Some of the best NT verses threatening loss of salvation


Still an evangelist
Aug 31, 2017
British Columbia
Marital Status
Sadly, the implication of what you say makes a mockery of
Jesus' once for all sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.
Sadly, the implication of what you say makes a mockery of
the many dire warnings in the NT about losing salvation!
Would you care to take a stab at why they are there?
Are they bluffs, exaggerations, lies even?
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Still an evangelist
Aug 31, 2017
British Columbia
Marital Status
It is certainly a terrible thing to live in fear of the loss of salvation. This is why Jesus came and died a death He did not deserve so as we can be free of that fear.
Methinks I will have to post all of the NT verses which advise us to fear God, etc.

Perhoops the strongest one of them all is ...
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather
fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

Why don't you believe Paul when he commands you to:
"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." (Phil 2:12)

Who are you people anyway?
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Phil G

Grafted In
Sep 11, 2012
Marital Status
Sadly, the implication of what you say makes a mockery of
the many dire warnings in the NT about losing salvation!
Would you care to take a stab at why they are there?
Are they bluffs, exaggerations, lies even?

It is very simply and very obviously the once for all sacrifice of Jesus' death for the forgiveness of sins which overrides your misinterpretation of Scripture. That is salvation in its completeness. There is no more to be done for salvation to be applied throughout a person's life. If you call that a bluff or a lie, I question your sincerity. You are preaching a salvation of works, the gospel plus man's efforts. It is rubbish, a false gospel!

You are also taking Phil 2: 12 out of context. It must be taken in the context of the following verse 13 which says very clearly it is God who does the work not me. Working out my salvation comes when I acknowledge it is God who is doing the work in me. I don't have to be concerned about my salvation. It has been bought and paid for. There is no more I can do to 'maintain' it. God Himself 'maintains' it.
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Phil G

Grafted In
Sep 11, 2012
Marital Status
Methinks I will have to post all of the NT verses which advise us to fear God, etc.

Perhoops the strongest one of them all is ...
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather
fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)

Why don't you believe Paul when he commands you to:
"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling." (Phil 2:12)

Who are you people anyway?

I will add that Matthew 10:28 in no way indicates those who are saved can lose their salvation. That is so far out of context that it is obvious you misinterpret Scripture to suit your own theology, not adjust your theology to fit the Scripture.

Man cannot destroy body and soul, but God can. Does that mean people can lose their salvation? I don't see it. Rather I see Jesus telling his disciples (and us) that it is only God who should be placed in the position of recognition that He has the power to destroy people completely and only He is to be feared, not anybody else. How does that mean people can lose their salvation once it has been given to them as gift from God? It doesn't. The whole purpose of that text is so as the disciples (and we) do not fear man but give God His rightful place in our minds and hearts.
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