
Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
Marital Status
"Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked."

~ Psalm 82:3-4 ESV

PAKISTAN: Young Girl Forcibly Converted​

Sources: Pakistan Christian Post, Morning Star News​

Laiba Suhail

Laiba Suhail
Photo: Morning Star News

On the night of February 11th, ten-year-old Laiba Suhail was abducted from her home in the Faisalabad District of Punjab. The Christian girl's captor has been identified as Muhammad Mohsin Shah – a man who is well known in the area for abducting and forcibly converting girls from religious minorities.
When Laiba's parents approached Muhammad, he dismissed them by asserting that she had willingly embraced Islam. In response to the incident, court officials ruled to send Laiba to a women's shelter rather than returning her home. The parents were refused any contact with their daughter during the hearing, even though the young girl was present.
The Christian family has since learned that Muhammad managed to take Laiba from the women's shelter. Her parents are now concerned that she may have been sold to sex traffickers. At last report, Laiba's family members were pursuing all efforts to regain custody, but they are extremely poor due to the ill health of Laiba's father. They are endeavouring to obtain a lawyer to file a motion with the Lahore High Court.
The plight facing Christian women and girls in Pakistan is deeply concerning. Despite court rulings that have been established to protect females of minority groups, many authorities throughout the country frequently disregard these laws. As a result, on February 28th, the Lahore High Court ordered the government to implement stricter enforcement of anti-child marriage laws. Pressure has also been applied to enact tighter regulations relating to forced conversions. For links to other reports addressing persecution in Pakistan, go to our country report.
Please uphold this distraught family in your prayers, asking the Lord to mightily intervene in the situation and ensure Laiba is safely returned to the custody of her loving parents. May God grant this young girl divine protection, healing and comfort, meeting her every need now and in the future. Pray that the laws designed to protect vulnerable minorities in Pakistan will be tightened and more strictly enforced by the country's authorities so that such incidents can be prevented from happening in the lives of other innocent victims and their families.

CHINA: Another Church Ordered to Remove Crosses​

Source: ChinaAid​

A cross is being removed from atop a large church.

Crosses have been removed from many churches in China.
Photo: ChinaAid

For more than 30 years, crosses were allowed to be displayed by Christian churches throughout China. However, as of 2014, the situation began to reverse. Beginning in Zhejiang Province, over 1,000 crosses were forcibly removed from Christian buildings over a three-year period. The enforcement of that campaign then spread to other provinces.
On March 10th, the Wangfenggang Christian Church in the Xiejiaji district of Huainan City, Anhui Province, received written notice from village administrators ordering the removal of a cross from the top of their building, as well as one that was placed above the facility's door. The notice stated that the crosses were "safety hazards."
The cross above the door has been securely in place for 40 years. The one on the roof was installed five years ago in compliance with applicable building standards – plus, it passed a safety inspection. The claim from the village committee appears to be an arbitrary demand without basis. It is uncertain if there are any legal premises for this notice and whether the village committee has the authority to enforce such a demand.
Pressure on the country's Christians from various levels of government has been increasing throughout China as the Chinese Communist Party endeavours to take control of all aspects of society. Additional reports on recent incidents of persecution in China are available at our country report.
Pray for wisdom on behalf of the leaders of this church as they determine their next steps of action in response to this demand. May God also guide these leaders as they continue ministering to the members of their church and reaching out to others in the community. In general, please prayerfully remember Christians throughout China who are likewise facing increased pressure to submit to the government's repressive policies, asking our Heavenly Father to sustain them with His reassuring presence, strength and peace.

PAKISTAN: Christian Sentenced to Life in Prison for Alleged Blasphemy​

Sources: Morning Star News, British Asian Christian Association​

Fansan Shahid

Fansan Shahid
Photo: Morning Star News

On March 18th, 2022, Fansan Shahid was taken from his home in Lahore and charged with blasphemy. The charges arose after the Christian man purportedly commented on photos of suicide bombings that occurred in Sri Lanka. As the attackers appeared to be Muslims, his accuser alleged that Fansan's social media comment insulted the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
During interrogation, Fansan was coerced into confessing – something he later retracted during his trial. He further stated that the phone he used to make the comment has been lost since 2019. Despite the missing phone and his denial of any involvement, the Christian father of two was convicted and sentenced to life in prison on January 24th of this year.
In response to the verdict, Fansan's sister Sonia stated: "We are deeply shocked by the conviction of Fansan. We are praying for justice and [his] release through appeal." The family has been forced to relocate due to concerns for their safety. For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, go to our country report.
Please lift up Fansan before God's throne of grace as he faces the accusations against him. Pray that his appeal hearing will be successful, and that consequently he would be released from custody. Ask the Lord to ensure the safety of this accused believer and his family, as well as any other Christians in their community who may be at risk. May the Holy Spirit work mightily within the hearts and minds of citizens throughout Pakistan – including those serving as legislators – so that the country's widely abused blasphemy laws would be repealed.