My Social Creed


What did they aim for when they missed your heart?
Jun 12, 2009
Sacramento, CA
Marital Status
I belong to the United Church of Christ, a mainline denomination that is wonderfully diverse. No matter what one believes about any social issue of importance, someone else in our church will believe otherwise. That's who we are. But this should not and does not prevent anyone else form stating what we believe. Nor does it deter me or anyone else from seeking the mortal common ground we so desperately need in our world of differences.

And so I offer my social creed--ten beliefs upon which I fervently hope we can agree. I believe:

*God has created all things good, and when we, intentionally or innocently, degrade that creation, we are not doing God's will.

*Poverty is an affront to God, and when policies knowingly lead to excessive riches for some at the expense of poverty for others, that is not God's will.

*Children are dear to God's heart, and we need to work for policies that will ensure their education, health, safety, freedom from exploitation, possibility of a life with hope, and parents and caregivers who love and look after them.

*All human beings are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and to be free from discriminatory treatment based upon any condition, including the color of their skin, gender, sexual prientation, abilities, or social and economic status.

*Greed is morally wrong.

*Violence--physical, psychological, or spiritual--as a way of dealing with differences results from our failures to live up to our calling to be peacemakers.

*Men and women deserve a living wage and a workplace free from manipulation, exploitation, and personal danger.

*When good people remain silent, evil triumphs.

*When people of faith risk speaking the truth in humility, they may expect the same treatment as their Lord.

*If the church is liberated to seek God's reign, and freed from regard for it's own preservation, an overpowering force for unlimited good will be unleashed into this world.

Rev. Wallace Ryan Kuroiwa
Justice and Witness Ministries
United Church of Christ

AMEN!!!! - Supernaut:amen::clap::wave:


Scripture,Tradition and Reason
Jul 13, 2014
Marital Status
I belong to the United Church of Christ, a mainline denomination that is wonderfully diverse. No matter what one believes about any social issue of importance, someone else in our church will believe otherwise. That's who we are. But this should not and does not prevent anyone else form stating what we believe. Nor does it deter me or anyone else from seeking the mortal common ground we so desperately need in our world of differences.

And so I offer my social creed--ten beliefs upon which I fervently hope we can agree. I believe:

*God has created all things good, and when we, intentionally or innocently, degrade that creation, we are not doing God's will.

*Poverty is an affront to God, and when policies knowingly lead to excessive riches for some at the expense of poverty for others, that is not God's will.

*Children are dear to God's heart, and we need to work for policies that will ensure their education, health, safety, freedom from exploitation, possibility of a life with hope, and parents and caregivers who love and look after them.

*All human beings are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and to be free from discriminatory treatment based upon any condition, including the color of their skin, gender, sexual prientation, abilities, or social and economic status.

*Greed is morally wrong.

*Violence--physical, psychological, or spiritual--as a way of dealing with differences results from our failures to live up to our calling to be peacemakers.

*Men and women deserve a living wage and a workplace free from manipulation, exploitation, and personal danger.

*When good people remain silent, evil triumphs.

*When people of faith risk speaking the truth in humility, they may expect the same treatment as their Lord.

*If the church is liberated to seek God's reign, and freed from regard for it's own preservation, an overpowering force for unlimited good will be unleashed into this world.

Rev. Wallace Ryan Kuroiwa
Justice and Witness Ministries
United Church of Christ

AMEN!!!! - Supernaut:amen::clap::wave:

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