Reaching Out

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Defender of Small Animals
Mar 19, 2004
I'm not sure exactly where to start. But given my situation, I can't think of too many other places to go, so let's start with the deep end.

I'm a young newlywed (to prevent flames, I'll be leaving my age out) and already I think my marriage is ending with little I can do to save it. My husband and I have been together for 5 years, but only married 2 months. Recently, things have been very bad. I actually left for a few days to give him the space he asked for only to come home and find things worse than before I left.

Let me start by saying that the road to arrive here has been a long one. I recognized his unhappiness some time ago and have watched grow steadily worse. Last month he began spending long nights on the computer ignoring me and talking to people online. I also have been unhappy for some time, but have been unable to do anything to help our situation, try as I may.

He told me last Monday that he wasn't sure how he felt about anything in his life anymore, myself included, and that he needed some time to himself to sort things out. I told him that I wanted to see him happy no matter what because I love him with all my heart and he deserves to be happy. I left on Tuesday and we had minimal contact until I returned on Friday evening. Not much changed on Friday except that he refused to share our bed and opted for the couch instead. Saturday was worse. He barely talked to me and actually covered himself to walk from the bedroom to the shower and back. He's been working out every single day and running for the privacy of the outdoors or our bedroom whenever he makes a phone call. He also hides his chat windows whenever I come near him and he's set up a new email account. We haven't had much of an intimate relationship either. Wheels in my head had already been turning and I asked him if there was another woman. He emphatically denied it saying that there was only someone he enjoyed talking to that lived half way across the country.

I let it go, although the wrenching pain in my stomach told me otherwise. I sought out a relationship help group and they helped to put a lot of things into perspective, but only added to my concerns by telling me that your gut instict is rarely wrong. I don't know why, but as soon as I heard that I instantly remember seeing an order number for an online florist sitting by the computer a few days ago, but I haven't received any flowers in years. I took the advice of the group therapist and went home and laid out all my feelings and fears in writing to him in an email. He confirmed that there was another woman and that while he has not cheated (she's 3000 miles away), the relationship is more than friendly.

I'm at a loss as to what to do. He says he doesn't know how he truly feels about her, but he doesn't want to give up on our relationship either. He just needs more time alone to work things out. I don't know how much longer I can go without the love and affection that he's been denying me for so long so that he can go work on his internet relationship.

I classify myself as a non-Christian now, although I did believe not too long ago. I just don't know where to turn anymore where I won't be scrutinized for my life. And God is notorious for forgiveness as are many of his flock. If anyone has some perspective or words of comfort and wisdom, I really could use them right now...


This post is low-carb!
Mar 22, 2004
San Diego
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First off -

"I classify myself as a non-Christian now, although I did believe not too long ago. I just don't know where to turn anymore where I won't be scrutinized for my life. And God is notorious for forgiveness as are many of his flock. If anyone has some perspective or words of comfort and wisdom, I really could use them right now..."

What led you here? You say you were a believer not too long ago, maybe this is the Spirit's effort to show you the way out of this mess. If you give up your faith in God, certainly you won't have any faith left for a relationship in a husband.

Aside from the religious rhetoric which you may or may not care to hear. The reasons why your husband is being lead astray are not your fault. I think that should be the first thing to remember when reflecting on this issue. The more you analyze why, the more you will ultimately revert all failure to you, and your false sense of inadequacy towards him.

It seems that even as deep a hole you're in, he's in a hole 10 times deeper. It's true that love can overcome anything, however the catch is that love must be in focus. Deal with it one day at a time, the more you show hope/faith in the relationship, the more it might provoke him to do the same.

God bless, I will be praying for you, him, and both of you as a whole.. :prayer:
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New Creation

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Aug 4, 2003
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I will be praying for you and your husband my sister. :prayer:

Talk to God, talk to him ceaselessly. He is always there for you. He will NEVER forsake you. He loves you. Now more than ever, you need God. Go to Him and accept the love,comfort and wisdom that He has for you.
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devoted daughter

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2004
Your husband having more time to work things out with you, REALLY isn't working things out with YOU! I thought you were getting a lot of "red flags", and then I got to the part of your letter about those "gut feelings’ and then how you have had "confirmation" of the truth. I hope that you stay with this group you mentioned, as you need, and deserve all the support that you can get. :hug:
Caelum makes a good point about what guided you here,this is a place that you will also receive support.
:pray: You and your husband will be in my prayers, and may God open your heart that His Spirit will guide you to truth, and bring you comfort. :pray:
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