-USA News & Prayer Update (August 27, 2003)

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Swift Eagle Justice
Feb 27, 2003
Southern California
United States
Eastern Orthodox
Marital Status
Mark your calendars! This year’s International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is scheduled for November 9, 2003. To download some of our IDOP resources, click here.

Have a blessed week!

VOM Web Editor

Prayers for August 27, 2003
From The Voice of the Martyrs

In June, VOM reported that Pastor Gong Shengliang, founder and leader of the South China Church was near death. Now he has been moved from Jingzhou Prison to Hong Shan Prison where he is being kept in isolation in an effort to prevent information about his condition being leaked to the outside world. According to the latest report, sixty-three other members of the South China Church are also in prison and another five hundred are "on the run." Recent reports confirm that three Christians arrested at a house church service on July 13 were released last week. Three church leaders, though, including an 80-year-old man, are still being held. To read more on this story and learn where to send a fax of encouragement to the detained believers, click here to visit the VOM Newsroom.

Pray God will strengthen Pastor Gong and others suffering in Chinese prisons for their faith. Pray for opportunities to bring other prisoners into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray believers in China will be bold in their zeal and not intimidated by fears of arrest.

EGYPT <HR SIZE=2>(U.S. Copts Association)
One of the world's oldest monasteries was surrounded by over 300 police officers on August 19, with orders to destroy the perimeter walls. The police were acting on an order from the governor who said the fence was erected illegally, despite permits issued by the previous governor. The monastery, founded in the fourth century by St. Anthony, had been threatened four years ago by threats from militant Islamic groups. The government of the time authorized the construction to protect the historical site. In the recent confrontation, one monk was injured and three were arrested while attempting to block heavy trucks and eighteen bulldozers. The troops were withdrawn by an order from President Mubarak and demolition plans have been suspended pending a meeting between the monastery's bishop and government representatives. Read the compelling testimonies of Muslim background believers in Egypt in VOM&#8217;s new book, Into the Den of Infidels. Find out more by clicking here.

Pray the Lord will guide the hearts and minds of the officials at the upcoming meeting and the monastery will be protected. Pray the monks will experience the reality of Jesus' love for them.

ERITREA <HR SIZE=2>(Compass Direct)
More than 60 teenage Eritrean students caught with Bibles at a compulsory military training camp were arrested August 19 and subjected to severe punishment for two days. Military commanders confiscated Bibles from 35 Protestant students, put them under arrest and subjected them to severe torture. They, together with another 27 teenage believers, are reportedly locked in metal shipping containers with no light, high temperatures and a limited oxygen supply. Read the full story in the VOM Newsroom by clicking here.

Pray our omnipotent Father will move in power to release His suffering children. Pray the Holy Spirit will manifest His glory in all the Orthodox churches.

In the past two weeks, there have been new developments regarding a proposed anti-conversion bill. Previously, the bill was introduced by a relatively minor minister. However, a senior cabinet minister with significant influence has now taken up the cause, stating that he will be presenting the bill to parliament.

Last week the court ruled against the incorporation of a Roman Catholic ministry on the grounds that the Constitution guarantees Buddhism the foremost place and an organization intending to spread Catholicism is inconsistent with that guarantee. Similar decisions refusing incorporation were made in 2002 and 2003 against two evangelical ministries, ruling that incorporation of a Christian organization that proposes to carry out proselytization of the Christian faith is unconstitutional. Christian organizations and churches in Sri Lanka are concerned about the precedent that these court decisions will set in forming a foundation for an anti-conversion bill. Pray God will move the hearts of court and government officials to see the importance of true freedom of religion. Pray Christians will have the spirit of Christ in dealing with the government, the courts and Buddhist organizations.

VIETNAM <HR SIZE=2>(Missions Insider-Christian Aid)
Vietnam's persecution of evangelical Christians has left many widows without support, scores of pastors imprisoned for their faith, and more in great hardship. Mrs. N's husband was killed in 1979 because the government said, "he worked for an anti-government organization of tribal people." His widow serves as a deacon, but now is old and sick and has a hard time walking and doing the visitations. Mrs. T's husband was shot to death in 1976 while working in his field. Ever since, Mrs. T, now 70, has lived in a poor thatch cottage without enough money to repair it. Still, she works with the deacons and ministers to the women. Many more true widows live in great hardship and poverty. Pray the courageous witness of suffering believers will lead many to Christ. Pray that as Christians worldwide hear of these needs, they will reach out to their brothers and sisters in Christ.
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