Verse of the Day.... Romans 12:2


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Jun 7, 2015
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It says to me the past is over and that you should worry about what others think. Today is a new day and a new beginning to be more like what God wants and expects of you.
This is the same for me , i know that i cant do anything about the past , but i know God loves me not matter what av done and that new start with God he forgives our sin through Jesus .
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Fading curmudgeon
Apr 29, 2009
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This is the same for me , i know that i cant do anything about the past , but i know God loves me not matter what av done and that new start with God he forgives our sin through Jesus .
Paul said in Philippians 3.13-14: "this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
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If you ever are fortunate enough to get the opportunity to take a class on the Truth Project by Del Tackett, you will hear this verse during almost every one of the 12 one hour lessons. Del refers to it as going into a Cocoon and he tells us that "transformed" would be better interpreted as "metamorphosed."
That sounds Awesome!!!
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.... only beside the Church and beside Christ we can find the way, the truth and the life. Christ, our God, is the only truth that exists.

...Christ, our God, is the only truth that exists... Praise to the Father!

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AMEN! And the thing is we often think that if it doesnt stick in our noggen then it must be for everyone else out there but not for us. But AMEN to the two of you because God's word never changes.
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It says to me the past is over and that you should worry about what others think. Today is a new day and a new beginning to be more like what God wants and expects of you.

This tells me that God knows the truth of everyone and everything and not to let others unreasonable opinions of us matter. That was very good for me to read Tishri.

This is the same for me , i know that i cant do anything about the past , but i know God loves me not matter what av done and that new start with God he forgives our sin through Jesus .
Sorry Im posting sooo much but your all confirming the truth in my heart too and I just want to say we all share the same hope put there by God. Its such a great gift to be able to share it with others today!!
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May 14, 2015
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If you ever are fortunate enough to get the opportunity to take a class on the Truth Project by Del Tackett, you will hear this verse during almost every one of the 12 one hour lessons. Del refers to it as going into a Cocoon and he tells us that "transformed" would be better interpreted as "metamorphosed."

I have gone through The Truth Project four times and I recommend it. Romans 12:2 tells us to renew our mind -- in other words we are to change the way we think. The Truth Project teaches us to view all of life through the lens of a Biblical, Christian worldview.
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Jun 12, 2015
Dream Killer

Have you ever had trouble always seem to hunt you out the second you try to enjoy any phase of your life. It almost seems like Murphy’s Law. The second you start to get a glimpse of a little hope at the end of the tunnel, you can bet your bottom “penny” not dollar at this point, in my interpretation, God will send the devil after you to keep you in check and under his thumb. I know that a lot of people go by the belief that God is always out for their good, but I have been “alive”, I am not going to say that I have been “living”, because this does not constitute to “really living” on this earth the way life should be. Without fail, I can go the entire year through with struggle on top of struggle, and the second I fight against it, to have better, to try and live better, here comes God, with either, some stupid sickness, some financial trouble, some personal people drama, or just crap that can only come from him. I know everybody wants to blame the devil, but if God is supposed to be all powerful, and the devil can’t live in the same sentence as God, then obviously the devil works for God against anyone that even attempts to enjoy life on this earth. God has let me down personally so much this year, it has just become expected. I went through years of trying to believe, all to have God playing with my emotions again and again. It almost didn’t matter what I was trying to believe God for, he never came through for me.

Now let me set the record straight. I am not saying God can’t or couldn’t do great things. I just believe that God has a personal vendetta out to screw me over as much as he can. It is exactly as one child sensing that God favors one over the other on a consistent basis. I know this is not the first time that I have written memoirs like this before. I really do think that God listens to the devil more than he ever would me. Sometimes enough is just enough. Every time I think my faith in Him might be coming back, he lets me down again and again. I don’t even think God can remember how many times he has let me down personally. I feel for everybody else that has been trying to believe in Him. It doesn’t make any sense. His word says one thing about Him, but we never get to that point that we can trust him for what he has said. How can we tell children trust and believe in God’s principles and beliefs and he doesn’t even back us when we try to live like you have stated, and you make us and half the people that I have run across that say you are all that. To no avail, what is the point. In the last year I have seen you let people die, that profess you as God, I have watch you kill people that say you are God, I have watch junk after junk happen that should not have happen in the earth, but for God it must be all Good. I have no clue why was I even born. I know God is infinite and time has no bearing on Him. But, why would you want to keep playing the same game with different personnel throughout the ages. Moses had questions, Job had questions, I am sure Isaiah had questions, why do you put us through crap and we never see you be the God you say you are on our side, at least once would be… If Simeon, asked to see proof, what about me. I know you don’t like me, but at this point God, I don’t even care anymore. You, God, have wasted so much of my life, what’s the point. There is so much more I would like to say, but you wouldn’t understand anyway, so as I said before, what’s the point. God I know you want to keep me in fear. You can keep your fear, I don’t want it. If that’s how you want to control me, go find somebody else to humiliate. I’m not up for being your shame toy, when I don’t do everything that pleases you. I think over time I have finally figured it out. If you don’t get what you want, you make sure nobody else can without you. God you call us selfish, but what about you? You let injustice continually run rampant. God, you let people create laws that you know are not right. Maybe you are the one inspiring people to write these laws so they help you keep us under your control. Maybe it’s not the devil, maybe it’s just God.
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Feb 21, 2013
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Instead of people preaching the law and shackling everybody to the Torah, today we have people picking apart the Bible and what it says, trying to apply their own (flawed) reasoning to its words, saying that it means this or it means that, and before you know it, you have several denominations arguing about things like Calvinism vs Arminianism, Post/Pre/Mid-Trib, etc etc when what we should be doing, is focusing on worshipping Him and allowing the Holy Spirit which indwells us to reveal the meaning of His word to us, instead of believing what other men say.

That would have been how my dad practiced it.
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Feb 21, 2013
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Dream Killer

Have you ever had trouble always seem to hunt you out the second you try to enjoy any phase of your life. It almost seems like Murphy’s Law. The second you start to get a glimpse of a little hope at the end of the tunnel, you can bet your bottom “penny” not dollar at this point, in my interpretation, God will send the devil after you to keep you in check and under his thumb. I know that a lot of people go by the belief that God is always out for their good, but I have been “alive”, I am not going to say that I have been “living”, because this does not constitute to “really living” on this earth the way life should be. Without fail, I can go the entire year through with struggle on top of struggle, and the second I fight against it, to have better, to try and live better, here comes God, with either, some stupid sickness, some financial trouble, some personal people drama, or just crap that can only come from him. I know everybody wants to blame the devil, but if God is supposed to be all powerful, and the devil can’t live in the same sentence as God, then obviously the devil works for God against anyone that even attempts to enjoy life on this earth. God has let me down personally so much this year, it has just become expected. I went through years of trying to believe, all to have God playing with my emotions again and again. It almost didn’t matter what I was trying to believe God for, he never came through for me.

Now let me set the record straight. I am not saying God can’t or couldn’t do great things. I just believe that God has a personal vendetta out to screw me over as much as he can. It is exactly as one child sensing that God favors one over the other on a consistent basis. I know this is not the first time that I have written memoirs like this before. I really do think that God listens to the devil more than he ever would me. Sometimes enough is just enough. Every time I think my faith in Him might be coming back, he lets me down again and again. I don’t even think God can remember how many times he has let me down personally. I feel for everybody else that has been trying to believe in Him. It doesn’t make any sense. His word says one thing about Him, but we never get to that point that we can trust him for what he has said. How can we tell children trust and believe in God’s principles and beliefs and he doesn’t even back us when we try to live like you have stated, and you make us and half the people that I have run across that say you are all that. To no avail, what is the point. In the last year I have seen you let people die, that profess you as God, I have watch you kill people that say you are God, I have watch junk after junk happen that should not have happen in the earth, but for God it must be all Good. I have no clue why was I even born. I know God is infinite and time has no bearing on Him. But, why would you want to keep playing the same game with different personnel throughout the ages. Moses had questions, Job had questions, I am sure Isaiah had questions, why do you put us through crap and we never see you be the God you say you are on our side, at least once would be… If Simeon, asked to see proof, what about me. I know you don’t like me, but at this point God, I don’t even care anymore. You, God, have wasted so much of my life, what’s the point. There is so much more I would like to say, but you wouldn’t understand anyway, so as I said before, what’s the point. God I know you want to keep me in fear. You can keep your fear, I don’t want it. If that’s how you want to control me, go find somebody else to humiliate. I’m not up for being your shame toy, when I don’t do everything that pleases you. I think over time I have finally figured it out. If you don’t get what you want, you make sure nobody else can without you. God you call us selfish, but what about you? You let injustice continually run rampant. God, you let people create laws that you know are not right. Maybe you are the one inspiring people to write these laws so they help you keep us under your control. Maybe it’s not the devil, maybe it’s just God.

I agree and I wish I was one of those faithful Christians who never questioned God and why. Supposedly, John Wesley did and so did Mother Theresa and that gives me hope. Even Jesus seem to had one very very very brief moment when he was on the cross.
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Feb 28, 2004
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I hear you and Im sure God does too and he can handle it. Go back to the Verse of the day:
Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Its a first do this, then become this and then this will happen.

The opposite might be true too.
Be conform to the pattern of this world, do not be transformed by the renewing of your mind. But then you will not be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
I hope this doesn't get you down. I hope it explains what kind of a rut we can maybe fall into.

God gave us the ability to be transformed and said it will happen just dont conform to the pattern of this world. That's it! "Step away from the pattern set forth by the world!" That's gonna be something special and different for everyone.

Be open is all Im saying. If the world is going to hell in a hand basket be that one person who looks up and looks for the pattern in God's word. Find the pattern God has designed not the one from this world we live in and let that renew your mind. At this point he's not even got your body moving....He's just saying work on renewing your mind first.....

I am not saying I know what your going through as I don't. Im just saying if it hasn't been tried yet.....
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Apr 6, 2015
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I agree and I wish I was one of those faithful Christians who never questioned God and why. Supposedly, John Wesley did and so did Mother Theresa and that gives me hope. Even Jesus seem to had one very very very brief moment when he was on the cross.

I'm of the belief that every Christian (or very close to it) has at one point doubted in God and the Faith, even after their conversion.


However, many of us (all of the true believers?) will come back to Him, when the period of doubt is over. I'm of the understanding that these doubts are usually demonic attacks from little whispers we hear in our minds that come from demons and/or Satan himself when he tries to lead us astray. He knows he can't drag us to Hell once we've been born again, so he will make sure the rest of our Earthly life is as horrible as possible.

He will use his world system against us; his demons will whisper in our ears all sorts of things that make us doubt our salvation, that make us doubt in God. He will try to tempt us to sin, knowing the Holy Spirit will convict us and make us feel regret and cause us to lose sight of the joy and hope that is in Christ. He will send unbelievers after us to cause us all sorts of harm in our lives, which is why many Christians are ostracized in society sometimes if they profess their faith. He causes Athiests to constantly test our faith, to cause us to doubt when they keep propagating their heretical views about the world and especially Creation.

All of these things come from Satan and his world system, and they are all designed to cause as many people to go to Hell as possible (unbelievers), or to make believers' lives as miserable as possible while they remain on Earth. If he can't drag us to Hell (because we came to Christ and accepted Him as our Saviour), he will sure make our days on Earth as much like Hell as he can, and he will not give up on attacking a believer until his/her last breath.

God allows this, because every trial that we overcome, we get that much stronger, and we bring more glory to Him when we overcome all of these attacks. He will not allow us to become tempted more than we are able to resist, and He will always give us an escape. It is up to us to see said escape and choose it over the temptation.

Christ defeated Satan on the cross, and boy is he ever seething in rage, to the point he stoops to petty lows of attacking those who chose not to remain in his world system...
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I can agree sometimes it seems the devil has us by the neck but before that happened where were we focused....

What was our mind being programmed by.

I know ....just this next week, for one week....identify and stop your focus on those things that were the world's pattern for your life.

Let your mind be renewed by not following the path bent for you by the world.

Lift your gaze toward the things God has been putting in your path to renew your mind (and for everyone its different). Smile when you identify what they are.

Come back here and lets compare notes. What new or renewed purpose has God shown you one week from today.
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2015
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
NET Bible luke 4:12
Jesus answered him, "It is said, 'You are not to put the Lord your God to the test.'"

1 Corinthians 2:16King James Version (KJV)
16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.
King James Version (KJV)
by Public Domain
Acts 17:28 King James Version (KJV)
28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.
King James Version (KJV)
by Public Domain
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Feb 27, 2015
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Thank you for the verse of the day. Perfect timing since I've been thinking about what it means to surrender to God's will in my own life lately. And that means still showing that He is Lord of my life even when things aren't going so well instead of turning away from Him.

I have had my struggles lately in a financial way. It just seemed like every time I turned around something new would crop up with my car...and sometimes it was expensive. Every time this happened I found myself wrestling with self doubt and worry. But each time God showed me something better when I let go and walked through the valley instead of trying to fight against the path before me. Sometimes that valley can be pretty long but I have to remind myself that God is always there guiding me. Sometimes I think things happen to teach me a lesson and sometimes I think they happen so I can be a witness to others.
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Gregory Thompson

Change is inevitable, feel free to spare some.
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Dec 20, 2009
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the new heart God gave me points at "pattern of this world" what comes out of the idea is .. do not conform to the pattern of this behavior modification world, do not conform to the pattern of this performance oriented world, do not conform to the pattern of this self destructive world order, but be transformed by adopting a mind that is completely new to the mindset of the world . use the mind of Christ given to you .. so you know what God's will is ... it is good pleasing and perfect . so it's not that hard to figure out . Just listen .
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Oct 28, 2010
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I know its a great one. What does it say to you?
It says not to engage in fighting wars of this world, but to wait until Christ calls his army of soldiers to claim this world as his Kingdom. Until that time when Christ returns, we are to use the word of God as our defense, that is the Bible.

Mat 26:51 And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear.
52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Joh 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
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pilgrim on the sacred music pathway
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...quote from Tishri1...
I hear you and Im sure God does too and he can handle it. Go back to the Verse of the day:
Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I have faith in God's Word and confess that...not the pain and confusion.

It is our faith in Jesus and what he has done for us that has given us the victory over worldliness.....Wow...what truth for those of us who have been born again.

Jesus is the person of God, and also the Holy Spirit is the person of God, so I have the person of God living in me, transforming me by the renewing of my mind.

The verse is great, Romans 12.2

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pilgrim on the sacred music pathway
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Jan 11, 2012
East of Manchester
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...quote from Tishri1...
I hear you and Im sure God does too and he can handle it. Go back to the Verse of the day:
Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I have faith in God's Word and confess that...not the pain and confusion.

It is our faith in Jesus and what he has done for us that has given us the victory over worldliness.....Wow...what truth for those of us who have been born again.

Jesus is the person of God, and also the Holy Spirit is the person of God, so I have the person of God living in me, transforming me by the renewing of my mind.

The verse is great, Romans 12.2

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