Welcome to all seekers of God.

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Senior Veteran
Aug 2, 2006
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I'm just saying a hearty welcome to those who are coming in search of God. There is nothing more worthwhile pursuit of your time. I personally know God exists, but that doesn't mean I have all the answers. In fact there are many hard questions that Christians disagree on. We still all serve the same God and his son Jesus. The good thing is that the more Biblically backed answers we have that the more we can agree upon them.

The Bible contains God word. It is good and proper to read the Bible, especially the New Testament. Different people have different versions of the Bible they like. I prefer the Good News Bible because that is what God guided me to. So if you're waiting for people to respond to your question, and you want to do some personal research, the Bible is one of the best places you should go to.

Always remember that you have eternal life even if you should die in this life. You don't have to maximize your life to try and achieve anything in this life unless you're maximizing your time to be like Jesus and helping people out. There will be no end to the happiness and pleasures you'll experience in Heaven, so Earth doesn't have to be the place you live like a king. God always watches everything you do. So be good an honest even when it'd greatly profit you to be dishonest. God knows times of testing and will reward you later if you pass them.

In conclusion, God makes me a very happy man in public and secret ways. If you want to live the best life you can, live it as if you're making a statement of love towards God. God does reward. It just doesn't always happen fast. But if you give, do not do it out of a spirit of wanting something in return from God. If you give, give out of a thankful heart. There is a lot of things I'd like to tell you, but I think it could be lost on a seeker. Before giving up yourself to love for others, you must first know there is a God out there. If you have doubts that God is out there, then you may have reservations when helping others for a loss to yourself.

So seek God. He'll be impressed. Being praised by man is nothing. Being praised by God is of extreme importance.


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Hey guys :wave: This thread is being closed at this time. We want to bring your attention briefly to the following Forum Specific Guidelines for Exploring Christianity:

Exploring Christianity Forum
This is a forum where non-Christians are encouraged to ask questions about those aspects of the Christian faith which seem hard to understand or accept, and where Christians can enter into discussion with them on these questions.

We recognize that real seekers are looking for real answers, and the first reply given may be insufficient to achieve this. It is acceptable for the Original Poster (OP) to probe the answers given, and to continue the discussion on lines which help to clarify their understanding of the Christian faith. If another non-Christian seeker wishes to ask questions about the Christian faith, they may start their own thread. No more than one non-Christian (the OP) may post in a thread.

All Original Posts (OPs) -- the posts that start a new thread -- must contain an identifiable question about the Christian faith. Questions and statements that are direct flames or that imply a flame against Christianity, Christians, or any other group are inappropriate to this site, and will be removed.

To summarize: Non-Christians start the threads, with a question about the Christian faith, and Christians proceed to answer. That is, and will continue to be, the specified format of this sub-forum. :angel:

As a result, this thread doesn't quite fit the guidelines, so we do have to close it; however, staff recognizes the good intentions of the poster, we do want you to know that. :hug:

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