Whassup with Ezekiel???

  • Thread starter James Clarkston
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James Clarkston

Anybody ever watch the TV show called "Shepard's Chapel" with Pastor Andrew Murray?

I've caught him a few times while flippin thru the channels and a couple of times I've caught him saying something about the book of Ezekiel saying something to the effect that during the millennium we will be able to talk to lost family members and possibly talk them in to getting saved after they've already gone to hell.

This has to be some strange doctrine. Anybody know what the heck he's talkin about???


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Apr 23, 2005
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I found this link to their last few shows: Welcome to Shepherd's Chapel - Broadband Files

I'm not familiar with them, but I listened to some of the 4/9 show and he's talking about if believers don't overcome by the end of the millennium, they will be part of the Great White Throne Judgment and cast into Hell, then he also said around minute 20 or 21, "Live in Christianity and achieve eternal life". A works salvation is no salvation at all.

I'm sure there's an ample supply of things to be concerned with over there.
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James Clarkston

So, all ya do is say the sinner's prayer and go ahead and live for yourself without letting God in to your life? Didn't Jesus say to some: "depart from Me you workers of iniquity, for I never knew you???"

Seems to me works does not earn your Salvation...but, we are created unto good works that we should walk in them, so there needs to be a better balance than what the seeker sensitive move is among many Christians is where the attitude is "I can live however I want cause God loves me and I couldn't possibly miss Heaven", and they frustrate the Grace of God by living like the devil and committing spiritual adultery by whoring after the things of this world.

Many today have no idea that we are in the world, but we are not supposed to be OF the world....But, that's a whole different discussion isn't it?

Anywho, just thought someone might have some insight on what is was he was talking about in Ezekiel that supposedly allows us to get people out of hell.

Maybe someone with knowledge of this will chime in eventually.
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James Clarkston

He just mention in passing a couple times when I was watching, that according to Ezekiel we will be able to talk to unsaved family members after they've died and witness to them to they can get saved.

I think he said Ezekiel 24 or 44. I don't remember which chapter.

I think he's confusing the time back when Abraham's bosom was still located in the upper regions of hell as talking about in the story of the rich man and Lazarus where they could speak across the divide between where the OT saints were and those that had been damned.

This has obviously been done away with under the New Covenant, so there's no such setup anymore.
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