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Warrior for Christ
Feb 27, 2004
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Well, since I requested this forum I suppose it's only right that I try to be a contributor here. Not mine LORD, but Thine will be done.

I felt led by God to request this forum. I feel that The Body of Christ, in general, has forgotten that God will bless us greatly when we deny the flesh. Every time we are able to resist the temptation to sin we have sucessfully denied the flesh. Of course it's not by our own strength that we do this, but by the strength of The Holy Spirit within us.

So doesn't it stand to reason that fasting is a special or extraordinary way of denying self (flesh)? To deny ourselves the very sustenance that allows the flesh to survive? It seems to me that God would reward such selfless actions. In fact I believe The Bible will confirm this.

I believe that those rewards and blessings are between God and the individual and should always remain that way, and that the actual act of fasting is not something we brag about or parade before men. But I do believe that we can work together to share what we know about fasting and what we can learn from studying the subject in The Bible. Thereby educating and edifying The Body of Christ.

So my hope and prayer for this forum is that we learn the truths about fasting, share them with each other and use that information to seek the glorious face of God through the ultimate denial of our earthly shell.

A quick search at Bible Gateway for the words "fasting, fasted", shows the *first mention of fasting in The Bible to be Judges chapter 20. Read the whole chapter to see how God blessed the children of Isreal when fasted with prayer and humility.

Now if you'll excuse me I must go get something to eat! ;)

*This was not an exhaustive study so fasting may appear in The Bible prior to Judges 20.


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Apr 5, 2004
Houston, Texas
TugOwar said:
Well, since I requested this forum I suppose it's only right that I try to be a contributor here. Not mine LORD, but Thine will be done.

I felt led by God to request this forum. I feel that The Body of Christ, in general, has forgotten that God will bless us greatly when we deny the flesh. Every time we are able to resist the temptation to sin we have sucessfully denied the flesh. Of course it's not by our own strength that we do this, but by the strength of The Holy Spirit within us.

So doesn't it stand to reason that fasting is a special or extraordinary way of denying self (flesh)? To deny ourselves the very sustenance that allows the flesh to survive? It seems to me that God would reward such selfless actions. In fact I believe The Bible will confirm this.

I believe that those rewards and blessings are between God and the individual and should always remain that way, and that the actual act of fasting is not something we brag about or parade before men. But I do believe that we can work together to share what we know about fasting and what we can learn from studying the subject in The Bible. Thereby educating and edifying The Body of Christ.

So my hope and prayer for this forum is that we learn the truths about fasting, share them with each other and use that information to seek the glorious face of God through the ultimate denial of our earthly shell.

A quick search at Bible Gateway for the words "fasting, fasted", shows the *first mention of fasting in The Bible to be Judges chapter 20. Read the whole chapter to see how God blessed the children of Isreal when fasted with prayer and humility.

Now if you'll excuse me I must go get something to eat! ;)

*This was not an exhaustive study so fasting may appear in The Bible prior to Judges 20.

I thank you and ask the Lord to bless you for requesting this forum. I agree with you that the Body of Christ, has forgotten this "very" important key of our daily walk with Him. I admit that I myself refused to fast before the Lord convicted me of it's benefit. I think fasting is good for alot of reasons but one that I really think stands out comes from something that you said

Every time we are able to resist the temptation to sin we have sucessfully denied the flesh. Of course it's not by our own strength that we do this, but by the strength of The Holy Spirit within us.
So fasting "TEACHES" us HOW to resist the flesh and how to know we have resisted successfully. Think about that for a second. I think the Lord is going to use anyone who fasts in an extremely might way, why? because fasting not only makes our bodies able to be used by God, but also empowers us to do things that we couldn't unless we fasted. Driving out demons demands more than just prayer, in the words of Jesus it takes FASTING also. Why? because if you fast you are extremely close to God and when driving out demons the power must come from God and the closer you are to God, the easier it is for God's power to come through you.

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Pardoned Rebel!
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C.A.B.L said:

I thank you and ask the Lord to bless you for requesting this forum. I agree with you that the Body of Christ, has forgotten this "very" important key of our daily walk with Him. I admit that I myself refused to fast before the Lord convicted me of it's benefit. I think fasting is good for alot of reasons but one that I really think stands out comes from something that you said

So fasting "TEACHES" us HOW to resist the flesh and how to know we have resisted successfully. Think about that for a second. I think the Lord is going to use anyone who fasts in an extremely might way, why? because fasting not only makes our bodies able to be used by God, but also empowers us to do things that we couldn't unless we fasted. Driving out demons demands more than just prayer, in the words of Jesus it takes FASTING also. Why? because if you fast you are extremely close to God and when driving out demons the power must come from God and the closer you are to God, the easier it is for God's power to come through you.

Hmmm, this has me thinking. What I am about to say is not to brag, but to provide context for a question. I picked Tuesdays as my regular fasting day. This is my second week doing it. Now, this week, much like last week, I went crazy on the boards here, especially in the "for christians only" prayer request forum. It's as if the Holy Spirit were granting me a little bit of extra prayer power during the time of my fast. Not sure if it is to keep my mind off food, to edify others, or both. Any thoughts?

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Apr 5, 2004
Houston, Texas
It's as if the Holy Spirit were granting me a little bit of extra prayer power during the time of my fast. Not sure if it is to keep my mind off food, to edify others, or both. Any thoughts?

I am so happy that the Lord has been able to reveal to you the urgency of learning His ways, no matter what others say. I love that qoute up above and I believe that God has revealed to you something that you don't fully understand, and so you are seeking it out. I applaud you for that, because you are sensitive to the Spirit. When we sacrifice ourselves as Christ did, remarkable things happen. I do know 2 important things about Fasting. 1 the Lord "commanded us" you other Christians out there, I'm not attacking you, but how can we obey some of the words of Christ and ignore other ones? Christ tells you everything for a reason. and 2 Fasting somehow shows God that we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for something else, now I'm not a bible scholar or anything, but God has revealed this throughout the Bible. Look it up in the Bible, all the occurences someone fasted and I'm sure you will agree with me.

I applaud you Bartimeus, and always remember God is with you, through all the bad and the good.

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Feb 3, 2004
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i hadnt fasted for about 5 years (either i was pregnant or nursing a baby-whew! no wonder im tired!)

anyhow, i started a diet about 2 weeks ago called "The Maker's Diet". this book was written by a Messianic Jew so it pretty much follows some OT principles of eating. The reason i bring this up is per this diet, one day a week you are to fast. This will be my 3rd week that i will fast on Thursday's.

but after i thought about it, i realized that i was fasting cause the book said so and i want to be healthy and loose weight. these reasons, i am starting to realize, are selfish reasons for me to fast. my reason had nothing to do for the Lord.

anywho.... i am planning on adding another fast day- maybe tuesday- just for the Lord! I love Him! :bow:
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All that I need, is a song in my heart. . .
Feb 5, 2004
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I want to fast more often and regularily than I do. I am still growing at this and I have not fasted in a while so I will start praying about when I should again.

For those new to this, I'd reccomend day fasts that you break at dinner. And you can either choose to drink only water all day or juice as well. It's a good way to start rather than fasting the entire day then going to sleep. Though that is good too. Just reccomending a good way to start. :)
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Mercy Me

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Mar 1, 2004
Godschosengirl said:
but after i thought about it, i realized that i was fasting cause the book said so and i want to be healthy and loose weight. these reasons, i am starting to realize, are selfish reasons for me to fast. my reason had nothing to do for the Lord.

What better way to honor the Lord than by having your body be as healthy as it can be!! I believe it is not a selfish fast, but an honoring one :)
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