Music/Power in the Tongue: On WOF & how Singing It Is Just as Powerful as Saying It

Gxg (G²)

Pilgrim/Monastic on the Road to God (Psalm 84:1-7)
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To anyone concerned,

Wrote about this before elsewhere.....

But I was writing this due to being curious as to what anyone's thoughts were on the issue of "Death & Life" in the tongue and the Power of MUSIC--and for more info, in case one wishes to see the entire sermon that got things started, one can go here to "Truth Behind Hip Hop" or "Truth Behind Egypt Series 2: Exodus Into Egypt" --which also goes BEYOND the issue of Music and into other things such as much of what's occuring on TBN and other things....)---as when it comes to the issue of "death & life" being in the power of the tongue, I more than concur....and for more, one can go to his podcasts for more info

G.Craig's Message ( believes in this principle of death and life being in the power of the tongue--Proverbs 12:13-15
Proverbs 18:20-22

21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue,​

And those who love it will eat its fruit.​

And specifically, that what we SING is just as powerful as what we say...and that the reason why many young people are struggling with issues is due to how they're listening to messages that're promoting things like sex/violence and drugs and singing the lyrics over themselves (And he also gives some intriguing scientific research on the issue as well)------as it's all another form of "witchcraft"

For to speak LIFE is to Speak God’s perspectives on any issue of life, and while to speak DEATH is to declare Life’s negatives, such as defeat, complaining constantly…..and MOST importantly, SPEAKING OUTSIDE OF GOD’S AUTHORITY and the INFLUENCE OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT, and only according to our FLESH, REASONINGS, Passions and concerns!!!!! Galatians 5:16-23 and Romans 8:5-8.) For Every war we have had started with someone speaking words. Every meaningful act in life has started with someone speaking words that would stir up people’s sensibilities to do things that are meaningful...& Words do have power……….and I think people in our day and age have too much TV (Bewitched, Sabrina, etc.) and too many movies (like Harry Potter) where people,using words, recite magical incantations, wave their hands, and The words brought something about.

When I say “power of words” I am not referring to magical incantations, instantaneous manifestations, etc. But if you read James 3, you will see that our tongues have a more powerful effect on ourselves and others than we are willing to give it credit for---and again, depending on the way one uses it is a big factor in determining whether one's involved in "witchcraft"----as What we say has the ability to create situations, emotions, and thoughts in others, just as indicated in how A kind word helps people, negative words hurt - sometimes for a very long time.”

Going back to G.Craig Lewis, he also gave many biblical examples of what the Word of God says on things such as the Occult....and he also discussed many of the things that various people within HIP HOP do that many honestly do not realize that're indeed witchcraft. Groups such as "Bone Thugs and Harmony" and various others have indeed used Wiccan Practices in the promotion of the songs, and other musicians use the OCCULT to further their practices ....

As one will QUICKLY see if they do their homework. Moreover, when one studies the issue of how God said to get rid of all accursed items within the body that He despised, G.Craig highlighted this as well and discussed why his ministry destroys CD's that're promoted by artists that promote sin/filth in their music and have demonic ties as that'll affect you. The information's too much to discuss here...but again, should you get the chance, look him up.
Though I indeed know of the more crazy ministries where literally EVERYTHING is a demon, I'm not certain that I wish to dismiss quicklly many of the things they say. In example, there was a group by the name of "Bone THugs and Harmony" which I used to listen to


------and in all reality, though you often couldn't understand a word they were saying when they were rapping, their songs were incredibly captivating. It was like listening to it took you to another world. When I was young, one of their new CD's had many demonic pictures on it that seemed off the wall. And on the back of their CD, they had a letter that was written backward. Whenever you have that, what else do you do but place it to the mirror in order to read it. So my older cousin tried for days to understand what was up until he figured that out and tried to get me/my younger cousin to read it. I was freaked out as all get-go so I refused......and after my cousin read that, it was amazing seeing how quickly his life went downhill. Turns out, though, that the letter Bone Thugs had was part of some kind of witchcraft in other times, when you wanted to place a spell on someone without them knowing, you'd write it in a letter and write it backward and then mail it to someone who'd read unsuspectingly and apparently when holding it to the mirror would read it into their soul.

The letter on the Back of the BoneThugs and Harmony CD was apparently a sexual love curse-----and though it may sound crazzy, it was AMAZING seeing the actual results of those who fell for it. And if that wasn't enough, when one listend to the lyrics and read what they were saying, I was horrified.

To see them discussing things like strangling Babies, saying I'm from Hell/A Demon, etc. Of course I got rid of that with a well as the rest of my secular CD's seeing the junk that they were discussing such as sexual immorality/perversion and a host of other things I as a Christian wouldn't affect me because "I JUST LIKED THE BEATS..." ---and when studying the music world, it's amazing seeing the level of witchcraft and the demonic that occurs ALL of the time if people would be willing to actually see it. It even occurs in the movies as well, but no one acknowledges it.

The mentality many Christians have, it's as if one can listen to a Oujia Board or get involved with things such as incantations/other things and it not be an issue. But if that's the case, God must've been overreacting based on what we see in the Word of God. But I'm glad I was shown otherwise---especially in regards to music. Certain rhythms/sounds that originated within Hip Hop/URBAN music are meant to produce certain moods in people and will always do so, regardless of the intentions of those who wish to use it and place Christian Lyrics or "enjoy it for Christ/Not be Legalistic" I've seen this myself in my youth group (and used to believe it) when people would take certain wordly songs----"Let Me See that Thong" by Sisqo or "Ya'll Gonna Make Me LOSE MY MIND, UP IN HERE", and so many others too numerous to count. for example---and try to place Christian Lyrics on them. And though we may've intededed something else entirely, that didn't change the fact that the tune we were hearing was reminding us of how we ORIGINALLY FELT when we first heard it on HOT 107.9---BUMPING AND GRINDING, SENSUAL, etc.

The same thing goes for JAZZ, as there have been times when I've heard certain Jazz tunes and INSTINCTUALLY knew it was not appropiate for children and probably music used to accompany the times married couples make love/get sensual. The heart of the author, as G.Craig Lewis stated, always travels through the music-----and a great example would be David playing (1 Samuel 16:14-16 (in Context) 1 Samuel 16 ).

If all he did was an instrumental and yet the Spirit of God inside of Him transfered over to drive the Spirit away, the same can work in reverse (And this is something I've experienced multiple times.....My boy Tye Tribbet preached on the issue once as well)

Again, Brother Craig is one who I think has been more than on point regarding his info on the POWER OF WORDS, especially in regards to music.....but ironically, seeing that there've been other issues he has been checked on regarding the accuracy of his information on other issues he was calling out (specifically, when it comes to those involved in Christian Rap and many of the orgins of Hip Hop), it seems that a civil war has erupted within much of the Charismatic Black Church..and all sides claiming to have the "lock on truth"....

That said, some questions:
  • What does the principle of "Death & Life" in the power of the tongue mean to you--if you believe in it? And what forms can it take
  • Do you think that MUSIC is just Music--and that when listening to it, it's not as if something's being spoken over in in prophetic form (as that's something many have divided with G.Craig Over)?

Seeing that G.Craig's mostly on the black side of the street in regards to WOF, I'm guessing not many may've ever heard of him.....but hopefully, on the boards, some kind of discussion can occur--as he's one of the men that drastically changed my life. Prayerfully, for anyone out there, what're your thoughts on the issue?
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
An excellent topic. The enemy being a musician knows the power of music and uses it to his advantage. Even the movie/TV people understand the power of music to manipulate and set the tone and mood of an "environment".

God moves to anointed music and the enemy uses his music with a false anointing.

The words have everything to do with music being clean or unclean. Some things are lawful, not do not edify.

I remember getting a teaching on backwards masking, and to some extent it was like trying to find devils everywhere. Yes, the Eagles said: "You've got your demons...", but they were using a figure of speech common to American culture. They were not saying you had your own demons. Even though everybody of the world has them!

You can read faces in the clouds and the same goes for backwards music. Yet, at one time I had a four track casssette deck and listened to Sergeant Pepper backwards. An Indian track (by the Beatles) "Within and Without You' had a line in it that said backwards: "We sing and mock the master". I believe I was led to the track as I was already a believer at the time and had already heard teaching along these lines.

At the same time, they'd play this one part of Stairway to Heaven backwards and it had this "my sweet satan" line in it that gave you a chill to hear. The fruits were evident when the music preceeding that line was playing a false "anointing' was loosed. This is where the enemy gets his shots in to the unsuspecting.

Jessie Duplantis had a message called something like "The Devil played a song and the church danced". How creepy is that?! Yet it's happening.

I had this conversation with an AC/DC fan about singing "Highway to Hell". Is that really your will toward God? Is this not the most sobering thing you could possibly hear? Yet it typifies the blindness of heart you can get towards the things of the world. At their concerts, possibly millions of people (not just youths anymore) singing loudly when it comes up, "I'm on the highway to Hell!" I'm very angry at the band for duping some people I have called friends.

If we can decree a thing and have it established, we sure don't want to establish things contrary to the kingdom.
Personally, I think hiphop took the world to a new level of darkness. As Kat Kerr has said, you get a layer of puke on you from the enemy and you aren't even sensitive anymore to it.

It will take a radical awakening to rise up from the corrupt -froward things believers often say. We need a revolution in our mouth that starts in the heart.

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Gxg (G²)

Pilgrim/Monastic on the Road to God (Psalm 84:1-7)
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An excellent topic. The enemy being a musician knows the power of music and uses it to his advantage. Even the movie/TV people understand the power of music to manipulate and set the tone and mood of an "environment".

God moves to anointed music and the enemy uses his music with a false anointing.

The words have everything to do with music being clean or unclean. Some things are lawful, not do not edify.

I don't think anyone can ever say music never affects them fully on any level. And specifically, that what we SING is just as powerful as what we say. G.Craig Lewis, who is a Youth Minister/Musican, noted it best in some of the series he has done on the subject of Music and its power to impact/affect others. For some examples:

As a Youth Worker, I cannot say enough how much it always surprises me when talking with others who say they're struggling with depression...or with heavy feelings of lust---and yet, they'll never consider how what music they place before them can actually alter their moods/attitudes. SOme music people listen to can place them within an angry state, whereas others can make people experience/feel things emotionally that they were NEVER meant to experiece. I was actually able to do an in-depth review on the subject of music at my fellowship---as discussed here in the podcast entitled Musical Madness. Another minister - known as Tim Ross - did a similar sermon on the subject of the 3 Hebrew Boys and how they stood up/resisted the system...refusing to bow down to the seen in Stand Up Worship! on Vimeo
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Gxg (G²)

Pilgrim/Monastic on the Road to God (Psalm 84:1-7)
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God moves to anointed music and the enemy uses his music with a false anointing.

The words have everything to do with music being clean or unclean. Some things are lawful, not do not edify.

I remember getting a teaching on backwards masking, and to some extent it was like trying to find devils everywhere. Yes, the Eagles said: "You've got your demons...", but they were using a figure of speech common to American culture. They were not saying you had your own demons. Even though everybody of the world has them!

You can read faces in the clouds and the same goes for backwards music. Yet, at one time I had a four track casssette deck and listened to Sergeant Pepper backwards. An Indian track (by the Beatles) "Within and Without You' had a line in it that said backwards: "We sing and mock the master". I believe I was led to the track as I was already a believer at the time and had already heard teaching along these lines.

At the same time, they'd play this one part of Stairway to Heaven backwards and it had this "my sweet satan" line in it that gave you a chill to hear. The fruits were evident when the music preceeding that line was playing a false "anointing' was loosed. This is where the enemy gets his shots in to the unsuspecting.

Jessie Duplantis had a message called something like "The Devil played a song and the church danced". How creepy is that?! Yet it's happening.

I had this conversation with an AC/DC fan about singing "Highway to Hell". Is that really your will toward God? Is this not the most sobering thing you could possibly hear? Yet it typifies the blindness of heart you can get towards the things of the world. At their concerts, possibly millions of people (not just youths anymore) singing loudly when it comes up, "I'm on the highway to Hell!" I'm very angry at the band for duping some people I have called friends.

If we can decree a thing and have it established, we sure don't want to establish things contrary to the kingdom. Personally, I think hiphop took the world to a new level of darkness. As Kat Kerr has said, you get a layer of puke on you from the enemy and you aren't even sensitive anymore to it.

It will take a radical awakening to rise up from the corrupt -froward things believers often say. We need a revolution in our mouth that starts in the heart.
Some things take wisdom and time - knowing how to have discernment in representing GODLY music that has power...and that leads to transformation. And there's plenty of good music out there from others who deal with a lot of the things you noted like having discernment and wisdom so that you're not deceived. Within the world of Hip Hop, I'm reminded of others like ReachLife Ministries, Reach Records/Reach Records - YouTube and Lamp Mode Recordings » Home ( here ).

Sometimes, it's a matter of reading into things as many do - but in MANY instances, it is truly a matter of people not knowing how to have discernment. People would be SHOCKED to see how much mess goes down in the music industry and the ways that corruption has risen to entirely differing levels ( ).

Although I don't agree with everything Brother Lewis has noted, I do support the ways he has done some very excellent critiques of the music industry - especially with believers not having more wisdom on it. For more, one can go to the following:

A lot of artists have noted the sinister connection before. Even Michael Jackson noted the issue when saying the ways that the industry itself has used people on an extensive level/tried to hide it -noting how people behind the curtain were pulling the strings - and although some say it's conspiratorial, some things just seem like you're taking crazy pills when artists come out admitting things and people think "Nah...that's reading too much into it." Going through the lyrics of Jackson as well as seeing some of his other activities/what he admitted to myself, I don't see how anyone could explain things away.

That is in addition to seeing what was said by others in the media world such as movie stars - when sharing the ways that they gained influence on scales that stlll baffle many. Denzel Washington, for example) noted how he prayed to/channeled spiirts for his role in "Training Day" - and the way he portrayed Malcom X and even recited a speech from the man he had never studied after the scene was over. Jenifer Lopez has also noted how she saw a witch-doctor who'd prayed over her CDs to be successful....and a lot of other former artists who've since become saved have noted how many had witches come in - hired by the music businesses - to come in/pray over their material. The rap group "Bone Thugs & Harmony" is notorious for this - as they had Oujia boards/seances in their videos and I was floored seeing their album covers and how they wrote incantations as well....but because many never thought that rap could be used for that in the 90s, it was never considered seriously.

One of the men who used to be with the early 90s R&B group "Color Me Badd" and made the hit single "I Wanna Sex You Up" has since became saved and noted the extensive list of demonic things that he and his group did to achieve that hit single - praying that women would be willing to give up their virginity when they heard that song...and many did just that. Other groups have done the same thing - WuTang clan being chief amongst them in their views against Christ/videos made on the issue. Thank goodness that Kevin Thorton (the former member of "Color Me Badd") got out when he did and now testifies for Christ alongside so many others.

Kevin Thornton "Conversion" Live

Also, for a brief excerpt from one of the written interviews, as seen in Kevin Thornton: From "I Wanna Sex You Up" to "Full Armor Of God :
As a Christian Kevin began to feel convicted about singing Color Me Badd's provocative songs. He said, I prayed to God and said, 'If you want me to leave, let me know.'" Thornton faced a turning point in October 1998. Manager Johnny Wright, who guided to stardom NSYNC, Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears, showed interest in the group. But before Thornton, who had moved to Dallas, was to discuss a management contract with another group member, he visited a Christian nightclub event. It was Halloween and local youth minister G Craige Lewis was preaching on the music industry. Remembered Thornton, "I heard Jesus say, 'Now is the time [to quit].' And I said, 'Not now, God. Things are finally looking up for us.' I heard Jesus say, 'Whatever you give up for me I will increase you double.' At that moment Lewis said, 'The Spirit of the Lord is telling me to tell you to forget about the contract.'"

Although Thornton and his wife had a new home to pay for, he left the group and was soon driving a warehouse forklift. For years he sang little, resisting the urge to launch a Christian music career. He said, "I would have only added a secular mindset to a Christian agenda. I had to learn compassion. I had to learn to rely on the Lord and to do that I had to be stripped of everything."

To see what occurred with other members - such as Bryan Abrams getting arrested on domestic violence - and see where Thorton came out, it is interesting.

Professor Griff , One of the former members of the popular rap group "Public Enemy" also noted the issue of how so many don't know what the music industry is into..

To me, it makes sense that there are sinister spirits behind the music industry in light of how our chief battle has and will always be the spiritual - Ephesians 6 ("For we wrestle not against flesh and blood...") - and it is interesting to see the ways cultures handled themselves historically with many never seeing music as a amoral issue or a venue that could not be open for demonic tranmission of ideas (as music can literally download things into others easier than conversation since it bypasses the critical/thinking side of your mind and goes automatically for your emotions).

There were others who were basically channelers of spirits - and many today who still are. There was a documentary on National Geographic where they were documenting a Hindu ceremony of some type in India where they were trying to help this man with bad dreams he was having and the ways he was manifesting demonic power - with the ritual itself being based with musical background to accompany it. Happens often - and If the music wasn't important for the platform of what was going on, they'd not do it - and it does seem in the Western world that there's a rationalistic mindset that often takes place to explain things even when they are very obvious...
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Words do make a difference. So do thoughts. All of this stuff goes into your gates.

One thing I really noticed about Christian music after I came back from backsliding is that it was "heavier". Some of it really obscured the message. I wonder sometimes if the message was just an excuse for getting away with some of it. Fortunately, even the more rock oriented Christian music isn't that heavy (although it seems very production oriented). It's a sonic experience maybe more than a thing of the heart.

Some Christian rock is anointed, although (IMO) whenever music draws one's attention more to the production than the person of Jesus, it is diminished.

Back in the 80's and 90's Christian music (contemporary) seemed to be more praise and worship songs (without a hook). Hosanna and Maranatha music was often straight scripture and so it's words had more power in them.

I loved Phil Keaggy and some of his albums would have 2 or 3 rock songs on them. They were good, but compared to the more anointed tracks, the difference was noticeable.

I've often considered that some music is more "outer court" type of music that meets the world or new believer to the entrance. The more worshipful tracks take you closer in the presence of God.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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Some times Christian rock is only used as a break in to secular music.

I have been caught realizing,what I was lifting to on my I pod in the gym.

I had downloaded from a play list,some hard core music and was getting violent urges and aggression.

Conviction came over me and I listened to the words,it was about a man becoming possessed and killing his mother!
I had only heard the main lyric,and the music.
Now I still listen to what I want but I make sure the words are not anti Christ.
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Gxg (G²)

Pilgrim/Monastic on the Road to God (Psalm 84:1-7)
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Words do make a difference. So do thoughts. All of this stuff goes into your gates.

....I've often considered that some music is more "outer court" type of music that meets the world or new believer to the entrance. The more worshipful tracks take you closer in the presence of God.
Read this the other day and it really stood out to me..

Numbers 10:9-11
"When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the Lord your God, and you will be saved from your enemies. Also in the day of your gladness, in your appointed feasts, and at the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be a memorial for you before your God: I am the Lord your God.”

Thought it was cool seeing how trumpets (long, straight, slender metal tubes with flated ends) were blown for order/discipline and used coordinate the tribes as they moved through the desert ...for to keep so many people in tight formations required clear communication/control. And seeing how trumpet blasts reminded Israel of God's protection them, couldn't help but think on how Music is truly a means of prayer/worship - be it for good or bad.

There was a good book on the historical background of music - as seen here in Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine: Archaeological, Written and Comparative Sources
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An excellent topic. The enemy being a musician knows the power of music and uses it to his advantage. Even the movie/TV people understand the power of music to manipulate and set the tone and mood of an "environment".

God moves to anointed music and the enemy uses his music with a false anointing.

The words have everything to do with music being clean or unclean. Some things are lawful, not do not edify.

I remember getting a teaching on backwards masking, and to some extent it was like trying to find devils everywhere. Yes, the Eagles said: "You've got your demons...", but they were using a figure of speech common to American culture. They were not saying you had your own demons. Even though everybody of the world has them!

You can read faces in the clouds and the same goes for backwards music. Yet, at one time I had a four track casssette deck and listened to Sergeant Pepper backwards. An Indian track (by the Beatles) "Within and Without You' had a line in it that said backwards: "We sing and mock the master". I believe I was led to the track as I was already a believer at the time and had already heard teaching along these lines.

At the same time, they'd play this one part of Stairway to Heaven backwards and it had this "my sweet satan" line in it that gave you a chill to hear. The fruits were evident when the music preceeding that line was playing a false "anointing' was loosed. This is where the enemy gets his shots in to the unsuspecting.

Jessie Duplantis had a message called something like "The Devil played a song and the church danced". How creepy is that?! Yet it's happening.

I had this conversation with an AC/DC fan about singing "Highway to Hell". Is that really your will toward God? Is this not the most sobering thing you could possibly hear? Yet it typifies the blindness of heart you can get towards the things of the world. At their concerts, possibly millions of people (not just youths anymore) singing loudly when it comes up, "I'm on the highway to Hell!" I'm very angry at the band for duping some people I have called friends.

If we can decree a thing and have it established, we sure don't want to establish things contrary to the kingdom.
Personally, I think hiphop took the world to a new level of darkness. As Kat Kerr has said, you get a layer of puke on you from the enemy and you aren't even sensitive anymore to it.

It will take a radical awakening to rise up from the corrupt -froward things believers often say. We need a revolution in our mouth that starts in the heart.

Beyonce - She says that she has a spirit alter ego named Sasha Fierce and this alter ego always performs on stage. Beyonce said she is too shy to perform. After, she doesn't remember what happened.

JayZ - who Beyonce is married to said that he doesn't physically write his own songs. He sits down with a piece of paper in front of him and someone else takes over and it's like automatic writing, the words just flow into his head and he writes them down

Katy Perry - Admits that she 'sold her soul to the devil' it's on a YouTube video. (Katy Perry is the one that just did that satanic ritual at the Grammy's a few days ago). Weird thing is her father is a preacher and she grew up in a christian home. She tried to sing Gospel music between 13-14, but couldn't get signed to a gospel label.

Kanye West - Admits he 'sold his soul to the devil' at one of his concerts, that one is YouTube also.

That's what so scary about them being role models to the youth, they put these rituals and signs of satan in their videos and make it seem cool to worship satan. Ugggghhhh.

What's terrifying is most of the gospel music is distributed by the same record label subsidiaries as the hard rock, pop rock, rap, country, ect
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Gxg (G²)

Pilgrim/Monastic on the Road to God (Psalm 84:1-7)
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Beyonce - She says that she has a spirit alter ego named Sasha Fierce and this alter ego always performs on stage. Beyonce said she is too shy to perform. After, she doesn't remember what happened.

JayZ - who Beyonce is married to said that he doesn't physically write his own songs. He sits down with a piece of paper in front of him and someone else takes over and it's like automatic writing, the words just flow into his head and he writes them down

Katy Perry - Admits that she 'sold her soul to the devil' it's on a YouTube video. (Katy Perry is the one that just did that satanic ritual at the Grammy's a few days ago). Weird thing is her father is a preacher and she grew up in a christian home. She tried to sing Gospel music between 13-14, but couldn't get signed to a gospel label.

Kanye West - Admits he 'sold his soul to the devil' at one of his concerts, that one is YouTube also.

That's what so scary about them being role models to the youth, they put these rituals and signs of satan in their videos and make it seem cool to worship satan. Ugggghhhh.

What's terrifying is most of the gospel music is distributed by the same record label subsidiaries as the hard rock, pop rock, rap, country, ect
What happens with Beyonce and Shasha Fierce is a trip - but it's true. And unfortunate when seeing just how much of their music is full of that which is very much off....and they work with those in the Gospel Music Industry..
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