Teenager having sex


Apr 29, 2009
New Jersey
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well, fact is that you can't actually force him to stop having sex by punishing him no matter how hard it is to accept. Obviously, grounding him is not working so first pray to God for guidance on what the most effective way to stop him is.

Secondly, is he a Christian? (really a Christian? not telling you he is because that's what he knows you want to hear) Whether he is or not, pray for him because it's only God that can change his heart. Then keep talking to him like a parent, keep being loving no matter what.

Thirdly, if after all this he's still goes on with sex, give him the protection... not because you're encouraging him to have sex (and you should point that out to him) but because you don't want things to get worse - contracting STDs, having a baby and the psychological issues that come with them.

What is the basis for this advice you are giving? I am just curious as how so many people keep coming to this same conclusion. What if the kid is in a gang? Do you purchase a gun for him, so he can protect himself from getting killed, jumped etc?
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Apr 29, 2009
New Jersey
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I don't think my advice goes against the word of God, and here's why.

So many times as Christians, we focus on the ACTIONS instead of the HEART of the person. If someone is acting like an unbeliever (as I was when I was having sex outside of marriage), then the main concern of the parent, in my opinion, should be restoring that child/teenager to repentance.

Forcing someone who isn't a believer to behave like a believer when they're making other choices will do nothing, imo, to bring them to the Lord.

But it's not about bringing "someone" to the Lord. It's your child. You are the authority figure over your child. They are your responsibility. Parents force their kids to do things all the time. What if your child decides they don't want to go to school for a month. Are you going to say, "okay well let me get you some things to help you relax and enjoy your time off"?? No, you force them to go. As a parent you have to make your kids do things all the time. And if it does not get them to repent, so be it. But at least you are taking care of your duties before God.

Focusing on the actions, which are the FRUIT of the heart (which doesn't belong to the Lord yet), does nothing for the SOURCE of the problem (the heart).

It doesn't mean we condone their behaviors (or that my parents should have condoned my sex outside of marriage, getting drunk, etc.). But it does mean that there was obviously a disconnect between my profession of being a "Christian" and my heart.

I don't see how buying my kid condoms and saying, "You know I disagree with what you're doing, but you're making your own decisions. If you are going to have sex outside of the way God intended it, please at least be safe about it," is condoning the behavior... I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

How can you possibly Biblically justify this statement?? I'm stunned. Where does God ever condone such compromises for sin? (And again, I am only talking about Christian parents when I am making these statements. So for people reading this who are not Christian, I understand why I might seem like I am an extremist on this issue).

I think the best thing we can do for those who are living in sin is love them, pray for them, share what we believe to be the truth with them... but we can't argue anyone into heaven or into a relationship with Christ. Arguing and fighting and being in denial will do no good, imo.

I am not advocating arguing and fighting. but where do you draw the line with your kids. What if they want go attend an orgy and tell you? Do you just buy them a bulk box of condoms? You may think i'm being silly but I can assure you teenagers are doing this. If your kid is not saved, it does not excuse you from being a Christian parent and enforcing God's law in the home.

not to mentinon, as I stated before, teens, even with the "cool parents" have unprotected sex all the time. 1 out of every 5 teenage girls has an abortion.

I just don't understand how all the responses in support of giving kid's condoms are just rationalizing. There is no reliance on God's Word. When does God come into the picture in parenting???
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Apr 29, 2009
New Jersey
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The examples you gave don't hold water in a case such as premarital sex.

For a long time the Catholic church abetted the spread of aids by opposing birth control in undeveloped countries, thereby consigning both parent and as yet unborn children to a fatal disease. More recently they saw the greater good that birth control brings, especially to innocent children, and changed their stance.

In a fallen world we sometimes need to accept that some situations are less than ideal, and chose the greater good. The 'accidental' creation of another eternal being without any adequate family upbringing is too high a price for simplistic moralisms.


Once again, this response has nothing to do with the Bible. The topic is sex outside of marriage, not the use of birth control. They are two separate issues. And the Catholic church's decision was made based on their own rationalization, not the Bible.

There is no greater good in assisting your child in sinful behavior. Maybe in your eyes but certainly not in the eyes of God. Everyone on here seems to be giving opinions, but very little Bible.
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Living and dying in 3/4 time
Feb 24, 2011
South Carolina
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If he continues to get in trouble, here is a thought...
It's not Biblical, but, see if you can get him into "Scared Straight"...A not to pleasant trip to prison for a day...He will be safe, but it is MOST effective on at risk kids...
At least look into it.
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Beloved, Let us love one another
Nov 10, 2006
Under the Shadow of the Almighty
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Once again, this response has nothing to do with the Bible. The topic is sex outside of marriage, not the use of birth control. They are two separate issues. And the Catholic church's decision was made based on their own rationalization, not the Bible.

There is no greater good in assisting your child in sinful behavior. Maybe in your eyes but certainly not in the eyes of God. Everyone on here seems to be giving opinions, but very little Bible.
I have never heard of this anyhow (RC church changing their mind)
Here's some good Bible advice for why we should help our child in every
way we know how to KEEP himself from immorality. God loves him and
has a plan for him. We can't give up on our kids and take the worlds answers.

12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. 13 You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14 By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. 15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16 Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”[b] 17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.[c] 18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 1920 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own...
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Jan 4, 2005
United States
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I have been reading this thread for about an hr now, and realized awhile back it was started last yr,and the OP has never been back it seems?

now for me reading these posts, i was surprised by some of the responses.

For me as a Mom of 4 teen girls and another 8 yr old girl who willbecome a teen soon enough, have found it to be a great expierence so far.
I will say we are Christian, My girls understand what is expected of them in Gods eyes, and mine, but i always felt (bc i remember me as teen) :bow:
and i could care less what my parents had to say, i will say we were not Christian,,,oh wait i was given a dollar and was told to go to church.
so for us we felt that and i always say to them remeber in the end who will it matter to the most? and they all answer Jesus... and ya know thats ok, i prefer it that way. we have a great relationship they come to me for everything. and if there is something i think they need to know i tell them. point blank....i would rather they hear it from me then anyone else.

so SL and NJ believer, i agree with both of you. seems to me that people are trying to make God fit into what they want Him.to be ,while you clearly backed up everything you said with scripture..... but NJB you said one thing that baffled me,a few posts back, something along the lines of " and now i am talking about the Christian parents"...then you said something like" now this is for the non christian parents because i understand why u don't get it.... what may i ask makes you assume if i can, think they were Christian, just bc they say they are, were they actions showing it? Just really curious? thanks actually liked reading both your posts:amen:
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Beloved, Let us love one another
Nov 10, 2006
Under the Shadow of the Almighty
United States
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If I offended you with my suggestion, I apologize..
Not sure which post or who you meant.
You haven't offended me at all by your suggestion of a prison visit.

I have been reading this thread for about an hr now, and realized awhile back it was started last yr,and the OP has never been back it seems?

now for me reading these posts, i was surprised by some of the responses.

For me as a Mom of 4 teen girls and another 8 yr old girl who willbecome a teen soon enough, have found it to be a great expierence so far.
I will say we are Christian, My girls understand what is expected of them in Gods eyes, and mine, but i always felt (bc i remember me as teen) :bow:
and i could care less what my parents had to say, i will say we were not Christian,,,oh wait i was given a dollar and was told to go to church.
so for us we felt that and i always say to them remeber in the end who will it matter to the most? and they all answer Jesus... and ya know thats ok, i prefer it that way. we have a great relationship they come to me for everything. and if there is something i think they need to know i tell them. point blank....i would rather they hear it from me then anyone else.

so SL and NJ believer, i agree with both of you. seems to me that people are trying to make God fit into what they want Him.to be ,while you clearly backed up everything you said with scripture..... but NJB you said one thing that baffled me,a few posts back, something along the lines of " and now i am talking about the Christian parents"...then you said something like" now this is for the non christian parents because i understand why u don't get it.... what may i ask makes you assume if i can, think they were Christian, just bc they say they are, were they actions showing it? Just really curious? thanks actually liked reading both your posts:amen:
Thanks for the mention veryblessedmomof5 !
As a mom of 7 sons, a daughter and a stepdaughter I can see the difference
in raising your children in the love and admonition of the Lord. I hadnt' noticed
that the mom hadn't been back :doh: but for those reading, or those
googling who are in desperation over what to do for their kid, I am glad
this conversation has continued.
And for the lurkers I just want to say that every problem stems from a spiritual problem.
We do have an enemy who's job is to try to ruin our lives
and especially our families. As you can see, much success has been had to that end,
but it aint over yet and God says we are overcomers!
If we're going to be overcomers, obviously we have to have something to..
If we're going to be victorious, obviously we're going to be in a FIGHT!

ALL of the answers are found in Christ.
So as we take ALL problems to God and leave each load with Him,
He is faithful to care for all that we trust to Him.

They're HIS kids, and He has a great plan for them,.. all we have to
do is be a good example, pray for them and with them, and love on them.
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Apr 29, 2009
New Jersey
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but NJB you said one thing that baffled me,a few posts back, something along the lines of " and now i am talking about the Christian parents"...then you said something like" now this is for the non christian parents because i understand why u don't get it.... what may i ask makes you assume if i can, think they were Christian, just bc they say they are, were they actions showing it? Just really curious? thanks actually liked reading both your posts:amen:

I only made that distinction because I know my posts could have been perceived like a "mini-rant" to some. So I wanted to make it clear that as a Christian parent, your obligation is to God first and foremost before anything or anyone. And that means following His Word. But for a non-Christian reading my posts, it may have seemed like I was just being very intense on this one issue with no real warrant. So I just wanted to clarify where I was coming from (that it's a faith issue. Not just a parenting issue). My overall point could apply to any aspect of the Christian life. We are to be guided by the Bible, not our feelings, opinions or other sources.

Thanks for your kind words. God bless.
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Dec 14, 2008
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Someone who is in the case maybe they could have their teen spend the day with a teen parent or even take care of someones child for a weekend.

If I was a parent and my teen son or daughter was having sex I would not be happy and we’d have a very long talk. However I would at least give them protection (hopefully they are already using protection) If teens want to have sex nothing is going to stop them. The OP son damaged property to get into his grandparents home to bang. He got his girlfriend preggers and she miscarried and they still want to bang despite knowing she got pregnant once and yes she could get pregnant again. Then again maybe they are of the mind from “It couldn’t happen to us again….”

I would rather cut down a little on the chance of my child becoming a parent before he/she is truly ready. Then to just keep telling him/her not to have sex and it be unaffected. I would continued to talk to him/her and try and dissuade him/her from doing it but in the meantime I'd want them to be safe. I would also make sure he/she knew that if a pregnancy occurred that the baby is their responsibility unless they place the child for adoption.
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I love Jesus!
Dec 9, 2007
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Are you listening to yourself, if it's against the law you absolutely would not allow it, but if it's against God's Word, then you allow it??? Are we here to please God or men? Wow. I am stunned.

It is your Gods word, not mine.

Giving your kids condoms is participating in their sin.

Like I said, if I showed them all the things in the Bible to say it is wrong, and they still do not listen or agree with it -I will not condemn my children. I will try and make them safe, not ignore the fact that they are still having sex.

The fact is - if someone wants to have sex - what you say will not change his/ her mind. If they are going to have sex regardless of what I say - I would much rather them be safe than be at risk of all kinds of things.

[/B][/COLOR]You are bringing judgment upon your entire home and corrupting your own child.

I am loving my child, and supporting them to make their own decisions in life, not trying to force them to do what I say.

You do what you like with your family, just do not try and force your way on my children.
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Aug 3, 2004
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Like I said, if I showed them all the things in the Bible to say it is wrong, and they still do not listen or agree with it -I will not condemn my children. I will try and make them safe, not ignore the fact that they are still having sex.

The fact is - if someone wants to have sex - what you say will not change his/ her mind. If they are going to have sex regardless of what I say - I would much rather them be safe than be at risk of all kinds of things.

I am loving my child, and supporting them to make their own decisions in life, not trying to force them to do what I say.

I agree. I have seen much hurt within families by a parent taking a hard line and having their children cut off from them. One result has been their children abandoning their faith. There comes a time when they are no longer just children, but entering into adulthood. Just as God allows us freedom to chose, so we must let our own children too. And when they make some wrong decisions we sense soemthing of the heart of our Father who grieves over humanity's unwillingness to live wisely.

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My dad died 1/12/2023. I'm still devastated.
Jul 1, 2007
Native Land
United States
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If he continues to get in trouble, here is a thought...
It's not Biblical, but, see if you can get him into "Scared Straight"...A not to pleasant trip to prison for a day...He will be safe, but it is MOST effective on at risk kids...
At least look into it.
You want to scare staight a 16,for having sex with a girlfriend.If you do that,he may really get screwed up,some of these teens,that are scared straight,end up commenting suicide and braking more laws.
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My dad died 1/12/2023. I'm still devastated.
Jul 1, 2007
Native Land
United States
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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere in the bible,If someone has sex,then there married in Gods eyes,so I would just try to get the girl on birth control,But that might be sin in Gods eye's anyways.Wasn't Mary 14 years old,when she got pregnant with Jesus.At 14 years old,she was going to get married,so I'm thinking a 16 year old,should be able to decide,if he want's to have sex or not.Anyways when he get 18 years old,he can do what ever he wants,when it comes to sex.
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And This Happened How?
Mar 5, 2011
Northern Alberta Ca.
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So, i had originaly posted in a different area. My post was needing advice on my 16 year old son having sex, and wether or not we should give him protection, as we knew he wasnt using it. The moral issue of it.
So, my son is having sex. We know this. He had gotten his girlfriend pregant and she miscarried.
Right now he has been grounded a month and isnt allowed to see her. Any advice?

Boy, That's a tough one. I noticed that this girl is his girlfriend. wonder if a heart to heart with her (nicely), without your son could possible help. Explain your reasons and ask for her help. I agree with the others that telling your son to keep his hands off will not work. This may not either but it could be a good place to start. She is the one that almost had an OOPPPS. Become her friend.
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Jan 4, 2005
United States
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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere in the bible,If someone has sex,then there married in Gods eyes,so I would just try to get the girl on birth control,But that might be sin in Gods eye's anyways.Wasn't Mary 14 years old,when she got pregnant with Jesus.At 14 years old,she was going to get married,so I'm thinking a 16 year old,should be able to decide,if he want's to have sex or not.Anyways when he get 18 years old,he can do what ever he wants,when it comes to sex.
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My solace my terror, my terror my solace.
Apr 20, 2005
Only thing wrong with this advise is that it goes against God's word...
Which is a big deal imo.

What exactly does God's word say on this matter? In the old testament, you if you found two people having sex, they would be married, regardless of their maturity ability to have a family. No where in the Bible that I am aware of does it say not to marry because of immaturity. There are verses in Song of Songs saying to not awaken love too soon, but this relationship has already passed that point.

I basically did not date growing up, more of a personal choice than something forced on me by my parents, and to a large extent I regret it. Yes, it helped avoid sexual impurity, but it has made for entering relationships now much more difficult. Of course, there is a middle ground between no dating and dating that includes two people, in private, away from any sources of accountability. Some people may call this middle ground courting, group dating, or a vast possibility of other names.

Of course, the issue here isn't about raising a child who avoids sexual immorality, but what is to be done about the teen in question.

As to the question of birth control/protection... would you provide your child with a helmet if he wanted to ride a motorcycle, even though there is no justifiable reason for a Christian to put their body at risk (motorcycles on the road are dangerous). Would you make sure a professional double checked him parachute before he sky dived, even though he is putting his temple of God at an unnecessary risk?

One might bring up avoiding any appearance of evil, but what exactly appears evil? Perhaps it appears that you are condoning the relationship by not disowning him. Should you disown him to ensure you are not appearing to condone the relationship?

In the same way is how I see providing protection.

Now, what you should do is get both him and her to sit down and talk about marriage. In the Old Testament they would have been married the first time they were caught together. In the New Testament, Paul says it is better to remain unmarried to serve Christ Jesus, but to avoid sexual immorality, it is better to marry than to burn with passion. Culture says they are too young, too immature to get married, but this is the same culture that says it is acceptable for them to have sex. I'm pretty sure we are already no listening to culture.

If they don't want to get married, why? In that why, in the reason they don't want to get married you may find the key to convincing him to stop the relationship from being sexual.

NJBeliever said:
Parents force their kids to do things all the time. What if your child decides they don't want to go to school for a month.

How exactly would you force this relationship to stop. Depending upon the law, if she is younger, you can bring it to the attention of the law, but all you do then is ensure his life is ruined. Our society gives little power to parents to end their children sexual behavior. If it was a gang, the law would help you get him out of it. If he was skipping school, the law would help. But here, either the law will punish him greatly (if the relationship qualifies as statutory rape), or the law says "What they are doing is ok with me," and does nothing to help the parent.

To BlessedMom:
When you raise your children up, there is far more control over how they behave than once you catch them behaving. But this isn't a case of a parent asking how to raise their child to not do this, it is a case of finding their child is doing this.
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Beloved, Let us love one another
Nov 10, 2006
Under the Shadow of the Almighty
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Was I wrong about Mary was going to get married at 14 years old, pregnant at 14 years old.
I think you were right about that.
Too bad our coddled spoiled 14 yo's of today wouldn't last a week.

What you were not right about was about sex = marriage.
If that were the case, some of us have multiple spouses out there.

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