Teno's Questions: The Cell

These questions from Teno Groppi again are all variations of the same theme so I will deal with them in the same post:

Why would the amoeba even bother to evolve into "advanced" creatures like the dodo and dinosaurs that went extinct, when the amoeba is still around?

I claim to be descended from the Danish. This must be false because the Danish are still around. For that matter, my mother and father still are too. Just because a new taxon evolves does not mean that the parent taxon must go extinct! Furthermore biologists are not claiming that we are descendents of amoeba so this is a strawman.

How did life learn to reproduce itself, or even know there was a need to?

This question is incoherent.

With whom did the first cell capable of reproduction mate?

Reproduction predates "sex." Furthermore "sex" predates having two distinct sexes.