The deep things of God….

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
1 Corinthians 2:10 (NKJV)
But God has revealed [them] to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

The deep things of God, how can one know when one has or is entering into the deep things of God…?

There can only be one answer to this inquiry and that is to the degree one sees, enters into and walks in righteousness, to that degree has one entered into the deep things of God….

For righteousness is the deepest depths of God, as one search’s deeper into God, one sees and walks in righteousness the more, and the more deeper will that one’s experience of God be…

For this is our salvation in Christ, that we, the believing soul might walk in righteousness…. God has opened the door, those that by faith find it will be pillars in the house of God…. For Christ did die and took all to death with Him, those that are willing to enter into His death with Him by faith and deny all of themselves will experience God as God would have them experience Him…. Then the scripture that says ‘according to the power that works within us’ takes its proper place and all becomes second to that power of that new life growing in one….

For the just shall live by faith are not just by and by words that mean something, but not quite exactly clear, but are an exacting path forward to all that will venture to embrace their death in Christ by faith…. Then faith, then trusting God becomes one’s all, and then most assuredly the just shall live by faith becomes a living reality and those words also take their proper place…..

Be blessed all that would walk in righteousness and enter into the deep things of God….

A fellow follower of His, Not me
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