Rethinking Theory.


Mar 25, 2012
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I think creationists have the wrong idea of what a "theory" is.. I hear a lot of creationists' arguments that bash evolution, Darwinism, and the Big Bang simply because they are "theories." Let's break down the definition.. A "Theory" is a tested group of observations and propositions that correlate with one another to serve as the best known explanation or prediction for a phenomena based on the evidence at hand. Theories are constantly being subjected to testing and other alternatives in order to better our understanding of that phenomena. If you happen to reject these tested scientific observations because they're "theories," then what's stopping you from rejecting other theories such as the law of gravity, or the fact that our planet orbits the sun?


I think creationists have the wrong idea of what a "theory" is.. I hear a lot of creationists' arguments that bash evolution, Darwinism, and the Big Bang simply because they are "theories." Let's break down the definition.. A "Theory" is a tested group of observations and propositions that correlate with one another to serve as the best known explanation or prediction for a phenomena based on the evidence at hand. Theories are constantly being subjected to testing and other alternatives in order to better our understanding of that phenomena. If you happen to reject these tested scientific observations because they're "theories," then what's stopping you from rejecting other theories such as the law of gravity, or the fact that our planet orbits the sun?

Best of luck with this; I'd hate to see another drawn out debate on semantics.
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Apr 29, 2012
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other theories such as the law of gravity, or the fact that our planet orbits the sun?

It's the theory of gravity. There's no proof. Everyone knows that we stick to the ground because baby Jebus holds us there. And in addition the "theory" that the world orbits the sun is patently false - the Bible tells us the world is stationary...and is flat and submerged in water. He created a firmament to separate the waters below from the waters above, see? I just proved it. The "space is a vacuum theory" is just imagination run rampant; the fevered rantings of the insane. It is common knowledge that the scientific method is when a person just comes up with anything they want which the scientific community blindly accepts with no reason at all to justify it. Are we to believe that they actually attempt to quantify their claims with data based on observations made through the testing and retesting of their hypothesis? Pfffft. Whatevs. Next thing you know you're going to imply the moon isn't made of cheese or that stars aren't pinholes in the fabric of night. You're gonna get it when you die and Jebus gets a hold of you!
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