I think I'm unregnerate, reprobate, vessel of wrath, despairing, tried all I can think of


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have read lots on gotquestions.org, read articles on desiring god, read Bible app plans, (i still really need to work on praying and reading the Bible), listened to messages/sermons.

I've learned i have to be careful with who i listen to and what I'm taking in.

From what you have said in these two posts your still causing yourself harm.

More than anything else, you need to learn to sit down, be still and let the Lord God direct your path.

At this point you are still seeking knowledge, but a knowledge acquired out of due season will not benefit you anything if, you do not have the proper foundation in which to receive said knowledge.

Look at it this way, would you build a roof before you built the house first?

You must understand, any knowledge you have learned you are responsible for, everything you learn, is an opportunity for the adversary (Satan, Devil) to attack you.

Faith isn't Faith until it has been tried, therefore if you gain knowledge in order to build your Faith you can also expect that newly gained knowledge to be tried (Tested) in order to find if it is applicable in your life and to determine if it is True, (according to your understanding).

Every new wind of Doctrine, blows you from Pillar to Post, leaving you dismayed, and defeated.

Sit down, be still and listen for the quiet gentile voice of God.

With all of your seeking, there is too much noise in your being.

At this point, if truth actually came up and slapped you in the face, you would not know it because, there are too many other things vying for your attention.

Everything you need to know is to be found within the Pages of the Bible, learn to trust God to feed you in due season the things you need, in order for you to be able to take the next step in Faith, rather than you directing your path let God guide you into all truth.

I could go on and on, but what I am saying is, you just way to busy to be able to hear anything God has, your trying to do it all in your own power.


Sit down, be still and listen for the quiet gentile voice of God.

I have written this to you personally, but it applies to everyone here on this site that have identified with you, and it applies actually to every Christian.

Try to not listen to anything or read anything for 1 mo. just stop seeking everything, other than your Bible, and when you do read your Bible don't look for a specific subject, pick a Book, read the whole thing and give God the opportunity to talk to you out of it.
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Aussie Pete

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Hi Diana,
I’ve been meaning to write something here for a few months now, but something always stopped me, usually fear, of like saying things the wrong way or something like that. But I just decided tonight, “screw it, I’m just going say something rather than nothing”.
So, anyways, the reason for this message is that I’m in the EXACT same situation as you and as you said to Chris (Hi Chris - keen to connect with you as well if you’re interested mate), it feels like talking to yourself. I’m 100% sure that we are in the exact same state, saved or not, I don’t know, but definitely the same. Anyways, so one thing I wanted to ask is, how are you going now? As it has been about 4 months since you last posted here, and it seemed like towards the end of this whole little journey you were actually starting to have some hope and coming to some new realisations.
I hope you don’t feel any pressure, like if you’re not doing well, I don’t mind, I just want to hear from you, as I feel like we could help each other.
Anyways, I don’t really know what to say, but I’m just greatful to have found this thread you created. It’s not the only one I’ve read, I’ve actually read heaps, but not for a couple of years, but I came across your one back in October and there was just something about it that really struck a chord with me maybe more than most of the others I’ve read. I don’t know. Anyways, if you’re interested I can share my story/journey of how I ended up in this situation and what my experience is like, but I don’t want to just dump it on here now as you may not be interested or may not even be active on this forum anymore etc. But I just thought I’d reach out and see if maybe you still are, and hopefully we could connect.
Anyways, the more I write the more it sounds creepy. Lol. Honestly, I’m just a desperate soul seeking help, so sorry if I come across as creepy or something, it’s not my intention. Just genuinely want to connect and talk about our extremely identical predicament and see if there’s any hope for us.
Wow, I sound so prideful even writing this. Man, it really sucks not living for God. Wish I could, as He’s the only life there is. Anyways, it’s 3:33am (Australia time), so I’ll leave it there. Hoping to hear from you. And hoping that by some miracle you have overcome this terrible experience, but like I said, if you haven’t and are still struggling, that’s ok, I still would like to talk with you,
Reegan (not my real name - too scared to reveal my true identity on here. Lol)
Hi, I rather feel like an eavesdropper here, but I want to help.

When you start to see that salvation is God's business, not our own, some light will break through. When we realise that salvation is already ours and we we have to do is receive, more light breaks through. When we see that God gives us Jesus to be all that we should be, but can't be, the pressure comes off us. If your car is a total write off, what do you do? Try to fix it? That's OK if you have no alternative. But what if someone offers you a brand new car? Now you can't drive two cars at the same time. Neither can you hold onto your old life and enjoy the new. My advice is to ditch the old and take the new.

This may help: Are you absolutely sure you are born again? - Christian Life Frankston

We are in Frankston Victoria FYI
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Jun 3, 2019
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From what you have said in these two posts your still causing yourself harm.

More than anything else, you need to learn to sit down, be still and let the Lord God direct your path.

At this point you are still seeking knowledge, but a knowledge acquired out of due season will not benefit you anything if, you do not have the proper foundation in which to receive said knowledge.

Look at it this way, would you build a roof before you built the house first?

You must understand, any knowledge you have learned you are responsible for, everything you learn, is an opportunity for the adversary (Satan, Devil) to attack you.

Faith isn't Faith until it has been tried, therefore if you gain knowledge in order to build your Faith you can also expect that newly gained knowledge to be tried (Tested) in order to find if it is applicable in your life and to determine if it is True, (according to your understanding).

Every new wind of Doctrine, blows you from Pillar to Post, leaving you dismayed, and defeated.

Sit down, be still and listen for the quiet gentile voice of God.

With all of your seeking, there is too much noise in your being.

At this point, if truth actually came up and slapped you in the face, you would not know it because, there are too many other things vying for your attention.

Everything you need to know is to be found within the Pages of the Bible, learn to trust God to feed you in due season the things you need, in order for you to be able to take the next step in Faith, rather than you directing your path let God guide you into all truth.

I could go on and on, but what I am saying is, you just way to busy to be able to hear anything God has, your trying to do it all in your own power.


Sit down, be still and listen for the quiet gentile voice of God.

I have written this to you personally, but it applies to everyone here on this site that have identified with you, and it applies actually to every Christian.

Try to not listen to anything or read anything for 1 mo. just stop seeking everything, other than your Bible, and when you do read your Bible don't look for a specific subject, pick a Book, read the whole thing and give God the opportunity to talk to you out of it.

She can't heed what you say without disregarding what you say at the same time. This advice is as contradictory as anything can be. Basically: "listen to me as I tell you to listen to no one but God."
It is realistic and honest to say to read the Bible first of all and test all things they hear by that, rather than to tell someone to take some action to ensure that they don't work in their own power and don't heed anyone but God directly. That is both dishonest and silly; and such foolishness is the source of why so many are confused and struggle unnecessarily in seeking the Lord.
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Apr 13, 2017
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She can't heed what you say without disregarding what you say at the same time. This advice is as contradictory as anything can be. Basically: "listen to me as I tell you to listen to no one but God."
It is realistic and honest to say to read the Bible first of all and test all things they hear by that, rather than to tell someone to take some action to ensure that they don't work in their own power and don't heed anyone but God directly. That is both dishonest and silly; and such foolishness is the source of why so many are confused and struggle unnecessarily in seeking the Lord.

I don't know who you are or what your specific background in your Christian walk is like, but I spoke to a younger person what I have experienced myself.

I'm not here just blowing smoke, and I did not answer her out of my head knowledge of what the Bible says, as some are prone to do.

I speak out of my own life experiences as a Christian for over 50 Yrs. I have gone through everything she has, therefore my advice is valid whether you or anyone else likes or believes it, it's truth spoken out of a pure motive to help.

If what I have said to her sounds silly, contradictory, dishonest, or foolishness to you, does not matter one wit to me, I did not address it to you.

If you happen to not like what I have said that is your problem, you have a different belief on how she should maneuver in this issue she is dealing with.
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Nancy Hale

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Dec 29, 2019
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I grew up in the Lutheran church going to Sunday School, church on Sundays, confirmation. When I was about 5, I did something I felt guilty about. I was upset by it, was crying, and despite my mom telling me God loves me and forgives me, I said He didn't and He hates me, my mom hates me, everyone hates me, even the animals hate me. I continued in church, Sunday School, confirmation but was never into it. I just did it to go through the motions - it's something I had to do. I have always been very introspective and self absorbed, not genuinely caring about anyone else. I also never felt like I was my own self. I always wanted to be like someone else, look like someone else, do what other people were doing. I very much observed others and wanted to be like them rather than just being who I was. I've been a perfectionist and always wanted things neat and orderly. I liked to be in control. I always liked being in my comfort zone too. I liked staying at home and watching tv. I only liked doing what I liked to do. I always talked about myself. I really never asked questions of others. My life has been all about me, me, me - I think I'm a narcissistic, psycho/sociopath. I've always felt bad about myself, like i was never good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, anything enough. I've always been timid, insecure, unsure of myself, afraid to speak up. I've always been self conscious and concerned about what others thought of me.

I had questions growing up...where did I come from? where did everything come from? if God made everything, who made God? when did He begin? I also was very worldly and had doubts and other questions. What happens when we die? Are we reincarnated? Will I come back as a cow? What if we we're nothing? What about all these other religions? Which one is right? How do I know the Bible is real? How do I know it's not a fairytale? What about aliens? What about dinosaurs?

I never had a sense of God or an inner drawing to Him. I just knew from the outside about Him. After I got confirmed, I thought I was good. I "graduated." I was a Christian. I went on to live like the world. Go to college, get my job, get my house, live the American dream. I thought that's what I was supposed to do. Other things I did like the world that I was unaware of that were bad (I knew they weren't good but thought it was okay since society did it)...I've watched scary movies, listened to hardcore rap/hard rock/other secular music, did yoga, have seen porn on tv/in magazines and books, read horoscopes, gone to a group psychic party, lots of drinking/going out to the bars, partying, pre marital sex. After some time, I did something I regretted and started going back to church. I then got heavily into sermons, books, blogs, articles, all sorts of things to make myself feel better. In 2016, I started going to a different church and got really involved there. I did mission trips, small groups, church on Sundays, served in Youth. I also was working with a life coach. I started to question why I was doing what I was doing - was I being a Pharisee? I had read much of the New Testament and knew a lot of the Bible but read it as a book and it never really "spoke" to me. When I prayed, I had no sense that God was with me. I had to work hard to imagine He was there. All the things I've learned about God have been from the outside, nothing from the inside. I fear I've "cleaned" myself up but without the Holy Spirit so a bunch more bad spirits have come back in.

Fall 2018, I came across some articles about false teachers and that scared me. I didn't know anything about that. Then I was lead to the website gotquestions. I wanted to know what a Christian was supposed to do so I looked up tons and tons of questions. I learned and learned and learned. I "confirmed" the truth of the Bible based on answers on gotquestions and other articles. I said, "Ah, that makes sense." I always tried to make sense of things. I came across some videos about the end times and got scared. That's when I decided I needed to go to a Bible based church and get into the Bible for myself. I started reading the Bible and working with a Biblical counselor. I learned tons and tons. All about what I should be doing. But I don't think I ever had a relationship with God. I never really thought I had to read the Bible either. I thought it was optional and I could live however I wanted and be forgiven. My beliefs were a mental assent.

The last 10 months or so have been awful. Living in fear and confusion. I've learned The Holy Spirit leads into all truth - that He testifies to the truth of the Bible. That didn't happen for me. I've been living by a spirit of fear and confusion. Jesus says His sheep hear his voice. I do not. I've been listening to lies all my life and not the truth. I've read when someone is saved, they're a new creation with a new heart and new desires. That's not me. I always viewed God as being angry with me- that I always had to perform for Him. I've been an obsessive, overthinking, overanalyzing, worrying, doubtful, proud, selfish, controlling perfectionist. I never sensed Him as being a loving Father. I always thought He was mad at me.

I've heard the Gospel tons and tons, know the Bible, know so much but still can't believe. I know God chooses some but not all. I think I'm a goat, tare, vessel of wrath. I live in constant fear and terror. After learning all I've learned, I'm trying to be something I'm not. I know all the things a Christian should do but it's not genuine. I feel like a fake. I don't even feel like me anymore. I have all this knowledge in my head and nothing in my heart. I don't really feel like I have genuine feelings anymore. I don't really care about anyone or anything. I don't feel compassion for others, love, care, sympathy. I can't really cry anymore, have no joy, peace, happiness- The enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy. I just feel like an empty, void shell of a person. I feel like I have no soul or spirit or my own personality. I have no desires. The only things I really feel are fear, confusion, terror, dread.

I feel like I want God to go to heaven and not hell. I don't think I genuinely want Him. (no one seeks after God. people may seek after the benefits or comforts but not God Himself. I think that's me.) I don't think I've been drawn by the Holy Spirit but by myself. I've had so many opportunities to respond to God growing up but didn't. I didn't think I needed. I didn't want Him. I would blow Him off. I think I've blasphemed Him. I think my heart is hardened to Him. I think I just regret my choices and don't have Godly sorrow and true faith and repentance. I don't even know all the things I need to repent of. I think I have to repent of every little thing about me. I overthink everything and think I need to repent of all the ways I do every little thing - like I need an entirely different personality. I'm so confused what I need to repent of ( I think everything) I think I'm so doomed. I can't escape my mind and all the things I know. Jesus says to come with childlike faith. I don't have childlike faith. I've read that it's tragic for someone to make faith. We should have God give us faith and let Him grow it. I ran ahead of God and tried to make faith. (I doubted Him, His existence, the resurrection, always doubted). So to eliminate the doubts, I learned so much. So now, I don't doubt anymore. I know too much. I don't think I'm genuine or sincere. I know too much for my own good. (More knowledge, more sorrow). I fear God has given me over to my lusts and desires of wanting to know more and more and figure things out before I trusted Him. And now I think it's too late for me. I can't unlearn things. I can't go back. I fear I'm reaping what I've sown. I don't think I was ever supposed to know all this. I don't know if God wanted me to go and learn all this. I should have just left things alone. I feel like Adam and Eve. Not trusting Gob but wanting to know things. Self-sufficient, self reliant, independent.

I think I'm just a wannabe, trying to be something I'm not. I can act like a Christian and do the things, but it doesn't mean I'm different on the inside. I can't fool God. I think I'm just deceiving myself. I've tried to believe. People say you can't make yourself believe. If you try to make yourself believe, you won't. I've tried so much. I've talked to so many pastors, counselors, other Christians, read so many books, blogs, articles. Someone said that people can read the Bible...true believers will find God, unbelievers will not. I think I'm an unbeliever.

Right now, I know so much. I'm scared. I'm responsible for so much. I'm constantly thinking about what I'm thinking, saying, doing. I think everything I do is sin. I look at others and think they have no idea what's going on. But they're doing the best they can. I know so much and am not doing the best I can. I think I'm all in the flesh and without the Holy Spirit. (Many are called, few are chosen). I've been called on the outside tons, but don't think I'm chosen. I've never heard of anyone in such a situation as me. I feel like the only person who's been here. I feel so alone, hopeless, despairing, like no one understands. Thoughts of suicide are on my mind just about every day. But the I'm afraid to die and suffer. So then I want to stay here for the comfort. But I'm miserable. Do I kill myself now? Later? Wait for God to take me out? Live however I want? What do I do? I'm paralyzed in fear. Everything is in my head and nothing is in my heart. I just feel like this fearful robot full of knowledge. God doesn't want that. He wants my heart and I don't have one to give Him. I feel like a fake, phony, wannabe. I know so much and don't know how to humble myself. I have such a bad, wicked heart. So many things annoy and irritate me. I like things my way and get annoyed when things go a different way. There's nothing good about me. I'm critical and judgmental of others. I don't love God and others but i love myself. I don't think I'm God's. I think I belong to the devil. I've wanted heaven but never, ever had a sense that I was going there or that I belong there. There is nothing inside me that gives me peace, love, joy. Just fear, hate, bitterness all my life. The more I learn, the worse I get. The more I learn about God, the worse I am. I feel like I'm getting farther and farther from Him. It's hard to believe that He loves me, forgives me, wants me. I'm so overwhelmed by my mind and all the things I know and think I should do. I feel defeated and that I should just kill myself now. There is so much to work through. I don't know if I'm meant for this.

I think I could go on and on and on about all the crazy thoughts that run through my mind. It's constant. I just want to curl up in a ball and wither away. What's the point of my life? God doesn't need me. (I think that's pride). I'm so, so bad. Don't know if there's any hope for me. This has been consuming all that I am. It's all I think about. It's been this way for months. And I know so much. I've heard so much. I'm not impressed or moved by anything. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I should kill myself (I don't deserve to be here, I don't deserve anything good) - even that's bad to say because I think I'm just looking for comfort and sympathy. But then I'm scared to kill myself. I feel like I'm just waiting to go to hell.

Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of such a situation as this and that it turned out for the good. I feel all alone and that no one understands. Do I kill myself? Is there any hope? I fear it's too late for me. Does anyone else know they're going to hell? What do you do? I don't know why I'm posting this since I'm pretty sure what the answers are. I'm just desperate. I wish I had a whole new mind and heart.
You say you've read everything, but have you read Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox writings on these things? I read through a lot of the comments hoping someone from either of these groups answered you, but I don't have time to read through all the comments. I'm not either one, but I read quite a bit of their teachings.
Feeling like everything you do is a sin, they actually have a word for that condition: scruplosity? Something like that, for RC. EO call it something different, which I don't remember at all and I saved the writings on a different device. Reading on lives of the Saints is very eye opening too, several felt the same way later in their calling.
I've felt many of the ways you do at different times.
You can't want God without Him calling you, it's impossible. That's in the Bible. You couldn't chase after Him as you have without Him. Your desire for salvation is God talking to you, so don't worry about that. But if you haven't, read some biographies of Saints. Little Flower, I think she had that the last bit of her life.. here, from wikipedia

"The term "dark night (of the soul)" in Roman Catholic spirituality describes a spiritual crisis in the journey toward union with God, like that described by St. John of the Cross.

St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, OCD, a 19th-century French nun and Doctor of the Church, wrote of her own experience of the dark night. Her dark night derived from doubt of the existence of eternity, to which doubt she nonetheless did not give intellectual or volitional assent, but rather prevailed by a deepening of her Catholic faith. However, she painfully suffered through this prolonged period of spiritual darkness, even declaring to her fellow nuns: "If you only knew what darkness I am plunged into..!"[8]

While this spiritual crisis is usually temporary, it may endure for a long time. The "dark night" of St. Paul of the Cross in the 18th century endured 45 years, from which he ultimately recovered. The dark night of St. Teresa of Calcutta, whose own name in religion she selected in honor of St. Thérèse, "may be the most extensive such case on record", having endured from 1948 almost until her death in 1997, with only brief interludes of relief, according to her letters.[9]"
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Nov 9, 2019
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Diana, you and I are in this struggle together. I, too, have OCD and possibly other disorders. I, too, have understood myself to not be a Christian, virtually my entire life. I also know the thought, "I've tried everything to be saved; nothing works." But I've just now started trying something that is, at the moment, giving me some hope. Before I get to that, let me say some other things.

There is a set of verses, Romans 10:9-13, that I want to mention. It starts out, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Now, I know of two Christian leaders who said they came to full assurance of salvation based on these verses. But for me, these verses have not had the effect of giving me assurance. I've thought, if you say "Jesus is Lord" with your mouth and believe in your head that He was resurrected from the dead, so what? Anybody can do that, and still not be saved. But: know that these verses were written in the first century AD, when the Christian movement was under threat of being annihilated by forces such as Nero and the Roman Empire. To confess, publicly, the Lord Jesus was to put your life on the line. People who did so then and there were absolutely convinced that Jesus is their Lord and Savior, and would take them to heaven if they died. So, to "confess Christ" was a huge deal. Also, we are not just to believe with our head but our heart. The passage goes on to say, "For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness." Head versus heart is a big deal in Christianity, and is just about my top problem.

I first came to both believe the gospel, AND understand I am not a Christian, in tenth grade. For the next 45 years, I understood I was not a Christian, and not heading for heaven. Then, about ten years ago, someone enticed me with an "easy believism" suggestion. Easy Believism says you can just say a little prayer and be saved, and know you're saved, regardless of how you live after that. For much of the past ten years, I have been seeking an Easy Believism entrance into the kingdom of heaven. It has not worked. I have remained convinced I am not a Christian in spite of numerous attempts to give my life to Christ, sincerely or not so sincerely, as per individual instance.

Maybe a couple years ago, a local Christian leader told me to just start thanking Jesus, and if I thanked Him for a month, I would be saved. Then and now, I thought, how is that going to work? You can thank Jesus without ever being saved. But this leads me to what I want to tell you about, that I have been trying for at least the last couple of days. I have periodically been saying to Jesus, "Thank you for dying for me. Take me!" And really being thankful, not just saying words. This has tended to create within me a REAL sense of Him saving me.

Maybe if you do something similar, you will find a sense of salvation. Now, with me and my OCD, any "sense of salvation" does not last, usually not longer than seconds. Doubt always creeps in after I just think I've given my life to Christ. But remember when Jesus healed and saved the paralytic who was let down in front of Him through the house roof? He said, "Your sins are forgiven you." (Then He healed his paralysis. That paralytic had a good day that day!) Did the healed paralytic ever sin again after that? He must have; he was a born sinner, like all of us! But Jesus statement that his sins were forgiven was unconditional. It was not, 'your sins are forgiven until the next time you screw up or have a bad thought.' It was, your sins are ALL forgiven! Thank Jesus for dying for you and ask Him to "take you," that is to take control of the throne of your life, sincerely. He says, "The one who comes to me, I will by no means cast out."
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Sep 20, 2013
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Hey Bob, I had a problem with that “easy believism” stuff many years ago. I would hear preachers quote Romans 10:13, but I could not understand how just saying a prayer “in Jesus name” would save anyone. The “believing” part had me confused. I wasn't sure what that really meant. The bible says even devils believe in Jesus.

Well, after several miserable years living in a state of confusion & fear, I began an earnest search in God's Word and found the true grounds for God's Way of saving us.

In a nutshell, God showed me that believing in Jesus means that I see Jesus as my “sin bearer.” In other words, I am convinced when He went to the cross He took my sins with Him; that my sins were nailed to the cross with Him. He paid the penalty for MY sins. Also, to “believe” in Jesus means that we believe Him. IOW, to believe in Jesus means that we believe that He will do what He says He will do in John 6:37.

The Holy Spirit showed those things to me as I was reading the Gospel of John. He showed me that I had been trusting in or was relying on the prayer I was saying instead of relying on the finished work of Jesus on the cross. The moment I stopped trusting in the things “I” was “trying” or doing to get God to save me, and simply looked to the cross in faith, I was a true “believer.” Then my prayer became the arm of my faith that reached out to Him to thank Him for paying my sin penalty for me and asking Him to give me the new life that only He can give. He did exactly that and even more. He gave me peace; a peace that is impossible to explain to anyone who has never experienced that peace for themselves.

Our faith cannot be in the prayer we say, and we don't need to work up a sense of great faith. The weakest faith is “saving” faith if the object of our faith is Jesus finished work on the cross.

Bob, I have a favorite hymn that, to me, sums up the Gospel. It is the hymn “It Is Well with My Soul.”

The third verse is the one that says it all; goes like this:

My Sin Oh the Bliss of this Glorious Thought
My Sin Not in Part but the Whole
Is Nailed to the Cross and I Bear it No More
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Oh My Soul

You might find comfort repeating that hymn every day.


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Mar 3, 2020
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Hello Diana, Chris,

I too, am like you and have been this way for almost three years. I said, "May God Strike Me Dead if I Am Lying" and I was lying and I felt God strike me spiritually dead right then and there. I no longer feel weeks, days, months, years. 24 hours feels like 1,000 years. I have lost everything; house, children, business, credit, etc. God is definitely real and hears and sees everything. There is no hiding from Him believe me, I tried. I have been looking for forgiveness and true Godly repentance for almost a year and nothing has changed. I have physical symptoms that have appeared as well as spiritual deadness. I hope that you may have some advice for me. I have read quite a bit as well and fall in the perfectionist, pride, rebellion category. I know I do not want to go to hell and I do not want to be one that is counted as worthless to God but feel like He gave me over to a reprobate mind. I have read a lot about Calvinism and have even blamed God for making me this way. I believe I have angered Him even more. It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the Living God. Please let me know if you have found anything that helps.

Thank you,

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Feb 24, 2015
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Hello Diana, Chris,

I too, am like you and have been this way for almost three years. I said, "May God Strike Me Dead if I Am Lying" and I was lying and I felt God strike me spiritually dead right then and there. I no longer feel weeks, days, months, years. 24 hours feels like 1,000 years. I have lost everything; house, children, business, credit, etc. God is definitely real and hears and sees everything. There is no hiding from Him believe me, I tried. I have been looking for forgiveness and true Godly repentance for almost a year and nothing has changed. I have physical symptoms that have appeared as well as spiritual deadness. I hope that you may have some advice for me. I have read quite a bit as well and fall in the perfectionist, pride, rebellion category. I know I do not want to go to hell and I do not want to be one that is counted as worthless to God but feel like He gave me over to a reprobate mind. I have read a lot about Calvinism and have even blamed God for making me this way. I believe I have angered Him even more. It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the Living God. Please let me know if you have found anything that helps.

Thank you,

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Feb 24, 2015
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Oop sorry just quoted the post. This sounds frightening. :-/ I don't believe God has rejected you or anyone else though. There is always hope. Which makes me wonder.... have you struggled with mental health issues or demonic attacks in your life? I hate to think of people living under deception that God has cut them off.
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Jul 22, 2019
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Hello Diana, Chris,

I too, am like you and have been this way for almost three years. I said, "May God Strike Me Dead if I Am Lying" and I was lying and I felt God strike me spiritually dead right then and there. I no longer feel weeks, days, months, years. 24 hours feels like 1,000 years. I have lost everything; house, children, business, credit, etc. God is definitely real and hears and sees everything. There is no hiding from Him believe me, I tried. I have been looking for forgiveness and true Godly repentance for almost a year and nothing has changed. I have physical symptoms that have appeared as well as spiritual deadness. I hope that you may have some advice for me. I have read quite a bit as well and fall in the perfectionist, pride, rebellion category. I know I do not want to go to hell and I do not want to be one that is counted as worthless to God but feel like He gave me over to a reprobate mind. I have read a lot about Calvinism and have even blamed God for making me this way. I believe I have angered Him even more. It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the Living God. Please let me know if you have found anything that helps.

Thank you,


Lisa, I wish I had something good to tell you, but I don't. I too had a couple moments where I felt as though I was being struck dead spiritually. When I read a Hebrews 6 piece by John Piper, I knew instantly that I was over the edge and that I was destined for hell. I got angry at God (because I lost my get out of hell free card). I tried to believe again, but one day my wife was asking me questions about a sermon, and out of frustration I blurted out that I didn't believe. I felt a strange anger come over me, it almost didn't seem like it came from me, but after it subsided I just felt numb. The fear of hell I had been experiencing was gone. I still don't like the idea, but the actual feeling of being scared left. So, I have come across a couple sermons that may be of use to you, but you've got to have some shred of an actual desire to come to Jesus. I'll put them up in a sec. It's not autosaving my typing when I switch tabs.
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Jul 22, 2019
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Hello Diana, Chris,

I too, am like you and have been this way for almost three years. I said, "May God Strike Me Dead if I Am Lying" and I was lying and I felt God strike me spiritually dead right then and there. I no longer feel weeks, days, months, years. 24 hours feels like 1,000 years. I have lost everything; house, children, business, credit, etc. God is definitely real and hears and sees everything. There is no hiding from Him believe me, I tried. I have been looking for forgiveness and true Godly repentance for almost a year and nothing has changed. I have physical symptoms that have appeared as well as spiritual deadness. I hope that you may have some advice for me. I have read quite a bit as well and fall in the perfectionist, pride, rebellion category. I know I do not want to go to hell and I do not want to be one that is counted as worthless to God but feel like He gave me over to a reprobate mind. I have read a lot about Calvinism and have even blamed God for making me this way. I believe I have angered Him even more. It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the Living God. Please let me know if you have found anything that helps.

Thank you,


Link 1: a path for those with hard hearts toward God He Wants You to Be Saved | Unlocking the Bible
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Jul 22, 2019
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Hello Diana, Chris,

I too, am like you and have been this way for almost three years. I said, "May God Strike Me Dead if I Am Lying" and I was lying and I felt God strike me spiritually dead right then and there. I no longer feel weeks, days, months, years. 24 hours feels like 1,000 years. I have lost everything; house, children, business, credit, etc. God is definitely real and hears and sees everything. There is no hiding from Him believe me, I tried. I have been looking for forgiveness and true Godly repentance for almost a year and nothing has changed. I have physical symptoms that have appeared as well as spiritual deadness. I hope that you may have some advice for me. I have read quite a bit as well and fall in the perfectionist, pride, rebellion category. I know I do not want to go to hell and I do not want to be one that is counted as worthless to God but feel like He gave me over to a reprobate mind. I have read a lot about Calvinism and have even blamed God for making me this way. I believe I have angered Him even more. It is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the Living God. Please let me know if you have found anything that helps.

Thank you,


Link 2: warning and encouragement to those who once professed faith but have fallen away False Assumptions | Unlocking the Bible
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Mar 3, 2020
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Thank you so much. The sermons speak directly to me. I have hardened my own heart toward God and everything that he described is me. I have been hostile to Jesus and offended by Him because I have blamed Him for my own choices, losing all the worldly possessions and not wanting me. I believe I am a vessel of wrath created for destruction and believe God never wanted me. I fear the wrath of God and the fire of hell. I know that I do not love Him but I want to. I love the way Colin Smith delivers the message. He is full of joy and hope. When I listen to John Piper, I feel doom and despair and that there is no hope for me. Thank you so much for the links. Please let me know if your heart has softened?
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Jul 22, 2019
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@lisa8107 then tell Him you want to love Him and ask Him to put His love in your heart as described in "He wants you to be saved". Read the Scripture to learn about His love. And if He does help you, please don't forget about me, hoping you could put in a word for me. My heart is still hard.
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Mar 3, 2020
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From what I understand from the teaching from Tim Conway is that it does not matter what motive you have or how sorry you are, how broken you are, how proud you have been or if you are one of God's "elect" it matters that you "Come" because the call is to everyone but not everyone "Comes" Tim Conway says that even if your reason is to escape hell it does not matter. Christ says to avoid hell at all costs. The focus needs to be on Him not me or the depravity that I have lived in. I was the rich, young ruler who wanted salvation and my stuff. I now have neither. Do not wait another second. Do not let this happen to you.

I believe God has left me, I am selfish, hardhearted and I am doomed but today after hearing all of these teachings, I still have something inside me that wants to find Jesus. Whether it is just to escape hell, it does not matter. He says, "Come" so that is what I must do. I will ask my mother and sister to pray for you because it says God hears the prayers of the righteous. I am not there quite yet but I do have hope because He is more than enough. So "thank you". The Lord worked through you today. Many blessings dear friend.
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Aug 27, 2019
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From what I understand from the teaching from Tim Conway is that it does not matter what motive you have or how sorry you are, how broken you are, how proud you have been or if you are one of God's "elect" it matters that you "Come" because the call is to everyone but not everyone "Comes" Tim Conway says that even if your reason is to escape hell it does not matter. Christ says to avoid hell at all costs. The focus needs to be on Him not me or the depravity that I have lived in. I was the rich, young ruler who wanted salvation and my stuff. I now have neither. Do not wait another second. Do not let this happen to you.

I believe God has left me, I am selfish, hardhearted and I am doomed but today after hearing all of these teachings, I still have something inside me that wants to find Jesus. Whether it is just to escape hell, it does not matter. He says, "Come" so that is what I must do. I will ask my mother and sister to pray for you because it says God hears the prayers of the righteous. I am not there quite yet but I do have hope because He is more than enough. So "thank you". The Lord worked through you today. Many blessings dear friend.

I was just reading your posts and came across this one - it gave me so much hope and encouragement! Maybe that's the Holy Spirit at work? I don't know. But what you wrote is exactly what I've been learning - that we are to come. We're all invited. We're all sinners in need of a Savior. He came to save even us. We're not excluded. I'm still struggling too but have hope. Even though this is an awful struggle, thank God we're not alone. Maybe we all struggle like this so we can be there for each other? Because not everyone understands. I have hope Jesus will get us all through this. He's there for us.
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Active Member
Aug 27, 2019
Inver Grove Heights
United States
Christian Seeker
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Oop sorry just quoted the post. This sounds frightening. :-/ I don't believe God has rejected you or anyone else though. There is always hope. Which makes me wonder.... have you struggled with mental health issues or demonic attacks in your life? I hate to think of people living under deception that God has cut them off.

I've struggled with my overthinking, worrying about every possible scenario. I'm beginning to really believe that it a lie and deception that God has cut me off. And I'm beginning to believe He is loving and wants to be with even me. I still struggle but do have hope. Thank you for your post.
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