Not wanting to pray for strength to receive from God, bad habit.


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Nov 17, 2023
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So I have been thinking and it seems I have this bad habit, maybe it is pride, maybe it is sin, maybe it is not wanting to depend on God, I need to think more about this.

Just sharing to gain more insights faster, so drop your opinion.

God can always give us strength and wisdom to handle all kinds of suffering I suppose, the thing is we should keep praying to God to give us strength and wisdom.

But it sometimes feels awkard to pray for this as a full grown adult or not ?

Maybe that's why some christian fail morally, who knows ?



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So I have been thinking and it seems I have this bad habit, maybe it is pride, maybe it is sin, maybe it is not wanting to depend on God, I need to think more about this.

Just sharing to gain more insights faster, so drop your opinion.

God can always give us strength and wisdom to handle all kinds of suffering I suppose, the thing is we should keep praying to God to give us strength and wisdom.

But it sometimes feels awkard to pray for this as a full grown adult or not ?

Maybe that's why some christian fail morally, who knows ?

Hello, fellow brother. This is a difficult question, as I am not a theologian, but I will try my best. Regarding said question, it's beneficial to recognize that prayer is not a sign of weakness, but rather a demonstration of faith and dependence on God. In fact, the Bible encourages us to pray continually and to bring all our needs before Him.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, it says, "Pray continually." This verse emphasizes the importance of persistent prayer and recognizing that God is always available to us. Additionally, in Philippians 4:6-7, it says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

As for feeling awkward about praying as a full-grown adult, it's essential to remember that God is always with us and desires a relationship with us. In Matthew 6:5-6, Jesus teaches us about prayer and says, "And when you pray, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. So in prayer, do not heap empty phrases on top of each other, for your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

Please remember that God is not looking for perfect words or eloquent prayers, but rather a heart that is sincerely seeking Him. So, no matter your age or circumstances, you can always pray and trust that God will hear and answer your prayers according to His will.

Regarding the question of why some Christians may fail morally, it's essential to remember that we are all imperfect and fallible creatures. In 1 John 1:8-10, it says, "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

It's essential to recognize that we all struggle with sin and imperfections, but God is always there to forgive us and help us grow. So, let us encourage one another in prayer and seek His guidance and strength as we navigate the challenges of life. I hope this brings some clarity to your thoughts, and please feel free to reach out to me or others on CF if you have any further questions or need additional insights. May God bless you and keep you always.
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So I have been thinking and it seems I have this bad habit, maybe it is pride, maybe it is sin, maybe it is not wanting to depend on God, I need to think more about this.

Just sharing to gain more insights faster, so drop your opinion.

God can always give us strength and wisdom to handle all kinds of suffering I suppose, the thing is we should keep praying to God to give us strength and wisdom.

But it sometimes feels awkard to pray for this as a full grown adult or not ?

Maybe that's why some christian fail morally, who knows ?

Yeah, you are going to have to want to stop whatever the habit is. Sometimes, we will not do that until we reach the point of desperation.
There is nobody more motivated to work than a starving farmer.
Life has a way of bringing you to that point of desperation.
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May 22, 2013
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it seems I have this bad habit, maybe it is pride, maybe it is sin, maybe it is not wanting to depend on God, I need to think more about this.
Well, it is good to depend on God. And He wants us to. As we become more mature in Jesus, we depend on Him more maturely.

Children can have their way of depending on Mommy and Daddy. Then they grow so they can depend on their parents in a more mature way, more beneficial.

Of course the way people can be dependent can be not a good thing. They might even limit people they trust to what is inferior, just trying to use people.

But with God, depending includes being open for how God wants us to trust Him and what He will bring of His good for us and others.

I started depending on God to guide me at every moment. First, it could be difficult, being walked around a tree a few times and wondering if He would ever have me go somewhere else. But then when I headed off somewhere I got somewhere in exact timing to meet and talk with someone. So, there was His love purpose involved.

And for years I lived outside on purpose, in order to be a Christian neighbor to the homeless on the street. And see what good could be done for the homeless by being their example living with them, not just trying to change their lives. And it turned out to be good for me > I met and shared with a lot of different people, not only outdoor people, but professionals, police, outreach preachers, and others. Jesus has us loving any and all people; so it got to be an all-loving thing, not only helping a certain group of people. And, in my case, it helped to get me out of my isolated ways of doing things and my selfish sort of independence.

So, depending brought me to better than what I could do and would have thought to do for myself.
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