Theological Questions for Day-Age Creationists


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My church leans more towards young earth creationism, but I am having trouble believing certain aspects of it as I also do with Old Earth Creationism.
The problem with old earth is that it assumes some kind of evolution. If you want this to be theistic evolution then there is a serious problem:

Try to imagine a way that God could have intervened in every smallest mutation or gene copy error. He would have had to be a micro-manager in the extreme to manipulate each and every quantum mechanic interaction of every chemical biological reaction. Another approach is that each molecule somehow "knows" what it is trying to accomplish in evolution at each instant based on a master script provided by God. But molecules have no such knowledge. The only other option is miraculous young earth creationism. It's what the Bible teaches and it's the only view that makes sense.
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The problem with old earth is that it assumes some kind of evolution. If you want this to be theistic evolution then there is a serious problem:

Try to imagine a way that God could have intervened in every smallest mutation or gene copy error. He would have had to be a micro-manager in the extreme to manipulate each and every quantum mechanic interaction of every chemical biological reaction. Another approach is that each molecule somehow "knows" what it is trying to accomplish in evolution at each instant based on a master script provided by God. But molecules have no such knowledge. The only other option is miraculous young earth creationism. It's what the Bible teaches and it's the only view that makes sense.
It's possible to believe in a miraculous creation, and an old earth, and reject evolution.
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It's possible to believe in a miraculous creation, and an old earth, and reject evolution.
Perhaps so. But it's not possible to believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God, and believe in an old earth.
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Evolution is the anti-thesis of Christianity. If you can't believe God made the world, how in the world do you believe that God raised Jesus from the Dead, he ascended to heaven, and that you're going to go to a place after death that no one has any evidence of?

There is more evidence that God created the Earth than there is that there is a Heaven.

If you don't believe in Creation and believe in Evolution instead, I have real doubts you truly believe in Jesus Christ. Although, it may be that you are simply deeply confused.
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It's possible to believe in a miraculous creation, and an old earth, and reject evolution.

I guess so . . .

You just believe that God took his time between day two and day three. Took a completely unneeded million year break that wasn't recorded.

Ok, to each their own.
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Jan 26, 2013
When people on this forum provide scripture to you, they get back wild, unscriptural conjecture and speculation.

False. Provide an example or admit that your false view cannot be supported.

You have an ark appearing out of a vortex as your aviator, who can take that seriously????

It was produced by Niccto, an Atheist. It is his idea of what I showed from Scripture. As usual, unbelievers always get it all twisted up, since the firmament is what was placed in Lake Van, Turkey 11,000 years ago and it is more like a Submarine instead of an Ark. Beware of the thinking of Atheists, Agnostics and other such reprobates.
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Wrong ole false accuser. Lets look at an example. What DAY was Adam made? Was it the 3rd or the 6th Day?

In the King James Version its clear it was on the 6th Day with a more detailed account in Genesis Chapter 2.

Well I'm going to enter the fray as a Fundamentalist its simple a day means a day means a day, that is what the Bible says and so it is. Now as for the age of the Earth since there is clearly a conflict between the Scripture and Science, the Sacred Scripture must and I mean must take precedence and be considered Truth since its from God Himself. That isn't difficult for me and shouldn't be for others. However the exact age can be older than the Usher number perhaps its older like 50,000 years the Bible doesn't say however is that important if one accepts the Biblical account as accurate the dates don't matter.

If any part of the Bible is considered except if obvious like the Psalms or the Parables as non-literal and true where do you draw the lines you get into dangerous ground in my opinion?

Reference: Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 1 - King James Version
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Jan 26, 2013
Aman777 said:
Wrong ole false accuser. Lets look at an example. What DAY was Adam made? Was it the 3rd or the 6th Day?

In the King James Version its clear it was on the 6th Day with a more detailed account in Genesis Chapter 2.

Sorry, but that is not Scripturally correct. Genesis 2:4-7 shows that man (Heb-Adam) was formed (Heb-shaped) BEFORE the plants, herbs and rain of the THIRD Day. If you don't believe me, then notice that TREES (which were also made on the 3rd Day Gen 1:12) were made AFTER Adam was "formed" from the dust of the ground, by Lord God/YHWH/Jesus. Genesis 2:8-9

Adam was "created" by God the Trinity on the present 6th Day. Genesis 1:26 Genesis 5:1-2 and John 14:16 All of Humankind lives and dies on the present Day of Salvation according to the Lord. Isa 49:8 2Co 6:2 This is because Genesis 1:28-31 is prophecy of events which happen AFTER Jesus returns at Armageddon. The end of the present 6th Day/Age is future to our time.

Well I'm going to enter the fray as a Fundamentalist its simple a day means a day means a day, that is what the Bible says and so it is. Now as for the age of the Earth since there is clearly a conflict between the Scripture and Science, the Sacred Scripture must and I mean must take precedence and be considered Truth since its from God Himself. That isn't difficult for me and shouldn't be for others. However the exact age can be older than the Usher number perhaps its older like 50,000 years the Bible doesn't say however is that important if one accepts the Biblical account as accurate the dates don't matter.

Archbishop James Ussher dated the morning of the first Day/Age as being in 4004 BC. His absolutely incorrect dating was printed in the margins of the KJV of the Bible for 300 years until the 1950s. Ussher didn't live in the last days but we do. Only the people of the last days have the increased knowledge to understand the dating of Genesis. Daniel 12:4 Science agrees with God's dating IF you have the proper interpretation.

If any part of the Bible is considered except if obvious like the Psalms or the Parables as non-literal and true where do you draw the lines you get into dangerous ground in my opinion?

The Holy Spirit (The Spirit of Truth) authored the Scriptures from inside the men who penned the words. 2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

The Truths of Scripture science and history AGREE if you have the Holy Spirit to guide you into His perfect understanding (Truth) in the last days. God Bless you
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Okay another perfectly plausible explanation read this chapter and your verses and continue, God created Adam then after that formed the Garden of Eden and those are the plants and trees and seed plants being referenced not the general Creation of All Plants but a narrow one of one place. Where he placed the two trees and gave to Man and then later Woman. The naming of Beasts could easily be God made a bunny and Adam called it a bunny and this was done in a limited fashion by God not creating ALL Animals.

One can read that chapter several ways but a simple reading is pretty clean made Man, Breathed Into Adam Life, Raised the Garden and showed Adam the Animals of the Earth etc. I as a rule don't see a conflict its two events the Creation then the Creation of Man and the Garden of Eden the home given to Man and so forth.
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Jan 26, 2013
One can read that chapter several ways but a simple reading is pretty clean made Man, Breathed Into Adam Life, Raised the Garden and showed Adam the Animals of the Earth etc. I as a rule don't see a conflict its two events the Creation then the Creation of Man and the Garden of Eden the home given to Man and so forth.

Amen, IF you only read Genesis 2. In Genesis 1, the plants are made the 3rd Day, Gen 1:12 then the Stars on the 4th, Gen 1:16 living creatures on the 5th Gen 1:21 and man on the 6th Day. Gen 1:27 Now tell us which was the first creature made and I will show you it was Adam according to Scripture. Amen?
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Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 1 - King James Version

Man created on the 6th day.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 2 - King James Version

Creation of Man and Woman more explained, the creating of the Garden of Eden, naming of the beasts and such this taking place between clearly on the 6th day and after the 7th day.

Seriously they are separate and distinct save the minor crossover with Genesis 1 the 6th day and that was clearly the 6th day. He explained how the growing plants were watered by the mist from the ground its interesting but could be just that a small note since its important for the Great Flood later when God unleashed waters from above and below using His divine power.

I see no conflict Adam the first human being was made on the 6TH DAY.
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Jan 26, 2013
Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 1 - King James Version

Man created on the 6th day.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 2 - King James Version

Creation of Man and Woman more explained, the creating of the Garden of Eden, naming of the beasts and such this taking place between clearly on the 6th day and after the 7th day.

Seriously they are separate and distinct save the minor crossover with Genesis 1 the 6th day and that was clearly the 6th day. He explained how the growing plants were watered by the mist from the ground its interesting but could be just that a small note since its important for the Great Flood later when God unleashed waters from above and below using His divine power.

I see no conflict Adam the first human being was made on the 6TH DAY.

The only conflict with your thinking (and traditional religious thinking) is shown here:

Gen 2:4
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

Adam's Earth was made on the 3rd Day. Genesis 1:9-10

Gen 2:5
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Gen 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

Plants herbs and trees GREW on the 3rd Day. Gen 1:12

What happened BEFORE anything else was made as these verses are describing?

Gen 2:7
¶ And the LORD God formed man (Hebrew-Adam) of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Hebrew-Being)

Scripturally, Adam was formed by the Hands of Lord God/Jesus on the 3rd Day BEFORE the plants, herbs and rain and TREES, which also grew on the 3rd Day according to Genesis 1:12 Read the next two verses and you will see that Adam was made BEFORE the Trees, which grew on the 3rd Day.

Gen 2:8 ¶ And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed. Gen 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Adam was put into a blank garden where the Lord planted trees on the 3rd Day. Genesis 1:12 Amen?

BTW, Adam was "created" by God the Trinity or born again Spiritually, in Christ, on the present 6th Day at the SAME time Eve was "created" by God the Trinity. Genesis 1:27 Genesis 5:1-2 and John 14:16 It takes the AGREEMENT of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to "create" a New Creature in Christ. Amen?
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It's possible to believe in a miraculous creation, and an old earth, and reject evolution.

Evolution should not be accepted o rejected on the Bible. It should be rejected or accept on what science can prove.
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When people on this forum provide scripture to you, they get back wild, unscriptural conjecture and speculation. You have an ark appearing out of a vortex as your aviator, who can take that seriously????

All Bible believing Christians
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Its God that is infallible not the men of the church. I have confidence in the Father as Jesus did. Jesus picked true parts of the scripture and left the rest.

One can research the errors in the Bible as well as the dates the books were actually written or rewritten.

All the parts of the Bible are true. You are right, only God is infallible, not man and it is man, unbelieving man, who makes up the list of what they believe is contradictions in the Bible.

The natural man, the unbeliever, can't understand the Bible (I Cor 2:14) They see errors because they are Biblically ignorant.

If any of the natural men want to post t heir favorite ones, I will address them,
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Its better to worship God not the Biblical cannon which changed over the centuries.

It is a silly, untrue thing to say Bible believing Christians worship the Bible. We do not. The canon determined by the Protestant scholars has not changed from its original acceptance.
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I was spirit born 33 years ago. I can see the spiritual truths and human errors. I don’t worship the Bible as an idol.

We’ve exchanged post before, you force things into the Bible books that aren’t there in order to try to fix the errors. What you call discernment is actually a creative imagination.

Be specific. There are no errors. If you see some, it is based on your lack of understanding the Bible. Evidently you read the Bible. Do you study it? Do you ask God to give you understanding? If you don't you will never understand he Bible and what you don't understand may lead you to think there are errors.
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The Genesis creation story was an invention of the Israelite priest class for consumption by the child like minds of the average Bronze Age sheep hearder. They cobbled together preveous works and accounts to create the mess that we have today. It’s a false account of how the earth came into being along with the sun, moon stars and trillions of other planets and galaxies.

What is false is your invention of something you can't prove.
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