The Chosen series


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But I would add, I am trying to figure out if this show falls into:


Cult is a term, in most contexts pejorative, for a relatively small group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant. This term is also used for a new religious movement or other social group which is defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals, or its common interest in a particular person, object, or goal. Wikipedia
There are films and tv shows that are called a "cult classic" and are said to have a cult following. But I think in that case it really just means it has a fan base. But on the other hand I think people can have a near religious devotion. I find it interesting that the term "canon" is used regarding something like the whole Star Wars franchise. And I think what it comes down to is being too carried away with some form of entertainment. And I think it's quite likely that there are people who get too carried away with The Chosen.
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Bible Highlighter

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I understand you want to get into an argument with me, but I'm simply inquiring at this point. You seem to want hold back on elaborating.
But this is a diversion away from the false charge you made. I gave you the basic info. that is necessary on the narrow way in order for you to explain how you disagree with me on Matthew 7:14 saying few be there that find life is talking within the sphere of believers only and it does not include pagan religionists, agnostics, atheists, etcetera. So the ball is back in your court. But we both know you cannot do so. So nice diversion tactic. My point in going into further detail about the narrow way again is not necessary for you to explain away Matthew 7:14.

Side Note:

I tell you what. If you explain Matthew 7:14 in how it does not defend me in regards to your false charge and you use Scripture to do it (including Matthew 7), then I will be happy to go into further detail on the narrow way.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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I am not saying most people are confused between reality and fiction while they watch the show. Again, if you ever cried in a movie or show, it was only because you were deep into the show while you were watching it (because you believed it to be real while you watched it). There are obviously moments that you took a step back and realized it was a movie. I am not saying folks struggle with reality or anything. But people like to escape our reality to watch movies pretending they are in that reality. It’s not a perfect reality that always fools them completely by any means. But if they get emotional through the film that means they are so hooked into the movie that they see it as real on some level while watching it. Otherwise, they would not get emotional if they did not think it was believable to them. So folks can get defensive if you attack the Chosen because they went along for the ride of this alternate universe and they had fun with it. Their emotions and lusts were tickled. They like these imaginary friends they have encountered. If you have argued over how great a Star Wars movie was while somebody thought it was horrible, this shows that you are giving credence to fictional characters and its universe that you enjoy. The emotional ride you took was what you were defending. It was believable to you, and to another it was not. While there was no confusion of reality, the more a movie or show can get you emotional, the more you felt it was real overall or in certain scenes. This of course ends when you hit pause because you are hungry, or you need to go to the bathroom, etcetera.

So despite your experience, others will take it differently and more seriously. Therein lies the problem. Heck, they even have study guides for the show! This means that they are saying it is just as profitable as Scripture even if their words say otherwise.

As for distinguishing between this show and the real Jesus:

Well, when the show is highly insulting of the character of our Lord Jesus in attacking His deity and His union with God the Father, then I would say that the show is not worthy to even be watched unless one is taking notes to warn others about it. There is also the push of various sins with no message of repentance, as well. This is common in other worldly movies, and TV shows. So no big problem here if one is still caught up in watching other secular garbage.

I hate to say this, but please refrain from further attempts to psycho-analyze every theoretical person whom you think has been watching The Chosen and whom you've never met.

By pushing this sort of fallacious, short-sighted, and hastily generalized analysis about anyone and everyone whom you think is watching The Chosen, you not only demean the thoughts, values and emotions of other people, you also push a wrecked attempt to justify your position with all sorts of invalid arguments and you epistemologically trespass over into areas that you have no business traversing in. It would be one thing if you simply showed up here in this thread and said something like, "Y'know guys, I'm uncomfortable with watching The Chosen because I've found out that it seems to have some modicum of Mormon influence in its production." And I would have simply said, "Ok, bro! Thanks for that bit of info. I'll take that into consideration and keep a keen lookout for the degree and extent to which I see such influence in The Chosen, and thereby avoid that as I watch...................or maybe, later, decide not to watch any longer."

But no, you seem compelled to show up and just punch everyone in face with your spiritual, over-ripe bravado.

So..... do us all a favor and just stop with your falsely tenured prophetic speech, your "outraged" denunciations and your obvious avoidance of deeper academic and scholarly issues. And, if you don't want to watch The Chosen, that's perfectly fine by me. I won't think anything less of you for it.
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Like the OP and many, many others on social media, to me that is why it is good to question the show.

I'm surprised I didn't hear much, if any, outrage from fellow Christians when the t.v. mini-series, The Bible and then A.D. The Bible Contines, aired a decade ago. I remember that it too had a published set of workbooks and/or bible lesson plans that churches could use as additional resources.

I watched the second of those series (A.D.), but not the first one. So, how many chicken-legs did I dig out of the garbage can by watching that, I wonder?
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Bible Highlighter

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Jul 22, 2014
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I hate to say this, but please refrain from further attempts to psycho-analyze every theoretical person whom you think has been watching The Chosen and whom you've never met.
I am not into worldly psychology like some churches are. I am merely speaking from experience and with the knowledge of God’s Word.

By pushing this sort of fallacious, short-sighted, and hastily generalized analysis about anyone and everyone whom you think is watching The Chosen, you not only demean the thoughts, values and emotions of other people, you also push a wrecked attempt to justify your position with all sorts of invalid arguments and you epistemologically trespass over into areas that you have no business traversing in.
I sure do have a business to correct others according to God’s Word.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 ”All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:​
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”​

Then again, you should know this if you know the Bible. I have been posting verses that the Chosen series has violated. It paints a different Jesus than the one in Scripture. He makes mistakes in the series, and this is not possible according to God’s Word because we never seen Him make a mistake in the Bible, and if He had, He could not be our spotless Lamb to die in our place. Jesus is holy, undefiled, and separate from sinners (Hebrews 7:26). The Chosen Jesus speaks against God’s commands or rules, by saying things like, “It’s not about rules,” “I am the Law,” and “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (instead of saying, “I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” - Matthew 9:13 KJB, Mark 2:17 KJB, Luke 5:32 KJB). The Jesus of the Bible says, If you love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15) (also see: John 15:10). Jesus needs help with the Sermon on the Mount, when Scripture says that Jesus spoke by the commandment of His Father (See: John 12:49). This is yet another major violation of Scripture in that it attacks our Heavenly Father and our Lord. Three of the followers get drunk (Which is not biblical), and no correction of these kinds of sins is ever brought up. So again, no message of repentance. In addition to the true Jesus being attacked, the apostles are attacked, as well. Matthew has autism, and is going to be punched by Peter. We have at least three followers of Christ who are depicted as drunks (with no rebuke) that is not mentioned in the text at all. So the show is about not honoring the Bible, but it is about attacking the real Jesus and His followers. Only somebody who is biblically illiterate will not be able to see such things. Either that or it is a person who simply does not regard Scripture as their sole authority and or they simply do not have any reverence for the Bible in everything it says. Some believers look at the Bible as some kind of helpful guide like a school text-book but they do not regard it as the very words of God (1 Thessalonians 2:13).

It would be one thing if you simply showed up here in this thread and said something like, "Y'know guys, I'm uncomfortable with watching The Chosen because I've found out that it seems to have some modicum of Mormon influence in its production." And I would have simply said, "Ok, bro! Thanks for that bit of info. I'll take that into consideration and keep a keen lookout for the degree and extent to which I see such influence in The Chosen, and thereby avoid that as I watch...................or maybe, later, decide not to watch any longer."

But no, you seem compelled to show up and just punch everyone in face with your spiritual, over-ripe bravado.
No punching involved. It is called spiritual correction by the Word of God, which is a Christian’s prerogative.

So..... do us all a favor and just stop with your falsely tenured prophetic speech, your "outraged" denunciations and your obvous avoidance of deeper academic and scholarly issues. And, if you don't want to watch The Chosen, that's perfectly fine by me. I won't think anything less of you for it.
You are upset because I am exposing the truth of the show by Scripture. This is only natural because you like the show. But you have to decide one day what is more important to you in life. Pleasing yourself and or supporting fables and imaginations, or believing and following God’s Word as it is written. That is what this is really about. I can only point you to the way (i.e., to the true Jesus, and to the Scriptures). But it is your decision to ultimately to make of course. I am here to merely inform others of the truth in light of God’s Word.

I hope this helps.

May God’s love shine upon you today.
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Bible Highlighter

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Jul 22, 2014
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Like the OP and many, many others on social media, to me that is why it is good to question the show.
Yes, and he seemed to get emotional and stormed out of the forums because Christians here did not agree with him watching the show. This is not the first person on the forums to do this, either. I remember there was a lady poster once who did the same thing. However, if it was just a show, then no emotion should be attached whatsoever to this kind of series. But that is what movies, and television does. They play on your emotions and get you attached to these fictional characters. Fictional characters! They are not real!!! So no emotion should ever be expressed about this series if it was just a show to them. Also, these characters do not represent anything that we read in the Bible, either. They are in many cases polar opposites. It’s as if Jenkins has gone out of his way to insult our Lord Jesus, the Father, and the apostles. Dallas Jenkins even admits that most of the show is not primarily based on Scripture. I suppose that is why it is a global sensation because it is not Scriptural. Yet, he has study guides for his un-Scriptural show leading others to follow cleverly devised fables.

2 Timothy 4:4
’And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
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Bible Highlighter

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Jul 22, 2014
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To all:

The good news or the gospel is that we should believe that Jesus died for our sins, He was buried, and risen the third day for our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). This will then lead to calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus and seeking forgiveness with Him (Romans 10:9) (Romans 10:13) (Luke 18:9-14).
This is what it means to be saved by God’s grace.
But God’s grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and that we should live righteously and godly in this present world (Titus 2:11-12).
Hebrews 12:14 basically says that without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.
Jesus also taught a message of repentance.
Jesus said, ”I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:3).

The Chosen is a counterfeit Jesus who does not require any repentance.
Believe the Jesus of the Bible alone and read the Scriptures instead of watching the Chosen.
You will notice a major impact in your life if you do so.
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Bible Highlighter

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Another problem on the show is that they call John the Baptist as ”creepy John” several times.
(Note: Yes, I have seen the short clips of this).

This is highly insulting because John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost since his mother’s womb.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” (Luke 1:15).

Even Jesus praised John and said, “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” (Matthew 11:11).

So this is highly insulting to attack John the Baptist in this way; Especially when the Scriptures speak highly of him.
But folks who do not have any kind of reverence for the Bible will just keep eating out of the dumpster known as the Chosen.
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Critical Thinking ***contra*** Conformity!
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Yes, and he seemed to get emotional and stormed out of the forums because Christians here did not agree with him watching the show. This is not the first person on the forums to do this, either. I remember there was a lady poster once who did the same thing. However, if it was just a show, then no emotion should be attached whatsoever to this kind of series. But that is what movies, and television does. They play on your emotions and get you attached to these fictional characters. Fictional characters! They are not real!!! So no emotion should ever be expressed about this series if it was just a show to them. Also, these characters do not represent anything that we read in the Bible, either. They are in many cases polar opposites. It’s as if Jenkins has gone out of his way to insult our Lord Jesus, the Father, and the apostles. Dallas Jenkins even admits that most of the show is not primarily based on Scripture. I suppose that is why it is a global sensation because it is not Scriptural. Yet, he has study guides for his un-Scriptural show leading others to follow cleverly devised fables.

2 Timothy 4:4
’And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

... well, y'know, they told me the same schtick about Saint Nicholas. "He's all fiction!!" ... but look how that alledged myth turned out.

ST. NICK LLLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES .... with Jesus !!! :ahah: Yes, Virginia, there is a St. Nick!
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There are films and tv shows that are called a "cult classic" and are said to have a cult following. But I think in that case it really just means it has a fan base. But on the other hand I think people can have a near religious devotion.
Like with the Left Behind series
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Another problem on the show is that they call John the Baptist as ”creepy John” several times.
(Note: Yes, I have seen the short clips of this).

This is highly insulting because John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost since his mother’s womb.

“For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.” (Luke 1:15).

Even Jesus praised John and said, “Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” (Matthew 11:11).

So this is highly insulting to attack John the Baptist in this way; Especially when the Scriptures speak highly of him.
But folks who do not have any kind of reverence for the Bible will just keep eating out of the dumpster known as the Chosen.
For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ Matthew 11:18
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Perhaps the issue is wanting to see them as saints, not humans, or not even a mix. Hard for some to imagine the lives they lived and how they struggled to understand well past Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Hard for some of institutionalized religion to even imagine no religion but a movement and churches being simple gatherings, joyful God's promise of reunification and release from oppression by secular and religious man was coming, free of the home owners association mentality.
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I still got to watch it.

My guess is this thread is mostly people arguing over what it does wrong or right.

Unfortunately this is probably why Christian movies/shows/etc. never becomes mainstream: : b/c of all the in-fighting we do ourselves kills half the target audience. When you make something Christian, your audience is really only 1/4 of Christendom by default.

Personally I’ll take something that's trying to appeal to a range of Christians I see flaws in over something overly pagan.
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Bible Highlighter

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Here is a person who used to love the show, and then was starting to become unsettled a good while later.
He speaks in love, etcetera.
Check it out.

This author really nails it the problem with the series towards the end of his video.
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Amazing people will moan about a partnership, yet 'official' Christianity itself partnered with the Roman Empire in rejection of God's Kingdom and no one says a word. Typical of man to create division among self, especially within the fold, rather than between the world we have made in our own image and the Kingdom itself.
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I watched Seasons 1 and 2 on Peacock, but it doesn't let me see Season 3 without a subscription.

I thought Season 1 was good, although I noticed some manipulations of facts that I didn't take too seriously, such as how Peter met Jesus when Jesus had Peter catch a whole net-full of fish, which is something that didn't happen until Jesus was resurrected.

Season 2 seemed to stray further from scripture, and I wasn't too bothered at the end when I discovered I couldn't watch Season 3.
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I watched Seasons 1 and 2 on Peacock, but it doesn't let me see Season 3 without a subscription.

I thought Season 1 was good, although I noticed some manipulations of facts that I didn't take too seriously, such as how Peter met Jesus when Jesus had Peter catch a whole net-full of fish, which is something that didn't happen until Jesus was resurrected.

Season 2 seemed to stray further from scripture, and I wasn't too bothered at the end when I discovered I couldn't watch Season 3.

... I thought Jesus had Peter (and Andrew) catch a bunch of fish early on in the Gospel accounts? :scratch: Or maybe I've just misunderstood your reference. My apologies if I have.
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