Paxi - Testimony of Faith


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2005
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A brief telling of my spiritual pilgrimage:

One side of my family is traditionally United Methodist. I was baptized United Methodist and went to a UM church for a total of 4 years (which I remember loving, but only because of the people who were there). It ended up going a "progressive" route, and a lot of people left the church... We ended up at a "non-denominational" (yet essentially Nazarene) place for about 4 1/2 years until the membership got so small it disintegrated. During these years, I was first introduced to faith as a child... I was baptized (again) and came to an understanding of the basics (Jesus is Lord, Jesus died for your sins, Jesus rose again, etc. etc.). The truth is - I was happy with my child-like faith, with my simple trust in God and Jesus.

But then, life got complicated...

I was sent to a small private Lutheran school (of the Missouri Synod variety). I was there for 6 years. As it turned out, the pastor of the Lutheran church also helped out in the school... also, as it turned out, he was a pedophile and *liked* all of us children in a not-good-way. From that perspective, it was a miserable 6 years. Especially since a lot of the kids knew I was queer, so I always got to be the scapegoat and always got the crap beat out of me. Yep, 6 years of abuse. Now this is the point where one may expect me to go off on about how much I hate Lutheranism, or conservative Christianity, or whatever... But the truth was, I really latched onto the Lutheran faith. It was taught more than anything else, and I really began to form my faith identity in Lutheran terms. I think I did this because it was a constant for 6 years while everything else was going chaotic...

Including our search for a new church. After the non-denominational place withered, we were "seekers" for several years. We visited at almost everywhere trying to find the perfect place. Meanwhile, I had to see my father over summers (since my parents divorced). At that time, my father and my step mom were alcoholics... so, every summer from 1988 to 1992, I spent it being abused and being dumped on for being a Christian since it was a very secular/ anti-Christian environment (in this sense, I kinda get what 'conservatives' are saying when they complain about how 'the world' treats them... its true!).

Eventually we ended up at a Presbyterian Church - and actually stayed there for over a year. We blended in with the minority there who were traditionalist/conservative and still holding onto their Calvinist roots. At this point, I really did begin to believe in double Predestination. I had already learned single Predestination from being Lutheran... at this point, I really did begin to believe in double Predestination and think in those terms... and to realize that all of the bad crap that had happened to me (and was still happening to me) was pre-ordained. It was my lot. Maybe it was to punish me for being a bad person, or for being queer (even though I had not even gone through puberty yet... nor had I even thought of dating someone). But, in any case, I knew I deserved it all and I did not have a chance, my life on earth was destined to suck and be filled with abuse... and then I would probably die some horrible painful death and wake up in hell. I came to sincerely believe that I was _not_ one of the Elect and I began living accordingly. I did what I wanted - but I also hated myself. I abused myself, cut myself, made myself bleed and used either overeating or undereating as a way to torture myself even more.

After leaving the Lutheran school, I went to another small Christian school briefly before entering the public school system.
A large group of people (around 500) left the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) after our minister preached a sermon about how his Calvinism had matured and he 'now realized that everyone is God's elect'... This happened right when many at the church were becoming uppity about being pro-Choice and praising the election of Bill Clinton. After holding a pro-Life march and claiming that the Presbyterian church was "pornographic", this group left... And I felt split over it, like I was two people - like one of me really wanted to stay and try again to believe that God could have chosen me... and the other me mechanically upheld all the "right" beliefs and was a good member of the family (even if, by doing so, I also had to regulate myself to damnation).
Then, while visiting my father's house in the Summer of 1993, things were really abusive (physically, emotionally, verbally, psychologically, spiritually and yes, sexually)... to the point where after being consistently and constantly abused for so many years and in all the ways possible... I finally had a minor mental breakdown at age 12 and found myself in "Christian counseling" and in therapy for awhile. My step-mom had introduced me to alcohol at age 9, so that was going on as well.

At first we were going to go along with the "new" group who was starting their own Evangelical Presbyterian Church. However, my family blamed both the public school system, my Christian rock/metal collection and "liberal religion" for my problems (including the fact that by this point *most* people were beginning to suspect that I was "queer"). So, they became reactionary on all points, for the several years...

Instead we went to this crazy rapture-ready Charismatic/Pentecostal Church for the next 4 years. They were so conservative they believed the Assemblies of God to be a liberal blasphemy before God. I hated it and, in many ways, found it to be abusive. I used to beg and plead to go elsewhere, anywhere else for church, but to no avail... my family and my church joined together and ganged up on me and my Christian rock/metal collection. They said any music with a beat was straight from The Devil. I kept trying to say that having extreme Christian music had been the only thing that had carried me through years of abuse while still retaining sanity. In the winter of 1995, they made a great big bonfire and burned it all while also trying to perform an exorcism on me, to make Satan leave my soul. After losing nearly 2000 albums, I felt crushed. I had been listening to many of them non-stop since the end of the '80's as a coping mechanism. But now, as I look back, I also realize that in many ways I used them to relive my own abuse and as a means of self-abuse. Even though it took me a long time to recover from such cruelty, they may have done me a favor. I had to begin my music collection all over again... and this time, I didn't try to keep by the rules. I openly rebelled. People said my music was from Satan so I would give them music from Satan. I got heavily into the Gothic music scene and began identifying as a Goth. I was hardcore into the Gothic lifestyle all the way through high school (1995-1999) and all the way through college (1999-2003).

As another way to "fix" me, I was sent to a Catholic boarding school for high school. Even though we were not Catholic (in fact, my family believes Catholics go to hell, even people like Mother Theresa), Catholic school seemed to be the only option for high school in my area that would promote things like discipline, correct gender behavior, etc. Good in theory, but the ha-ha of it was that it was progressive Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition and was really what I would consider a "Vatican-III" environment. At first, I still really thought that they were wrong... but, as the years went on, I began to see what they were saying (even if I did not agree). At the very least, I learned an appreciation and tolerance for Christian diversity. My senior year we read Bishop Spong's "Why Christianity Must Change Or Die"... LOL.

After the Charismatic place got really wacked, we found our way to the Evangelical Presbyterian place for the last couple of years before I left for college. It was "ok" but I never really fit in by that point.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2005
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I went off to an Evangelical Bible College (the only kind I was allowed to go to) in the Fall of 1999 and, of course, began working towards a Bible/Theology degree. I kept at it for 2 reasons: 1) Because it was the only way I'd actually get any college degree and 2) Because I felt as though my faith was a frankenstein faith, made up of bits and pieces with lots of holes in it. I was just... really confused at this point and thought maybe if I really got into Biblical studies, I would be able to figure things out and find a way to stay in the Christian faith.

In 2000, I came out as queer which led to more abuse on behalf of the good Christians I was living with at college. I was done hiding and realized I just needed to be myself. I got even more into Gothic stuff, did not go to church and flirted with the idea of just going far away and having no more to do with religion. The year belonged to the Goat, to the voice in my head that says everything is a lie. But in 2001, the Lamb returned, as I realized my deep internal yearning for the faith I held as a child, for both the simplicity and authenticity that that faith had had. I really got into my Biblical studies and accidently... through works that the Bible College had us study to "expose heresy" found the world of higher Biblical criticism.

2002 was a firecracker year for me. I literally spent the whole year struggling with various ideas that I had discovered... I read a lot by everyone from NT Wright to Marc Borg... and I finally got my head around when they were really trying to say. It put a third option on the table for me between blind conformity to my past and complete utter rebellion. At the same time, I remember being really nervous about going in "that direction". I also met and fell in love with a wonderful woman who was a lifelong member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church with a faith that really would have to be considered a hybrid of Evangelical with Progressive (perhaps something along the lines of what is now meant by "Emergent"). But I still continued to struggle with my own self-hatred, suicidal tendencies and I was also still drinking and my health problems became significant enough to greatly impede my life.

My struggles continued throughout 2003, when I got my first CF account and, in those days, made a lot of people very mad at certain things I had to say. This year I went to two discussions on Jesus, one given by JD Crossan at my friend's Episcopal church... and one given by NT Wright at a Presbyterian church. By the end of the year, I had decided to become a full-fledged liberal and see what happened. I was going to a UCC church at this time while my wife still went to her ELCA church (but, of course, we visited each others church).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2005
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Throughout 2004, as I realized my Bible degree from an uber Evangelical place was pretty worthless as a liberal Christian, I did my best to conform (though internally I wasn't sure). Truth is, I was very angry and I drank a lot and I often came on to CF to vent and to see how conservatives I could get po'd. By 2005, I realized that I really wasn't even internalizing any version of Christian (liberal or otherwise). I really was just still full of doubts and confused and I was a very angry and bitter person who was just dumping on people. About 3 different times my CF account had gotten banned and I had made a new one. Finally, I just went away for about a year...2005 was overall a suck year... I had yet another mental breakdown and went off on my own. I no longer believed in anything or anyone. My wife stayed with me though, even though I was a sorry sight. And here is an irony: it was in the middle of the worst depression and greatest lack-of-faith of my life that I finally was able to stop drinking and began the process of moving on from thathorrible chapter in my life. Also, my wife and I moved from the Midwest to the East Coast where the discrimination factor went down a lot.

In the beginning of 2006, I was inspired by my wife's faith... she clearly had something that I did not... She had that childlike faith, that simple trust in Jesus that exists alongside of all of life's crap and abuses, in spite of it. I realized it was what I wanted. I took long walks along the Atlantic beach all spring and summer, trying to rediscover God, but also just to be thankful I was sane, sober and alive. After having not gone to church for awhile, and after we had moved, I wasn't connected with church. I began going to her ELCA church (a Reconciling-In-Christ place), and began having meetings with the pastor... during which I expressed how before all of the crap began, as a child, I always had felt called to ministry but had no clue how to follow that calling after such a bizarre screwed up existence. He ultimately convinced me to go to seminary... but not in the ELCA, for, at that time, he told me the ELCA would not ordain me as the openly-queer person I was.

In the summer of 2006, my health conditions struck again and I almost died that time. Upon coming so close to what I thought I had wished for for so long... I realized that I really did want to be alive and I really did want to fulfill my calling no matter how hard it got, no matter how much I had to fight with myself for it: Maybe there could be a way to transform all of the crap into something that would help others. So, in Fall of 2006, I began seminary at a UCC place, a place I knew would be accepting.

As it turns out, it is a pretty liberal place with a minority of progressive Evangelicals. And its okay that I do not always agree, because it is still a really good school and a really good place for discernment. Even though at first I did give into conformity a bit, now I am being more open and just being myself.
In 2007, my wife and I were blessed to be allowed to become mommies... and our baby has been such a blessing ever since. In 2008, amidst my recurring health problems and some pretty turbulent personal struggles of faith - I gave my heart to Jesus (again). I know that I am a sinner who is only saved through Jesus' blood. Finally, things were going right...

But then, from Fall 2008 to Spring 2009, my health issues came back and had more psychological issues/ mental breakdowns (which nearly got me banned from CF... again). Finally, I ended up needing serious surgery (and will need another operation next year).

But I believe in the reconciliation of the Lamb and the Goat.... and though I may be broken and fragmented, I will continue to believe that some day I will be made whole in Christ. And someday, I will learn how to fulfill my calling...

So thats me, in all of my Progressive Evangelical - yet politically independent - yet socially liberal Gothic post-modern Emergent messiness.
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