Striking A Balance In Our Music

Greetings everyone! I'm new here, but I'd like to discuss some of today's Christian music, both rock and roll and contemporary.

First of all, I'd like to make it clear that I am not against true Christian rock and roll. I have every Hillsong United CD, and I enjoy Jeff Searles and several other rock and roll bands that produces music that glorifies and honors The Lord. I also have a few contemporary CDs such as Michelle Tumes and Kathy Troccoli.

But I also believe there's a bunch of junk out there that's masquerading as "Christian" when, in reality, it is no more Christian than what is found on the secular scene. Sadly, satan is slipping counterfeit "Christian" music, and because we're too willing to accomodate our youth, not too many people are speaking out against what is happening.

True Christian music is uplifting and has a clear Christian message that honors and glorifies The Lord. And like I've said, this can be done with all types of music, including rock and roll. But let's face the facts, if the music doesn't have a clear Christian message, then it's not Christian music.

Furthermore, many of the videos that go along with this type of music range from idiotic (admittedly this is just my opinion) to downright whorish (this is fact, not opinion). I literally get blown away when I see people who name The Name of Christ acting and dressing as much like their worldly counterparts as they can possibly get away with.

So, to sum things up, I'd just like to say that while I'm not against Christian rock and roll, I do see the robbery satan is committing amongst our youth. He is producing music that has absolutely no (or very little) Christian message, packaging it in a format our youth likes and calling it Christian. This deceives our youth into believing they're singing Christian music, when in fact, they're really not. satan knows there is power in music and he will stop at nothing to keep God's children from knowing the joy of truly singing music that is filled with praise and worship of our Lord.

I encourage all of our youth to find true Christian rock that has a real, solid, uplifting message, one that is rich in lyrics that honors and glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ. Hillsong United is just one of many bands that flat out jams that has an extremely powerful Christian message.

In closing, don't put the music before The Lord. Make sure the music you listen honors and glorifies Him, whether it's rock and roll, rap, or any other type of music.

God bless!


But I'm Le Tired...
Jun 24, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio
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I agree with what your saying to a certain extent lambslove. I believe that most of these artists aren't purposely trying to be fake but they aren't really christian bands some of them are just christians in a band. I do listen to soe of those types of bands though because at least I can tell that I won't find anything offensive in their albums. I just don't consider them christian bands. at the same time though we need some christian bands to hide their message some so non-christians will listen to them. Non-christian consider most contemperary christian music a joke. We need christian music we can play for them in a secular area so they will listen. I don't know what I'm getting at here or if my post makes any sense, I just wanted to respond to your post.
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