Iranian Christians arrests increase. Repressive laws considered. Staunch Chrisitian wife brings spouse to Christ.


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Jul 27, 2009
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  • Mar. 21, 2024 | Iran​

    Christian Arrests Increase

    [8] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Iranian Christians.
    Iranian house church leaders know they face possible arrest.
    Front-line workers in Iran report an increase in the number of Christians being arrested, partly due to regional tensions and conflicts. "Persecution against Iranian Christians is rising," a front-line worker said. "Every Christmas and Easter, officials usually arrest some Christians, but this year the number went way up, and we're concerned about what might occur around Easter." The worker mentioned that in the past, Iranian officials would occasionally arrest church leaders and later release them with a strong suggestion that the Christians leave the country. Read More.
  • Mar. 21, 2024 | Kyrgyzstan​

    Repressive New Religion Laws Considered

    [6] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Christians in Krygyzstan.
    Locations for worship in Kyrgyzstan would be severely limited under proposed religion laws.
    The State Commission of Religious Affairs (SCRA) in Kyrgyzstan has proposed new religion laws. The laws currently in effect in this Central Asian country already require registration of churches and limit how churches can form, but the proposed laws are even more stringent. The laws require registration and regular re-registration as well as intrusive reporting procedures. They also set the minimum size for an organization restrictively high and require "founding members" to provide signatures and identifying information, opening individual Christians up to surveillance and harassment. Read More.
  • Mar. 21, 2024 | Nepal​

    Young Bride's Refusal to Renounce Faith Brings Husband to Christ

    [7] prayers in [1] nation have been posted for Anisha and Ashish.
    Anisha rented a small, unfurnished room alone after her eviction.
    Anisha and Ashish, who married early in 2023, went to a local church in search of healing from demonic spirits that harassed Ashish. Church members prayed for them, and Ashish was healed. The newlyweds began to read the Bible they had received at the church and soon wanted to place their trust in Jesus Christ. When Ashish's parents found the Bible, they insisted that the young couple renounce Christ and stop going to church. Ashish agreed, but Anisha did not. Read More.