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The reason why Job had to suffer.

Dan Bert

Dec 25, 2015
Cold Lake Alberta
Marital Status
Everyone is predestined for the highest glories. Like every name is first written in the book of life at his creations...it is what we do afterwards that causes our name to be erased. I fully agree with the last sentence of your post.


Ah. Well that's not what GOD said

Those HE foreknew HE (actually) predestined to be conformed to THE IMAGE of HIS SON

In fact we are supposed to grow up into The Head unto the full measure of CHRIST a "perfect man" fit for every good work which GOD prepared in advance that we should walk in
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"Let not your heart be troubled"
Jun 9, 2016
United States
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So the two nations in Rebecca's womb even before she brought forth Jacob and Esau and even before Esau had done anything were really one nation?

Was Esau's works and GOD's declaration of Esau before or after Esau was brought forth into the world and had done anything?

Was Esau's name originally in the book of life but erased afterwards?

The Word of GOD does not say and mean what is written?

We need you to interpret for us what GOD really said and meant?
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Fading curmudgeon
Apr 29, 2009
Marital Status
So the two nations in Rebecca's womb even before she brought forth Jacob and Esau and even before Esau had done anything were really one nation?

Was Esau's works and GOD's declaration of Esau before or after Esau was brought forth into the world and had done anything?

Was Esau's name originally in the book of life but erased afterwards?

The Word of GOD does not say and mean what is written?

We need you to interpret for us what GOD really said and meant?
Romans 9 has a helpful commentary on the faith of Jacob as opposed to the profanity of Esau.
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"Let not your heart be troubled"
Jun 9, 2016
United States
Marital Status
YW; so often Scripture comments on other Scripture, to our profit.
Yes it does. And the "righteous" shall live by faith.

From faith------>to faith
From first ------>to last

What we began in is what we will end in provided we REMAIN IN HIM and do not "go out" from HIM

HE alone shall be exalted for HIS most excellent, unfathomable Grace and Mercy on the vessels (the jars of clay) HE has chosen

And not by our works lest any man should boast

Abraham believed and this alone was credited to him as righteousness even before he had been circumcised that is the outward works which were more the result of what had already occurred inwardly.

For what fruit can a branch apart from its SOURCE even bear?
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Fading curmudgeon
Apr 29, 2009
Marital Status
Yes it does. And the "righteous" shall live by faith.

From faith------>to faith
From first ------>to last

What we began in is what we will end in provided we REMAIN IN HIM and do not "go out" from HIM
Yes, and Paul to the Philippians says in chapter 1: "He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ".
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"Let not your heart be troubled"
Jun 9, 2016
United States
Marital Status
Yes, and Paul to the Philippians says in chapter 1: "He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ".
So that we will stand blameless body , soul and spirit. He who brought you into fellowship with HIM is FAITHFUL

It is GOD who sanctified
And it is GOD's will that we be sanctified in the ONE who sanctified HIMSELF for us
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Fading curmudgeon
Apr 29, 2009
Marital Status
So that we will stand blameless body , soul and spirit. He who brought you into fellowship with HIM is FAITHFUL

It is GOD who sanctified
And it is GOD's will that we be sanctified in the ONE who sanctified HIMSELF for us
Amen. Both Paul and John emphasize both the engagement of the three Person's of the Godhead in the believer's redemption; and also the fulness of that redemption, body, soul and spirit.
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"Let not your heart be troubled"
Jun 9, 2016
United States
Marital Status
Heal the sick, stop bullets and knives penetrating innocent skin, restrain abusers, and mentor people to be better... if I was God.
How? These are your children also who do these things in ignorance not knowing their Father's will for them is so much more and far greater than what they resort to in this poor shadow of the HOME we lost when we thought we knew better than OUR FATHER what was best for us
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Liberty, Equality, Solidarity!
Sep 16, 2011
Marital Status
How? These are your children also who do these things in ignorance not knowing their Father's will for them is so much more and far greater than what they resort to in this poor shadow of the HOME we lost when we thought we knew better than OUR FATHER what was best for us

What do you mean how? Don't you think God can stop bullets? Don't you think God can restrain a person?

I didn't say anything about hurting the offender.
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"Let not your heart be troubled"
Jun 9, 2016
United States
Marital Status
What do you mean how? Don't you think God can stop bullets? Don't you think God can restrain a person?

I didn't say anything about hurting the offender.
Will HE eventually have to at some final point judge the offender who HE keeps restraining?

And when HE judges., what will the final outcome be for that man whom HE restrained?
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Dan Bert

Dec 25, 2015
Cold Lake Alberta
Marital Status
That question deals with both the Flesh line and the Spiritual Line. Before we were born on the earth we were in heaven. As John said no one can RETURN to heaven if he did not come from there in the first place. That is why we say when we are about to die,,,,I am going home. This is inner truth. We were not told directly in the bible that we existed in heaven or that the Earth experience is our schooling to prepare us for what lies ahead. But this Inner truth has survived time. We often speak of heaven as our Home and that we are returning to it. Abraham lived in tents because he did not view this place as his home. For him to build a house and live in it would be to say...this world is his home. (Heb chapt 11 is on faith)

The Races were created by GOD to go with the Spiritual lines. By our actions and words in heaven we made these different Spiritual lines and to reflect them on the earth GOD made races and put the Appropriate Spirit where it belongs according to his deeds and level of obedience in heaven. Where, when and to whom we are born to is not an accident or luck of the draw.

Now to go back to your question concerning two nations. the Problems we are having with Radical Muslims is a direct consequence of two women meddling in things that belong to men. Rebecca and Sarah. Again GOD allowed it for our own good. Concerning Esau son of Rebecca who lost his birthright and blessing to the subterfuge of Jacob by Rebecca. Here are the words of GOD...

Genesis 27:40 - And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

The sons of Esau have broken the Yoke of Israel from their neck. Israel will suffer some more.

Ishmael son Abraham by his handmaiden given to him by Sarah.
Genesis 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

As you can see there can be no peace with the Muslims. Spiritually as a people Esau hates Israel and seeks her destruction and the Sons of Ishmael who also shall be many nations his hand will be against every man, and every man's against him.

This cannot be changed unless the Muslims turn to Christ. Understanding the Spiritual background behind the stories of the bible help us to understand the world as it really is today (and the truth right now is politically incorrect) and what is going to happen next. Every race have different strengths and weaknesses, loves and hates. The only thing that can change the destiny of a race is accepting Jesus Christ not just as a prophet but also as the Son of God and Savior of those who shall repent.

According to scriptures some of the lines of these people will be ended in great destruction.


So the two nations in Rebecca's womb even before she brought forth Jacob and Esau and even before Esau had done anything were really one nation?

Was Esau's works and GOD's declaration of Esau before or after Esau was brought forth into the world and had done anything?

Was Esau's name originally in the book of life but erased afterwards?

The Word of GOD does not say and mean what is written?

We need you to interpret for us what GOD really said and meant?
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"Let not your heart be troubled"
Jun 9, 2016
United States
Marital Status
That question deals with both the Flesh line and the Spiritual Line. Before we were born on the earth we were in heaven. As John said no one can RETURN to heaven if he did not come from there in the first place. That is why we say when we are about to die,,,,I am going home. This is inner truth. We were not told directly in the bible that we existed in heaven or that the Earth experience is our schooling to prepare us for what lies ahead. But this Inner truth has survived time. We often speak of heaven as our Home and that we are returning to it. Abraham lived in tents because he did not view this place as his home. For him to build a house and live in it would be to say...this world is his home. (Heb chapt 11 is on faith)

The Races were created by GOD to go with the Spiritual lines. By our actions and words in heaven we made these different Spiritual lines and to reflect them on the earth GOD made races and put the Appropriate Spirit where it belongs according to his deeds and level of obedience in heaven. Where, when and to whom we are born to is not an accident or luck of the draw.

Now to go back to your question concerning two nations. the Problems we are having with Radical Muslims is a direct consequence of two women meddling in things that belong to men. Rebecca and Sarah. Again GOD allowed it for our own good. Concerning Esau son of Rebecca who lost his birthright and blessing to the subterfuge of Jacob by Rebecca. Here are the words of GOD...

Genesis 27:40 - And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

The sons of Esau have broken the Yoke of Israel from their neck. Israel will suffer some more.

Ishmael son Abraham by his handmaiden given to him by Sarah.
Genesis 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

As you can see there can be no peace with the Muslims. Spiritually as a people Esau hates Israel and seeks her destruction and the Sons of Ishmael who also shall be many nations his hand will be against every man, and every man's against him.

This cannot be changed unless the Muslims turn to Christ. Understanding the Spiritual background behind the stories of the bible help us to understand the world as it really is today (and the truth right now is politically incorrect) and what is going to happen next. Every race have different strengths and weaknesses, loves and hates. The only thing that can change the destiny of a race is accepting Jesus Christ not just as a prophet but also as the Son of God and Savior of those who shall repent.

According to scriptures some of the lines of these people will be ended in great destruction.


When John testified that no man came down from heaven but the ONE who is in heaven, even the Son of Man, John was never talking about us
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Bread is Blessed & Broken Wine is Blessed & Poured
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That question deals with both the Flesh line and the Spiritual Line. Before we were born on the earth we were in heaven. As John said no one can RETURN to heaven if he did not come from there in the first place. That is why we say when we are about to die,,,,I am going home. This is inner truth. We were not told directly in the bible that we existed in heaven or that the Earth experience is our schooling to prepare us for what lies ahead. But this Inner truth has survived time. We often speak of heaven as our Home and that we are returning to it. Abraham lived in tents because he did not view this place as his home. For him to build a house and live in it would be to say...this world is his home. (Heb chapt 11 is on faith)

The Races were created by GOD to go with the Spiritual lines. By our actions and words in heaven we made these different Spiritual lines and to reflect them on the earth GOD made races and put the Appropriate Spirit where it belongs according to his deeds and level of obedience in heaven. Where, when and to whom we are born to is not an accident or luck of the draw.

Now to go back to your question concerning two nations. the Problems we are having with Radical Muslims is a direct consequence of two women meddling in things that belong to men. Rebecca and Sarah. Again GOD allowed it for our own good. Concerning Esau son of Rebecca who lost his birthright and blessing to the subterfuge of Jacob by Rebecca. Here are the words of GOD...

Genesis 27:40 - And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

The sons of Esau have broken the Yoke of Israel from their neck. Israel will suffer some more.

Ishmael son Abraham by his handmaiden given to him by Sarah.
Genesis 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

As you can see there can be no peace with the Muslims. Spiritually as a people Esau hates Israel and seeks her destruction and the Sons of Ishmael who also shall be many nations his hand will be against every man, and every man's against him.

This cannot be changed unless the Muslims turn to Christ. Understanding the Spiritual background behind the stories of the bible help us to understand the world as it really is today (and the truth right now is politically incorrect) and what is going to happen next. Every race have different strengths and weaknesses, loves and hates. The only thing that can change the destiny of a race is accepting Jesus Christ not just as a prophet but also as the Son of God and Savior of those who shall repent.

According to scriptures some of the lines of these people will be ended in great destruction.

Are you telling me that Job had to suffer because Abraham had a fling with the servant girl?
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"Let not your heart be troubled"
Jun 9, 2016
United States
Marital Status
That question deals with both the Flesh line and the Spiritual Line. Before we were born on the earth we were in heaven. As John said no one can RETURN to heaven if he did not come from there in the first place. That is why we say when we are about to die,,,,I am going home. This is inner truth. We were not told directly in the bible that we existed in heaven or that the Earth experience is our schooling to prepare us for what lies ahead. But this Inner truth has survived time. We often speak of heaven as our Home and that we are returning to it. Abraham lived in tents because he did not view this place as his home. For him to build a house and live in it would be to say...this world is his home. (Heb chapt 11 is on faith)

The Races were created by GOD to go with the Spiritual lines. By our actions and words in heaven we made these different Spiritual lines and to reflect them on the earth GOD made races and put the Appropriate Spirit where it belongs according to his deeds and level of obedience in heaven. Where, when and to whom we are born to is not an accident or luck of the draw.

Now to go back to your question concerning two nations. the Problems we are having with Radical Muslims is a direct consequence of two women meddling in things that belong to men. Rebecca and Sarah. Again GOD allowed it for our own good. Concerning Esau son of Rebecca who lost his birthright and blessing to the subterfuge of Jacob by Rebecca. Here are the words of GOD...

Genesis 27:40 - And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

The sons of Esau have broken the Yoke of Israel from their neck. Israel will suffer some more.

Ishmael son Abraham by his handmaiden given to him by Sarah.
Genesis 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

As you can see there can be no peace with the Muslims. Spiritually as a people Esau hates Israel and seeks her destruction and the Sons of Ishmael who also shall be many nations his hand will be against every man, and every man's against him.

This cannot be changed unless the Muslims turn to Christ. Understanding the Spiritual background behind the stories of the bible help us to understand the world as it really is today (and the truth right now is politically incorrect) and what is going to happen next. Every race have different strengths and weaknesses, loves and hates. The only thing that can change the destiny of a race is accepting Jesus Christ not just as a prophet but also as the Son of God and Savior of those who shall repent.

According to scriptures some of the lines of these people will be ended in great destruction.


You are right. It is based on flesh vs spirit. But you have confused the sons of Esau as the sons of Israel?

Not so

As it is Jacob that GOD called and renamed "Istael" continuing to show that it is based on GOD's call alone

And Esau has no share with Jacob/Israel nor is he counted in the 12 tribes of Israel.

In fact Jacob, setting out to reconcile with his brother Esau noted that Esau did not even acknowledge GOD. So instead of joining Esau (Or even giving any of his flock to Esau) Jacob told Esau to "run along ahead and he would catch up with him" and instead actually separated his flocks from his brothers and did not join him but went a separate way

You ask why?

Read the story again and you will find that Esau was enamored by the many riches that Jacob also had and wanted to know where he had gotten all these things

Already showing Jacob that Esau had no awareness of GOD and did not acknowledge HIM as the giver of all these little meaningless things that apart from GOD are nothing
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Happy Cat
Jun 14, 2005
Marital Status
Job isn't a real person, as the story is an allegory.

The point of the book of Job is to point out that good people suffer, which was a departure from the idea of the time that people suffered because of the sins of their ancestors.

Job also puts forth the idea that those who suffer and do not turn against God somehow exalts God, but I've never bought it.
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