
help i am new to this site and i am in real need of help. i have benn married for 2 1/2 years and i have 2 wonderful daughter 5 and 1.the problem is my marriage is in pieces! my husband and i do nothing but fight and fight! it really is damanging to the girls. quick overveiw, my husband is completely demanding of me. he wants what he wants and nothing else. he gets mad when i take care of the girls before him. we are not"together" anymore. {for the past 2 monthhs}. not get me wrong it is not all his fault. i know things do are not right. i think that i am going to leave him. i am not talking about a devioce i am talking about a legal separation. i think it will be better for the girls not to see there parents fighting all the time. i do not want to go against GOD, BUT DO I STAY AND TAKE IT, or do i take my girls and leave and give them a good peaceful life in christ?

please hel me!


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Feb 1, 2003
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You can't change him, you can only change you and PRAY for him. I'd try counseling if at all possible. Even for you to help you cope until he will go too. I have been through divorce and my sweet hubby (second hubby) is in another state in a midlife crisis. I can tell you that divorce is awful. Separation is awful!

I'm praying for you and your family!
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