What are your beliefs on whether or not it is oktomarry someoneofanother denomination


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Jul 1, 2005
I am glad you asked this question... My mother is SDA and my father doesnt go to church at all but he was raised methodist. Since my mother wanted him to go to church.. no matter what church it was, we went to church on sunday and the sabbath. it wasnt a problem to me becuase i was at church everyday anyways. it didnt to seem like much of a problem to my mother....

I also have a boyfriend that attends a non denominational church. so far it hasnt been a problem.. actually we talk about our different views all the time... his parents on the other hand are worried about it because they think he will be torn btwn my and their church.

Personally.. I am a christian BEFORE i am a seventh day adventist. so i dont mind attending other ppls church as long as what is being taught is backed up by the bible.
so i dont know if this is answering ur question but i feel like you should follow ur heart, make sure to pray about it first... and always remeber in a relationship that communication is essential to know how the other person is feeling.
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Aug 10, 2005
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Ok, lol--my 2 cents!! Marriage is tough enough. When two ppl come together in marriage--even though they may love each other greatly--a lot of baggage comes into that relationship too. Understanding the gravity of the Advent message, I think it would be very unwise to enter into a "mixed" marriage between and SDA and another demonination. We have so many beliefs that defy the main-stream model, that friction is bound to arise. Other ppl of different demoninations might be able to "get by" with their differences, but it would be most difficult in the case of SDA's. My advice to any young person comtemplating an SDA mixed marriage is--DON'T Do IT.
Blessings, Honor
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Jun 1, 2005
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honorthesabbath said:
Ok, lol--my 2 cents!! Marriage is tough enough. When two ppl come together in marriage--even though they may love each other greatly--a lot of baggage comes into that relationship too. Understanding the gravity of the Advent message, I think it would be very unwise to enter into a "mixed" marriage between and SDA and another demonination. We have so many beliefs that defy the main-stream model, that friction is bound to arise. Other ppl of different demoninations might be able to "get by" with their differences, but it would be most difficult in the case of SDA's. My advice to any young person comtemplating an SDA mixed marriage is--DON'T Do IT.
Blessings, Honor
I'd have to agree - not only because of the 2 Corinthians 6:14 verse but also the following:
Matthew 10:34 - Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
We know that "the sword" is the word of God - His Holy Word to use. If two people considering marriage together don't see the word in the same way they'll have no peace.
Matthew 12:25 - And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
Mark 3:25 - And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Luke 12:51-53 - Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
You see, the word of God, the truth of God, is sharp like a sword - it divides the truth from error, the wheat from the chaff, the righteous from the unrighteous. And I believe that in these last days, for I truly believe they are the last few seconds of earth's history, the sharpness of that sword is going to become more and more apparent. A sharpness that has the power to divide daughter from mother, father from son, etc. Does anyone here think a marriage is immune to it?

Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
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Aug 12, 2005
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My 2 cents again, for I lived it....DON'T DO IT. Marry someone who believes the way that you do, who attends the same church. If you don't, you are asking for even MORE work to make a marriage relationship a happy and healthy one, and that no matter HOW MUCH work you put into it, will still have a huge chance of not surviving.

Most will say, when their relationship is new, and they are leaving each other breathless from just looking into each others eyes, that "it doesn't matter what church we go to". Believe me when I tell you they mean it sincerely too...UNTIL....a baby arrives, or some other life altering event that sends one deeply into their religious roots and contemplation.

Honor is right. There are too many differences between SDA and mainstream that is BOUND to cause problems. As I have stated before, I could NEVER go back to a Sunday keeping church and be happy. I would always feel, in my heart, that I was disobeying God. I would have no rest.

As Honor said, marriage is tough enough as it is...you will GREATLY enhance your chances of not only side-stepping divorce which runs rampant today, but of having a blissfully happy marriage that truly does last til death do you part.

There is something else to contemplate as well....the odds of both people attending their own respective church services...and each one CONTINUING to go alone, are not good. Usually, one or the other will simply not go because they don't like going alone and fielding the "where's your husband/wife questions". Petty? Not if you are the one experiencing it week after week.

Honor, you are the one I usually turn to when I have scripture in my head and can't remember where I read it...I'm not sure I ever read this one, but I remember my father, when I was growing up, talking about how God intended us to stay within our "tribes" as far as marriage went. Did he get that from scripture? He always said, "God didn't intend for us to 'mix' in marriage".
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I was in the same situation -- being in love with a person who was not Adventist. My mother, while adoring my then-boyfriend, was anxious and wanted him to get baptized first. He did not want to be pressured. His family is mostly Hindu, although his mother converted to Christianity some years ago. She laughs and says she will not become SDA because of the glum looks on the faces of those she has interacted with.
We did marry -- actually eloped. My mom had finally given us her blessings. His family had no clue until months later. Yeah, not so wise, but hey. It would have been a nightmare getting together two sets of people. One with no dancing, no alcohol, no this, that, and the other; the other set with all of the above and more.
We have been together eight years and have two boys. He goes to church with us -- in fact he takes the boys when I am not going. He is everything but baptized. It works for us in this case and I know that others would consider it unwise to be "yoked" this way. Considering the available Adventist men at the time, I am glad I made this choice.
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Mar 4, 2005
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i was a JW all my life. My wife was nothing, she found GOD through a break away group of adventists. they encorporated alot of other bible teaching aids. "the purpose driven life" for example. She also brought me back to the body of christ. Those potlucks sold me. No it was the love and compassion and bible based beliefs of Adventists. I also don't folow any pagan worship Holidays EASTER (communion with GOD) ummmm yah . I dont believe Jesus took our sins he reaffirmed how important it was to keep the law of moses and HIS fathers decrees. Awww blah blah who am i typing too. God bless
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