The Chosen series

Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Oh, there definitely have been a number of people who, after landing on CF, end up immediately jumping ship because they're accosted by fellow Christians who seem to have assumed the office of Drill Sergeant for the Body of Christ. Or worse.

Of course, with that said, I know some atheists who have assumed a similar office towards Christians.

Neither of these two types of folks are really copacetic or acceptable in my book.
Matthew 10:34-35

34 ”Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.​
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”​

The father, daughter, and mother can also refer to our spiritual family, as well.

For Jesus also says,

”For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:50).
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Oh, there definitely have been a number of people who, after landing on CF, end up immediately jumping ship because they're accosted by fellow Christians who seem to have assumed the office of Drill Sergeant for the Body of Christ. Or worse.

Of course, with that said, I know some atheists who have assumed a similar office towards Christians.

Neither of these two types of folks are really copacetic or acceptable in my book.
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” (Proverbs 27:6).
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While scholars can get many things right, they can also be wrong.

1 Corinthians 2:5 says,
”That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

Meaning, we should ask God to send the Spirit to help us understand what His Word says.
It will be the Holy Spirit that will open our understanding (See: 1 John 2:27).
But we must be willing to accept every word of the Bible as truth and not reject it when we don’t like what it says.

Just stating your thoughts does not mean anything. The burden of proof is on you to make your case biblically that 2 Timothy 3:16-17 cannot apply to all believers but only church leaders. While Timothy helped to act on behalf of Paul at times, it does not mean the instruction in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 was only to him and or those like him. If such was the case, you need to build your case biblically that says otherwise. But we must keep in mind that Timothy did not see our risen Lord that we know of according to Scripture. As important as Timothy was, this does not mean he was not an apostle like Paul. One of the qualifications of being an apostle is to see the risen Christ.

Anyway, if this is the case, then you can never try to prove somebody wrong about a false belief with Scripture on any other topic. Have you never done that before? If so, then you be hypocritical, friend.

If you mean he was human in the sense that he made mistakes then that would technically be a sin.
Besides, God cannot make mistakes.

I believe Jesus Omniscience was suppressed.

Jesus grew in wisdom as a child (Luke 2:52), and He did not know the day or the hour of His own return (Matthew 24:36).

The Bible alludes to the fact that Jesus suppressed His divine attribute of Omniscience (i.e. to know all things) at the beginning of God’s creation.

How so?

Jesus says to God the Father,

"And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began." (John 17:5).

I believe this glory is in reference to the "glory of the knowledge of the Lord."

For it is written:

"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:14).

"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Jesus' divine attribute of Omniscience was not suppressed before the world began. This is the glory that He shared with the Father at one time. Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. His fate was already laid out ahead of time because God is 100% aware of everything that is going to happen.

When the world began, Jesus's divine attribute of Omniscience was suppressed.

Jesus was perfected in obeying the Father and suffered unto death while He was limited in knowledge or while His divine attribute of Omniscience was suppressed. Jesus was able to learn how to obey while under suffering in a human body with limited knowledge. Jesus lived like a man so as to fulfill the type of Adam. Adam was also limited in knowledge in the Garden before the fall.

It's why Jesus is a type or figure of Adam.

For Jesus is called the "Last Adam" in Scripture (See 1 Corinthians 15:22).

That said, while Jesus Omniscience was suppressed, we must also understand that the Bible also teaches that…

Jesus had power as God:
(During His Earthly Ministry):

1. Jesus said He has power to raise the dead to life just as the Father had power to raise the dead (John 5:21).​
2. Hebrews 1:3 talks about how Christ held all things together by the word of His power when He purged us of our sins.​
3. Jesus said, He would raise up this Temple (His body) three days later (John 2:19).​
4. Jesus had the power to forgive sins and give eternal life (Mark 2:7) (Luke 7:44-50) (John 14:6).​
5 Jesus had power to take away the sins of the entire world (John 1:29).​
6. Jesus Christ said wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them (Matthew 18:20). This was said to the people he was around and not to just us today.​
7. Jesus can make His home or abode inside of us if we keep His commandments (John 14:15). This is a part of His divine power and or abilities as God. Humans born to two parents cannot make their homes inside other people.​
8. “This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.” (John 2:11). This was a direct statement. Meaning, Christ’s miracle at the wedding of Cana manifested His glory. This was his first miracle done by Jesus, and it was a part of His showing forth His deity as God. The apostle John did not say that the Lord Jesus manifested the Holy Spirit’s glory, but His own glory.​
9. ”And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14). This was said by Jesus before the cross, and answering prayers is definitely a divine act of God. Please pay close attention to what Jesus said. He said, “I will do it“ in reference to answering prayer. So if a person prays for a healing in His name, he will do it. He will be the One who will heal them and do it.​
10. John 5:17 (NKJV) “But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” If you were to read a little before verse 17, we learn that this is in context to the Jews being upset because of Christ healing a man on the Sabbath. So Jesus is taking ownership of this healing because He said He has been working (Just as the Father). John 5:19 says, “Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.”​

They have Jesus making mistakes that violates Scripture that is very serious. I have already mentioned this in my previous posts.

So if Jesus is sinless and our spotless Lamb, He could not make mistakes. Hebrews 7:26 says he was separate from sinners, and holly and undefiled.

I believe it is more serious than you realize. The false teachings in the Chosen are heretical. A Jesus who makes mistakes and who has to get help on His sermon when in reality Jesus spoke by commandment of the Father. A Jesus who does not call sinners to repentance and who promotes the false idea that it’s not about the rules, when in reality Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments. The show clearly is teaching another Jesus that people would rather listen to and believe this is the real Jesus. Even the show declares that they are portraying the authentic Jesus (Which is clearly a lie if we look at Scripture). So the creators are lying to us.

It’s not a matter of my not liking it, it’s a matter of my exposing the problems in the show in light of the Bible that you don’t like.

There are several executive producers who are Mormons on the Chosen.
They also filmed in a sacred Mormon location that before that point in time, no Mormon was allowed to visit such a location.
Dallas says Mormons are his brothers and sisters in Christ.
They just happen to coincidentally loosely quote the Book of Mormon on the show with the phrase, “I am the Law…”
Yes, Jesus said, “I am the Law of Moses,” but this was still a reference to the Book of Mormon that says, “I am the Law.”
For Jesus quoted Old Testamented references in a similar way.

Thank you. May His goodness and mercy always be upon you even if we are in heated disagreement over your love for a fictional TV series.

You do know that the Bible, even the New Testament, isn't a perfect collection of perfect writings, right? Yes, you've heard me correctly!

I mean, it's not only the Mormons who get a lot of stuff wrong about the Bible. You apparently do too ...

And like the Mormons, you apparently don't seem to be aware of where religious interpretation and ideation ends and Reality begins, even where our Christian faith is concerned in relation to the Bible. No, all you have to offer up, like so many who affiliate with the Christian faith, is falsely attributed "Holy Spirit Hubris."

So, you might want to back off before you stumble. Remember, pride (that is, YOUR PRIDE) comes before a fall (NOT MINE, YOURS).

Got it?
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Matthew 10:34-35

34 ”Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.​
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”​

The father, daughter, and mother can also refer to our spiritual family, as well.

For Jesus also says,

”For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:50).

You just love making those Scripture pretzels, don't you? And you do so by your own authority (all the while seemingly attributing that authority to the Lord in His Spirit).

Yeah, I'm pretty sure your "preaching" here isn't by all counts from the Holy Spirit. Because your attitude sucks.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” (Proverbs 27:6).

I haven't counted you as a friend yet. You're an unfortunate brother in Christ, one that I'll have to put up with apparently.

I hope you'll do the same for me. :sorry:
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Oh, there definitely have been a number of people who, after landing on CF, end up immediately jumping ship because they're accosted by fellow Christians who seem to have assumed the office of Drill Sergeant for the Body of Christ. Or worse.

Of course, with that said, I know some atheists who have assumed a similar office towards Christians.

Neither of these two types of folks are really copacetic or acceptable in my book.
I am also against ecumenism and or interpreting the Bible liberally, which is embodiment of the Chosen series.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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I haven't counted you as a friend yet. You're an unfortunate brother in Christ, one that I'll have to put up with apparently.

I hope you'll do the same for me. :sorry:
I posted this verse from Proverbs as more of a general truth to all believers I encounter. A true friend to the brethren in Christ is going to rebuke when necessary, and not always be loving and nice and tell them only good and smooth things.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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I am also against ecumenism and or interpreting the Bible liberally, which is embodiment of the Chosen series.

Well, that's just too bad, isn't it? Because I'm all about the Existentialist Epistemic Journey where engaging the entire collection of the Bible is concerned.

Where ecumenism is a possibility, I'd rather think of myself as "Trans-denominational"; that is, I like to remain ABOVE the denominational fray and instead see people as fellow human beings first BEFORE bringing the Bible up for discussion. If they happen to be Mormons, I'll shake their hand and then remain open to critically discussing their religious perspectives (however fallacious and illogical their perspective may actually turn out to be).
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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You just love making those Scripture pretzels, don't you? And you do so by your own authority (all the while seemingly attributing that authority to the Lord in His Spirit).
The burden of proof is on you to prove that my use of Scripture is not correct. I have been known to be wrong at times on my interpretation but I would need Scripture as proof as to say otherwise. I have changed theologically on 21 things over the years.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure your "preaching" here isn't by all counts from the Holy Spirit. Because your attitude sucks.
It’s hard to determine a person’s attitude by simply writing. Jesus attitude could have been considered bad in your view when we read his rebuke of the Pharisees in Matthew 23. He called them blind guides, serpents, fools, etcetera. Nowhere did I go that far. I have not sought out to give any names but to merely point out the wrong actions and beliefs. Granted, if we are talking about a wrong church, I am talking about an entire body of wrong believers. But it is not my thing to attack individuals and smear them. The goal should be to attack the wrong belief or beliefs. That is my focus and you take correction of wrong beliefs according to the Bible as a bad attitude when that is not what it is. It’s called correction according to the Word of God. It’s leading people to see the truth of what the Bible says rather than what they prefer it to say.

For I have nothing but love for you and others here. I just disagree strongly with the acceptance of a TV show that portrays another Jesus. Seeing I am in opposition to this, I have become the enemy in some way because I am trying to expose the truth of this show with the Bible.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Well, that's just too bad, isn't it? Because I'm all about the Existentialist Epistemic Journey where engaging the entire collection of the Bible is concerned.

Where ecumenism is a possibility, I'd rather think of myself as "Trans-denominational"; that is, I like to remain ABOVE the denominational fray and instead see people as fellow human beings first BEFORE bringing the Bible up for discussion. If they happen to be Mormons, I'll shake their hand and then remain open to critically discussing their religious perspectives (however fallacious and illogical their perspective may actually turn out to be).
Ecumenism is having fellowship with those of other denominations that conflict with the faith of what the Bible teaches. Granted, others do not seem to have a nailed down truth that they hold to in the Bible. Meaning, it is okay to fellowship and pray with Catholics, Mormons, etcetera. I do not believe in such a thing. Do you? Meaning, will you pray and worship with Catholics and Mormons? Would you work together with them to create the supposed “Authentic Jesus“ on the Chosen set?
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The burden of proof is on you to prove that my use of Scripture is not correct. I have been known to be wrong at times on my interpretation but I would need Scripture as proof as to say otherwise. I have changed theologically on 21 things over the years.

It’s hard to determine a person’s attitude by simply writing. Jesus attitude could have been considered bad in your view when we read his rebuke of the Pharisees in Matthew 23. He called them blind guides, serpents, fools, etcetera. I have not sought out to give any names but to merely point out the wrong actions and beliefs. Granted, if we are talking about a wrong church, I am talking about an entire body of wrong believers. But it is not my thing to attack individuals and smear them. The goal should be to attack the wrong belief or beliefs. That is my focus and you take correction of wrong beliefs according to the Bible as a bad attitude when that is not what it is. It’s called correction according to the Word of God. It’s leading people to see the truth of what the Bible says rather than what they prefer it to say.

For I have nothing but love for you and others here. I just disagree strongly with the acceptance of a TV show that portrays another Jesus. Seeing I am in opposition to this, I have become the enemy in some way because I am trying to expose the truth of this show with the Bible.

See............................??????????? This is what I'm talking about. You just did it again. You made a hasty generalization and false attribution about another person (me) and you didn't even catch that you did.

FACT: I don't think of you as "an enemy." So, don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say, intend to say or actually thought.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Ecumenism is having fellowship with those of other denominations that conflict with the faith of what the Bible teaches. Granted, others do not seem to have a nailed down truth that they hold to in the Bible. Meaning, it is okay to fellowship and pray with Catholics, Mormons, etcetera. I do not believe in such a thing. Do you? Meaning, will you pray and worship with Catholics and Mormons? Would you work together to create the supposed “Authentic Jesus“ on the Chosen set?

I don't usually worry much about what constitutes fellowship with other people on a humanitarian, existential level. As long as they don't badger me, I'm good.

What I simply do is, when others approach me in a religious context and then seek to proselytize me, I'll let them know on which point I disagree. If they want to run away from me at that moment, that's fine by me. I've actually had that happened with people in the past---two of those individuals were Mormon. Apparently, they wanted to hit me up with their "dogma," and I simply dropped the fact to them that I have a degree in Philosophy and they were welcome to come into my house and discuss their viewpoint. .................................................. upon hearing that, funnily enough, they declined. And I said, "Ok, see ya!"
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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See............................??????????? This is what I'm talking about. You just did it again. You made a hasty generalization and false attribution about another person (me) and you didn't even catch that you did.

FACT: I don't think of you as "an enemy." So, don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say, intend to say or actually thought.
While you may believe you do not regard me as an enemy, by your attacking my character instead of just the message or position, it says otherwise. You called me a drill sergeant. That is hostile name calling. I did not set out to primarily attack your character or call you names like what you have been doing. My focus is primarily on the wrong belief and not any individual on the forum.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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I don't usually worry much about what constitutes fellowship with other people on a humanitarian, existential level. As long as they don't badger me, I'm good.

What I simply do is, when others approach me in a religious context and then seek to proselytize me, I'll let them know on which point I disagree. If they want to run away from me at that moment, that's fine by me. I've actually had that happened with people in the past---two of those individuals were Mormon. Apparently, they wanted to hit me up with their "dogma," and I simply dropped the fact to them that I have a degree in Philosophy and they were welcome to come into my house and discuss their viewpoint. .................................................. upon hearing that, funnily enough, they declined. And I said, "Ok, see ya!"
Not sure what that means. Will you worship or pray with a Mormon or Catholic? Yes, or no, my friend. A simple answer is all I am seeking here. It sounds like you would not fellowship or pray with them, but I just don’t know until you answer my question with a “yes,” or “no.” In my book, it is very important to know what a person believes because I would not fellowship or pray with a Mormon or Catholic because I am not ecumenical and or liberal.

By your first statement, you gave me the impression that you could fellowship or pray with a Mormon or Catholic as long as you don’t make it a point to ask. Is that what you are saying?
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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While you may believe you do not regard me as an enemy, by your attacking my character instead of just the message or position, it says otherwise. You called me a drill sergeant. That is hostile name calling. I did not set out to attack your character or call you names like what you have been doing. My focus is primarily on the wrong belief and not any individual on the forum.

No, you're the one who said that it was your "prerogative" to get preachy with others. I don't see anywhere where you said any pastor or Church organization has ordained you to "Go, correct everyone else!"

So no, I think "Drill Sergeant" accurately sums up what you're designating yourself as here on CF. Furthermore, it hasn't been established beyond the shadow of a doubt that your Hermeneutics and Biblical Exegesis are the model of interpretation which everyone else should be following. No, you just seem to assume that you've somehow got these disciplines lined out with discernment. I'm just doubting that you indeed do. Why? Is it because I'm so wise and know all where interpreting the Bible is concerned? No, I'm doubting you because I can compare your rational and praxis to that of dozens of fellow Christians who are degrees in these two fields. It's also likely that at least some of them, if not all them, have the Holy Spirit in some measure, ...............................................................just as you do.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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No, you're the one who said that it was your "prerogative" to get preachy with others. I don't see anywhere where you said any pastor or Church organization has ordained you to "Go, correct everyone else!"
But are you not trying to correct me?
Are you exempt?
Have you never disagreed over Scripture with another person before and try to correct them to the right way of what the Bible says?

So no, Drill Sergeant accuratley sums up what you're designating yourself as here on CF.
Name calling falls in line with making others your enemy regardless of whether you think that will happen or not.
Just start calling people names at work that they don’t like and see what happens.

Furthermore, it hasn't been established beyond the shadow of a doubt that your Hermneutics and Biblical Exegesis are the model of interpretation that everyone else should be following. No, you just seem to assume that you've somehow got that line out with discernment. I'm just doubting that you do because I can compare your rational and praxis to that of dozens of fellow Christians who are degrees in these two fields. It's also likely that at least some of them, if not all, have the Holy Spirit in some measure, just as you do.
Again, you are making the argument about me instead of the wrong belief or position. CF even encourages us to keep it to the topic and not make it about the individual. In other words, beyond this post, I am not going to engage with any personal comments against my character past this post. I have no need to defend myself. God will be the one who will judge me. I strive to love all others and correct wrong beliefs with the Word of God (the Bible). As i said, I strive to make it about the wrong belief and not individuals. So I will not indulge you any further on any future attacks on my character. Such posts or words will simply go ignored. My goal is to preach the truth according to God’s Word to uplift Jesus Christ and His Word.

I hope this helps you to see where I am coming from.

May God’s love shine upon you today.
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Not sure what that means. Will you worship or pray with a Mormon or Catholic? Yes, or no, my friend. A simple answer is all I am seeking here. It sounds like you would not fellowship or pray with them, but I just don’t know until you answer my question with a “yes,” or “no.” In my book, it is very important to know what a person believes because I would not fellowship or pray with a Mormon or Catholic because I am not ecumenical and or liberal.
I would pray "for" them. And I might even buy them lunch to boot.
By your first statement, you gave me the impression that you could fellowship or pray with a Mormon or Catholic as long as you don’t make it a point to ask. Is that what you are saying?

I'm comfortable with having Christian fellowship with Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes. I'd pray with them too.

However, if Mormons wanted to "fellowship" with me (some folks just call this "being sociable"), they would have to settle for a discussion over lunch at Panara Bread.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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But are you not trying to correct me?
Are you exempt?
Have you never disagreed over Scripture with another person before and try to correct them to the right way of what the Bible says?
I'm correcting you, yes. But not via reliance upon the Bible. I'm just appealing to your reason. Do I have to stoop to referencing the Bible in order to get you to think twice?

Nowhere have I exempted myself. In fact, if you dared to look at my background, you'd see that I'm both and Existentialist and a firm advocate of Education. I don't believe ANYONE has EVERYTHING all figured out, especially not where the Bible is concerned.
Name calling falls in line with making others your enemy regardless of whether you think that will happen or not.
Just start calling people names and work that they don’t like and see what happens.
Ok. If you think that, then stop calling folks "tares" when you don't know for sure they are.
Again, you are making the argument about me instead of the wrong belief or position. CF even encourages us to keep it to the topic and not make it about the individual. In other words, beyond this post, I am not going to engage with any personal comments against my character past this post. I have no need to defend myself. God will be the one who will judge me. I strive to love all others and correct wrong beliefs with the Word of God (the Bible). As i said, I strive to make it about the wrong belief and not individuals.

In any event, may God bless you.

Ok. You can ignore my Drill Sergeant comment. And I'll just ignore any cogency about unproven Tares that you might attribute to a numerous amount of other people whose hearts and minds you don't fully know or discern.

On my part, I deal on all levels of Philosophy. Sometimes, that leads to questioning their Persoanl Axiology along with their religious dogma.
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Bible Highlighter

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I'm comfortable with having Christian fellowship with Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ. Yes. I'd pray with them too.

However, if Mormons wanted to "fellowship" with me (some folks just call this "being sociable"), they would have to settle for a discussion over lunch at Panara Bread.
This is where I would respectfully disagree. I would consider this ecumenism and or being liberal. But that’s just my belief. You do not have to agree with it or even the terms. It is simply my belief in light of what I know the Bible teaches. I believe we are to fellowship with only bible believers. This is a whole another topic of discussion with a whole bunch of verses that I would not rather not get into at this time. I am also working on a PDF write-up I need to get back to. So this thread discussion, while informative, is not something I plan to endlessly debate.

May God’s good ways be upon you today.
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Bible Highlighter

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I'm correcting you, yes. But not via reliance upon the Bible. I'm just appealing to your reason. Do I have to stoop to referencing the Bible in order to get you to think twice?
Where’s that teaching in the Bible?

Chapter and verse please.

Nowhere have I exempted myself. In fact, if you dared to look at my background, you'd see that I'm both and Existentialist and a firm advocate of Education. I don't believe ANYONE has EVERYTHING all figured out, especially not where the Bible is concerned.
Okay, did you ever at any point in your Christian life ever tell somebody what the Bible really says when they believed the wrong thing about it? If so, then what you did is no different than what I did. It falls under 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Ok. If you think that, then stop calling folks "tares" when you don't know for sure they are.
Jesus says we will know them by their fruits.
But I strive not to just call somebody a tare outright or directly or anything.
Again, I strive to attack the belief and not make it about the individual.
People can change and or repent of wrong beliefs if they are convicted by the Word of God about such a thing.

On my part, I deal on all levels of Philosophy. Sometimes, that leads to questioning their Persoanl Axiology along with their religious dogma.
I believe the Bible and not Philosophy. The Bible is my primary guide and focus of my life to follow Jesus Christ.
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