small country church and was very renewed and spiritually sharp. (I encourage anyone who wants to judge something well to get your "best" spiritual condition and listen without distraction.) I listened to some stuff of Bob Jones that was VERY anointed. Ana Rountree wrote his biography and her books and walk are so close I felt like an unbeliever by comparison. God takes her up to Heaven (like a little child) and it's only "natural" two anointed ministers of that caliber would interact.

Patricia King has a very good ministry and God has raised her up and anointed her as well. I may not agree with every point of doctrine that anyone has, but I can recognize the anointing. The fact that you can dismiss a group like this is very telling, especially when you lump a very real move of God, combined with the enemy at the end, and come up with a bottom line from the pit. There's just no other way to describe it.

This is the very kind of assessments groups like some of the "Bereans" have, no relation to the ones in the Bible. They have a strong salvation ministry, but know very little about the move of the Holy Spirit. They have their ministers who readily pass judgment on what they do not understand.

...prophesied all these grandiose endorsements on Lakeland and Todd, in particular, and all of it was proven false, all of it.
The thing is, God can say wonderful things about your life and if you don't walk circumspectly, you too can be turned aside. The prophetic words would have been real. I've had some of my own that were very anointed, and the enemy caused some measure of destruction. So when they don't come to pass, who is at fault? When God prophesies, He declares His intent. It is with the understanding (in personal prophecy) that you will be faithful. So if they're "words" fall to the ground, and the enemy is responsible, it does not invalidate the prophecy or the prophet.

First, the leaders who have abandoned sound teaching and practice and instead resorted to hype, deception, false prophetic words and false teachings. These self-proclaimed apostles and prophets were wrong and all the world saw it. God allowed them, in their arrogance, to embarrass themselves.
You're way too general. This sort of slander does escape the attention of Heaven. If you have a specific point to make, compared with scripture, you might present that, but if you can't do that with the intent of shining the light instead being of a work of darkness, don't do it at all.

First of all, no one's doctrine is perfect. If you're offended by some point of doctrine, you may or may not even be correct. If you were, that only makes you true on that individual case. You cannot invalidate a ministry, whether they are apostles or prophets or whoever. It is not arrogant to state this if that is what you are.

You must realize if a bunch of people prophesy (the enemy sees a real anointing) and declares the plan of God, that very thing will become a target. Any success by the devil does not invalidate the work of God. Only the devil says this. That is his evil report. I strongly consider that you reconsider your position.

If Todd or someone else made a doctrinal error, then just call it that (assuming that is true) and don't judge the minister. That is unrighteous. That is your brother (presumably). What if we lined up your mother, father, sisters, etc. and dismissed them for their mistakes. What if you were treated the same way? If someone did that to my immediate family, I would be enraged, and since we're created in the image and likeness of God, I would think that He wouldn't dig it either. It's almost Christmas. I hope that you celebrate with a spotless robe and not with the mess you're espousing. I'm not flaming you brother, I sincerely don't want you to reap what you're sowing.

Second, the crowds who flock to the meeting seeking after signs and wonders instead of the Lord Himself.
People seek signs and wonders from the Lord (the only One who can do them within the love walk we're in). That's pretty presumptuous to declare the intent of their heart in this way. The church should expect signs and wonders. It was what the woman with the issue of blood heard, that made her seek the Lord as she did. It's the same way today. You flock to where the anointing is. Some places ARE open heavens where God sets up His own strongholds.

The judgment of the Lord is against this movement. Those who continue to chase after signs, need to repent and seek the Lord in spirit and in truth.
The so called "movement" is alive and well because revival is ALWAYS God's will. The judgment of the Lord is against sin, so we don't want to take part in that on either end. There's no room for adultery in the ministry, and there is no room for dissing the servants of God either. That's the devil's stock in trade. That's what the world does (the enemy within).

As for healing, yes the Lord does heal, but anyone who's participated in meetings like this knows that many who believe they are healed in the meeting, get home only to discover that their healing never occurred.
The enemy will contest your healing. He steals a lot of them. Some healings take time, but the anointing will accelerate the recovery greatly. If the devil comes in and gets you to agree with his lying symptom, the healing is stolen. Many times it is just like the parable of the sower. You agree and receive with rejoicing, but if the heart is not right, you have problems.
So what am I criticizing Lakeland for? That they announced and hyped healings that never occurred.
How do you know? Why do you care? Again, the enemy does this.Who's to say who was healed? Who's to say who got healed and then it was stolen? A number maybe wanted to be healed and just declared it in hope as many do. God will sort them out. He's not looking for someone to make those accusations. Just because we don't get the media to validate the move of God does not mean it did not occur. Surely you know this.

Todd compares himself to Wigglesworth, but Wigglesworth only did that once or twice and the person testified that they were actually healed.

If he did move strongly in the gift of faith, in this respect, that would be true.

If you get your eye off of ministries and back on the Lord, and not criticize His servants, you'll be happier and not draw judgment on yourself for speaking unadvisedly.
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Jan 1, 2009
Marital Status
-It doesn't sound like we're in the Spirit filled section at all. You mention having ears to hear, and then you go on and blast your brothers and sisters like they were not. Like they were or are not employed by the Father. You would have us dismiss them entirely (at least most of them) for being involved in something the enemy turned awry.​

You've obviously never read Paul and his challenges and rebukes to others claiming to be servants of God. It's not all happy, happy, joy, joy. Sometimes, shepherds need to protect the flock and chase off the wolves. And sometimes, like Paul confronted Peter, one shepherd needs to challenge another demanding repentance. Until they do, my position on them remains unchanged as it is a message from God, a prophetic call to repentance. I will not pull it back or repent, it is not me who is sinning here.

Rick's visions and dreams, culminating in his books are so deep it would take someone a long time to make them up. They are so anointed, they have changed my view of evangelical Christians entirely. Although anyone can make mistakes, or be put in a position where someone you stood behind was turned aside by the enemy, Rick has a great deal of wisdom.

Yes, I read everything Rick did until those supposed dreams and visions books.
Once I read them, I knew something was wrong. Later, I learned that he didn't really have a vision in writing them. This I knew already, but was glad to hear it. I could tell it wasn't a genuine vision since everyone in heaven talked in Joynerisms, phrases and a way of speaking and teaching unique to Rick. And there are parts that diverted from Scripture. When he later admitted it was more like inspired writing . . . he would sit down with a pen and just start writing, as his imagination progressed, his story unfolded. He never actually visited heaven, despite the impression he gave at first. It took me a few years to realize Rick wasn't the man of God and prophet I made him out to be. The deciding factor was his series of completely missed prophetic words. One was that in 1998, California was supposed to be destroyed killing 25 million. It didn't happen, obviously. People sold their houses and left because he told them to. He didn't repent when he missed it. I lost all respect for him and refuse to consider him a prophet since . . . that is Scriptural, when a prophet predicts something that does not come to pass, we are to ignore him. That's the source of my position to ignore these self-proclaimed prophets and apostles involved with Lakeland, they missed it. I'm keeping an open mind on Dutch Sheets since he repented. The rest I'm waiting for repentance before listening to anything more from them.

Patricia King has a very good ministry and God has raised her up and anointed her as well. I may not agree with every point of doctrine that anyone has, but I can recognize the anointing. The fact that you can dismiss a group like this is very telling, especially when you lump a very real move of God, combined with the enemy at the end, and come up with a bottom line from the pit. There's just no other way to describe it.

Do you realize that right before Lakeland, C Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Dutch SHeets and others in the NAR issued a public rebuke of King warning everyone to stay away from her ministry saying she has strayed into occultic teachings and spiritual practices? She rejected the rebuke of her elders. Now she's trying to convince people she gets green feathers from an angel named "Minty" . . . you can't make this non-sense up. She's one of the chief wolves in sheep clothing. I view her with Bob Jones and Todd Bentley as actually dangerous spiritually. They've stepped over into occultic practices and participation in their ministry can result in demonic oppression, if not worse.

If you get your eye off of ministries and back on the Lord, and not criticize His servants, you'll be happier and not draw judgment on yourself for speaking unadvisedly.

You have it all backwards, of course. Since God has asked me to warn the sheep in this way, I draw judgment if I fail to speak out and do what I am doing.​
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