slugs, bugs and pests

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Oct 26, 2002
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Icystwolf said:
Interesting, when I immigrated from HK to Australia, I was in Tasmania first, can't remember where because I was only 3yrs old.

But, is my eye sore, or did you say theres no mozzies?

Sydney may be a naturally cool place, but the mozzies are a killer at certain times of the yr. So I see Tasmania is too cold for mozzies, and HK is too polluted to have mozzies...well, looks like inside me is a mozzie lover.... :(

I hate Mozzies and they are here on the coast, but we are inland 30 Clicks about 18 miles and 400metres above sea level and so they find it too cold.

The weather here can change in an instant you get three seasons in an hour. When bricklaying the walls when building this house, my wife left for work and it was sunny. 15 minutes later it snowed all day long, then promptly stopped just before she arrived home.
When I told her she didn’t believe me until our neighbor confirmed it.

In the winter you have to rap up until the sun gets a hold and it gets to about 8 to 10C which is OK.

I am glad that I’m not bald it would be awful cold. They say we lose a lot of heat through our heads.

I once heard of an operation for baldness, it was from America they somehow pull the scalp up, until the hair line meets. Isn’t medical science marvelous.
I told my son and my bald friend about it and they didn’t believe me. They just had these silly smiles on their faces
So I thought, O well here goes and said.
It doesn’t work in the wet though. Because the ears fill with water.

We have a lot to be thankful for, of all the places to have been born it was here on this rock. We must have chosen the short straws to have been borne on this place.
My friends say “but it is beautiful.” Well I would have liked to of had a choice.

I look forward to our Lord coming to take us, His children to a safe place, where there is peace and safety and joy and no Scotch thistle.
That stuff really is a curse, as the Bible says.

Look at the time 3 am, Thank you for your time.
I appreciate being able to chat. I will let you know how productive the garden is when I start getting some produce.

Thank you again.
Your Brother in His Wonderful name
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Selectively Agreeable
Jun 24, 2003
Puget Sound Area
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Greetings Maranatha

So you lived in Australia for a while and tried to grow something.
Were you on the big island up North or in Tasmania, because a man can grow anything here in this soil.

In 1991 the US Navy assigned my hubby to a US Navy Base in Exmouth, Western Australia, called Harold E. Holt. We were living about 800 miles north of Perth just on the Ningaloo Reef where the whale sharks and tons of great fishing is. The base was basically destroyed a few years ago thanks to a powerful cyclone. Im not sure if the tourist town just outside the base went down or not.

I was 21 when we moved there and knew NOTHING about gardening, and even less about Australia. I was a wee little tumble weed bumping about in the desert there! While there, I could not wait to leave thanks to homesickness. Now, I'd love to go back.

I can remember the fruit bats visit over a two week period. My hubby would have to go away for watch all night long and Id be alone with our infant and those dang bats hanging out in the trees of our yard.

Oh to listen to those things. I dared not go outside, I was scared to death. And if you looked just right, those beady red eyes would show through the leaves in the dark - uggg freaky.

I dont know that I want to LIVE there again, but an extended visit might be nice if my trees here start growing money that is!
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Selectively Agreeable
Jun 24, 2003
Puget Sound Area
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You bet UK

BTW, where in the UK? We have family in Macclesfield.

I recently met Lord Wedgewood and he was thrilled to talk about Macclesfield. He even gave me an extra plate in addition to my tea cup at the signing I met him at!

Better money than china to grow on trees. I windy day could be a blessing or a health hazzard!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2002
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Philip said:
Most go into the composter. Sometimes I see birds taking them.

The birds will swoop down and grab the slugs if they have been in the sun long enough to dry them out. I use to fling them out on the driveway when I was working on the garden, after about 5 min in the sun, they a bird would just about always grab it.
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Jul 31, 2003
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Look for a product called Sluggo, it's a bait containing iron phosphate. It's non-toxic to the kids and the dog, but it kills the slugs.

They hide under things like large pieces of bark, logs - anything to stay cool in the daytime, so it helps to get rid of stuff like that.
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