Some More Questions


Eternally Seeking
Feb 8, 2015
South Carolina
United States
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Hello! I have some more questions.

1. I’ve read that the churches of Christ believe that it is the individual who must make a decision on their own to be saved while having knowledge about Jesus and how to he saved, and that the Holy Spirit has very little, if anything to do with conversion? Is this true?

2. If that’s the case, would you say the coC are semipelagian? If not, how would you refute the semipelagian claim?

3. Do you do altar calls?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2017
United States
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Hello! I have some more questions.

1. I’ve read that the churches of Christ believe that it is the individual who must make a decision on their own to be saved while having knowledge about Jesus and how to he saved, and that the Holy Spirit has very little, if anything to do with conversion? Is this true?

2. If that’s the case, would you say the coC are semipelagian? If not, how would you refute the semipelagian claim?

3. Do you do altar calls?


Your questions answered in order:

1- A topic that's been discussed many times. Maybe these articles can help explain. See below.
God Hardens Whom He Wills?

The Age of Accountability

Apologetics and the Growth of the Early Church

Must We Do Something To Receive the Free Gift of Salvation? | Church of Christ magazine investigating religious doctrine, Christian evidences, and ethical issues.

I hope these answer that question.

2- churches of Christ deny "original sin" doctrine period. Therefore we have no involvement with pelagianism. And that is just one point. Semipelagian implies a silent acceptance of original sin. To explain that one point alone and why we do not believe in such a doctrine, see below.

For more information see here
Some Prominent Theories of Predestination Considered

Some information about our stance on "original sin"
Four Facts Fatal to Original Sin

Original Sin and a Misapplied Passage

Evolution and the Doctrine of Original Sin

Ephesians 2:3 - By Nature Children of Wrath

3- We use the phrase "invitation". Altar calls are usually explained as someone who just comes to the front of the building to confess but doesn't get baptized, and thinks they are saved. It also can be explained for one who thinks they can go to the front and pray, for a sin they did in public view, by themselves and God forgives them.

1 Peter 3:12, does God hear someones prayers if they have done evil?

Galatians 6:1 in addition to 1 Peter 3:12 and 1 John 1:9 indicates fellow brothers and sisters to help the brother or sister in need.

We use invitation as a phrase to invite those who need the prayers from their congregation OR those who wish to become fellow Christians and join Christs church/kingdom by obeying the gospel call to get baptized, Mark 16:15-16 example.

I hope this helps.
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Retired Coach, Now Missionary to the World
Mar 21, 2010
Northeast Texas
United States
Marital Status
Hello! I have some more questions. Well I have some answers.

1. I’ve read that the churches of Christ believe that it is the individual who must make a decision on their own to be saved while having knowledge about Jesus and how to he saved, and that the Holy Spirit has very little, if anything to do with conversion? Is this true? As a member of the church of Christ, I would say no, most of the members that I know would say that the Holy Spirit plays a part in salvation. Acts 2:38, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Titus 3:5

2. If that’s the case, would you say the coC are semipelagian? If not, how would you refute the semipelagian claim? No we are not semipelagians we would agree with some of this philosophy, but not all. We do believe in freewill.

3. Do you do altar calls?
It is called an invitation or Elder's Call
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