New to CF and borderline QF


New Member
Oct 5, 2006
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Hi Everyone !

I am new to CF & having just spent the past two days reading the existing posts on 'Quiverfull' It has been really interesting to read all your viewpoints.

I am a sahm mum of five , ranging in age from 9 to 7 weeks and am currently trying to determine God's will in our family.

My Background:

When my third child was about 18 months old, I felt really uncomfortable with the birthcontrol that we were using (depoprovera) - for 2 reasons, 1. it didn't really physically agree with me and 2. I was feeling uneasy about the whole issue of contraception morally (but I didn't know why). Prior to this time I never even thought that having children had anything to do with God's will . So to cut a long story short, I prayed about it a lot & asked God to show me his will regarding children. This is what he did..

I had a strong impression to read Luke 1 :13

But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.

And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth.

For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.

I was stunned when I read this & in denial !!! Did this mean that by using contraception I could denying the birth of a great man of God?

I did not say anything to my Husband & went away to study it some more. I looked up all the verses in my bible relating to children & womb.

I found children were considered a blessing and a gift, that God opened & closed the womb and he 'knows' you from the womb. I could not find anything in the bible that said we were to control the amount of children born to us.

I was still shaking my head at God 'you must be crazy ! I can't not use contraception.. I don't want 12 children!' and went to the internet. I actually found people who believed that God should be in control of all areas of their lives... including conception. At that point I decided I would discuss this crazy idea with my DH. He further shocked me by saying that he always believed that God should be in control. I asked himwhat he wanted to do.... ( as DH is the head of our family) & he said let God be in control. Shortly thereafter we concieved our 4th child who was born in 2004 & we have not used birth control since.

Since having our fifth baby, I have been having doubts about my ability to cope & and we revisited the whole debate . My selfish human side does not want anymore children, but my overwhelming conviction is that birth control is wrong, & DH & I deciding when & if children can be born certainly is not having faith in God's plan.

So anyway, my position is - I would like to finish having children now, but believe children are a blessing & current methods of birth control do not obey the teachings in the bible...:confused:

The pill & hormonal methods -- can act as a abortificent (thou shall not murder)

Diagphram & Condom - causes the man to spill his seed.

Natural family planning - causes couples to withhold themselves from each other for non - biblical reasons.

Sorry if I am rambling.. just putting my thoughts down paper .. so to speak:)

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Jul 15, 2006
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Hi from another Aussie. God stopped us at 5 & our oldest boys are now out of the house & earning their own livings. You are in the hardest stage of rearing & training but your big ones are big enough to help out now & should. That will help take some of the burden of you. Mine all learned to cook real early as that was the chore I hated most & it has blessed all of them.
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Senior Veteran
Jan 4, 2006
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Welcome Aussiemum!

Your story sounds very similar to mine. There are days when I don't think I can handle it, but feelings aside, I KNOW it's the right thing to do.

Does your DH have doubts as well? He sounded quite sure in your OP. Sometimes my DH will gripe about things like how long it takes to get out of the house, but when it comes down to it he loves having all the little ones.

What I like about the verse you quoted is "many shall rejoice at his birth." I think this should be the case with every child.
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