Is there any hope left for me??? (Freaking out about Hebrews 6:4-6 & 10:26-27)


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Feb 24, 2021
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During my life as a Christian, I have stumbled and fallen more times that I can remember. And sometimes greatly.
When I have come back to God, His response has always been the same. Just like the father of the prodigal son.
"And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him".
If he can do it for me, then I am more that confident that he will do it for you.

Thank you Anthony. The funny thing is, when I “got serious”/“came back” (assuming I was ever a Christian to begin, which now it seems like I likely was not) last year, I instantly regarded myself as a “prodigal son” and found comfort in that story and all the other examples of God’s forgiveness. It’s only once I started freaking out about these Hebrews passages the last week or two that I for whatever reason basically forgot about that story/thought “Surely that can’t apply to me.” I’ve also been worrying because I feel like I don’t get quite as emotional over my sin/forgiveness as some others do; sure, there have been times I’ve been moved to tears from thinking about Christ’s sacrifice for me, but not always, and in my years of living a sinful lifestyle I managed to make myself numb to certain sins. Which now I’m realizing is a dangerous thing to do as it can sear one’s conscience.

I have turned from those sins, have asked for forgiveness for them, intellectually I can recognize they were wrong for me to commit, and I wish I didn’t commit them (and to be fair, *sometimes* when I did commit them, I felt intense guilt afterwards, even to the point of tears at times) - but I worry that because I’m not bowled over in tears begging for forgiveness every time they come to mind, that I’m not actually genuine or that God isn’t hearing me. :/ I want to do the right thing, and don’t get me wrong: I know that I’ve sinned against God, and that if I were to stand before God on judgement day on my own I would be found “guilty” of all sorts of sins/“crimes” against Him - and I know that Jesus Christ came to die so that I might be given eternal life and not have to face the penalty for my sins, and I have asked Him to be my savior and have thanked Him for dying for me on the cross.

...But I keep worrying that I “didn’t do it right,” that I’m still separate from God, that maybe I don’t actually have the Holy Spirit, that maybe I’m simply scared of hell, etc. I don’t know. I know I’m doomed without Christ; I *want* to have the sort of faith that I would be willing to forsake anything and everything for Christ, that I’d be more than willing to face persecution and die for Him (would consider it an honor!), that I’d have a heart to help people and reflect Him in my life & actions, etc. I keep praying and asking for that faith, but I’m not sure I have it. Maybe it takes time. Maybe I’m just freaking myself out & depressing myself. Who knows. Anyways, thanks again.

P.S. I have seen you around in other threads as well; your comments have been a blessing.
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chad kincham

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Thank you so much. Trust me - I definitely believe I cannot be good enough for salvation, lol. In fact, I regularly worry these days that I’m *not* saved. For the first few days it was this concern about Hebrews… but then after everyone seemed to agree that the verses do *not* apply to me and that as long as I want to repent and be forgiven and have salvation, my mind has now shifted to this “Well, even if you *can* be saved, how do you know you are? Maybe you’re wrong about something/are following 'another Jesus' like the Bible warns about” mindset. It’s frustrating.

Obviously, it’s healthy to have a fear of the Lord, but I think my OCD is going into overdrive about all this. It’s quite telling that my anxiety is just jumping from one topic to the next and not allowing myself to have any rest/comfort about any of this. I’ve been dealing with OCD for years but never too much about faith/salvation, probably because that honestly wasn’t too important to me in my life until the last half-year or so. Anyways, thanks for the encouragement.

Scripture says Gods spirit witnesses with our spirit, that we are sons of God - that’s how you can know you’ve been born again.

If you’ve asked the Lord Jesus to come into your heart and save your soul and forgive your sins, and make you a new creature, and call upon His name, and mean it, you are saved.

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Feb 24, 2021
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Hello Billy, many have said it better than me. But I'll add my 2 cents in as well.

This verse as I understand it is, that we can't keep asking Christ to save us as if we're asking him again the first time. It's like putting him back on the cross. What you would need to do is with an honest heart of repentance (change of mind and heart) seek his forgiveness and move on from your past. Will you sin again? Yes, we all do and if we say we are without sin, we are liars. But the difference is you are continually seeking God in your life and you are striving to continually put the spirit over the flesh. You are young and it is a battle. I'm in my 50's and in my 20's I was all over the place. Sometimes the sanctification process takes time. But God is a heart knower. He knows if we're truly trying to make a change. I would continually stay in his Word. And continually seek him in prayer. That's what keeps me going.

If you have problem sin instead of asking for forgiveness over and over and repeating the same sins over and over -ask for his guidence and help to overcome those and that usually comes from as I said, staying in his Word every day.

The fact that you're here means our Heavenly Father is speaking to you. He wants you to come to full repentance. And he is long suffering. Meaning he has patience. But that's not a license to sin but it shows that no matter what you've done, he will still be there upon true repentance.

II Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

He doesn't want anyone to perish he wants us to repent and come back to the fold.

Hi, thanks a lot for this comment as well as the verse. Ever since I “got serious” (got saved for real?) last year, I have been changing various behaviors and getting better about a lot of sins. I guess one of my problems now is, since I lived such a sinful lifestyle for those 7 or so years, I keep bringing up those same sins over and over again in my prayers; idk if it’s that I worry some sins won’t be forgiven unless I remember every one, or if I am otherwise scared that I’m not actually saved and that I’m “not doing it right.”

I think part of it is that I *claimed* to be a Christian all those years, and now it’s dawning on me that I really didn’t “walk the walk.” I had prayed what I thought was a sincere “salvation” prayer as a kid, read my Bible every once in a while, even got baptized (and at least believed I was serious when I professed my belief at baptism; it’s not like I was lying to the pastor’s face). But I got into committing sins and didn’t really take them seriously, didn’t try too hard to stop them or ask God for help stopping them. My mindset was always “Well I’m saved, so that’s all that matters.” I think it hadn’t really dawned on me how important repentance is, and I never realized that if I was a true believer then my life should reflect it and there should be a change. And I certainly didn’t think about how much my sin must disappoint God.

Basically, I think I believed that salvation is a “license to sin” which is obviously a really dangerous mindset to have and disrespectful to God. I’m now ashamed for having had that mindset; I feel bad for taking what Christ did for me, for granted. :/ It especially hit me hard when I read the whole book of John for the first time late last year; I broke down sobbing over the part when Jesus speaks to his disciples/prays before his crucifixion (Chapters 16-17 I believe). It moved me so much to think that He had done this for me. And yet I had lived my life like it was no big deal. :(

So, since I sinned all those years and didn’t feel compelled to repent after every instance at the time, I now feel like I must play catch-up and try and actively remember as many sins as I can, to apologize for. And I find myself obsessing over it all, wondering - if my first “salvation” for all those years wasn’t real - if I’m really even saved now or not.

And then there’s the fact that this all came about as a result of me getting scared of the end times; last July or so I became convinced that we are headed straight for the end, and it terrified me. I realized I had grown so distant from God (turns out I probably wasn’t even saved!?), and knew I would need to draw close to Him if I hoped to endure what is to come. At the same time, I was (and still am) growing increasingly disgusted with the blatant evil in the world, and I was realizing it was time to “pick sides” and stand with the Righteous one (who wins in the end!). And by “endure,” I don’t even mean I hope/expect God to keep me safe & alive throughout potential tribulations. That was how I thought of it at first, but now I mean I want to have the strength to always acknowledge Him as Lord, in the face of persecution and even death. I *want* to have such a strong faith that I would be willing to forsake everything, even my life, in the name of standing on the side of Truth. In fact I’d consider it an honor; I got *very* moved reading in my Bible about how Paul wanted to share in Christ’s suffering.

Now, I’m not sure if I was right or wrong about the idea of the end times happening soon; heck, it’s possible I was wrong and that things are still decades or more away (but the way things are going, I don’t think so). But at this point, after having “gotten serious” last year, all I know is that I want to spend the rest of my days here on Earth following God and living according to His Word regardless of what/when anything happens. So even though fear may have been a catalyst for me to start taking things seriously, I feel like I want to follow Him even regardless of fear. And yet I still worry “What if I’m only doing all this because I’m scared of hell?” :/ Ugh.

But then I remind myself of verses like Proverbs 9:10: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” So maybe fear *isn’t* the worst-ever initial motivator to start taking things seriously?

Anyways, I have been reading the Bible every day since back in July or August, and I have been praying as well. I used to always just listen to music while going for neighborhood walks, but as of the last couple days I’ve begun listening to an audio Bible instead. If you had told me a few years ago that I would be making changes like this in my life or taking God so seriously, I likely wouldn’t have believed it. So, I hope it’s “real”; it is definitely much more active in my life than anything I ever had in all my prior years of thinking I was a Christian. I never used to be like this.

I voiced my concerns about my salvation to my mom a few days ago and she told me she has been praying for years for me to draw closer to God, and she told me that the fact that I’m even thinking about all this stuff and so concerned with my salvation means that God is drawing me to Him and that it’s not hopeless. And that if it was hopeless for me, I likely wouldn’t even care about this at all/would be totally content to just keep doing what I was doing. I hope she’s right. I *think* I’m sincere in my desires to change, but I do doubt myself at times, and the OCD certainly doesn’t help.

Anyways, sorry for unloading on you with the super-long post; thank you again for your message. I will add that 2 Peter verse to my list of verses I’ve been compiling!
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I think part of it is that I *claimed* to be a Christian all those years, and now it’s dawning on me that I really didn’t “walk the walk.” I had prayed what I thought was a sincere “salvation” prayer as a kid, read my Bible every once in a while, even got baptized (and at least believed I was serious when I professed my belief at baptism; it’s not like I was lying to the pastor’s face). But I got into committing sins and didn’t really take them seriously, didn’t try too hard to stop them or ask God for help stopping them.

This was me too Billy. I was raised in a church, got baptized and then we moved out of my state and never found another church, etc. I still thought myself "saved" but like you questioned myself constantly because I certainly stacked up the sin. I was back and forth. But in the back of my mind I knew I wasn't on the right path. It was about 20 years ago when I really felt led by God to get back on path. It wasn't all smooth sailing but at this point in my life I have felt truly real repentance in my life about most of the things I was doing. I really have no desire about any of the things I used to do. In fact I look back and think, did I really do all of those things? But I really believe that God will continue to shape mold us us throughout our lives if we really take his Word to heart and answer if the Holy Spirit is speaking to us. We all have regrets and wish we had done things differently but we have to start anew.

So, since I sinned all those years and didn’t feel compelled to repent after every instance at the time, I now feel like I must play catch-up and try and actively remember as many sins as I can, to apologize for. And I find myself obsessing over it all, wondering - if my first “salvation” for all those years wasn’t real - if I’m really even saved now or not.

I've been there as well. Again, God knows our hearts and I think we can ask his forgiveness for all the sins we truly are repenting for.

Jeremiah 17:10 "I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings."

Now, I’m not sure if I was right or wrong about the idea of the end times happening soon; heck, it’s possible I was wrong and that things are still decades or more away
I myself don't think it's too far off into the future. I just continue to watch. Ephesians 6 tells us we must have the full armour on at that time and it tells us what that armour is.

And that if it was hopeless for me, I likely wouldn’t even care about this at all/would be totally content to just keep doing what I was doing

and the OCD certainly doesn’t help
I have a little bit of OCD as well about certain things.

Anyways, sorry for unloading on you with the super-long post; thank you again for your message. I will add that 2 Peter verse to my list of verses I’ve been compiling!
No, you're fine! :)
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The latest thing I’m freaking out over: Is it bad that I can’t recall any specific day last year that I “got saved” (if it did indeed occur last year)? I remember a period of about a week or so that, over the course of it I realized/decided I needed to “get right with God” and start taking things seriously, and I was reading and praying a lot then. But aside from that general period, all I can remember is back when I was very young, saying a typical sinner’s prayer alone in my bedroom and then coming out later and telling my family that I had asked Jesus to come into my heart. But based on how I lived for much of my life since then, it now seems that I wasn’t really saved back when I thought I was. Last year was the first time I ever got serious to the point of asking God to take over my life, to fill me with His Holy Spirit and work through me, to lead me to live the way He wants me to live, to give me the strength to stand firm for Him and even potentially endure persecution in His name, etc.

…But now I’m bothered by the fact that so many people can remember a specific moment when their life radically changed and they (actually) got saved, yet aside from that specific moment when I prayed as a kid (but which didn’t really manifest in anything too life-changing for me at the time), I really can’t point to anything. Which makes me question again if I’m saved/on the right track even *now*. :/ And it’s tough for me to pinpoint a specific occasion since last year, because me praying for forgiveness for old sins/begging God to fill me with the Holy Spirit has become a regular occurrence.

Don’t get me wrong: I know there is nothing I can do of my own to achieve salvation, and I know that Christ came and died once for my sins and that His blood covered all my sins (and that His is the *only* possible sacrifice that could cover it all and save me) - but I worry that “I’m not doing it right,” or that God isn’t listening to my prayers. And that makes it tougher for me to feel saved, period, let alone to pinpoint a specific date.
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ok so I'll diagnose you as doctor would diagnose patient nothing personall or anything
1)As Man there is no way to stop the seek for sex unless you literally were given the privilage of celibate from God , you will always have sex drive and it's better to do it with the Christian girl , maybe marry her in future than going back to these gay stuff.
2) There is no difference in "level" of sin like if u told lie you are as guilty as if you killed somebody so your mind might be focused too much on that one sin while you probably do 50 more daily just like this one and they aren't anyhow lower value or lesser ones.
3) Salvation is once for all , by Christ alone and you obtain it as gift if you believe him
4)Most important probably is that you base your experience with God on your actions and feelings rather than facts
Going to church doesn't make one Christian , there were plenty atheists who grow up in Church
What makes one Christian is if he believes the gospel , defined by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 , according to Scriptures means that he fulfilled prophecy like Isaiah 53 ,written hunderds years before and fulfilled by Jesus.
Your actions have nothing to do with it like , it doesn't matter if you feel good/ bad / alone / lost / fine /suffering or anything else , fact is that Christ did it and it's all that matters , God does not stop exist suddenly because u don't feel like he is not around you unless you believe some other god and hide it in some sort of box and take it out when u need it and hide when u don't.
Thats not the God of the Bible , the God of the Bible is powerfull being which is outside of time and don't need you or me in any way , giving us a way to get back to him thru his son , it has nothing to do with who you are or what u did before , if u want you can get back and have relationship with him.
5) About Satan , even if he can't alredy hurt your salvation , he can still deceive you into thinking you're not saved so you become useless because person who is not sure if he/she is saved is for sure not leading others to Christ , so instead of maybe 30 more Christians there will be no more cuz you did not do your job because you got deceived. Just an example.
6)Book of Hebrews has nothing to do with losing salvation , it was written to Jews who became Christians but wanted to go back to doing Sacrifices once they saw that christians were being persecuted.

When it says stuff like Hebrews 6:4-6
it means it is not possible once u get saved to get unsaved and repent towards opposite things , like you just came back ask questions even tho you took detour thru doing all these sins you came back because it is not possible to not go back into faith after a time once u got saved , you felt urge to come seek God and needed questions answered.
Unbeliever would never do that in first place.
You should be celibate as a single, especially given your past history of promiscuity and porn. It seems Jesus, John the Baptist and Paul were single, maybe some of the prophets too. Peter and other Christians were married.

I watched a good sermon video by a preacher who had been gay, but became Christian, repented and married. Another sermon he preached was mediocre. Some pastors plagiarized sermons, thus one can not be sure of the authenticity of preaching, whether it is a cheat or original.

Jesus rebuked some Pharisees who rejected his teaching.

Matthew 21:31 (WEB) ...Jesus said to them, “Most certainly I tell you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering into God’s Kingdom before you. 32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you didn’t believe him; but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. When you saw it, you didn’t even repent afterward, that you might believe him.

If prostitutes gave up their wicked ways for Jesus, so should you.
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Thank you for the comment and prayer, and thanks for your perspective. It’s good to know that there will always be somewhat of a struggle; that’s fine. As long as I’m not beyond saving. I had just never been so terrified as to the thought of where I will spend eternity, as I have been these past few weeks. Prayer and reading my Bible have helped a lot so far, as have the comments on these boards. Still though, it’s scary. I think a lot of it is my OCD and my knack for obsessing over thoughts; I hope that with time I can come to a sense of peace about it all.

When I was younger, my sister in law encouraged me to study the Bible with a study group because I was choosing verses in order to condemn myself. I would encourage you to do the same as soon as you are able. At least find a study guide for explanations of passages. Read the guide to see if it makes sense to you.
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