Talking with God

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Sep 29, 2018
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Wouldn’t it be wonderful to sit down with Jesus and have a private conversation? In many ways it’s almost impossible for me to imagine what it must have been like to be one of the twelve apostles. Spending every day in the presence of Jesus – eating, working, traveling, and experiencing his teaching first-hand, is to some degree incomprehensible; however, my study of the Bible has brought me closer to Jesus, and as a result, I do have a level of familiarity that is profoundly comforting. Nevertheless, there are times when I feel disconnected from God.

We all have busy lives and finding the time to be alone with God in prayer is not always easy. Even when we acknowledge God in our lives on a regular basis, and offer prayer throughout our day, it can still feel as though we are many miles apart. I think most of us are occasionally unsure of precisely what God is trying to communicate on our behalf. So how can we fix this lack of intimacy? How can we get better connected to God in a deep and meaningful way?

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

First of all, we have to call on God “in truth.” We began our communication with God when we placed our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Accepting that “truth” is the starting point of our relationship with God. Once that connection has been made, it’s up to us to keep it alive and active. I don’t know about you, but the problem I sometimes have is simply forgetting to call on God for help. We probably all sometimes get a little too comfortable handling problems on our own and neglect to seek the divine help that is available.

“Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17

Our communication with God started when we received the gospel which was found in the pages of the Bible. Our faith comes from the Word of God. We first heard God speaking to us through the Word of God. It should come as no surprise that God will continue speaking to us through his Word if we are sincerely searching for him there.

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22

In my experience, the voice of God comes in loud and clear when we take what we learn from the Word of God and put it into action. When we have a hard time hearing anyone, we often move closer to eliminate other distractions. We move closer to God when we follow the teachings of Jesus and serve God by serving others. God is spirit and he communicates with us on a much deeper level than ordinary people; however, just like with our family and friends, we will hear God’s voice more clearly when we move closer to him.

I’d like to encourage you to spend the next few days deliberately moving closer to God by directly responding to the teachings of Jesus. When we follow God’s instruction, his path forward becomes clearly evident.
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