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Prayer Request To remarry or not to remarry? That is the momentous question

Remarriage is Biblical?

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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
United States
Marital Status
God Hates Divorce. God allows divorce and remarriage if your your spouse is unfaithful, or if they are a non believer who departs/divorces (since you can't stop them anyway). If they are a believer and have separated/divorced and are trying to reconcile then you should not remarry but work on reconciliation. I don't think that we understand how seriously God takes marriage. Even the Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 5:32 "It's a Great Mystery how the two become one flesh." Even Paul, who wrote a huge portion of the bible did not fully understand it. Unfortunately we live in a day and age where people simply do not believe the bible when it comes to marriage. Certainly when it comes to Divorce and remarriage. They just want to gratify their flesh. I have literally heard people say things like, "My first two marriages were not God ordained, but my current one is. I'm like "WHAT". They are calling God a Liar. I don't think you should do that. Their first marriage was ordained and the two became one flesh, and since they divorced their first spouse for non biblical reasons they are simply left to live in adultery and justify it however they can. How exactly are they not the unbelieving spouse that has departed spoken of in Corinthians. I know this is Hard, but it is the written word of God on the subject.

You drummed up an old post from back in Sept, and didn't probably read most of the content here addressing spouse abuse?
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