If you were stuck on the Island in the T.V. show "Lost," what would your Issue be?


Sep 26, 2004
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According to my husband I would be stuck there because I was a blocked artist who hadn't made jack-squat in years. Maybe the person in the seat next to me was a very productive and well-known artist that I have admired for some time. The artist is killed (of course) and I come across his art supplies. Do I use them? Am I worthy? Will I find inspiration on the Island? Or will I feel forever haunted by the death of 'good' artist and believe I was the one who should have died?

[insert intense music]

I tried to get my husband to tell me what his issue would be. He joked that his issue would be being stuck on a island full of people with issues. I thought this was a cop-out. Now, he thinks he would be stuck there because of some sort of coffee addiction ala Charlie. ("I'm going to let you ask for your Starbucks three times and the third time I'm going to give it to you...")


Make It So, Number One!
Oct 20, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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My character is heading to Sydney, Australia for a job interview.

He doesn't want to go... but his wife is pushing for him to do it because it would allow them a "cushy" lifestyle with a lot of money and benefits. He'd rather stay home and be close to family than to move all the way to the "outback" where he knows nobody.

He ignores his gut feeling and goes there. Surprisingly, he gets the job and jumps on the plane back to Toronto to tell his wife the good news... and then the plane crashes.

His "issue" is that he resents his life because he's always ignored his gut feelings in order to listen to his wife and make her happy. In the past, this has led to him feeling completely undermined and unaccomplished. He also resents the fact that his ideas and thoughts are always shot down as being dumb or incorrect.

He desperately seeks the affirmation of others... and this becomes his major issue on the island.

Surrounded by a large group of shipwrecked people, he tries unsuccessfully to get others to listen to his ideas. After a few episodes of people ignoring him, he finally explodes and loses his cool. People then decide to listen to him, for once, and he proves to them that his ideas (whether it be about "how" or "where" to build shelter) actually do work.

While on the island, he has a lot of weird dreams...

He eventually learns that the dreams that are played out with a redish colour are dreams showing him what will happen if he makes the 'wrong' choice. Dreams that are played out in a greenish colour are dreams that will show him what happens if he makes the right choice. This is the power that he's been able to tap into.

The season finale ends with him finally feeling as though he's earned the respect of others and that they value his thoughts and opinions.

Of course, there are other "dark secrets", but we'll leave those for later.
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Nov 21, 2004
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it's good to see I'm not the only one anxiously awaiting the show's return :D. My character would probably be a type A over- stressed wife and mom trying to be all things to all people and failing miserably. I'd probably get all winsome over "the important" things and start investing myself in people instead of stuff. Kind of a Desperate Housewife meets Lost
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