My Catholic Faith is my Disability, of the Social Security Administration


Jul 13, 2017
United States
Marital Status
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Some members of my family knows, but not all, and not all of my Face Book friends knows about it. But here it is. It's sometimes embarrassing for me to say that, I'm on Social Security Disability when I am asked if I am working or not. So, I thought I'd share a bit of myself. I have been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and Depression in 2013. Below is a brief summary of my diagnosis according to Social Security Administration and the Mayo Clinic.

"Schizoaffective disorder is a mental disease that is characterized by several conditions, including mood disorder and schizophrenia. This condition is not well understood compared to other mental disorders because it is a combination of different mental problems that might be unique in each affected individual. People with untreated schizoaffective disorder tend to lead lonely lives and experience difficulties in keeping jobs and attending school.

Schizoaffective disorder may differ from one individual to another. People with this condition experience psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions and mood disorder, according to Mayo Clinic. Mood disorder can either be depression or bipolar disorder, a medical illness that causes shifts in energy and moods. A person may also experience paranoid ideas and thoughts.

This disorder can be very disabling and may prevent an individual from being able to work. If you are unable to work due to this disorder, you may be eligible for Social Security disability, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Social Security Disabling Symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder. Individuals who suffer from schizoaffective disorder can have a range of symptoms that can interfere with work. Here are a few Symptoms can include: Illogical or disorganized speech, rapid speech or speech that cannot be followed or understood by others, paranoia in which you believe others are trying to harm you, delusions that special messages are hidden in common places, lack of concern with hygiene or grooming, extremes in mood (either very good or very bad mood), sleep problems, concentration issues, difficulties with memory, hallucinations, and social isolation."

12.00-Mental Disorders-Adult


Being diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and depression. I swore under oath of my emotional, mental and physical impairments, in the presence of the Most Honorable Administrative Law Judge, of the Social Security Administration, that I, Joseph Bernard Reyes claim…

To hear the voice of God The Father, and that of, The Blessed Mother aka The Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima, Garabandal and Medjugorje

Below is an excerpt that was submitted to the Social Security Administration to determine my schizoaffective disorder and depression.

The Nation of Israel! STOP! STOP! STOP! your praying and bowing down before the Wailing Wall. You commit a grave sin of Idolatry, by praying and bowing down before the Wailing Wall. But rather the Nation of Israel, go, pray and bow down before the One True Ark of the Covenant aka the true presence of the God of Israel at Axum, Ethiopia amen. Peace.

As conveyed to the US Cardinals, Bishops and Board of Rabbis.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Continent of Africa will shake on the 25th day of a month, signifying the resting place of the One True Ark of The Covenant of Israel at Axum, Ethiopia amen. Peace

Many peoples of Africa will perish, please pray for the peoples of Africa amen. Peace

No one has to believe, the Ark of the Covenant is the true presence of the God of Israel, but God's Chosen Peoples of Israel amen.

No one has to believe, the Holy Eucharist is the true Presence of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but the peoples of the Holy Roman Catholic Faith amen.

This is the new and Holy Eucharistic Sacrifice in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant aka God of Israel/God the Father, all other sacrifice not of the Holy Roman Catholic Faith, is the Abomination that causes Desolation amen. Peace

The Ark of the Convenant

Attached is an EXCERPT of the document submitted to the Social Security Administration to determine my impairments, with added illustrations for presentation. You may find it interesting, entertaining, joyful, and yes, maybe even put a little bit of fear into your soul.


  • Disability Under The SSA_P2pdf.pdf
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Jul 13, 2017
United States
Marital Status
The Continent of Africa will Shake on the 25th day of a month amen. Peace.

1) Social Security Disability Administration

2) IDF Soldiers - Deploy and Secure the One True Ark of the Covenant, the true presence of the God of Israel at Axum, Ethiopia amen. Peace.

3) US Military Personnel and US Allies - Standby to Defend the Nation of Israel at all cost amen. Peace

4) Military Personnel - Standby To Deploy
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