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It means 'yellow dog'
Jan 16, 2002
SOUTHERN SUDAN. Since late September, you have been interceding
for those who are ministering in an area of civil war.

The government's curfew on all flights into or out of the area continues.

The parents of one worker report: "We had a phone call from Sudan. She said that urgent prayer was needed for wounded Southern Sudanese soldiers who were being brought to their station for medical attention. There is only one doctor at the hospital, but the nurses were there to help with the wounded. She said that medicine and bandages supplies were okay at the time, but that if many more wounded were brought to the hospital, then the supplies would not last very long. She said that many of the wounded were just young boys.

Most of the bombing has been done around the Christian and animist refugee camps. She did say that permission had been given for three trucks to carry food to the refugee camps. She said that that happened as a result of so many people praying for the Sudanese people."

Pray for the wounded soldiers being cared for at the hospital. Pray for the one doctor at the hospital and the small staff he has to help him. Pray for the refugees, that more food will be made available for them, for they are starving and are terrified.

Pray for the people who have taken refuge in the bush from the bombings. Pray that those ministering will have wisdom to encourage and comfort those young boys who have been wounded and that the young boys will know that God loves them.

The civil war in Sudan is caused by Muslims from the northern part of the country seizing the land and assets of southern Christians and animists, and trying to impose Islamic law on all people, regardless of religion. It has been going on for several years, and although there have been brief periods of rest, there is no end in sight.
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