Lost - Episode 6:8 (3/16/10) - Recon


Jan 25, 2005
Butler, PA
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I'm still a bit confused when they show these flash sideways. I don't think the losties on the island know what their life could have been like, but will they ever get a chance to discover what they could have had?

Like Jack, will he ever have a chance to see if David really exists?
Or James being a cop instead of a criminal?

What if they have to choose between letting their alternate reality continue on, or getting off the island?

And if they do return to their lives off island, will they be in their old life or the alternate reality?

What do you all think?
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Reports Manager
Nov 1, 2004
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I'm so thrilled with the James/Sawyer centric episode - cause I love me some Sawyer!!! yum!!!! ;)

I like that even though in the sideways James is a cop he still has the dark impulses to want to kill Anthony Cooper.

Thought it was funny that the lady in the con called James/Sawyer Dimples lol. Interesting that LaFleur was Jame's code word.

Was Charlotte really trying to find a T-shirt when she started rummaging through Sawyer's drawer, or did Miles set her up with Sawyer on purpose to do some "recon" work on his behalf? She seemed pretty intent on finding something.

Could Anthony Cooper be Locke's Dad? Interestingly, Miles said that Charlotte works at the museum with his dad indicates that Dr. Candle is living off the island, maybe even with a pair of working arms. So it seems like everyone's fathers are present and accounted for and having healthy relationships with their sons. Except Sawyer's.

When Locke made the whole "my mommy was nutso, so I have issues" speech to Kate I got the distinct feeling that he was setting her up to somehow keep Aaron from Claire. But Claire was told she had to raise Aaron - wonder what effect his mothering will have on the island????

I'm left wondering which side Widmore is on in the anticipated "war". He's clearly not aligned with Locke, but he's also not in Jacob's camp. So is there a third front in the war? Widmore was the one who insisted on getting Locke back to the island, and pretty much facilitated the whole process. Could he have known MIB needed his body as a host?

Were the ajira passengers killed by Locke (smokey), the crash or Widmore? I think both Widmore and Locke know not to trust Sawyer but are giving him long leash so they can use him for their own needs. It was ironic that Locke sent Sawyer over there because he's a great liar and he "can tell them any story he wants" and Sawyer promptly tells the truth. Then he tells Locke the truth about telling Widmore the truth. Sometimes the best way a liar can deceive is bying selling the truth.

Also Locke's forthright admission to Sawyer about being Smokey has me thinking he's conning the con man. Admit to one charge to hide more vaulable info, whatever that may be. Also when Locke extended his hand to Kate it made me think if Jacob's "touch" has powers, does MIB's as well? So was it important that Kate refused the help?

Best line of the night "I am the smoke thing" . :)
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Meet the new boss -- same as the old boss.
Jan 3, 2005
San Marcos, CA
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And if they do return to their lives off island, will they be in their old life or the alternate reality?

What do you all think?

We've seen some very very small glimpses of what may be recognition by some of the Losties that something is "off" with their sideways reality. Like Jack discovering his appendectomy scar. He seemed surprised to see it and asked his mother when he had it removed. She said in childhood, but we know it was on the island. And Sawyer using LeFleur as his code name - little things like that make me wonder if there is some consciousness of the other reality with them.

I think the two timelines are going to meet up and merge together somehow.

Sayid was showing evidence of losing his soul! He was creepy Zombie-Sayid.

Suzybeezy, very good questions!
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