The consequences of not doing evangelism in public


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Dec 2, 2021
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I believe that the body of Christ in its actions, or lack of action, are giving the unbelievers evidence that our God is not real. Our lack of evangelism gives them the evidence.
If you saw a house on fire, you would yell and warn the people inside. You would not let it be on your conscience that you did nothing. Your belief that they will die, will drive you to do something. Likewise, if you truly believe in an everlasting punishment for unbelievers, you will warn everyone you saw. But our absence of action shows our level of belief; and the lost see this. So, our lack of proclaiming the Gospel gives the unbelievers evidence that we ourselves do not truly believe.

I heard a statement from Jordan Peterson about belief. It is a statement I have used on these forums a couple of times. The summation of the statement is that, if you believe something, then you will act in accordance with your belief. Then if what you say and act out match each other, then you are a trustworthy person. So here is the quote:
"Is what you believe, what you say, or, what you act out? In truth, what you believe, is what you act out. But if you are a person of character, then what you say and what you act out are the same thing and then your word can be trusted. So, belief is substantiated in action." Jordan Peterson

Now unfortunately, I have heard Christians say that, if we preach on a street corner or go into the parks and evangelise, in this day and age, then, we will look like an idiot. They say, it is not what we do now. And sadly, this in a way is true. People look at a person preaching on a street corner and think to themselves, "Look at this idiot. He actually believes in what he says.". This is very sad.
When a believer finally does get up and tell the truth, people look at him and scoff. But in reality, this believer is doing what he should be, and he is showing his level of belief.
If more people were doing this, then the preacher would not look like such a fool. If many were proclaiming, then people would then think "Why do all these people believe? Is there something to this belief?" If many people proclaimed, then the evidence would be that the church actually does believe in what is written in the Bible.

If we truly believe that Jesus died for us and we have put our faith in His sacrifice, then because we believe, we should act in accordance with this belief. Our actions will not save us, but they are a result of being saved and truly believing.
So, knowing that the lost will perish in a terrible way, are we willing to risk it all to save them? Will our actions match our belief?

"What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? In the same way, faith also, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you willing to acknowledge, you foolish person, that faith without works is useless? Was our father Abraham not justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “And Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called a friend of God. You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. In the same way, was Rahab the prostitute not justified by works also when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." James 2:14-26

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." Ephesians 2:8-10
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Jul 4, 2023
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Three main parts to this.

i - The meejuh are doing "it" for us - megavangelists, telepastors, parachurch stars, big earners with little to say.

ii - We aren't convinced because we know what we've been told to say to each other - let alone outsiders, newcomers or enquirers - is inadequate, but got shamed by elders with hotlines to the aforementioned when we asked about that.

iii - A major part of this is deleting from the gospel any teaching about Holy Spirit gifts unvetoed, which were the purpose of Ascension.

Some people seem attracted by soul effort of moralism but it is probably something else that is drawing them.

Do i christians, ii christian leaders, iii the public know what "kingdom of heaven" means? Do they know what Jesus is going to judge?

In a new apostolic denomination I used to attend, a lady had the gift to evangelise at bus stops and when she brought them to church the church said they had to wait till the generic (and dull) "introductory sessions" months off before they could "know" anything.

At the same church a mentally handicapped but intelligent sometimes addict was brought by his good girlfriend to church and I pointed them out to an elder (I wasn't gifted at introductions but I knew that the elder knew people that knew them) who said "they'll engage when they want to" when he could see they were engaging already.

In the same church again our senior elder compulsively ultimatumed the other elders about every 6 years and around 50 people would leave the church every time. (I wasn't told what the row I witnessed was about. After I was told "the nasty people have left" - by their best preacher - a good preacher, a lady - I left.) We had spiritual gifts and somehow the situation would be engineered to ensure they went to waste.

My senior elder's mentor kept publicly involving himself in others' scandals inappropriately (out of clericalism) and has written boring books. An intermediate leader would mention connections I didn't like the sound of.

In another of my denominations a church was affiliated to some bossy and immature international missionaries and excitable commercialised camps with dubious theology (and personalities rumbled for their conduct but not of course their theology). I would get frisked by married women I didn't know as I came in the door.

My helpful suggestion about amplification there was rejected - which also happened at another of the same denomination as that one, where a man did nasty things to everybody's hands at the door and they also attended those superficial camps.

The pastors of both those got suspended after I left and I partly blame the "leadership teams" for maintaining a bad ferment and helping bring them down and hindering us.

All three churches were "famed for evangelising", which they weren't doing apart from occasional spurned individuals and ignoring those approaching if they didn't fit the desired demographic.

So to evangelise we have got to have a whole gospel of the whole of Jesus' teachings and then we have got to develop our belief in it.

And before that we need to supplicate, probably alone. Daniel 9: 3-21 repents for the failings of his forebears and betters.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Hi my bother.. I understand what your saying :) You keep saying "our". See for me its not what others are doing or not doing.. if they are people say under me that I watch over I can say this to them but its not what they are doing or not doing what I'm I doing. He is the one that sends anyone.

We do tend to go where we were never sent. If He only knows the heart if He is the only one that draws them to Himself... Yeah we tend to think we do the work. we must say something to get them to believe. Not how this works. He does no need us to get His creation saved. He choose to use us praise GOD. Its why I would will pray really pray before I go.. to make sure its where He wants where He knows the hearts are ready. See if I go where I am not sent I can do more harm than good. Some will disagree praise God so.. for me in that case its like Paul said.. at least the gospel is being preached.

One could also say there are many out there that push more away from Him. There are those going on and on about how evil wicked you are and you are going to (Forgive me Father) burn in hell! Then the next line oh Jesus loves you. What if we talked to them as if Christ never came to condemn them just to save them. Its why He cried in the streets not using fear doubt. Sorry getting lost here haha.

Facts are facts.. and the laborers are few. How we say things matter
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2021
New Zealand
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Hi my bother.. I understand what your saying :) You keep saying "our". See for me its not what others are doing or not doing.. if they are people say under me that I watch over I can say this to them but its not what they are doing or not doing what I'm I doing. He is the one that sends anyone.
Marks 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.
We have all been sent. So, it is our commission that he has given all of us.
The Holy Spirit was given to us that that we would be witnesses throughout the world.
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth." Acts 1:8
We do tend to go where we were never sent.
We have been sent to go everywhere and preach to whoever we can.
One could also say there are many out there that push more away from Him. .....Facts are facts.. and the laborers are few. How we say things matter
I agree. There are those that have not been taught how to share the Gospel. The churches are not equipping people on how to speak and so therefore some believers go out and try to do it by themselves and they can do it in a bad way. In saying this, the unbelievers are condemned, but we should not be condemning them ourselves. We are to show them their sin and tell them what the wages of sin is, but we need to do it in a way that is respectful. Then once they understand their sin, we are to show them Gods great sacrifice.

Overall, we have all been called. We are not doing it. The fact that we are not doing it, shows that we either do not love our God enough to obey Him, or we do not love our neighbour enough to warn them, or we do not truly believe that they will be condemned.

NOTE: I also believe that there are some believers who want to get out there but do not know how to do it. This is where the church should be equipping them. If you are one of these people, jump on Youtube and watch the Living Waters. They have a great technique that is biblical, and it is a good starting place for evangelism. Then write down and copy what they do on the channel.
This is what I do: The Great Chocolate Evangelizing trick - This works.
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Lost Witness

Ezekiel 3:3 ("Change")
Nov 10, 2022
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Marks 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.
We have all been sent. So, it is our commission that he has given all of us.
The Holy Spirit was given to us that that we would be witnesses throughout the world.
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth." Acts 1:8

We have been sent to go everywhere and preach to whoever we can.

I agree. There are those that have not been taught how to share the Gospel. The churches are not equipping people on how to speak and so therefore some believers go out and try to do it by themselves and they can do it in a bad way. In saying this, the unbelievers are condemned, but we should not be condemning them ourselves. We are to show them their sin and tell them what the wages of sin is, but we need to do it in a way that is respectful. Then once they understand their sin, we are to show them Gods great sacrifice.

Overall, we have all been called. We are not doing it. The fact that we are not doing it, shows that we either do not love our God enough to obey Him, or we do not love our neighbour enough to warn them, or we do not truly believe that they will be condemned.

NOTE: I also believe that there are some believers who want to get out there but do not know how to do it. This is where the church should be equipping them. If you are one of these people, jump on Youtube and watch the Living Waters. They have a great technique that is biblical, and it is a good starting place for evangelism. Then write down and copy what they do on the channel.
This is what I do: The Great Chocolate Evangelizing trick - This works.
Want to do what's right but last time I tried it LED to me getting called a Bible thumper and threatened.
Not very kind in my words and I do more harm than good
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Dec 2, 2021
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Want to do what's right but last time I tried it LED to me getting called a Bible thumper and threatened.
Not very kind in my words and I do more harm than good
If you do as Jesus did then you will be called names. Jesus said in John 7:7 "The world ..... hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil".
By pointing out that people do not meet Gods holy standard, people will get offended, and some will hate.
Though, when we do this, we do need to be careful in our speech. "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction." 2 Tim 4:2

This is why I suggest watching Living Waters and then practise. Be prepared beforehand. So be prepared in season and out of season. But sadly, most believers are not prepared. They may know the Gospel, but they do not know how to say it to a non-believer. Then when they do try, they can stumble and make a fool of themselves. (I made a big fool of myself the first time I did it and so I spent the next 3 months practising many hours a day until it became natural).
Put in the effort and be prepared. Your love for God and your love for the lost should drive you to learn how to speak to the unsaved. We cannot let our friends and neighbours burn.
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Jul 4, 2023
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I think most people could join in a little, but all should pray that the church will prepare us for all church tasks. Thank you for video tips and I shall get dug in and probably recommend the ideas to others.

I got evangelised and, ever since, for me the question is "what next". Today we certainly have to offer a whole gospel and not only detached parts.
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Nov 14, 2004
It is true if person knows others will not have chance to hear about Jesus but I assumed they all would know but perhaps some are not seeking and may not have heard full message and I should still do.

There is more to salvation than just believing. Jesus said to disciple all nations so they keep all His commandments. I was hesitant to preach with gospel tracts because I misunderstood it is saying you just need to believe in Jesus.

For some seem to say that but I may misunderstand them for tract does mention then get a bible and obey it but I heard you are given everlasting life as free gift.

I may not agree if it does not mean person does not need to do good within his current ability to those who he knows need his help and should also increase to choose path to increase abilities to gain talent to do more but you don’t have to choose to follow every talent gift you can do.

But perhaps he means you have eternal life if you were to die now if you received Christ as Lord and saviour only if you were seeking to do all that may be possible.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Marks 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.
We have all been sent. So, it is our commission that he has given all of us.
The Holy Spirit was given to us that that we would be witnesses throughout the world.
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth." Acts 1:8

We have been sent to go everywhere and preach to whoever we can.

I agree. There are those that have not been taught how to share the Gospel. The churches are not equipping people on how to speak and so therefore some believers go out and try to do it by themselves and they can do it in a bad way. In saying this, the unbelievers are condemned, but we should not be condemning them ourselves. We are to show them their sin and tell them what the wages of sin is, but we need to do it in a way that is respectful. Then once they understand their sin, we are to show them Gods great sacrifice.

Overall, we have all been called. We are not doing it. The fact that we are not doing it, shows that we either do not love our God enough to obey Him, or we do not love our neighbour enough to warn them, or we do not truly believe that they will be condemned.

NOTE: I also believe that there are some believers who want to get out there but do not know how to do it. This is where the church should be equipping them. If you are one of these people, jump on Youtube and watch the Living Waters. They have a great technique that is biblical, and it is a good starting place for evangelism. Then write down and copy what they do on the channel.
This is what I do: The Great Chocolate Evangelizing trick - This works.
The simple is.. He told us to go.. there ya go the reason as to why we are sharing Him to the world. Though I may disagree with how some go about it.. oh praise GOD they are and blessed are the feet of them that bring good news
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Dec 2, 2021
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The simple is.. He told us to go.. there ya go the reason as to why we are sharing Him to the world. Though I may disagree with how some go about it.. oh praise GOD they are and blessed are the feet of them that bring good news
Yes, He did command us. So, we know the good that we ought to do.
"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them." James 4:17

Just to make clear, I am not saying that we are saved by our works. But as I have said, if we truly believe that the lost are going to perish in a terrible way, and we truly believe that we have been commanded to go and tell them about Gods' great sacrifice, then we will do it. Our belief will have actions that go with it (James 2:14-26). So, on the day of judgement, we will be judge according to how we act. And how we act is a result of our belief. "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." James 2:24
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" Ephesian 2:8-10
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2021
New Zealand
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I think most people could join in a little, but all should pray that the church will prepare us for all church tasks. Thank you for video tips and I shall get dug in and probably recommend the ideas to others.

I got evangelised and, ever since, for me the question is "what next". Today we certainly have to offer a whole gospel and not only detached parts.
Next is to get out there and tell people about the awesome sacrifice. But obviously, it is a good idea to prepare beforehand.
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Jul 4, 2023
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After you try your chocolate bar procedure on contacts, do they then go and find a chocolate bar church? Do you have associates with a share of the fivefold, who are backing your contacts in prayers? How do we show what the results of the sacrifice are in our relationships? How might providence in perilous lives work?
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Dec 2, 2021
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After you try your chocolate bar procedure on contacts, do they then go and find a chocolate bar church?
No. But we do have coffee :)
Do you have associates with a share of the fivefold, who are backing your contacts in prayers?
Sadly, my church believes more in friendship evangelism. So, those who proclaim do not get much backing in prayer. In saying this, even if the church is not backing me to share the Gospel, that does not mean I should stop (Others outside the church are paying though). A year ago, people within the church were against what I was doing. Now they are changing their mind and I have had some who were not supportive in the first place, say that what I am doing is right. So, people are changing their view.
"Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matt 9:38.
How do we show what the results of the sacrifice are in our relationships?
That is how we live. Believe and repent.
How might providence in perilous lives work?
Not sure what you mean here.
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
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I see people quote Mark 16:15 all the time in an attempt to convince others that all are to and preach. Yet other parts of the scripture clearly state that not all are evangelists. All are called to evangelize sure, but that doesn't mean street preaching. As we go throughout our day, at home, at work, etc we can walk with the Spirit and when opportunities arise to share Jesus, then we should do so. Telling every Christian that they are called to street preach is highly irresponsible and unscriptural. Sounds nice and religious but it's wrong
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2021
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I see people quote Mark 16:15 all the time in an attempt to convince others that all are to and preach. Yet other parts of the scripture clearly state that not all are evangelists. All are called to evangelize sure, but that doesn't mean street preaching. As we go throughout our day, at home, at work, etc we can walk with the Spirit and when opportunities arise to share Jesus, then we should do so. Telling every Christian that they are called to street preach is highly irresponsible and unscriptural. Sounds nice and religious but it's wrong
That I agree with. The issue is that there is only 2% of believers that regularly share the Gospel with the lost weather that is in the workplace, school, home or any other place. We are not all called to go out and preach on the street, but there are many that should be who are not. Many who have been given a gift of intelligence and speech. But they let fear rule them, and sadly, this is cowardice. And in a way, it is denying the Holy Spirit. We have been given the Holy Spirit so that we would be God's witnesses throughout all the earth. That was why the Holy Spirit was given. Acts 1:8. Many believers are sinning by not speaking out. They know the good they ought to do, but they do not do it. (See James 4:17). (Also see Rev 21:8 for the cowardly)
We need to be bold in the workplace, home, school or wherever we are. If we have the Holy Spirit, then we should be saying the Gospel very regularly. Yes, look for times to say the Gospel but also create times to say the Gospel. We need to be active and not just waiting for the time. If we wait, then it may only be once every few months that we get to share the Gospel.

Also, many will use the excuse that they have not been given the gift of evangelism. But this is because most people do not understand the gift of evangelism. They think it is a gift where God has given a person special speech where if they go out and speak to the people on the street, that the people will listen and be saved. This is not correct. The gift of evangelism is for the Church. So it is not an outward gift. It is an inward gift. It is for equipping the saints so that the saints can then be outwardly sharing the Gospel. Ephesians 4:11-12 "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."

Yes, some have been called to do other things, but we have all been called to preach to all creation. We need to get out there and do it wherever we are. So, Mark 16:15. Get out there in public, weather that is your workplace, home, school or anywhere else and tell people the Gospel wherever you are. No excuses.
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Kees Boer

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I believe that the body of Christ in its actions, or lack of action, are giving the unbelievers evidence that our God is not real. Our lack of evangelism gives them the evidence.
If you saw a house on fire, you would yell and warn the people inside. You would not let it be on your conscience that you did nothing. Your belief that they will die, will drive you to do something. Likewise, if you truly believe in an everlasting punishment for unbelievers, you will warn everyone you saw. But our absence of action shows our level of belief; and the lost see this. So, our lack of proclaiming the Gospel gives the unbelievers evidence that we ourselves do not truly believe.

I heard a statement from Jordan Peterson about belief. It is a statement I have used on these forums a couple of times. The summation of the statement is that, if you believe something, then you will act in accordance with your belief. Then if what you say and act out match each other, then you are a trustworthy person. So here is the quote:
"Is what you believe, what you say, or, what you act out? In truth, what you believe, is what you act out. But if you are a person of character, then what you say and what you act out are the same thing and then your word can be trusted. So, belief is substantiated in action." Jordan Peterson

Now unfortunately, I have heard Christians say that, if we preach on a street corner or go into the parks and evangelise, in this day and age, then, we will look like an idiot. It is not what we do now. And sadly, this in a way is true. People look at a person preaching on a street corner and think to themselves, "Look at this idiot. He actually believes in what he says.". This is very sad.
When a believer finally does get up and tell the truth, people look at him and scoff. But in reality, this believer is doing what he should be, and he is showing his level of belief.
If more people were doing this, then the preacher would not look like such a fool. If many were proclaiming, then people would then think "Why do all these people believe? Is there something to this belief?" If many people proclaimed, then the evidence would be that the church actually does believe in what is written in the Bible.

If we truly believe that Jesus died for us and we have put our faith in His sacrifice, then because we believe, we should act in accordance with this belief. Our actions will not save us, but they are a result of being saved and truly believing.
So, knowing that the lost will perish in a terrible way, are we willing to risk it all to save them? Will our actions match our belief?

"What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? In the same way, faith also, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you willing to acknowledge, you foolish person, that faith without works is useless? Was our father Abraham not justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar? You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “And Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called a friend of God. You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. In the same way, was Rahab the prostitute not justified by works also when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." James 2:14-26

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." Ephesians 2:8-10
We have been sharing the Gospel with everyone that we talk with. Then as soon as they get saved, we make a list of their friends and family and we teach them how to share the Gospel with others. We've seen about 25,000 trust Christ as Savior that way... But yes, we can not live our lives as if heaven and hell aren't real. And sadly, many do. I've heard that half of evangelical millennials even believe that it is wrong to share the Gospel. That is very sad. That's why God left us here on earth.

This is the short video I made, where I explain this exactly how to do this. We all can do this:

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Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
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Somehow - how we live is meant to be a fundamental part our evangelism...

What Jesus said in John 17 should be part of the equation.

22 The glory which You have given Me I also have given to them, so that they may be one, just as We are one; 23 I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and You loved them, just as You loved Me.

So the Gospel is not just words but loving action that the world sees.

This rarely happens because we have largely neglected community so powerfully evident in the early church.

Also we are all to be ready to give account of our faith, but I don't see that Scripture supports all believers going out every day to speak to the unsaved.
Actually if you have several staying back to pray for your success then your hit rate will increase, even dramatically.
In this regard I don't believe evangelism was meant to be an individual sport but rather a body ministry.

Ephesians 4:11
And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers

So the great commission was given to the church and we need to rediscover how to live together with visible unity and support those who go out with His Word.
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Dec 2, 2021
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Somehow - how we live is meant to be a fundamental part our evangelism...
Correct. The way we live is part of our evangelism. But it is not the Gospel. The way we live is a witness. We can either be a good witness or a bad witness. For instance, let's say I was downtown talking to a friend. As I am talking to my friend a stranger goes past and hears me swear and use Gods name in vain. Then a week later I go to the parks and tell the stranger the Gospel. Would I be a good witness for Christ or a bad witness? I would be a bad witness because my word had been compromised by what I had done.
On the other hand, if I am seen to be always helpful and caring to others, when I say the Gospel, my word is not compromised. People see that I truly believe because my actions match my words.
The Gospel is the Good News. So, what is the bad news? The bad news is that we are all under Gods wrath because we have sinned. But the good news is that Jesus took our place. He did this on the cross. The Gospel is an event that happened 2000 years ago.
Our actions are not the Gospel.
Also we are all to be ready to give account of our faith, but I don't see that Scripture supports all believers going out every day to speak to the unsaved.
I don't see any scripture that says that anyone gets off saying speaking to the unsaved. Jesus said, "He who believe in me, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." And "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". Those that truly love will speak. They will not all be street preachers or park evangelists, but they will tell as many people as possible the Gospel. They will actively be looking to share the Good News with others.
And this does not have to be an everyday thing as we all have jobs and life can just get in the way. But the believer's heart will be very much for the Gospel being spoken to all creation.
Actually if you have several staying back to pray for your success then your hit rate will increase, even dramatically.
In this regard I don't believe evangelism was meant to be an individual sport but rather a body ministry.
I agree. It is good to have people praying for you. But this cannot always happen. Sometimes, we may get an opportunity to say the Gospel in our everyday life when nobody is praying. It can be on the spot in casual conversation, and so, we are to be ready in season and out of season.
Ephesians 4:11
And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers
You have missed the second part of the statement that explains what these gifts are for. If you read verse 12 as well it says that these gifts are not for the lost but for the Church. They are for the equipping of the saints so that the saints can then be outwardly focused towards the lost.
"So, Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."
A person with the gift of evangelism will go out and tell the Gospel to the lost because, that is what we are called to do. But the actual gift of an evangelist is for the equipping of the saints.
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Nov 14, 2004
I did believe evangelism is watered down so I decided to make a comment below tracts I am going to give out from living waters to emphasise the point to go to a good church not just because you should to grow to be effective but that it is encouraged to be helpful to teach you how to be disciple to remain saved. I did say so on one tract but most tracts I said necessary which is wrong but I crossed it out and said helpful. I do believe one should seek to be baptised and have communion as adult from people of same beliefs to be sure to trust God justice Him alone knowing what is right and referred them to my blog to see views on baptism which is

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Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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You have missed the second part of the statement that explains what these gifts are for. If you read verse 12 as well it says that these gifts are not for the lost but for the Church. They are for the equipping of the saints so that the saints can then be outwardly focused towards the lost.
"So, Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."
A person with the gift of evangelism will go out and tell the Gospel to the lost because, that is what we are called to do. But the actual gift of an evangelist is for the equipping of the saints.
I don't follow your 'logic' on this...

Whether a gift or an office, only some have the gift or are an evangelist...
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