People who prophesy in His name but judge are not doing what Jesus says


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Nov 14, 2004
There will be shame great loss in lack of reward to all those who worked to prevent anyone from being blessed.

I believe there is shame but not overwhelming rejecting totally shame even for the saved as bible says people will suffer loss but be saved so as through fire. They will take a lower position as all those who refused to do good to others and did not repent of it while they could to speak out in support of others to encourage others to do good to them. And all those who were rejected will be compensated with a higher reward than those who were not rejected for God is a just judge people think they can find loophole to ruin people but God will pay back the unrepentant.

If they repent they will still be saved but if they did not speak in support if others while they could they will have lesser reward for what they wanted to have higher reward was wrong they play dirty for there is even no excuse to reject one if you didnt reject others who even went to college though that is not necessary if their family could support and they are willing to work in future for business or they are willing to work even if they may seem to struggle but God promises to provide needs for those who work but for even still all have their own responsibility to look after self not even man has though it is his proper role to in addition provide.

Some pastors try to say some are not qualified and some church leaders say God means no blessing for those not following church or try to prevent a blessing or worked for that to want it.

Using scripture also to condemn people for wanting a wife with evil intention to say that you gain the world and lose your soul when even they got married and marriage is not sin to apply to that and they have no right to interfere on one choice to make it so they are not married and they dont really believe it but they dont allow for person to seek to still have that it is their choice they take their right from one to make a choice.
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Nov 14, 2004
This is from a christian page that is serious warning for christians who are harsh towards others

In following Christ's example, we are called to embody his teachings of love, mercy, and humility. Jesus emphasized the importance of compassion and forgiveness, as seen in his interactions with sinners and outcasts. In Luke 6:36, he instructs us to be merciful, just as our Father is merciful.

However, like the Pharisees of Jesus' time, the church can sometimes stray from the essence of Christ's message. Instead of extending grace and understanding, there are instances where the church may condemn and judge others harshly. This behavior mirrors the hypocrisy and legalism of the Pharisees, whom Jesus rebuked for prioritizing religious rules over compassion and justice.

In Matthew 23, Jesus condemns the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and lack of compassion, warning against following their example. He criticizes their focus on external appearances and adherence to religious rituals while neglecting the weightier matters of justice, mercy, and faith.

Therefore, it is essential for the church to heed Jesus' warning and avoid falling into the same trap of legalism and hypocrisy. Instead, the church should embody the good news that Christ came to preach – a message of love, grace, and redemption for all, regardless of their shortcomings or past mistakes.
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He who says he has no sin lies and does not practice truth. The bible says he who judges his brother judges the law. You can’t exclude anyone living to try to say they did not measure up and it is too late for them that is not what Jesus says.

If you want to take God place and say there is anyone that it is too late to be saved you are going against Jesus commandments which says not to judge any soul to hell.

Yes all have to repent as they don’t know when they will die as Jesus can come as a thief at any time for those who refuse to repent as they may have had all their chance they can die suddenly if they are not seeking to repent to stop sinning and choose not to watch
You are absolutely right! First take the plank out of your own eye before taking the speck out of a brother or sister's eye. However, some people get judging confused with just telling them the truth about what the bible says. For example, sometimes when we tell someone what they're doing is wrong, they get defensive and say, "you're judging me" when all we're doing is rebuking them and gently helping them turn away from their sins. We're not to judge or condemn our neighbors, but we are to tell them the truth about God's word in love and we're to rebuke our brothers and sisters when they sin and for the nonbelievers, we are to pray for them and evangelize every chance we get. We are also not to shun anyone; God wants us to love everyone.
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Nov 14, 2004
Some people have done many works to try to make others feel they are unworthy of God and in the end God accepts the prodigal son but the others having bad intention are rejected that He just wants the person home that person only needs to repent and sit at christ feet to learn from Him and obey christ according to capacity he can that christ equips and shows.
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Nov 14, 2004
All those people that try to condemn others as not following christ by their own made up standards that they know are not right will end up in hell if they dont repent when they can and incase do not have opportunity to call on christ to forgive them and should apologise when they can incase one dies when one is not seeking to apologise.

Jesus will condemn them as those who beat their fellow servants and making obstacles for people to come to christ as they dont know they can measure up though they have no excuse not to come to christ because they know it may be made up standards that they can try to follow but if not still hope.
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Nov 14, 2004
Christians who many of them are pastors made christianity a way of paying out punishment for people who are not servants that they should not be served if they didnt earn it but Jesus point of being servant is to do good to those you dont think deserve it even saying bless your enemies even as He served giving Himself as sacrifice for all who will accept Him. I am thinking salvation may be free not as others like to make it but I do not know as Jesus said he who gains his life will lose it but that just means those who gain their life by holding onto their sins and not repenting and He said where I am My servant will be also but by saying He served us by giving Himself a ransom seems to mean because of what one did one is served to be given something to which seems to mean salvation freely because Jesus point is to teach to serve others freely in church and to do more acts of service for more apart from considering every member of the church that came your way to have greatest reward just as He served one freely giving salvation and may be just you are expected to simply believe on christ and share with others and to continue to do so and repent because you dont know if you will have chance to repent later in life as those in the 11th hour as in the parable of the workers of the vineyard if you die when you have not accepted christ and serving Him by teaching His way.
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Nov 14, 2004
I follow pastors and others who preach christ and like some of their posts but that is because I suspect they want to serve Jesus to assume they are honest but honesty is not enough many of them claim healing and speaking in tongues which I do believe healing can happen but not every time they insist do I believe they are healing though if they had been prepared to some is given the gift of healing to some but not to all for God has a timetable and will for anyone healing if it is even His will for person to ever be healed and people needed repentance and faith as jesus said an adulterous generation seeks a sign and none will be given it except the sign of jonah that can heal all those God does not have another purpose for one not to heal and I suppose speaking in tongues may be possible more likely when there is true unity though it may be possible for some though not for all and I dont believe they speak in tongues.

There are many religious people that claim wonders and miracles some true by others faith but more which are not true and that they received revelations from God and like them others are sinning too that liars will not enter heaven those who claim revelation from God. The way to heaven is narrow that you have to confess to lying incase you die when not seeking to to call on the Lord but the bible says many do not go to the light lest their deeds be exposed.

Maybe worried about their ministry but salvation comes first that people who truly deserve salvation would not be offended but encouraged knowing all are accountable to God that they still know their ministry was sincere that they want to serve the Lord and they have knowldge of the Lord will.
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Nov 14, 2004
The reason I follow orthodox church is that christians who dont follow church never stop discouraging others that they have not fully surrendered to the Lord without showing when one will be or they seem they might take away from the words of Jesus that saved people would now show they are when they now abide in christ to be led to seek to do works atleast if there is a need that you can help where without your help others may die as in parable of the good samaritan but only must seek to and if dont die it will be done as we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for works that God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them and besides I find sometimes my faith is under attack by the enemy from my lack of roots when I come across something I have not learned about and can misunderstand though I believe but to explain more clearer that others know and I remember people in my church said that if you are close to church seeing a priest to confess to them and ask prayer and have communion it will strengthen one faith.
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