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One-world government


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Dec 27, 2018
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If there is really an inevitable one-world government (as in a widely thought eschatological understanding of Revelation and corresponding a lot with current events), I do not want to be alive to see it pass if it is true. I just want to at least be taken to my next life if these are end times, I would rather skip the rest, and I'd say the same for my other friends and family because I feel bad for them too.

I'm sorry if this post came off as unnecessarily morbid.

Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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We should all have a desire for the blessed hope of His return. Likewise to be eternally in His presence. That part is scriptural. However, meanwhile and also scriptural, we have a job to do, To be a witness of the light we received, to shed it, give a testimony of why we have this hope in dark times. So be active in our faith till the coming of the Lord or we are taken home whatever that looks like. We are stewards and ambassadors of the faith and for Jesus Christ Himself.

My wife and I make Christian T shirts, carry bags and other items. The shirts we wear, we also pass out to friends, relatives etc.. My personal favorite says Jesus Christ in an arch. Within the arch says the way, the truth & life and the bible verse number. But the one that gets the most looks and comments of all I have is I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Rarely do I go out and that one doesn't get a glance, a smile or comment that leads to a witnessing session. Now right now we are in tourist season in a tourist area, so lots of strangers around, many of them look in scorn or have a scowl , can't be bothered. Quite a lot of a certain brand City folk always in a rush, seem grumpy, they look out the corner of their eyes instead of straight on and have a course of escape plotted out before you even intersect... Quick, shifty. To give the time of day would be burdensome to many of them it seems.. We can't help that. But we ourselves are to shed the light.
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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If there is really an inevitable one-world government (as in a widely thought eschatological understanding of Revelation and corresponding a lot with current events), I do not want to be alive to see it pass if it is true. I just want to at least be taken to my next life if these are end times, I would rather skip the rest, and I'd say the same for my other friends and family because I feel bad for them too.

I'm sorry if this post came off as unnecessarily morbid.

...All born again children of God living now will escape what is coming upon the world eventually. But the question that remains is, no one knows when.

...What is coming upon the world will take place, as The Bible does not give a specific date (year) for the tribulation to begin. So that all that can be known now, is as each day passes the closer the people of earth move toward this part of future history.

So to escape what is coming a person must be a born again child of God and to be a born again child of God is only by one way. That way is to believe in Jesus, that is believe, Jesus is the resurrection and the life, the promised Messiah from the prophecies of The Tanakh.
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Jul 11, 2023
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If there is really an inevitable one-world government (as in a widely thought eschatological understanding of Revelation and corresponding a lot with current events), I do not want to be alive to see it pass if it is true.
When you say 'corresponding a lot with current events', what do you mean?

I just want to at least be taken to my next life if these are end times, I would rather skip the rest, and I'd say the same for my other friends and family because I feel bad for them too.
What do you mean? I'm trying to understand. Can you explain a bit?

I'm sorry if this post came off as unnecessarily morbid.
No need to apologize. Glad to hear you explain your feelings.
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Dec 27, 2018
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It's over, this whole universe now has been ceded completely to the control of evil. Everything is so thoroughly corrupted that a global catastrophe near-extinction event seems like the only answer that can arrest our current direction.

I loved God in the Old Testament. I like the stories of him pouring his wrath on people for disobedience. Since the New Testament it seems like God wants us to just wait until everyone is judged all at once at the end.
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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Being obedient in our time in the apple cart of earths history and this dispensation or time frame of scripture, is to be about God's work. To trust and to shed His light in a dark world. Rather than worrying will we escape or when, we should instead look to Him and shed that light and good news of the gospel. We are called not to withdraw inward but to go out into the lost world as Jesus Christ's ambassadors.. Many want to huddle together in secret Christianity, that's not what scripture tells us to do. Oh prayer life yes, in your prayer room or closet but we still are to go out and be a witness. Witness then let the Holy Spirit convict. We meet together for refueling, to get a fresh word.

Jesus will take us when the Father says go get them ! Meanwhile there is a task at hand, the darker the world looks the brighter His light stands out and we carry that light.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
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It's over, this whole universe now has been ceded completely to the control of evil. Everything is so thoroughly corrupted that a global catastrophe near-extinction event seems like the only answer that can arrest our current direction.

I loved God in the Old Testament. I like the stories of him pouring his wrath on people for disobedience. Since the New Testament it seems like God wants us to just wait until everyone is judged all at once at the end.
When you say the end, do you mean Armageddon? Matthew 25:31-41; Revelation 16:14-16
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Dec 19, 2022
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It's over, this whole universe now has been ceded completely to the control of evil. Everything is so thoroughly corrupted that a global catastrophe near-extinction event seems like the only answer that can arrest our current direction.
"it seems" everything is being orchestrated as written, by the Creator, Perfectly, not to save all men, but to save His people. The world is going to be replaced with a world without sin, without pain, without sorrow, for God's people to live serving Him without any disagreement, without any hindrance existing any more, any longer.
I loved God in the Old Testament. I like the stories of him pouring his wrath on people for disobedience. Since the New Testament it seems like God wants us to just wait until everyone is judged all at once at the end.
Yes... but not just wait without obeying. Those who live and continue in sin without repentance are resurrected to judgment, instead of life.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
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"it seems" everything is being orchestrated as written, by the Creator, Perfectly, not to save all men, but to save His people. The world is going to be replaced with a world without sin, without pain, without sorrow, for God's people to live serving Him without any disagreement, without any hindrance existing any more, any longer.

Yes... but not just wait without obeying. Those who live and continue in sin without repentance are resurrected to judgment, instead of life.
I guess some persons are fearful of going through the great tribulation. I know some people who feel that way. They feel it would be too hard for them to bear.
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Dave G.

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Well given that in 1 Thessalonians 5:9, we belonging to Christ aren't appointed to wrath and the last half of the great tribulation is Gods wrath poured out full strength on an unbelieving world so as never seen before nor to be seen again, and if not cut short nobody would survive. I can't imagine a believer looking forward to that. This is a time so gruesome, evil and judgement are poured out all at once, fire and blood and darkness. You wouldn't recognize this world and still they won't repent but for a few tribulation saints who get their heads cut off.
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Jul 11, 2023
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Well given that in 1 Thessalonians 5:9, we belonging to Christ aren't appointed to wrath and the last half of the great tribulation is Gods wrath poured out full strength on an unbelieving world so as never seen before nor to be seen again, and if not cut short nobody would survive. I can't imagine a believer looking forward to that. This is a time so gruesome, evil and judgement are poured out all at once, fire and blood and darkness. You wouldn't recognize this world and still they won't repent but for a few tribulation saints who get their heads cut off.
Zephaniah describes a day that will be worst that the Great tribulations. Zephaniah 1:14-18.
However, those on God's side need not worry. Zephaniah 2:1-3
Are we not showing lack of faith by doing what Jesus actually commands us not to, though?
"do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

Of course, there he focused on every day needs, but doesn't the principle apply in all areas of life?
We could worry about starving to death, dying of painful cancer, being tortured by persecutors. All these are terrible. What could be worst?

The great tribulation will be difficult, but we know God will not allow his people to to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

So, we can have confidence, and we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Hebrews 13:6.
After all, Paul was convinced that "neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38, 39

So can those trusting in the mighty hand of God.
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Carrying my cross daily
Aug 25, 2023
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If there is really an inevitable one-world government (as in a widely thought eschatological understanding of Revelation and corresponding a lot with current events), I do not want to be alive to see it pass if it is true. I just want to at least be taken to my next life if these are end times, I would rather skip the rest, and I'd say the same for my other friends and family because I feel bad for them too.

I'm sorry if this post came off as unnecessarily morbid.
Remember I and Us……..it’s not about you or me it’s about serving God. We know the truth, we see the truth daily, we see and feel it all unfolding……our blessing of the truth is to save as many as we can by love and encouragement.

Skipping the trials, the pain, temptations, persecution, earthly agony is dishonouring our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. If he skipped these things we would not be saved and just for one moment close your eyes and envisage that torture and agony (it is mighty in pain and anguish for me to even do that but it’s our daily reminder of carrying our own cross)

We are at war, pray for your armour, love and courage, none of us know when the end will be, but be prepared is the only thing we should be concentrating on. I think we all understand the fear, we all feel the changes, the anxiety and human suffering, but this is all the more reason to stand upright with shield and knowledge in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I send you love and peace of mind

God Bless you

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Aussie Pete

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If there is really an inevitable one-world government (as in a widely thought eschatological understanding of Revelation and corresponding a lot with current events), I do not want to be alive to see it pass if it is true. I just want to at least be taken to my next life if these are end times, I would rather skip the rest, and I'd say the same for my other friends and family because I feel bad for them too.

I'm sorry if this post came off as unnecessarily morbid.
There are Christians in North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and many other places that suffer terribly now. God's grace is sufficient for them; it will be sufficient for all believers.
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Jul 11, 2023
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The scriptures tell us that God knows us well - better than we know ourselves.
Jesus said, the hairs of our head are numbered, so we can be sure that God will not let us have to bear more than we can.
Since God knows our makeup, and that some of us are weak, as the considerate, loving person that he is, God will deal with us according to wisdom, and justice.

We have an example, in how God dealt with a faithful man, in the past. Genesis 5:24
God knew the situation that faithful servant would face, and dealt lovingly with him.
He will do the same for his faithful servants whose makeup he knows quite well.
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Electric Nightfall
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Christians are called to stand against the one-world government in the end times, my friend, since that government will be run by the Anti-Christ. If you oppose such a government, Christians will stand by your side as your allies. You will also do well to resist the Mark of the Beast.

It is good that you despair against such a government. May you turn away from Satan's lawless one who offers no hope and put your trust in Christ who is our hope, and who heals the damaged emotions.
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Dec 27, 2018
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People are too civilized to effectively stand against it.

And the only "reward" for standing against it is martyrdom or being thrown into the camps. I don't necessarily want that outcome if I can help it.

It is totally messed up that this kind of stuff stands for DECADES at least without justice or them getting theirs. I admire God in the Old Testament because he actively punished evil scum or had people punish them on his behalf.
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If there is really an inevitable one-world government (as in a widely thought eschatological understanding of Revelation and corresponding a lot with current events), I do not want to be alive to see it pass if it is true. I just want to at least be taken to my next life if these are end times, I would rather skip the rest, and I'd say the same for my other friends and family because I feel bad for them too.

I'm sorry if this post came off as unnecessarily morbid.

We are in the most exciting time of Christianity; a time to be heard. A time that even the prophets wanted to be part of but GOD chose us in these final days to take on Satan and his little demonic spirit infected individuals. Just let that sink in a minute; GOD didn’t choose Peter, Paul, Elisha, Moses, all the great people of the Bible; but us of the generation of the fig tree who have the seals/trumps firmly planted in our minds; knowing that the antichrist comes first before the True MESSIAH. If you are the true Christian of GOD; chosen for this so glorious a task you inherit all that is GODS. If you want to be part of that most honored, admired position ever and a time long in coming; if you sit on the fence and don’t stand against the evil that is perpetuated on us all, in fact GOD considers you a partaker in their sins. There is coming a time in very near future you want have the chance to speak out and stand up on any platform. I mean platform after platform freedom of religion, of speech is being distinguished one after the other.

Why would a GOD of infinite power and wisdom want HIS children to run from something HE created? HE doesn't and wants us to stand up and fight putting on the gospel armor to stand up against the fiery darts of Satan. CHRIST gave us the power over ALL our enemies and wants us to defeat Satan, CHRIST showed us how to do it in the wilderness after 40 days of fasting, at HIS weakest point of the flesh body; that is when Satan always attacks when one are at their weakest point and have to be ready. Times is short and have to be blunt and bold; perilous times are coming and there will be no flight except the flight of those running to a false god when antichrist appears first on 6 trump, 6 seal, 6 vial. I am not going to run or fly away but when called; run to the head of the snake where CHRIST gave me the power to stand against him that has caused sin in the world where I will peer on him in the pit and say “is this the man that deceived the whole world?"

Any opposition to one side is no longer tolerated by feeble minded people who are not on the side of GOD. There is no in between; you are either for GOD or Satan, period. Calling the WORD of GOD once the most revered of all books as hate speech. Try posting some scripture that they deem hate speech on some of these platforms and you will be banned and censored. That’s ok though if you are banned for CHRIST sake; than GOD almighty The CREATOR/FATHER/JUDGE can be witness and judge and The AVENGER!
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I have not been as mad at God before in my life as I am now. I hate what is happening in this timeline right now. If God plans to allow the whole world to finally nuke itself, that is a stupid plan and represents a win for Satan and his people. You can tell me about how God loves all you want and quote the Bible, it will not change the outcome of what will happen. WW3.

I would rather see the whole world become great again than it being too corrupted to fix. If I could, I'd want to relive life and society on this planet earth but in a different era or a version of it comparable to that relative golden age.

I'm getting anger and anxiety attacks about the state of everything on a semi-frequent basis every week. If God is so good and able to stop this stuff from escalating further, why can't he just stop dangling the carrot in front of us and intervene in a way that preserves the good parts already existing but leave the good things untouched? I also don't really like something about the idea of God reprogramming everyone who went to the Heaven or New Earth to only want to do his will. I know that sounds like a bad thing to say, but we are supposed to have freedom of choice.
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