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Fellowship True spiritual warfare (read the ruleset before you post)

Gregory Thompson

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Dealing with intrusive thoughts that are ungodly and aggressive.

In Romans 7 Paul speaks of a type of sin that is separate from him, it is not I who sin but the sin within me.

This sin that indwells the tent body of the born again Christian, tries it's damnedest to take on the identity of the person who is dead: the old you.

It uses your memories and masquerades as you, even tries to imitate what God does to throw you off. It's really in this game to win it. The prize, your perception of "who you are" and it wants to be part of that.

The sin actually wants nothing, but it assumed the ego of the dead person through the remaining memories. As this element matures, Christians begin believing that they were never saved at all, and wonder "where has God done?"

The short answer to the question is, sin covered up the presence of God, it got too big, so you can't perceive Him right now. If this is happening to you.

The bible speaks of confessing sins so God cleanses sin, so confessing sins helps. However, when sin matures, it becomes as death as James writes in his letter.

When a sin becomes as death, John wrote in one of his letters that people were not obligated to pray for someone when that happens. This is because, it fights back.

Many people mistake this for a demon, because also written in Hebrews is that death is the power of the devil.

The point of this is, sin becoming magnified in a Christian's life based on the law magnifying sin is the reason for the intrusive thoughts. A new phenomenon happened, so the carnal mind seeks out new information. For a while seeking out a church and finding a bible to read are the only things that matter. So you had genuine desire to seek God, the carnal mind also had genuine reasons to gather vital information about a new phenomena.

The thoughts are seeded into a base level of the mind, so to defeat it, you need to do some divine gardening of your own.

The truth is:
  • The activity is divine.
  • People may feel discouraged praying for you due to spiritual oppression in return.
  • You'll need to ask God and work on this with Him.
  • Since the issue is on a foundational level of the mind and heart, the solution may take more than a decade to start seeing results.
This is my contribution to the True Spiritual Warfare thread.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Before we get too far into the weeds on this, let me put out another precaution here,....I'm talking about actual evil spirits, not the flesh and sin. It is very easy for some people to get these subjects confused at times.

This particular type of subject is not normally talked about on here much, and for some people, according to the mods, they consider it controversial, and have tried reporting other threads as such before and shutting them down.

I don't want my thread to get off course here biblically and go in another direction, or turn into a debate where I have to close it down and begin a teaching thread where no one can provide input on it except in some sort of peanut galley thread.

Everyone knows something, let's just make sure we are talking about the same thing.
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Gregory Thompson

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Everyone knows something, let's just make sure we are talking about the same thing.
Just curious, if someone from a bad religion is astral projecting themselves and harrassing you "like" a demon, is this on topic?

Or is the discussion just purely about demonic oppression?
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Aug 12, 2007
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Just curious, if someone from a bad religion is astral projecting themselves and harrassing you "like" a demon, is this on topic?

Or is the discussion just purely about demonic oppression?
Well I'll eventually get into the more harsher spiritual warfare types a Christian can run into, like some of the witchcraft aspects you just mentioned there, but no, it is not off topic, we just haven't arrived at that point yet. I'd certainly be interested in your viewpoints.

I want to address some of the aspects of principalities next.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Michael's post had The Holy Spirit doing some teaching for me, and in some ways bringing some things back to remembrance.

Let us understand something here, your body is not a continual container of sins. Yes, you do have sins from your past that you will over time be delivered from by GOD, such as the case I mentioned about my smoking, but once you are delivered from it, you no longer desire it. It's not something there in your flesh anymore.

This is understood as sanctification, or considered a part of it,...

John 17:17
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
John 17:19
And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
Ephesians 5:26
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Thessalonians-1 5:23
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 13:12
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.
Peter-1 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and [be] ready always to [give] an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

In relation to spiritual warfare and the demonic, they only seek to bring you away from GOD and hinder your progress by trying to tempt you back into those activities you were delivered from. They know what you were involved in before, and so they want you back into it.

We must develop practices that promote sanctification in our lives, such as a habit of bible reading, prayer, and church fellowship, where the sprinkling of the blood is. We must do these things on a constant basis to have victory in our lives from our past. Those activities are not hard to do, but people do get distracted and pulled away from them if they are not careful.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Experience time,....

After I retired from the military in 2006, I immediately starting going to an Assemblies of GOD church in my area. In the military I did not have much access to a Spirit-filled church in most of the areas I was stationed at, so I was glad to finally have one that I could continually go to now.

At the time, they had a morning and evening service on Sunday, a prayer/worship meeting on Tuesday evening, and a Wednesday teaching type service in the evening. It was a decent amount of time around other believers throughout the week, enough to keep a person not just learning but also maturing.

Saturday afternoons I started going to the church with my bible and reading there in the parking lot for an hour or so. It was just a way for me to focus on bible reading away from the city and the internet.

One day while I was reading my bible in my truck, The Holy Spirit had me look up towards the entrance to the church, and a big size evil spirit was outside of the doorway, I guess looking in my direction and watching me. Some details of these things will not always be available to us as some of them can be quite hideous and fear invoking in ways.

I did notice some immediate things though,... It was of a giant size. It filled the doorway in height and width, and it didn't seem to have feet or legs that I noticed. It did have a head, but around it's head and and it's chest area were these much smaller spirits that seemed to be somewhat attached to it's body somehow while others would sort of orbit around it's head and the rest of the body. I understood this to mean it was a stronghold of some sort since the smaller spirits would move together with it.

It didn't take long before it realized The Holy Spirit had activated the discerning of spirits gift in me and I could see it, so it took off real quick out of that area. I immediately bound and cast that thing down in the name of Jesus. That thing was obviously not going to be allowed to stay at my church.

Services at the church were immediately much more free in The Spirit. Prayer and worship seemed effortless now, and much more connecting with GOD. The gifts began operating more frequently in all of the services. The prayer/worship meeting on Tuesdays was very uplifting,... etc.

This was just one instance of The Holy Spirit allowing me to see one of these things somewhat. This was obviously a demonic spirit and not a principality, but it was of a much bigger size than I would have expected.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Some observations,...

If you are moving strongly with GOD, ie, have a very active prayer life everyday, fast frequently, etc, the spirit world will know about you. They can be aware of what you know, how knowledgeable you are as a Christian, how much of a weapon you are against them.

What was a surprise to me at that point was that our church had something like that sort of hindering it's growth. I had no idea that something like that could be even there around Christians.

I'll try to get some more posts out here this week as I have time.
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Aug 12, 2007
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"This thread will not be covering deliverance as I don't consider The Holy Spirit removing a stronghold and it's followers from someone as any sort of warfare,..... it is a healing."

To be quite succinct, this thread is not about deliverance, nor am I talking about deliverance.
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Aug 12, 2007
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What are some additional tools to use in general spiritual warfare?

Well obviously, prayer is one of those tools, but not the type of prayer from your mind, the type of prayer from your spirit. Yes,.... you are way more equipped to handle and deal with such things in your life if you take that third step of being filled with The Spirit. Not only is scripture going to become much more understandable, but you will be given certain tools to assist your eventual spiritual maturity.

There are just some things that require a greater leading by The Holy Spirit, but if you are requiring everything to be run by your mind to fully understand it first on that level all the time, then you hinder what The Holy Spirit can do through you, as well as hinder not just your spiritual maturity but your ability to stay free from that spiritual oppression. If satan can continually oppress you, then your growth is hindered. Period.

Prayer is work. Every one of us should have a daily prayer life. We should be instant in prayer, meaning being prompted by The Holy Spirit at various points throughout the day where we begin praying by the spirit.

What about worship?

Yes, worship is required if we want to stay free from the filth of the world down here. You want holiness? Well, you better start cultivating a life of worship with GOD. I'm talking about our focus on Him, where we are reaching up before Him to touch eternity where He is, not the type of singing type of stuff that people call worship.

You should be able to isolate yourself away from everyone each part of a day so that you can prostrate yourself before Him in worship. We each need to be drawing close to Him this way or, just like how our prayer life can be weak and hinder our growth, you will be void of the everyday revelation leading by The Holy Spirit and the glory of GOD.

This is something that you must realize the importance in, something that you know to do to be closer to Jesus and The Father. We should have so much holiness rolling through us that we are a walking revival, and that only comes from GOD, you can't really gain holiness apart from Him. Your bible helps sanctify you, ie cleanse you spiritually, but it won't put His glory on you, He must do that. It's an entirely separate experience and tangible event.

There are other tools/disciplines that we follow, fasting and such, but these two items I've listed are very important in the Christian's everyday life, especially when dealing with spiritual oppression.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Spiritual Oppression

What is spiritual oppression? How do you know that you are being affected in such a way?

Spiritual oppression obviously comes from spirits. How can we tell that we are being subjected to this? Well, do you have freedom in prayer?? Can you go into prayer with GOD and feel a freedom and connection with Him or does it feel like a chore? Can you pray freely and worship GOD or do you feel like you are trying to lift some sort of weight upon you?

As a Christian you will be attacked in this way at times. Get used to it. The more that you can recognize it and bind and cast down anything trying to affect you this way the better off you will be,.... and the more they will leave you alone. The more that you can be a weapon against them the less they will try you. Word travels in the spirit realm, and they will not want to take chances with you.
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Gregory Thompson

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Spiritual Oppression

What is spiritual oppression? How do you know that you are being affected in such a way?

Spiritual oppression obviously comes from spirits. How can we tell that we are being subjected to this? Well, do you have freedom in prayer?? Can you go into prayer with GOD and feel a freedom and connection with Him or does it feel like a chore? Can you pray freely and worship GOD or do you feel like you are trying to lift some sort of weight upon you?

As a Christian you will be attacked in this way at times. Get used to it. The more that you can recognize it and bind and cast down anything trying to affect you this way the better off you will be,.... and the more they will leave you alone. The more that you can be a weapon against them the less they will try you. Word travels in the spirit realm, and they will not want to take chances with you.
That's true, Spirits have a choice to interact. Paranormal oppression is annoying since the phenomenon is instinctual in basis. Since both are invisible, a lot of people can't tell the difference.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Understanding what Demonic spirits are,...

Most people don't really know in the books that you read about this subject, but instead of admit that, they spout assumptions as if they are speaking truth about the subject.

Demonic spirits, whether named so or called by another name, such as unclean or evil, are bodiless spirits that seek a body. They are not Angelic spirits that never had a body, but are spirits that were previously associated with some sort of body in the past, hence why they seek one.

I am what people call a Gap Theory believer. I believe GOD remade the earth in 6 days instead of creating it in that time. Apart from aspects in Genesis which GOD used to help me understand this part of past history better, there are sections in other scripture books that do teach about satan and his fall, and the kingdom that he once had here. That's where I believe these demonic spirits originally came from. I have no clue as to what bodies they were originally given, but no where in scripture does it say that these things were kicked out of heaven with the angels.

So,... that is my best guess on this particular subject. I can pursue this more with GOD, and I might just out of curiosity, but nobody really knows with 100% certainty since scripture is silent on that part of earth's history.

Demonic spirits are the earth bound ground forces for satan, Principalities/fallen Angels are the overseers of territorial areas. There is a chain of command to some degree with these things, with satan at the top of the food chain, but demonic spirits are highly rebellious at times, so his army is not fully on board with all his desires 100% of the time.

I'll be going into Principalities next.

Since they are heaven bound, we don't normally get much face to face interaction with them, but there are some things that can be learned a bit about them.
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Aug 12, 2007
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The Lord reminded me of some things in relation to this topic, and I figured I would jot some things down to spark some thought,....

- Learning to be led by The Holy Spirit is a very hard thing to do.
- Waiting upon The Lord and learning to follow Him instead of jumping out ahead of Him (like most folks always do) is a very hard thing to do.
- Spending the time on your face before The Father wanting to be closer to Him and His holiness instead of anybody else is a very hard thing to do.

"Narrow is the path,..."

You better believe it is narrow, and that is because it's overgrown on the sides from hardly anyone ever treading upon it carrying their cross nowadays. Some things can only be learned from GOD, and He teaches by experience, meaning it's not going to be fun, and most people forfeit as soon as it starts.

That is exactly what satan wants,..... for you to forfeit and give up, turn your back on what GOD wants for you. Those trials and tribulations, your own wilderness that you will go through, is designed to put you in a position to test your resolve and steadfastness over a period of years.

Some things are very hard to go through with GOD. Everyone wants things from Him, but no one wants to pay the price for them. Some things have a very harsh price tag placed upon them because He has to see if He can trust you with them. You want something powerful from GOD? Well you're not getting it handed to you for free. There's an enemy that is going to fight you tooth and nail over it.

Currently,.....99% of Christianity fails the hard stuff with GOD. This is where we are at as a body.

Just some things to think about.

EDIT: I know this is somewhat heavy, but it is true nonetheless. Harsher things are on the horizon.
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What do we know about them? I fully consider them the fallen angels of satan. In fact, let's look at Ephesians on this,...

Eph 6:12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world–rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

This is the 1881 Revised Version text. I consider it very literal in all the books. We are talking about Principalities, let's organize this section of scripture differently,...

- against the principalities
- against the powers
- against the world–rulers of this darkness
- against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Every one of those statements from Paul is related to fallen angels, not people. For some that might be a real eye opener.

I speculate that most Christians will never see involvement with these things in their lifetime, but it's not like they will be hanging out in anyone's church. They are evil, and hang out in evil places. I'm not talking about being undisciplined and rebellious, I said evil, as in they plot ways to hurt people in very bad ways at times. They answer to satan, and do his bidding only.

The first time I ran across one of these things was just before I was born again. I had recently befriended a gal in a night club, who, unbeknownst to me, was one of the major players of a semi-large satanist group at Hawaii. This was back at the beginning of the 90's. This recent friend of mine was dancing on the stage in her night club, and the room was already dark somewhat, but it got noticeably darker suddenly, and I caught the glimpse and slight glimmer of something rather large and scaly walking around on that stage with my friend. I only really clearly noticed one of it's legs, the rest of him was just too cloaked in darkness to make out many details. It was large and strong. The atmosphere in that room changed immediately.

It just sort of showed up and left somewhat quickly, but I'm sure it was associated with my friend. I was not born again yet, so I didn't think too much about it afterwards, but that event did stick with me, and The Lord brought it back to remembrance unto me with very recent events.

I'll try to put my thoughts together on this more and share my experiences.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Principalities are normally considered territorial spirits, rulers of cities and such. For the most part, that is very true. They are overseeing a lot of the bad scenarios satan wants in our cities and such. Creating them in fact. They have a direct impact from the heavenly realm upon us. They are in allegiance with satan only, and consider themselves completely above us and better. They don't answer to us.

The second time I ran into these things was when our ship pulled into Rio Brazil. This was around 1994 I think, and I was seeking the filling of The Holy Spirit during our trip, and received it while we were anchored out in Recife, Brazil, which was prior to our landing in Rio.

On the ship, I would look for areas I could go to and get alone with The Lord and pray, one of those areas was the steering room in the aft portion of the ship. Obviously no one was going to be there for the most part of any day, so it was optimal for me to really get into prayer there.

I believe it was a weekend when everyone was off the ship visiting Rio. I was praying back in that room during one part of the day. At one point I stopped for some reason and heard some foot steps around me. The floor, or deck in Navy terminology, was made up of big stainless steel plates, so they would clang and make metal noise when someone walk upon them. I distinctively heard these metal plates making noise from heavy foot steps coming my way.

I then realized that I had around 5 beings of some sort surrounding me in that room. I looked around at them and could notice a few details, but I wasn't allowed to really see their faces. In fact The Lord was talking to me during this and said He didn't want me to see their faces because they could be fear invoking. He sort of hid their faces from my view, but did allow me a small peek at one of them, and I could see what He meant, they were hideous in many respects. Some of them had staff like objects they carried.

The Lord told me that they were the territorial angels of that particular area. At the same time I knew that He meant fallen angels. They seemed to become angry at me.

At this point I knew inside to look up and call upon The Lord. I spoke out "Lord" but He said, Lord Who? I then said "Lord Jesus" and a column of power seem to immediately drop down all around me in that place. Those things quickly moved away and were gone. I said "thanks Lord!" while enjoying that mighty boost in strength and love inside.

In retrospect, I think anyone who is going to be used of GOD mightily will come in contact with some of these things. Satan can pretty much figure out what plans GOD may have for each of us. If He's going to be able to operate through you in power, satan will do a lot to hinder and destroy that if he can.

The third time was very recent, the weekend of the 15th of this month, April, 2023. I'll have to think about how I can relate this here since it is very complex and very harsh in many respects. It revolves around people who were very hardcore satanists, that a really special friend of mine unfortunately ran into.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Been gone for a while, sorry.

Most of this year I've been involved in removing a friend of mine from the grips of a satanist cult. One of the top guys associated with it took a liking to her, and he and his wife began using witchcraft upon her, thereby dragging her into their mess.

These two people were satanists, meaning that they enhanced their witchcraft with demonic power. These two had even been granted a fallen angel from satan to further increase their crafts ability since they had been so loyal to his cause over the years. They both were very steeped in the knowledge of their trade, and used their abilities upon unsuspecting women. Yes, you heard me right, the wife helped her husband do this. She was a betrayer, meaning that she purposely left The Lord Jesus to pursue worshipping satan and his power. Yes, there are Christians who can be lied to and fooled like this.

Anyways, with witchcraft there are some methods that are commonly used amongst people. When you combine these methods with the use of demonic forces and their power, it becomes much more powerful against the target,.....that is until they run into a Christian who is also knowledgeable about these things, and knows how to counteract them. To be quite honest, they are not used to finding someone able to stand against them. A major majority of Christians know nothing about this.

Some of the tools of their trade you will find used against you or other people are,...

- Evil spirit persecution. Yes, it is common for people in witchcraft to send evil spirits against you to cause various problems on your job, you prayer life, love life, what have you, and you need to learn how to dispose of them. If you don't get rid of them, it can last for years.

- Love type witchcraft/spells/etc. Prayer is universal in this world, and instead of it being directed to GOD, it can be directed at people. Love type witchcraft can be one of the most dangerous tools they can have at their disposal. You can be literally led around by the nose in love with the very person using this against you,.... for months.

- EDIT: Projected thoughts/feelings. This is somewhat popular amongst those operating in this area. Normally these sorts of thoughts/feelings always have a persuasive aspect coupled with it. Our thoughts/feelings don't normally try to talk us into doing things, but thoughts/feelings that originate from another source, whether from an evil spirit or a person, normally have that sort of persuasiveness associated with it to tempt/manipulate you into doing something bad. Projected thoughts/feelings are also associated with love type witchcraft, to have you do things for another person, such as buy things or give money to a person, etc., all in the name of love.

- Hypnosis. This was a recent discovery I learned from them. The guy had some knowledge of how to use this to his advantage against women, and some women can be very susceptible to it. The mind is very much a battlefield.

- Draining type spells. I still haven't figured out why this is used so much, but it has an effect on draining a persons strength, and I suppose this is used to drain a person's fighting stamina out of them also, to maybe make them more compliant to suggestion or weaken their ability to fight against them. I've run across two couples using this so far, and it can be quite dangerous to a person depending on how they are using it. It can drain your very spirit to the point you need healing inside if you are not careful.

- Generalized witchcraft, meaning any type of it that can manipulate, whether to force a person to seek out sexual activity, pursue drug activity towards addiction, etc. There can be a myriad of different manipulations they can dream up to use against people.

There are some other forms that some of these people use, but most of them are just annoying at best.

One of the things you can find people of this persuasion using is drugs. This particular couple was manufacturing meth and selling it for profit in their area, but it was also used against my friend to try and get her addicted to it. It's always nice to have a person give you such things for free, isn't it?

So,..... with all this in mind, how do we start?

First off, you need a protective prayer upon you, and in my case, also my friend. This is a defensive portion of the fight. I always use sections of the Psalms for such things.

EDIT: I switched the section of Psalm 83 to after Psalm 35. It seems to work better this way.

Here are the sections of Psalms I use for this type of prayer on a regular basis,....

Protective Prayer:

Psa 83:1 O GOD, keep not thou silence: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O GOD.
Psa 83:2 For, lo, Thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate Thee have lifted up the head.
Psa 83:3 They take crafty counsel against Thy people, and consult together against Thy hidden ones.
Psa 83:13 O my GOD, make them like the whirling dust; as stubble before the wind.
Psa 83:14 As the fire that burneth the forest, and as the flame that setteth the mountains on fire;
Psa 83:15 So pursue them with Thy tempest, and terrify them with Thy storm.
Psa 83:16 Fill their faces with confusion; that they may seek Thy name, O LORD.
Psa 83:17 Let them be ashamed and dismayed forever; yea, let them be confounded and perish:
Psa 83:18 That they may know that Thou alone, whose name is YEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth.

Psa 35:1 Strive Thou, O LORD, with them that strive with us: fight Thou against them that fight against us.
Psa 35:2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for our help.
Psa 35:3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that pursue us: say unto our soul, I am Thy salvation.
Psa 35:4 Let them be ashamed and brought to dishonor that seek after Susan and my soul: let them be turned back and confounded that devise our hurt.
Psa 35:5 Let them be as chaff before the wind, and the angel of the LORD driving them on.
Psa 35:6 Let their way be dark and slippery, and the angel of the LORD persecuting them.
Psa 35:7 For without cause have they hid for us their net in a pit, without cause have they dug a pit for our soul.
Psa 35:8 Let destruction come upon them at unawares; and let their net that they hath hid catch themselves: with destruction let them fall therein.
Psa 35:9 And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation.

Psa 35:22 Thou hast seen it, O LORD; keep not silence: O LORD, be not far from us.
Psa 35:23 Stir up thyself, and awaken to our judgment, even to our cause, my GOD and my LORD.
Psa 35:24 Vindicate us, O LORD my GOD, according to Thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over us.

The pronouns and such are changed to fit my circumstance, in essence I tailor the prayer to my need. I use whatever translation that is most literal and best. I do look up some words to see if the translators really did justice to the section I desire to use, and will change words to fit better at times.

Some particulars on putting together such a protective prayer, you need at least two different sections of Psalms that are read back to back for this to work. You print this out on a paper and hold it up to speak it out in English, you then say to The Lord that it is a protective prayer for you and whoever else that you need. You must morning and evening, ie twice a day. Speak the prayer out loud in English and follow it up by praying in tongues until The Holy Spirit stops you. This is important, you must follow it up with your prayer language and you keep at it until The Lord says enough.

This is a very important tool in your arsenal. The reason being,...... once you say it and pray it, they can't use witchcraft against you, and in my case, my friend also. If they try, an angel will start stabbing them until they stop. I witnessed this over and over this year. I honed some of these things to the point of perfection with my two little guinea pigs.

I'll get into some of the offensive portions eventually.

EDIT: Updated some areas again.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Once you have your protective prayer in place (and you did it exactly the way I explained it), then we concentrate on disarming them.

Satanists are into demonic power big time. They want to be able to manipulate people to their advantage, and that requires abilities beyond their own, and they are the very thing we target next.

So how do we do this? Using the same method that Jesus did,...

Mat 16:19 I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

It's always enjoyable to have The Lord reveal to me how infuriating a person gets when they instantly lose all their demonic help they have worked to accumulate over the years. I love it!

Using this method I will state such a prayer out loud first,...

"Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind any evil spirits, principalities, and powers, associated with this person, I bind them and cast them down Lord never to be brought back up here and utilized ever again. I do this Father in the name of Jesus."

Then I follow this up in my prayer language until I have a knowledge inside that I have prayed enough. I will sometimes do this several times in a row just to make sure I got every single one that was helping this person(s). I will also say this prayer every so often just to make sure I get any others that they may have tried to conjure up.

Faith is the driving force behind such prayers. I know that I know that I know I can say such a prayer and have massive results against these folks. I just do because I have done it so much over the years. Faith is always the driving force behind such things. Some people such as myself can have very little limitations on how faith can be used in such situations, and this happened because I would try to put my faith into action, I would try to extend it's ability over the years, and by doing so it has become second nature to me. You could be halfway across the other side of the world doing stuff to people and I could reach you this way with ease. Space and time have no limitations on faith.

I can't count how many times I've used this method to my advantage, but it can also have various other ways it can be used to free people from different afflictions brought on by these folks, and I will get into those next.
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Aug 12, 2007
United States
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I wanted to first discuss some things that are important for Christians to understand in this sort of field,...

Psa 83:3 They take crafty counsel against Thy people, and consult together against Thy hidden ones.

Those Christians that GOD plans on using against such activities that I have listed in other posts in this thread, will be few and far between. They are the hidden ones that GOD uses to destroy the works of satan. Any person led into this sort of battleground will be led there right after their born again experience. Everything that GOD desires to manifest through you will begin to be taught at an early age by Him.

The reason why such people will be few and far between in this field of work is because not everyone can be that dependent upon GOD. Too many Christians are taught to hide behind their bibles, to never step out beyond what they find in scripture. A person of that sort of attitude will never be used in this arena. They are a sitting duck and will be stepped on by these folks easily. They are a complete target. All a person of such a caliber will end up doing is either giving up immediately from the start once they cross swords with some of these folks (and there is never just one, they come in pairs or groups), or crying their eyes out begging The Lord for mercy in the situation,... both of which satan and his followers will laugh at you over.

Just like Paul received his teachings by revelation from The Lord, you will also receive them this way. You will have a total dependency upon the leading and revelation of The Holy Spirit in your life like no other. You will seek to allow The Holy Spirit to have the pre-eminence in your life, not men and their opinions. There are teachings and understandings in scripture that The Holy Spirit will show you, yes, but there will be more that is applicable to prayer and faith that will not found listed in scripture that you are expected to trust The Lord with. This is why dependency upon The Holy Spirit and His leading are paramount in this regard, not necessarily your bible. Prayer and faith are not a completely defined and outlined aspect in scripture, meaning that neither has no real limitations associated with it in scripture, so yes, you will learn things that are not defined in scripture. You faith and gained knowledge will be greatly extended and exercised against such folks in these endeavors.

When I was still new in The Lord, I didn't know what He wanted me to do as a profession with Him, so I asked Him in prayer one day, and He responded to me: "Can you pray for me?" The understanding given at the same time was that of me learning and becoming a professional at it all my life. He didn't ask me if I could preach the gospel and spend all my time saving souls, no,...He wanted something much harder for me to work with Him in. Now granted, I didn't know that I would eventually be led into dealing with a bunch of bad folks in this sort of spiritual arena, but no matter how hard this has turned out to be over the years, I never gave up. When I was at my lowest point spiritually and satan had been beating me down for weeks trying to get me to forfeit, I would rise up inside and yell: "No! (I did use other words that I'm not allowed to write here)" and would seek The Lord even harder in prayer to learn how to combat the situation I was dealing with, and I was always given the victory because my resolve would be greater than satans oppression. I never gave up, and neither should you.

The growth and maturity one can experience in such battles is immense. You won't get that just because you read the bible or attend church a lot. Experience is key in all of this, not just book knowledge. Reading the bible a lot to maintain sanctification is certainly helpful, but a person in this field will not be some sort of academic. GOD will not allow that, He has things for us to do that He doesn't want us wasting a lot of time on worldly things. Degrees and certificates of accomplishment are a joke in this field. Men cannot teach you what you need to know for this, only The Lord can, and the learning curve associated with it is pretty immense. Your knowledge of Greek will not stop 27 people coming against you with their corrupt forms of prayer, all seeking to outright destroy you and your wife or girlfriend. Everything I know on this was learned the hard way, by trial and error since there are no real books on the subject.

I might cover some more on this subject later.
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