I pray my apologetics does not offend


whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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They say that Adam (Male and Female) was the Crown of Creation, yet by far, most heterosexual Males will tell you that, the Female constitutes the primary Jewel of the Crown which gives him Value (self worth), She is a Cache full of Precious Gems, and without which he sees himself as just another sweaty head band, hoping to one day metamorphose into the Crown he knows he can be.

I personally am such a heterosexual Male, who however believes first things should be (or come) first, I have been practicing abstinence since the day I was Called from on High (1986), I also believe that we should all strive to be the best we can be, and not let anything or anyone Discourage, Dissuade or Detour us in this endeavor;

For when we give it our all, we sleep well at night, even the regretful things cannot be regretted when we known that we are sincerely trying to incline appropriately, and attain unto whatsoever is in our ability to achieve appropriate things.

Yet to pull this off we will need a Good Competent and Able Sovereign Author upon whom we can Trust and Rely, to save us (primarily) from ourselves, who only seem to know enough to get ourselves into trouble, reaping things that we have no desire to reap, and settling for less (in our own personal esteem):

(Hypothetically) We can all have the same…,Whatever, but (Theoretically) those who acquire or attain unto such things ill begottenly, those things will neither satisfy nor equate in value to Whatsoever is attained or acquired appropriately by others who were otherwise seeking to acquire or attain unto the very same thing.

As Children, we want what we want when we want it, of course this want (desire) is subject to change (and be forgotten or abandoned) the moment we get whatever we imagined we needed so bad.

Herein lies the perverse propensity lurking in the crevices of a foolish or immature imagination to perceive a Desire as a Necessity, and subsequently a thing to pursue First.

If I truly Want (Lack and subsequently Desire) something, then I should First Seek what is Necessary to attain and or achieve that Lacking yet Desired thing, so that I may dowse the flame of my Desire satisfactorily, for (according to Proverbs) the hearts desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Or how can we say, that we truly desire something when we are willing to do anything and everything, but what is required to attain or achieve that thing lawfully?

Yet a wise Child will earnestly pray to be given only appropriate desires, and have any inappropriate desires removed and barred from them, or what Child knows enough to discern between appropriate and inappropriate, or what child should depend upon an incompetent Child for Guidance and Direction?

Adam is clearly a Microcosm of Adamah (Earth) as Kha’vah (Eve) represents the Oxygen (Life Giving properties) of Shameyim (Heaven) (the Earth’s Atmosphere), together they constitute the World, otherwise referred to as the מלכות Kingdom, the very same word renders Queen;

Thus Females represent the Seat of Divine Authority, as Males represent the Divine Footstool, for Heaven is his Throne, and the Earth is his Footstool, where he rests his feet, or rather, puts his foot down.

We are instructed to Seek the מלכות Kingdom/Queen First and her Righteousness [Divine Justification], and all of our basic necessities would be provided.

Every parable spoken by Yeshua pertained to מלכות the Kingdom/Queen, whom the prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah 51) likens unto Sarah [lit., the Dominion], and the Cavity (Heaven) from which we were Excavated, with Abvraham being depicted as the Rock (Earth) from which we were Quarried, and the Righteousness of Yah whom we are to Seek.

Nevertheless, Heaven declares ‘Women and Children Rule over my People’, which is to say, there are No Men governing over us, No One Mature enough to be rightfully called a Man;

Subsequently all Womankind is as a Widow with Child, if only she knew how to raise (and wean) him to be a Mature being, and united with a Wife, then he would qualify to be called a (whole) Man, he would that is, in the estimation of a Worldly standard, but from a Divine perspective he would be deemed No Man, but reckoned as Alohym.

The most common Crime/Sin committed by Women is when they refer to a male Child as a Man, the second most common Crime/Sin committed by a Woman is her neglect and or abandonment in her responsibility to raise (and wean) her Child, but rather keep him symbiotic, and dependent on her, and thereby establish proof that he is but a Child.

Girls, many Guys are depending on you to do your behalf, that they (the Males) may also qualify to perform their behalf, the question is, are we truly willing to do what it takes to satisfy necessary requirements, or should we continue to pursue our inept imaginations just to end up glorifying something that is yet short of the glory?

There is no greater gift or propensity than to have and exercise than the ability to please the one seated on the throne, however to do so Conscientiously, it requires us to Know him, wherefore we study his Word to align our Walk and Talk to draw closer to him, in an acceptable fashion.

In my personal estimation, there is only one context in which we are all truly equal, and that is, we all have the ability to Please or Displease our Maker, let us strive to put a smile upon his face.


Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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They say that Adam (Male and Female) was the Crown of Creation, yet by far, most heterosexual Males will tell you that, the Female constitutes the primary Jewel of the Crown which gives him Value (self worth), She is a Cache full of Precious Gems, and without which he sees himself as just another sweaty head band, hoping to one day metamorphose into the Crown he knows he can be.

I personally am such a heterosexual Male, who however believes first things should be (or come) first, I have been practicing abstinence since the day I was Called from on High (1986), I also believe that we should all strive to be the best we can be, and not let anything or anyone Discourage, Dissuade or Detour us in this endeavor;

For when we give it our all, we sleep well at night, even the regretful things cannot be regretted when we known that we are sincerely trying to incline appropriately, and attain unto whatsoever is in our ability to achieve appropriate things.

Yet to pull this off we will need a Good Competent and Able Sovereign Author upon whom we can Trust and Rely, to save us (primarily) from ourselves, who only seem to know enough to get ourselves into trouble, reaping things that we have no desire to reap, and settling for less (in our own personal esteem):

(Hypothetically) We can all have the same…,Whatever, but (Theoretically) those who acquire or attain unto such things ill begottenly, those things will neither satisfy nor equate in value to Whatsoever is attained or acquired appropriately by others who were otherwise seeking to acquire or attain unto the very same thing.

As Children, we want what we want when we want it, of course this want (desire) is subject to change (and be forgotten or abandoned) the moment we get whatever we imagined we needed so bad.

Herein lies the perverse propensity lurking in the crevices of a foolish or immature imagination to perceive a Desire as a Necessity, and subsequently a thing to pursue First.

If I truly Want (Lack and subsequently Desire) something, then I should First Seek what is Necessary to attain and or achieve that Lacking yet Desired thing, so that I may dowse the flame of my Desire satisfactorily, for (according to Proverbs) the hearts desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Or how can we say, that we truly desire something when we are willing to do anything and everything, but what is required to attain or achieve that thing lawfully?

Yet a wise Child will earnestly pray to be given only appropriate desires, and have any inappropriate desires removed and barred from them, or what Child knows enough to discern between appropriate and inappropriate, or what child should depend upon an incompetent Child for Guidance and Direction?

Adam is clearly a Microcosm of Adamah (Earth) as Kha’vah (Eve) represents the Oxygen (Life Giving properties) of Shameyim (Heaven) (the Earth’s Atmosphere), together they constitute the World, otherwise referred to as the מלכות Kingdom, the very same word renders Queen;

Thus Females represent the Seat of Divine Authority, as Males represent the Divine Footstool, for Heaven is his Throne, and the Earth is his Footstool, where he rests his feet, or rather, puts his foot down.

We are instructed to Seek the מלכות Kingdom/Queen First and her Righteousness [Divine Justification], and all of our basic necessities would be provided.

Every parable spoken by Yeshua pertained to מלכות the Kingdom/Queen, whom the prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah 51) likens unto Sarah [lit., the Dominion], and the Cavity (Heaven) from which we were Excavated, with Abvraham being depicted as the Rock (Earth) from which we were Quarried, and the Righteousness of Yah whom we are to Seek.

Nevertheless, Heaven declares ‘Women and Children Rule over my People’, which is to say, there are No Men governing over us, No One Mature enough to be rightfully called a Man;

Subsequently all Womankind is as a Widow with Child, if only she knew how to raise (and wean) him to be a Mature being, and united with a Wife, then he would qualify to be called a (whole) Man, he would that is, in the estimation of a Worldly standard, but from a Divine perspective he would be deemed No Man, but reckoned as Alohym.

The most common Crime/Sin committed by Women is when they refer to a male Child as a Man, the second most common Crime/Sin committed by a Woman is her neglect and or abandonment in her responsibility to raise (and wean) her Child, but rather keep him symbiotic, and dependent on her, and thereby establish proof that he is but a Child.

Girls, many Guys are depending on you to do your behalf, that they (the Males) may also qualify to perform their behalf, the question is, are we truly willing to do what it takes to satisfy necessary requirements, or should we continue to pursue our inept imaginations just to end up glorifying something that is yet short of the glory?

There is no greater gift or propensity than to have and exercise than the ability to please the one seated on the throne, however to do so Conscientiously, it requires us to Know him, wherefore we study his Word to align our Walk and Talk to draw closer to him, in an acceptable fashion.

In my personal estimation, there is only one context in which we are all truly equal, and that is, we all have the ability to Please or Displease our Maker, let us strive to put a smile upon his face.

Interesting. I never heard of an Egalitarian Christian, though you are a Messianic. Your views on this subject are strange to me . Starting with Adam as both male and female. This is pure speculation. Thanks for sharing! Blessings.
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Clara bonam audax
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Hmm. I am not entirely sure, @Laureate, exactly what you're arguing for. It seems perhaps you intend to argue for fairly strongly delineated gender roles? I am not sure this is the right forum for that.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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Interesting. I never heard of an Egalitarian Christian, though you are a Messianic. Your views on this subject are strange to me . Starting with Adam as both male and female. This is pure speculation. Thanks for sharing! Blessings.
….In the image and after the likeness of Alohym created he him, Male and Female created he them, and called their name Adam…. [ref., Genesis 1:27 & 5:1-2]

I thought these passages were pretty clear, but if you believe these passages are conveying something other than what I related, then o.k., yet I’m not sure where you see any speculation on my behalf in light of these passages which specify and emphasize the hermaphroditic nature of Alohym as being both Male and Female.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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Hmm. I am not entirely sure, @Laureate, exactly what you're arguing for. It seems perhaps you intend to argue for fairly strongly delineated gender roles? I am not sure this is the right forum for that.
Wow, do you really detect an Argument? I assure you no such intent dwells in my heart.

..,.Delineated Gender Roles…, again I must say, Wow! I thought I was trying to relate how Heaven sees us as One being who is both Male and Female, not as Two separate people, but as One person with Two genders, I believe there is a difference between where I’m coming from, and what you suspect of me.

Yet if everything I related is misunderstood, then I’m pretty sure we can agree, it would not be wise for me to further post anything here.

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Clara bonam audax
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Wow, do you really detect an Argument? I assure you no such intent dwells in my heart.
I don't mean it in a negative way. I just mean the position you're putting forward.
..,.Delineated Gender Roles…, again I must say, Wow! I thought I was trying to relate how Heaven sees us as One being who is both Male and Female, not as Two separate people, but as One person with Two genders, I believe there is a difference between where I’m coming from, and what you suspect of me.
That is quite possibly true, because I didn't really understand your point.

What would you say are the consequences of your view of human beings, in terms of family life, social life, and in the church?
Yet if everything I related is misunderstood, then I’m pretty sure we can agree, it would not be wise for me to further post anything here.

I would be grateful if you would elaborate, because I would like to understand your view better than I currently do. :)
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Maria Billingsley

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….In the image and after the likeness of Alohym created he him, Male and Female created he them, and called their name Adam…. [ref., Genesis 1:27 & 5:1-2]

I thought these passages were pretty clear, but if you believe these passages are conveying something other than what I related, then o.k., yet I’m not sure where you see any speculation on my behalf in light of these passages which specify and emphasize the hermaphroditic nature of Alohym as being both Male and Female.
Neither passage in Genesis ,referenced , assigns the name Adam for male and female. The quoted text, not sure where it came from, is not in scripture.
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Ordinary Mystic
Dec 31, 2019
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Neither passage in Genesis ,referenced , assigns the name Adam for male and female. The quoted text, not sure where it came from, is not in scripture.

If you just give it a superficial look, you might not see it. But it is clearly there, especially in 5:2.

Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man* when they were created. Genesis 5:2 (ESV)

*5:2 Hebrew adam Genesis 5:2 (ESV)
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public hermit

social troglodyte
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If you just give it a superficial look, you might not see it. But it is clearly there, especially in 5:2.

Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man* when they were created. Genesis 5:2 (ESV)

*5:2 Hebrew adam Genesis 5:2 (ESV)

In his On the Making of Man, Gregory of Nyssa distinguishes between humanity as created in the image and the difference between the sexes based on the reading you just gave of 5:2. Because God foresaw the fall, God saw the necessity of succession by physical generation. But the ideal and end for which we are created is like the beginning, no difference - we're like the angels.

They say that Adam (Male and Female) was the Crown of Creation, yet by far, most heterosexual Males will tell you that, the Female constitutes the primary Jewel of the Crown which gives him Value (self worth), She is a Cache full of Precious Gems, and without which he sees himself as just another sweaty head band, hoping to one day metamorphose into the Crown he knows he can be.

I personally am such a heterosexual Male, who however believes first things should be (or come) first, I have been practicing abstinence since the day I was Called from on High (1986), I also believe that we should all strive to be the best we can be, and not let anything or anyone Discourage, Dissuade or Detour us in this endeavor;

For when we give it our all, we sleep well at night, even the regretful things cannot be regretted when we known that we are sincerely trying to incline appropriately, and attain unto whatsoever is in our ability to achieve appropriate things.

Yet to pull this off we will need a Good Competent and Able Sovereign Author upon whom we can Trust and Rely, to save us (primarily) from ourselves, who only seem to know enough to get ourselves into trouble, reaping things that we have no desire to reap, and settling for less (in our own personal esteem):

(Hypothetically) We can all have the same…,Whatever, but (Theoretically) those who acquire or attain unto such things ill begottenly, those things will neither satisfy nor equate in value to Whatsoever is attained or acquired appropriately by others who were otherwise seeking to acquire or attain unto the very same thing.

As Children, we want what we want when we want it, of course this want (desire) is subject to change (and be forgotten or abandoned) the moment we get whatever we imagined we needed so bad.

Herein lies the perverse propensity lurking in the crevices of a foolish or immature imagination to perceive a Desire as a Necessity, and subsequently a thing to pursue First.

If I truly Want (Lack and subsequently Desire) something, then I should First Seek what is Necessary to attain and or achieve that Lacking yet Desired thing, so that I may dowse the flame of my Desire satisfactorily, for (according to Proverbs) the hearts desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Or how can we say, that we truly desire something when we are willing to do anything and everything, but what is required to attain or achieve that thing lawfully?

Yet a wise Child will earnestly pray to be given only appropriate desires, and have any inappropriate desires removed and barred from them, or what Child knows enough to discern between appropriate and inappropriate, or what child should depend upon an incompetent Child for Guidance and Direction?

Adam is clearly a Microcosm of Adamah (Earth) as Kha’vah (Eve) represents the Oxygen (Life Giving properties) of Shameyim (Heaven) (the Earth’s Atmosphere), together they constitute the World, otherwise referred to as the מלכות Kingdom, the very same word renders Queen;

Thus Females represent the Seat of Divine Authority, as Males represent the Divine Footstool, for Heaven is his Throne, and the Earth is his Footstool, where he rests his feet, or rather, puts his foot down.

We are instructed to Seek the מלכות Kingdom/Queen First and her Righteousness [Divine Justification], and all of our basic necessities would be provided.

Every parable spoken by Yeshua pertained to מלכות the Kingdom/Queen, whom the prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah 51) likens unto Sarah [lit., the Dominion], and the Cavity (Heaven) from which we were Excavated, with Abvraham being depicted as the Rock (Earth) from which we were Quarried, and the Righteousness of Yah whom we are to Seek.

Nevertheless, Heaven declares ‘Women and Children Rule over my People’, which is to say, there are No Men governing over us, No One Mature enough to be rightfully called a Man;

Subsequently all Womankind is as a Widow with Child, if only she knew how to raise (and wean) him to be a Mature being, and united with a Wife, then he would qualify to be called a (whole) Man, he would that is, in the estimation of a Worldly standard, but from a Divine perspective he would be deemed No Man, but reckoned as Alohym.

The most common Crime/Sin committed by Women is when they refer to a male Child as a Man, the second most common Crime/Sin committed by a Woman is her neglect and or abandonment in her responsibility to raise (and wean) her Child, but rather keep him symbiotic, and dependent on her, and thereby establish proof that he is but a Child.

Girls, many Guys are depending on you to do your behalf, that they (the Males) may also qualify to perform their behalf, the question is, are we truly willing to do what it takes to satisfy necessary requirements, or should we continue to pursue our inept imaginations just to end up glorifying something that is yet short of the glory?

There is no greater gift or propensity than to have and exercise than the ability to please the one seated on the throne, however to do so Conscientiously, it requires us to Know him, wherefore we study his Word to align our Walk and Talk to draw closer to him, in an acceptable fashion.

In my personal estimation, there is only one context in which we are all truly equal, and that is, we all have the ability to Please or Displease our Maker, let us strive to put a smile upon his face.


This is an interesting perspective. I'm not sure I understand, either. You seem to place Women in a privileged position, since Man (Adamah) is non-sexed or both-sexed, which in turn means women become somehow responsible for the failings of the other sex, which you don't want to call "Man." Why not treat both as equally responsible? Or, am I misunderstanding?
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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If you just give it a superficial look, you might not see it. But it is clearly there, especially in 5:2.

Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man* when they were created. Genesis 5:2 (ESV)

*5:2 Hebrew adam Genesis 5:2 (ESV)
Oh dear! Bad translation. Try the JPS....
Genesis 5 JPS
He created them male and female, and blessed them, and called their name Adam on the day when they were created.
The word "Adam" in Hebrew can mean both "man" and "humanity." In this verse, "Adam" is being used as "humanity." This is because the verse is describing the creation of all of humanity, not just one man.
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Jun 27, 2007
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Oh dear! Bad translation. Try the JPS....
Genesis 5 JPS

The word "Adam" in Hebrew can mean both "man" and "humanity." In this verse, "Adam" is being used as "humanity." This is because the verse is describing the creation of all of humanity, not just one man.
You mean just males? Humanity is then male and female, two genders?
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Ordinary Mystic
Dec 31, 2019
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Oh dear! Bad translation. Try the JPS....
Genesis 5 JPS

The word "Adam" in Hebrew can mean both "man" and "humanity." In this verse, "Adam" is being used as "humanity." This is because the verse is describing the creation of all of humanity, not just one man.

I was responding (post 8) to your statement that, "Neither passage in Genesis ,referenced , assigns the name Adam for male and female. The quoted text, not sure where it came from, is not in scripture."
It looks to me like your citation of the JPS does exactly what you said the passage doesn't do.
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Jul 4, 2023
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They say that ... upon his face.

1 - Do you agree with me that men and women have all potential in common except "the obvious" (if you see what I mean)

2 - It doesn't matter whether tastes overlap or not

3 - In the spiritual Holy Spirit kingdom underage boys and girls need to be included (typically with their families, or among closest friends, and trusted teachers) as equal co-ministers in proportion with their grasp of the whole Good News, and not put down by the pulpit

4 - What is "alohym" please?

5 - In my lifetime concurrently with the replacing - in churches - of prayer by "influencing", secular authority such as school teachers began to tell boys and girls to prey / expect to be preyed upon (before that time, "sex before marriage" was a matter we would discuss with our family and chosen friends). Girls / women don't know how to be frank with us. (This may have occurred differently, in different countries.)

6 - Likewise the dominance of so called "body theology" means christians don't have the common sense to guide each other in praying to the Good Lord that he will provide us with company (or any other needs).
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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1 - Do you agree with me that men and women have all potential in common except "the obvious" (if you see what I mean)

2 - It doesn't matter whether tastes overlap or not

3 - In the spiritual Holy Spirit kingdom underage boys and girls need to be included (typically with their families, or among closest friends, and trusted teachers) as equal co-ministers in proportion with their grasp of the whole Good News, and not put down by the pulpit

4 - What is "alohym" please?

5 - In my lifetime concurrently with the replacing - in churches - of prayer by "influencing", secular authority such as school teachers began to tell boys and girls to prey / expect to be preyed upon (before that time, "sex before marriage" was a matter we would discuss with our family and chosen friends). Girls / women don't know how to be frank with us. (This may have occurred differently, in different countries.)

6 - Likewise the dominance of so called "body theology" means christians don't have the common sense to guide each other in praying to the Good Lord that he will provide us with company (or any other needs).

#1. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by Except the Obvious, but I believe we are in agreement, we all have equal rights where soever equal is applicable.

#2 If you are referring to personal preferences which do not violate Law, I agree, overlapping tastes/preferences do not matter, until of course someone has a problem with me preferring tea over coffee.

#3. The word עול not only translates Evil, it also renders Babe, because of עולל adolescent and juvenile behavior, thus עול Babe/Evil is cognate to אפל Immaturity.

The word רשע Wicked lit., means incompetent, unqualified, inappropriate, and unjust esp., when it comes to ascribing an appropriate reason for one’s actions or lack thereof.

In light of these two important scriptural words, and the context in which scripture uses them, I am equally troubled to see a Babe or anyone Unqualified (regardless to age) handling affairs which require a degree of Competence.

Otherwise I am not certain what you mean by, the children being included, though we all have equal rights, the rights of a child are not the same rights as an adult.

#4. אלהים Alohym is the title which every prophet Angel and priest (ordained from on high) used when referring to אלהים ‘the Sovereign Author’ of Heaven and earth.

Upon conversion, the Celtic translators rendered אלהים as ‘God’ after the name of their Celtic deity, which is a violation of law, very few seem to be concerned with this fact.

#5 I am deeply concerned about the atrocious miss handling of our children, yet I am also concerned with anyone pursuing or resorting to self will, self reliance or self righteousness when it comes to remedying anything amiss.

#6. Is it not because of our incompetence that we are called to trust and rely on the competence which we receive from heaven?

I’m not familiar with the theological term you used, I.e., (Dominance) of ‘Body Theology’ but if it is anything like the garbage propagated by those who believe they are more superior than anyone else in the Body of H’meshiakh (the Messiah), then I must confess, my stance is adverse to theirs.

I do not believe we should trust and rely on ourselves, for such trust and reliance has only brought trouble between us and the one seated upon the throne.
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Jul 4, 2023
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#1. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by Except the Obvious, but I believe we are in agreement, we all have equal rights where soever equal is applicable.

#2 If you are referring to personal preferences which do not violate Law, I agree, overlapping tastes/preferences do not matter, until of course someone has a problem with me preferring tea over coffee.

#3. The word עול not only translates Evil, it also renders Babe, because of עולל adolescent and juvenile behavior, thus עול Babe/Evil is cognate to אפל Immaturity.

The word רשע Wicked lit., means incompetent, unqualified, inappropriate, and unjust esp., when it comes to ascribing an appropriate reason for one’s actions or lack thereof.

In light of these two important scriptural words, and the context in which scripture uses them, I am equally troubled to see a Babe or anyone Unqualified (regardless to age) handling affairs which require a degree of Competence.

Otherwise I am not certain what you mean by, the children being included, though we all have equal rights, the rights of a child are not the same rights as an adult.

#4. אלהים Alohym is the title which every prophet Angel and priest (ordained from on high) used when referring to אלהים ‘the Sovereign Author’ of Heaven and earth.

Upon conversion, the Celtic translators rendered אלהים as ‘God’ after the name of their Celtic deity, which is a violation of law, very few seem to be concerned with this fact.

#5 I am deeply concerned about the atrocious miss handling of our children, yet I am also concerned with anyone pursuing or resorting to self will, self reliance or self righteousness when it comes to remedying anything amiss.

#6. Is it not because of our incompetence that we are called to trust and rely on the competence which we receive from heaven?

I’m not familiar with the theological term you used, I.e., (Dominance) of ‘Body Theology’ but if it is anything like the garbage propagated by those who believe they are more superior than anyone else in the Body of H’meshiakh (the Messiah), then I must confess, my stance is adverse to theirs.

I do not believe we should trust and rely on ourselves, for such trust and reliance has only brought trouble between us and the one seated upon the throne.
When I referred to children I meant as co-ministers among their peers, in accordance with their personal degree of relative spiritual maturity, and in their families. The same way I mean that even adults with mature hearts are co-ministers and not bosses. For example, taking part in shared prayers and Scripture study to encourage each other. (I knew some churches where people with not enough "connections" and of the wrong social class get discouraged from sharing grace in their own living environment. Some parents were told to tell their offspring that they were incapable of insight: that's all I meant!)

"Body theology" I don't consider a genuine theological, but a sociological term. It became fashionable in the 1980s as the ultimate political fix, bypassing supplication. It has put off the single from finding a life's companion in marriage because marriage (so we were told) was to be solely in the flesh.
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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When I referred to children I meant as co-ministers among their peers, in accordance with their personal degree of relative spiritual maturity, and in their families. The same way I mean that even adults with mature hearts are co-ministers and not bosses. For example, taking part in shared prayers and Scripture study to encourage each other. (I knew some churches where people with not enough "connections" and of the wrong social class get discouraged from sharing grace in their own living environment. Some parents were told to tell their offspring that they were incapable of insight: that's all I meant!)

"Body theology" I don't consider a genuine theological, but a sociological term. It became fashionable in the 1980s as the ultimate political fix, bypassing supplication. It has put off the single from finding a life's companion in marriage because marriage (so we were told) was to be solely in the flesh.
Gotcha, I never have been a big fan of one person standing behind a pulpit, but I once found a Baptist study group being conducted in the fashion in which I had hoped to find there services being conducted.

I believe everyone should be actively engaging in fellowship.
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