Moving on...

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Seeking in Orthodoxy
Jun 13, 2004
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Hey everyone,

As some of you may have read in the Creationism forum, I have decided to take a break from the Origins Theology forum on CF. It has been a very rewarding experience getting to know you all, and I would say that this forum has changed my life quite dramatically. It was a very different Nick (yep, that's my real name lol) that stumbled into this forum earlier this year - a confused, agnostic YEC, searching for answers, having just endured his first hour of university evolutionary biology. I still remember the lecturer, in a strangely forgiving way, apologising for the unfortunately theological nature of the topic, but nethertheless reinforcing bluntly that evolution was what science says; that science have accepted an old earth and evolution for over 200 years, and that was that. It seems amazing that it was only about 6 months ago! I have certainly changed, and I can honestly that I am stronger in my faith than I was then, and I think more than I was before I came to accept evolution.

To everyone who I have met; thank you. You have helped me find myself, and find God in this chaotic world. To gluadys,
Didaskomenos, Karl, PaladinValer, Bushido: Thank you all for your wisdom and grace, you've helped me a lot. To grmorton: Thanks for enlightening me with a different perspective on TE. To herev: Thanks for putting up with us all, it must be hard to mod a forum like this! To seebs, our Militant Christian Agnostic: Don't lose your sense of humor, or your searching mind. And to Vance; guess you've been a bit of a 'father figure' for me on this forum. Keep up your work; I know what its like to be a TE in a fundamentalist/evangelical denomination.

I'll be back occassionally - I'm not disappearing! I am currently struggling with a few doctrinal issues at my church, and searching for another denomination, so I'll probably be around the congregational forums. I might be back after that, but time will tell :). May God give you all the strength to face life's challenges, and the grace to share His word in truth and love.

Until we talk again...


P.S. Remember, its not how He created the Earth thats important; its that He created it!


Jul 16, 2003
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Alchemist: I am SO glad to hear about your strengthened faith, since that is all that truly matters. You have been a joy to have on these forums, and I am glad your absence will not be permanent.

"to Vance; guess you've been a bit of a 'father figure' for me on this forum. Keep up your work; I know what its like to be a TE in a fundamentalist/evangelical denomination."

While I guess I am old enough to be your father, I can only hope that my own son (now only 5) eventually shows the thoughtfulness and dedicated inquiry after truth you have shown.

Good luck dealing with your other issues, and I look forward to seeing your name pop back up on these boards!

And, yes, let that be our mantra: its not how He created the Earth thats important; its that He created it!
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Voiced Bilabial Spirant
Feb 11, 2002
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Eastern Orthodox
Thanks for loving the Lord your God with all your mind. As another person who spends more time on this forum in a pew than in a pulpit, I am glad your time here has been profitable as well. If there were fewer teachers and more students, the truth would be a lot easier to come by, and I'm grateful you found some here among us!

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Mar 2, 2004
Bye for now, but not for long I hope.

I am glad you have weathered your initial encounter with evolution with a strengthened faith. If I was able to contribute a little to that I am grateful. I am always humbled and a little amazed when someone finds what I say enlightening. I am sure it is more God's doing than mine.

See you again before long.

God bless

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