To Pastor's Kids


Dec 25, 2009
Marital Status
Hey guys.. I'm a PK too! And actually going through some rough times right now personally.. The whole hiding inside whats going on and what your feeling and you dn't really even know your doing it like one person said... I love being a PK but.. Just having a hard time personally right now in time.. and was wondering if anyone would mind throwing me a Private message and mind talking with me.. I'd appreciate it...

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Junior Member
Nov 26, 2009
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For me, the positive outcome of being a pk is that our family has miraculously had God's hedge of protection around us, from hurt, harm, or danger so far. Also, we were constantly in church services, around some truly good people, and were influenced by the fellowship, and hearing the word of God.

For me, the negative outcome of being a pk is that I was physically and emotionally abused by my father for 10 years, and my siblings and parents say I'm lying about the abuse. They are sacrificing me and my peace of mind of having the truth confessed, in order to protect the image of my parents, and enable them to keep their lies strong. The younger generations have unwittingly joined-in on this force against me, because they have been taught that I am lying about my parents, am a drama queen, and it's best to steer clear of me. This struggle has been on-going for over 30 years, since my father became a preacher in the mid-1970's.

The abuse I received from my father started in 1959, when I was six, and ended in 1969, when I was 16. It ended then after he fiercely beat me across my back with a belt, while yelling "Cry B----, cry!" and I was so angry at being beat for no reason, that I clinched my mouth shut tight, and took the blows, for the first time--refusing to cry. My mother and all of my siblings witnessed this, yet they deny that this, among many other incidents of dad's rage, ever happened. They say that I deserved every beating that I ever got.

From my life's experience, I learned that every one of us has the responsibility of accepting, loving, and getting to know Jesus, on our own. I also learned from observing so many preachers in their home lives, outside of the pulpit, that they are only human beings. They are not gods to be worshipped. All praise and worship goes to our Triune God. There are multitudes of wonderful spirit-filled preachers called of God, and there are some who are false prophets that we must be able to identify and steer clear of.
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Feb 16, 2011
Marital Status
For me, being a PK(or as I like to call myself EK, "evangelist's kid", since Dad is not a full-time pastor anymore, but rather an evangelist), there are a few things that I find to be pretty tough. I'll start with the easier things. The least roughest thing is, not knowing if you're going to be at 'your' church each week. This may be kinda tough, but for me, it was sort of fun. I enjoy meeting new people, but it can become kinda hard when your friends think that you're skipping out on church and just staying home, cause they don't understand that your family is going to other churches and your dad is preaching there. Another hardship is the people in your church always watching you and seeing if you're behaving yourself, because as a preacher's kid, you should be an example to the other children and should therefore always be perfect. Newsflash congregation, I'm not perfect, and don't appreciate living a completely sheltered life to the point where I can't even go to friends' houses without being made to sit and chat with adults cause my friends are doing things that you deem unacceptable for preachers' kids. The biggest issue is along that same line, and it is that everyone thinks they have to know my business and that they can make decisions for me. I'm in college now, and am dating a wonderful young man, who grew up in a Baptist church, same as I did, and is now in the military. Since I met him at college, my church family is constantly asking me and my parents about him(and my parents don't know him, so they make things up and make him look bad cause they got a bad impression of him thanks to a practical joke picture online) and therefore, even my pastor(who is not my dad, since he turned the pastorate over a few years back) is telling me I should try to do better and that I know better than to be with someone 'like him'. They don't even know him at all, and won't listen to me when I try to talk about him and tell them the truth. They just believe what they want to believe and that is that Ty is a rebellious young adult who hates the Bible and thinks that you have to work your way to heaven and that anyone can get saved however they want to, they don't have to believe that Jesus died for them.
Yet, the church people's own children are allowed to party with whomever they want to and date/marry whomever they want to, no questions asked.
That is my biggest pet peeve about being a PK(EK).
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